Author Topic: Shadow of the Wyrm v1.7.2 "Michelagnolo Galilei"(formerly Savage Lands)  (Read 319992 times)


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v1.1.2 "Tarrega"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #345 on: November 02, 2019, 07:37:56 PM »
Hi Troubler!  Good to hear from you again.  Sorry for the late reply - I was away on vacation the last couple of weeks, and didn't think to check.

These are great, and I've updated my suggestions file with a lot of these.  I've already fixed a couple.  The next version will have a few enhancements and fixes over the last, but is mostly for adding graphics support so that I can eventually add tileset support later on.  But, I'll work on more of these in the release after that.


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v1.1.5 "Losy"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #346 on: November 22, 2019, 08:31:29 PM »
I'm pleased to announce the first (technically) graphical release of SotW.  It should look like every other version, but it launches in a new window and uses SDL to render the output using a font spritesheet.  This will allow me to work towards actual tileset support in future releases.

Note that curses support is still available - just switch a setting in swyrm.ini - and it'll always be available, as it's my own preference.

The other major change is that the game is now available on GitHub instead of Bitbucket.  Atlassian ended support for Mercurial, and since that was the real reason for me to use the platform, I migrated from hg to git moved to GitHub, as there's no compelling reason to use Bitbucket anymore.

Other than that, there are a number of small improvements and bugfixes.  Please report any issues you find - there have been some alpha builds that shook out a number of SDL issues, but I don't ever expect things are perfect.  Thanks!


Full changelog:

Shadow of the Wyrm v1.1.5 "Losy"
- Version declared August 11, 2019.  Version finalized November 22, 2019.

- Vigarion, the undersea guardian, now generates with an amulet of the
  sea (Grond).

- You can no longer inscribe when you are illiterate (TauReaver).

- The incorporeal damage message is now a little better - it no longer
  implies that you should take damage, given that the damage might be
  shrugged off (Grond).

- On maps where you cannot pray (e.g. Telari), you can now violate divine
  laws with impunity (Grond).

- Spell damage is now also affected by the Magic skill, the school
  associated with the spell, and the average of intelligence and

- New option (confirmation_require_capitalization) to force capitalized
  confirmation, for vi key players (Twelve).

- Items acquired by fishing now go directly to the player's inventory, with
  a message indicating what was caught.

- Due to some SDL/curses differences, scrolls now show their read message
  at the end.

- The item codex now includes material (Troubler).

- Migrated from hg to git and moved the project's repository from
  Bitbucket to GitHub.

- Miscellaneous post-migration and gcc strictness fixes.

- Made some significant per-turn performance improvements.

- Initial graphical support using SDL.  Right now, this imitates the curses
  interface.  Tileset support will come in a future release.  SDL and
  curses will always live side-by-side and curses will always be supported.

- Stanzas for "Tel and Floridel".

- Bug fixes:

  - Various typos in the codex and guidebook, as well as formatting in
    the in-game texts (Grond, Twelve, Troubler).

  - Resting on the world map gave a "Resting." message before telling you
    that you can't do that.

  - Senators' speech text wasn't triggering (Troubler).

  - Skinning a stack of corpses was removing the entire stack, rather than
    reducing the quantity appropriately (Grond).

  - Tile-specific messages weren't being shown properly when e.g. moving from
    a particular map back to the world map (Grond).


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v1.1.2 "Tarrega"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #347 on: November 28, 2019, 01:49:53 AM »
Hi Troubler!  Good to hear from you again.  Sorry for the late reply - I was away on vacation the last couple of weeks, and didn't think to check.

These are great, and I've updated my suggestions file with a lot of these.  I've already fixed a couple.  The next version will have a few enhancements and fixes over the last, but is mostly for adding graphics support so that I can eventually add tileset support later on.  But, I'll work on more of these in the release after that.
I've been pretty busy myself, and haven't had much time to play roguelikes.
I played some more before the update, but I forgot to post about it.
I died to some of the indescribable monsters of the infinite dungeon.
Those were pretty cool, I hope you do more with that idea.
If you go really deep in any dungeon, it can get pretty repetitive, so that kind of thing was a nice touch.
Speaking of that, I have never had a good reason to explore "cave" style dungeons, or others without items.

v 1.1.2

1.If you end up on a desert island, without a boat or anything, you wont be able to fish.
2.The golems guarding the treasury in Carcasa will open the door and attack you outside of it.
3.Ammo fills out your "max items" count very quickly. If you grab a bundle of 64 arrows for example, you wont be able to get much else.

1.The first 3 values of a weapon (x,x,x) are ignored when stacking, and two weapons of the same kind will stack together and then share the same values.

1.The Inn in Carcassa does not have beds.


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v1.1.2 "Tarrega"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #348 on: November 29, 2019, 04:38:21 AM »
Hi Troubler!  Good to hear from you again.  Sorry for the late reply - I was away on vacation the last couple of weeks, and didn't think to check.

These are great, and I've updated my suggestions file with a lot of these.  I've already fixed a couple.  The next version will have a few enhancements and fixes over the last, but is mostly for adding graphics support so that I can eventually add tileset support later on.  But, I'll work on more of these in the release after that.
I've been pretty busy myself, and haven't had much time to play roguelikes.
I played some more before the update, but I forgot to post about it.
I died to some of the indescribable monsters of the infinite dungeon.
Those were pretty cool, I hope you do more with that idea.
If you go really deep in any dungeon, it can get pretty repetitive, so that kind of thing was a nice touch.
Speaking of that, I have never had a good reason to explore "cave" style dungeons, or others without items.

v 1.1.2

1.If you end up on a desert island, without a boat or anything, you wont be able to fish.
2.The golems guarding the treasury in Carcasa will open the door and attack you outside of it.
3.Ammo fills out your "max items" count very quickly. If you grab a bundle of 64 arrows for example, you wont be able to get much else.

1.The first 3 values of a weapon (x,x,x) are ignored when stacking, and two weapons of the same kind will stack together and then share the same values.

1.The Inn in Carcassa does not have beds.

Noted - thank you!


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v1.1.5.1 "Losy"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #349 on: November 29, 2019, 04:39:41 AM »
Quick patch release - there was an issue with the SDL code and nvidia cards that I've (hopefully) sorted out and fixed.

There's also a couple of small changes, including a Glow spell/scroll, which allows you to apply the Glow flag to items and therefore see them when blind.


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v1.1.6 "Paganini" (formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #350 on: January 11, 2020, 08:27:17 PM »
The first release of 2020 is both a major release and a nothing release all at once: it adds hopefully full support for tilesets, but does not yet include a tileset.  One of my major goals over the coming releases will be either the purchase or implementation of a tileset to bring SotW kicking and screaming into 1999.  Curses will still always be supported (it's how I play).

The other big change is that SotW shouldn't eat CPU while idling in SDL mode, which it was doing before because I was repeatedly calling non-blocking SDL functions, which was very expensive.  I've fixed that up, and made some other minor enhancements and fixes.  The full list is below.

Shadow of the Wyrm v1.1.6 "Paganini"
- Version started November 27, 2019.  Version finalized January 11, 2020.

- The inn in Carcassia now has a couple of beds (Troubler).

- You can no longer fix the turtle races by attacking two of them and letting
  the third one win.

- Constructs, animals, birds, and jellies now start with 1 Intelligence, and
  low intelligence creatures are now unable to open doors, not knowing how
  they work.

- Added several new fonts in 16x24 in preparation for adding 16x24 sprites
  later, as well as instructions on how to add font spritesheets.

- Initial weather implementation.  Weather can be checked via the "T"ime/Date/
  Weather command.  High winds will cause colour changes for rivers, seas,

- Full spritesheet support, though no spritesheets yet.  All creatures, tiles,
  features, and various system-generated symbols (magical bolts/bursts, etc)
  can now have their own sprites and colours.

- Performance improvements for SDL input handling (JoeMaro).

- The message buffer ('M') now maintains its original message colours when
  displayed in-game (hapro).  The character display ('@') does not, as it
  mirrors what gets dumped to disk.

- Shopkeepers now actively dislike when you do cast spells/evoke wands
  that might cause damage to the items in their shops.

- Stanzas for "Tel and Floridel".

- Bug fixes:

  - Summoning traps could sometimes fail to summon creatures when the
    triggering creature's level was much lower than the map's danger level.

  - The new weather-shimmer code fixes an issue in previous versions with
    shimmer colours whereby a tile or feature could "flicker" several times
    before the player's next turn due to multiple redraws due to other
    creatures' turns.  There is now a symbol cache that gets cleared at the
    start of the player's turn, and this cache is used to maintain consistent
    tile colourings between turns, even when there are "random" colourings
    due to weather, torchlight, etc (Grond).

  - Weapons had a stacking bug where to-hit/damage/speed bonuses from the
    parent Wearable class weren't being considered properly (Troubler).


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v1.1.7 "Boccherini"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #351 on: February 16, 2020, 02:28:59 PM »
Monthly version update for February! This version adds shops and beer halls to dungeons, makes unstoning potions more available (sometimes they're hidden in clay pots), adds a lot of updates to automove in consultation with the community, and has lots of other fixes and improvements.

Here's the full list:

Shadow of the Wyrm v1.1.7 "Boccherini"
- Version declared January 11, 2020.  Version finalized February 16, 2020.

- Teleporting is now disallowed in Telari and Zaeda's Tower (fiamma).

- The masters of the high tower now have an assortment of spells (fiamma).

- Nobles no longer start with scribing, which was useless to them as they could
  not cast any magic.  Instead, they are better at short and long blades, at
  whips, and also start with a leather whip for keeping the peasants in line

- Shops can now appear in dungeons.

- Dungeons can now have beer halls.  These contain a lot of booze and
  sometimes a few restorative-type potions as well.

- Beer halls may also be generated the public and low-income residential
  sectors of Carcassia.

- Booze symbol colours have been tweaked to be more colourful.

- Unstoning potions can now occasionally be found when breaking clay pots.

- Holy damage from spells can now curse items on the ground.

- Arcane damage from spells has a chance either to destroy items on the
  affected tile, or to enchant them.

- Destroying or em-baddening items in a shop will now generate shopkeeper

- Automove remembers items. The first time you move over an item, you'll
  stop.  Subsequent auto-movement over that item won't halt unless there is
  another, new item there (Avagart).

- Automove should now also stop at (natural, anyway) intersections in
  dungeons, sewers, etc.  It also aborts before any movement that
  would require a prompt (Grond).

- More name combinations.

- Shrine creatures have been buffed a bit:

  - Extra damage: golgothan.

  - Piercing damage: archangel, divine avenger, shadow wyrm.

  - Spells: archangel, divine avenger, dragon, shrine hag.

  - Extra status effects/bonuses: unicorn, black unicorn, spectral emperor,
    titan, mist wraith.

  - Speed boost: avernal bat, mist wraith.

- New spells/spellbooks: stun bolt (Mystic).

- Stanzas for "Tel and Floridel".

- Bug fixes:

  - Weather colouring wasn't respecting time-of-day overrides (Grond).

  - Falling damage wouldn't actually kill you when your current HP exceeded
    your max.

  - Bestiary wasn't showing via 'B' (Jay Ferro).

  - Various typos (Jay Ferro, others).

  - Automove wasn't properly terminating without digging (naughtyusername).

  - The dungeon room-connecting code was digging as it should, but wasn't
    transferring any existing items as it went.

  - Every time the FeatureGenerator was called to create a barrel, a bed
    was produced instead.

  - Scribing and wandcraft weren't checking whether the Nine were still
    present when creating a scroll/wand with a divine spell (Grond).
« Last Edit: February 16, 2020, 02:45:34 PM by jcd748 »


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v1.2.0 "Rodrigo"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #352 on: June 20, 2020, 12:38:09 PM »
******SPRITES RELEASE!******

Shadow of the Wyrm v1.2.0 "Rodrigo"
- Version declared February 16, 2020.  Version finalized June 20, 2020.

- 1-bit sprite set now the default display mode.

- Reflective beams such as lightning now bounce differently - they should
  look more "connected" when looking at the output of diagonal beams.

- Failing to learn a spell, or reading a spellbook for an unfamiliar magic,
  now annotates the item as (tried). (Grond)

- Mountain tiles now block line of sight.

- F9 can be used to switch between a number of predefined colour palettes
  in SDL mode.

- F10 can be used to switch between tiles and ascii when using SDL (IceBox).

- F12 now also reloads existing texture references.

- Celeste, Aurelion, The Lady, and Vedere now dislike skinning humanoids

- Aeschburh now has a chaotic altar in the centre, courtesy of the new

- Shimmering clouds are now spirits, so they won't leave corpses and
  can move through walls.

- Snakeling sharpshooters now use crossbows.

- The mortuary in the character details now notes your first kill.

- The tombs at Wintersea are a bit more populated.

- Changed the symbol for each of the Nine.

- The help screen is now available on startup (YARD).

- Sages now start with a little skill in Rods and Staves (YARD).

- You can now use the escape key on user prompts (YARD).

- Emperor's guard and Carcassian guards have now flipped colours (YARD).

- Poison now stays in your body for less time.

- Dual wield now adds some damage to the secondary weapon.

- It's now possible to quaff items off the ground, similar to what's done
  for eating.

- There are no longer any racial deity restrictions: any race can select any

- Stanzas for "Tel and Floridel".

- Bug fixes:

  - In the skill screen, selecting Lore would erroneously describe it as

  - Inscriptions were broken in SDL.

  - Creatures could start with more weight than they could carry, would be
    overburdened, and couldn't shed the weight on the world map.  The player's
    strength is now adjusted upward when the game starts until the player
    is no longer burdened.

  - Gamblers and gnomish sailors were missing bestiary descriptions (YARD).


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v1.2.1 "Lully"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #353 on: July 17, 2020, 11:51:38 AM »
After the big sprites release a month ago, I'm releasing 1.2.1, which is some quality-of-life updates and a few other changes. Probably the most notable is that Beastmastery is now implemented. Beastmastery will allow you to tame various creatures (though not humanoids, divine, or demons) and get experience equivalent to if you had killed them.

Shadow of the Wyrm v1.2.1 "Lully"
- Version declared June 21, 2020.  Version finalized July 17, 2017.

- More name combinations.

- Paging now "wraps around" - going back on page 1 takes you to the last page,
  and forward on the last page goes to page 1 (yarpblat).

- Page up/down now work for paging through screens (yarpblat).

- Literacy now helps you get additional spell castings.

- The numpad enter key is now recognized.

- In addition to healing you, fairy spirits increase your max HP and AP by 1.

- Springs can also generate magical spirits, who grant some castings in a pair
  of randomly-determined spells.

- You can now name places on the world map via 'N', the same way you'd
  do inscriptions on other maps.

- Villages now have an extra description to indicate its predominant race.

- Monster traps are now cyan instead of bold green to differentiate them
  visually from teleport traps.

- Corpses now also leave a small amount of resistance to the dead creature's
  damage type, as long as it's not physical (slash/pierce/pound).

- Beastmastery is now implemented, allowing you to tame many (but not all)
  types of creatures.  Tamed creatures give experience as if killed, and
  grant no experience if later killed.  The amount of experience depends
  on your Beastmastery score.

- New trap type: cursing (curses equipment).

- New conduct, pacifist, broken when you kill another creature.

- Stanzas for "Tel and Floridel".

- Bug fixes:

  - Trying to automove while affected by poison or stoning displayed a message
    differently than other conditions that stopped automove (yarpblat).

  - Trap triggers were still using only ASCII - set these to use a variety of
    existing and new sprites.


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v1.2.1 "Lully"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #354 on: September 12, 2020, 05:52:12 PM »
Almost two months since the last release! There's a little more heft in here than the usual monthly releases - creature AI is improved (creatures can pick up and use weapons, wands, armour, etc, appropriately), you can use ivory to acquire hirelings that will follow and fight for you, and Leadership both allows you to get progressively more experience for your followers' kills, and also makes their attacks more powerful.

I'm hopeful this will open the game up to new kinds of strategies and playstyles!

Full details:

Shadow of the Wyrm v1.2.2 "Borrono"
- Version declared July 17, 2020.  Version finalized September 12, 2020.

- More name combinations.

- Added support for curses-only configurations in both Visual Studio and in
  the premake configurations. These exclude SDL when building, resulting in a
  smaller, asset-less build that has no dependencies on SDL (Larzid).

- NPCs may now pick up items if they consider them "good". This depends on
  the item type, but in general, NPCs avoid cursed and autocursing items.

- NPCs can now evoke wands, equip weapons and ammunition, and wear rings and
  amulets. They can also pick up and wear armour.

- Nobles now start with a higher starting leadership value (40).

- The Music skill now gives experience for pacification, like Beastmastery,
  and sets the no-exp flag.

- Pacified/Tamed are now displayed when examining a creature.

- Pacification still works on many creatures, but not constructs, undead,
  or the divine.

- There is now a narrative_mode setting in swyrm.ini that restores you to full
  health and removes negative statuses at death, allowing you to play for as
  long as you want.

- You can now give 'o'rders to your followers, and they'll follow you between
  maps if adjacent to you when you left the previous.  Your followers will get
  a bonus to their attack damage based on your Leadership skill, as long as
  you're in their line of sight.

- When NPCs gain levels, they now get extra HP, AP, and damage dice in line
  with the progression used in the game data.

- Starting location is now included in the synopsis on the naming screen.

- Hirelings can now be found in a few fixed areas (Isen Dun, Carcassia, Yew,
  Gnordvar). Hirelings will follow you - for a fee - and can be ordered around
  using the 'o'rder command. They have an enchanted set of initial equipment,
  and have improved versions of their initial race and class skills.

- The quit message now references that the game won't be saved (Echo38).

- Villages can have orchards as well as vegetable gardens.

- When unstacking wands after use, the new wand now goes to the front of
  the inventory (Echo38).

- Added a bit more heat resistance to Forger, toned down Goblincrusher's
  damage a touch.

- The ranged animation is now a little faster (Grond).

- Wands now show the total as well as the current charges, which makes it much
  more clear why they don't stack (Echo38).

- Merchants now start with full knowledge of the game's items.

- Pilgrims now start off with 100 Lore, meaning they will always know an
  item's B/U/C status.

- Tradesmen are now bold red.

- New poem fragment for the title screen.

- Now that creatures can put on armour, created a new, common weapon (whisper-
  thin dagger) that is slightly better than a normal dagger, and has the
  piercing flag set.

- Added info on updating the sprites to howdoi.txt

- Max score is now 100000000.

- Reworked the code around applying status identifiers.  This is more
  sophisticated and can now have multiples of the same status in effect at
  once (eg, poisoned by creature/spell, wearing a poison ring) and the game
  will correctly undoing the status only when 0 instances of that status
  remain in the set of active modifiers.  Undoing eg the creature's poison
  won't undo the permanent poison associated with the ring (until that's
  taken off), and so on.

- The character synopsis now shows modifiers, which are time-based effects that
  modify stats or apply statuses.  These can include spells, statuses applied by
  creature attacks, and those added by wearing certain pieces of equipment.

- Urchins now start with a sling and a handful of stones.

- Stanzas for "Tel and Floridel".

- New items: narcotic amulet (speed penalty, a little soak), voiceless amulet
  (mutes the wearer).

- Bug fixes:

  - When evoking a stack of wands, the new wand had the old stack size set,
    effectively creating a way of duplicating wands.

  - Animations (for spells, wands, etc) could be drawn offscreen even if none
    of the tiles were in the player's FOV.

  - The "seen for automove" flag wasn't being set on initial items, so
    there were issues when comparing items and multiple stacks would form
    when they shouldn't have.

  - The free hidden actions counter could get out of whack. Capped that so
    the player couldn't get lots of free actions while safely hidden (Grond).

  - Drinking potions off the ground was buggy (Echo38).

  - The examine command was giving too much information when the player was

  - The unarmed combat improvement message wasn't firing properly (Grond).

  - Various typos in the bestiary and "Tel and Floridel" (Echo38).

  - The messages for special in-game days were broken (Grond).

  - When plazas were generated, fountains could be generated on wall tiles

  - Entering an invalid pickup quantity was causing the turn to advance


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v1.2.2 "Borrono"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #355 on: October 18, 2020, 07:12:26 PM »
Small usability note:
When you are immobilized, and hostile creatures are in sight, there is no easy way to waste time. Trying to move doesn't take a turn, so I resorted to dropping an item, picking it up, dropping it again, etc.

Odd message:
When you use 'a'pply to disable a trap you get the message "You are standing too far away to apply that" and it doesn't tell you whether you succeed in disabling the trap or not. At least I assume 'a'pply is supposed to be able to disable traps? Because it disables traps. :P


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v1.2.2 "Borrono"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #356 on: October 23, 2020, 12:27:24 PM »
Hi Paul,

's'earch is the best way to burn turns in this situation.

'a'pply doesn't really disable traps as such - but it does apply (triggers) them. the trap might then eventually be depleted due to lack of uses.


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v1.2.4 "Britten"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #357 on: November 01, 2020, 01:34:13 PM »
Big release! In terms of number of changes, that is. Lots and lots of bug fixes and small improvements make this version a little bit better than the last one in a lot of ways.


Shadow of the Wyrm v1.2.4 "Britten"
- Version declared September 12, 2020. Version finalized November 1, 2020.

- The pickup code is more restrictive, and now only fires for humanoids
  (Josh Engdahl).

- Evergreen trees now have their own unique sprite.

- You can no longer find hiding places while blind (Josh Engdahl).

- Races can now be defined to have an increased chance to generate packs of

- Corpses are worth a little more piety; ivory is worth a lot more.

- There's now a pair of warning signs outside the treasury.

- Various code updates to make items stack in a more intuitive way, creating
  fewer stacks overall.

- Draining and ethereal damage flags now have a greater chance to fire - 30%
  and 70%, respectively (was 20 and 20).

- Insects now generate with 1 Intelligence to prevent them from being able to
  open doors (Josh Engdahl).

- Effects now broadcast properly when applied to NPCs.

- Ancient Beasts now show up as "Unknown" difficulty, regardless of their

- Crumbling spells/digging wands will now crumble items and tile features
  in their path as well, so long as they're made of marble or stone.  The
  Nine won't like you destroying their altars this way, though.

- Praying when you've got a cursed, status-bearing item (e.g. voiceless
  amulet) might now cause your deity to uncurse your equipment (Vestphiliac).

- Flying now adds some evade as well.

- The food/hunger counter now has a (very large) cap, instead of just max int.

- The item codex is now available on tile selection (YARD).

- NPC AI improvements.

- Kicking an open door now causes it to slam shut.

- Version info now includes the build date to easily distinguish different
  builds with the same build number (e.g. prerelease builds).

- Hirelings now all start with boats (Blue).

- It's now clearer when something can't be pacified, and the musical failure
  message now only triggers when you fail to pacify any pacifiable creatures.

- The usage string for ivory pieces has been tweaked to work better with
  enchantments (Grond).

- You can now swim a little longer, and the damage that's dealt after you're
  exhausted is now reduced by the Swimming skill.

- Cancelling a spell via an invalid direction no longer advances the turn
  (Josh Engdahl).

- Stanzas for "Tel and Floridel".

- New items: uncursing potion.

- Bug fixes:

  - Custom underground maps (Siriath's level, etc) didn't set the terrain
    type appropriately.

  - The ordering of messages around kicking, especially when dealing with a
    tile with a hidden trap, was off (Josh Engdahl).

  - Thief titles were missing (Red).

  - Singing had a couple of missing messages (Josh Engdahl).

  - Freshwater tiles such as rivers were still being listed as "dangerous"
    in winter, despite being frozen and therefore passable.

  - The time of day LOS code was incorrectly firing when not on an overworld
    map (Josh Engdahl).

  - One of the areas in Carcassia A1 could generate over the road.

  - Leviathans were incorrectly appearing in dungeons (Josh Engdahl).

  - When moving between maps, followers could vanish when there were other
    creatures present (various).

  - Various bestiary/codex/manual typos and improvements (various)

  - When tiles/maps had preset items to be generated, this property wasn't
    being cleared properly after generation, causing duplication (Josh

  - Stopped randomizing Intelligence when generated at 1 so that golems and
    other unintelligent creatures can no longer figure out how to work doors.

  - Bargaining was showing an "unimplemented" message when selected on the
    skills screen (Josh Engdahl).

  - NPCs will no longer pick up items while blind.

  - Trying to view the codex when there are no items caused a crash.
  - Draining, ethereal, and explosive attacks were grammatically weird when
    a stunned creature attacked themselves (Josh Engdahl).

  - Hirelings were very enthusiastic about following your orders to attack,
    to the point of attacking you to get at the creature they're supposed to
    be killing (Josh Engdahl).

  - Seafarers' titles weren't properly defined (Josh Engdahl).

  - Cypress trees were incorrectly defined as deciduous (Josh Engdahl).

  - Bestiary/codex typos (various).

  - Melura's stats option text wasn't displaying properly (Josh Engdahl),
    and her chat script was also not gracefully handling garbage input or
    offering 0 ivory.

  - Blindness wasn't properly restricting NPCs' FOV maps (Josh Engdahl).

  - Ancient Beasts can get random damage flags when they're generated, but
    this was including chaotic, which would shift the damage type around,
    and was confusing for very damage-specific type creatures (Josh

  - Esc-ing out of inscription no longer advances the turn (Josh Engdahl).

  - The change to make mountains visually blocking was causing it to be
    unable to move on to them. Separated out visually-blocking from

  - Some digging strings weren't defined and were showing the default value
    (Josh Engdahl).

  - Gildi's cloak was missing lightning resistance (Josh Engdahl).

  - Special creature statuses (such as avernal bats: flying) weren't being
    properly applied at creature creation.

  - Deities were angered when throwing beneficial potions (Josh Engdahl).

  - Bazaars weren't generating correctly on scrublands (various).

  - On the equipment screen, using the codex was improperly advancing the
    turn (Josh Engdahl).
« Last Edit: November 01, 2020, 01:36:39 PM by jcd748 »


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v1.2.5 "Arnold"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #358 on: December 13, 2020, 02:51:22 PM »
Monthly release time! This version has a bunch of quality of life changes, and some minor content changes. You can now pick up or drop all items within the inventory menu, allowing finer grained control when working with those actions. Finally, you can pick up e.g. all the scrolls on the ground, or drop all the weapons you're holding. Inventory management should be quicker and easier. As well, corpses now weigh a more reasonable amount, based on the creature; walled settlements have guards and barracks (and the walls can now be earth as well as stone); and much more!

Shadow of the Wyrm v1.2.5 "Arnold"
- Version declared November 1, 2020. Version finalized December 13, 2020.

- Rocs now have the "flying" flag (Josh Engdahl).

- More name combinations.

- When doing the Carcassia start, you now start on it instead of 1n (Grond).

- Hamlets have a chance to generate with earthen (sod) buildings.

- The glow effect now properly combines the glowing item(s) into similar
  stacks in the inventory (Josh Engdahl).

- Weaving was previously doing its free enchant "in one shot", leading to
  items that are weighted in the extreme: all soak, all evade, etc.  Updated
  this so that it goes point-by-point, creating more diverse items, and also
  updated it so that there is a small chance per enchant to apply a brand.

- Whiteflower is a little more common, and there is some guaranteed in Isen

- An individual jelly is now properly referred to as "itself" rather than
  "himself", as they are sexless (Josh Engdahl). Race-based flags have also
  been set for insects, constructs, and plants, not all of which are actually
  asexual, but for which "himself"/"herself" feels awkward.

- Woven items will now start off a little more powerful (2-4 EV, 1-2 SK) even
  before the free enchantments are applied.

- Instead of robes, the body-slot woven item is now wayfarer clothes, and you
  can weave for the head slot (cap) as well.

- Rarer, healing herbs can now generate naturally in fields, though with a
  very low probability.

- Updates to the premake script to fix postbuild steps when run with premake 5

- Traps will no longer generate in random shops.

- Auto-identification on equip is no longer restricted to wearables (Josh

- You can now use '~' to list your unpaid items in the inventory view (Josh

- When picking up/dropping items, you can now use '*' in the inventory screen
  to select all the items in the current view and pick them up or drop them
  all at once.

- Created a new colourblind-friendly SDL palette (CB Reader) based on Paul
  Tol's work at

- A settlement's walls can now be made of earth as well as rock.

- Walled settlements generate a barracks in one of the corners of the town.

- Walled settlement barracks generate a few mobile guards, and a few sentries
  are now placed along the walls.

- Races now have a reasonable default size, with support on the creature
  definitions to override this.  Previously most corpses were 100 lbs. (the
  default for size medium) and there should be more variety now (Josh Engdahl).

- Level has been added to the bestiary, as well as the creature's name, when
  that's been defined (shopkeepers, hirelings, etc).

- Signposts no longer block.

- Spellbooks are now heavier (5 lbs - they were always meant to be big and
  tome-like).  The Magic skill can now be used to incinerate spellbooks and
  absorb the AP, though this always has a chance to backfire and cause a bit
  of damage. The amount of damage, and the chance to backfire, increases with
  the number of spellbooks you're trying to incinerate at once.

- Stanzas for "Tel and Floridel".

- Bug fixes:

  - The spellcasting message wasn't properly displaying "something" when an
    NPC cast a spell, you were blind, and it was adjacent (Josh Engdahl).

  - when kicking a creature, knockback was prevented into dangerous tiles
    because the game was querying the NPC for permission.

  - NPC spellcasting for attack spells could cause a crash when the caster
    was blinded (Josh Engdahl).

  - Quislings' chat text was written, but not set in the game configuration.

  - Guardsmen were explicitly gender-neutral in their description but called
    "guardsman"/"guardsmen"; an instance is now simply a "guard".  Previously
    they were always human, and can now be any playable race.

  - An invalid action selection in the Order screen was advancing the turn
    (Josh Engdahl).

  - Pegasus was missing flying.

  - The game could lose track of creatures in a map's internal set of
    locations, leading to issues like duplication, non-removal, etc (various).

  - Applying traps while adjacent would eventually disarm them (Larzid).

  - A couple of characters still referenced "Hrothgar" in their chat text.

  - Typo fixes in bestiary/codex/manual (various).


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v1.2.8 "Holborne" (formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #359 on: February 20, 2021, 02:47:22 PM »
Pleased to announce the latest version of SotW!

There is a lot of cleanup this release - around the Linux build processes and the code itself (world generation should be faster, and the game might feel a little bit faster, too).

There are also adventurers! Squishy level 1 NPCs, who, unlike hirelings, will happily join you for free. These appear in a number of fixed locations, and can also appear in dungeons and the wilderness.  With the increased amount of adventurers in the world, there are now a couple of questlines (one in Isen Dun, and one in Carcassia, for now) that require groups of people. You can work with either adventurers or hirelings, but you'll definitely need a group.

There are also taverns, which can generate either in Carcassia or in the random villages you find throughout the world. These will often have adventurers as well, because what fantasy world isn't complete without an alehouse you can meet adventuring companions at?

Full list of changes:

Shadow of the Wyrm v1.2.8 "Holborne"
- Version declared December 13, 2020.  Version finalized February 20, 2021.

- Cleaned up some issues around the Linux premake build file (Larzid).

- When using the codex in the inventory, the inventory page is remembered
  on exit, rather than returning to the first page (Josh Engdahl).

- Cathedrals can now have libraries generated behind the priest's quarters,
  and generally feel less empty (more features in various places).

- Libraries can now appear in the Carcassia religious district.

- Toned down the number of potions available via barrels.

- NPC adventurers are now available around the world (e.g. in the inn in
  Carcassia, at Wintersea Keep) and will join you for free.  They are squishy
  and have just the base equipment for their race and class, so they may take
  some care to keep alive.

- Drunks and bartenders can now be any race (as they're now considered

- Taverns can now be generated in Carcassia (in the north-east sector)
  as well as in random settlements.  Each tavern is likely to have at least
  one adventurer looking to form a party.

- Updated the comments in the Lua premake file based on some feedback
  (Ezequiel Birman).

- Isen Dun now has a sea-captain on the east pier who can give quests to
  adventuring parties.

- Added Acey, in the Carcassia thieves guild, who offers quests to
  adventuring parties.

- Guards are now vigilant for stolen and contraband goods, and will attack you
  if they see any.

- Certain classes can now start with animal followers (think of them as pets,
  familiars, etc).  Currently, rovers start with a falcon or boar, shepherds
  start with a sheep, and witchlings and wizards start out with a cat, owl,
  or xither.

- Adventurers and hirelings of these classes should have their own pets
  generated.  Happily, these will not try to kill you.

- Deities may now grant a divine companion.  You will need high piety for
  this to happen, and be not generally afflicted by anything else.

- Shopkeepers can be generated from any of the user-playable races.

- Creatures previously breathed either water or air - there is now a
  breathe-all option, and this is set when praying for a companion, so you
  can take them anywhere.

- Performance improvements to world generation and other areas.

- New creatures: adventurer, sea captain, gnomish seatrader, Acey, Snakes,
  Koris, Balabin, Carcassian blackknife, owl, cat, sheep.

- New items: ivory tusks, stolen goods, powdered snowcap, fake snowcap,
  forged documents, alabaster key.

- New spells: paralyze (Mystic).

- Stanzas for "Tel and Floridel".

- Bug fixes:

  - When a cathedral had stairs to the crypt, the player was being placed
    on those steps after entering the map (Josh Engdahl).

  - Fixed issues with crypt generation in cathedrals.

  - The game was using the view map (a subset of the full map) for determining
    NPC actions, which was cheating, because this wasn't taking into account
    things like line of sight.

  - If you had items made from skins, but no actual skins, applying a tannery
    was giving an empty inventory screen instead of the usual no-skins