Author Topic: Shadow of the Wyrm v1.8.0 "Sergio Assad"(formerly Savage Lands)  (Read 351544 times)


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v0.6.0 "Capirola"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #225 on: February 05, 2017, 02:48:17 AM »
Small "gripes"... but certainly not the end all be all of gripes.

The interface(?) seems a little lacking. I mean that the on-screen information seems a little bare, as well as a lack of an options menu (at least I couldn't find one). I realize that this is a little different than some of my favorites like PosChengband, FAangband and sCthAngband... but I do like being able to bring up additional windows and edit them in the .ini file, so as to have them present during gameplay. Honestly, it took me a while to figure out how to resize the font and size of the main window, and even then, it still feels a little off.

Again, these are not the end of things, just makes it feel a little odd to me.

Have a blessed day,

No worries.  The interface is definitely bare, but I prefer to think of it as "sparse".  The games you listed are Angband variants, and SotW is its own game with its own codebase.  The interface style is closer to nethack or ADOM than Angband, and that's intentional.

Because SotW is curses-based, it doesn't have any settings of its own for font, font size, etc.  If you're looking to change these, you'll need to change these for your terminal.  You'll need to look into how you do this for Unix or Windows or MacOS.

Thanks for the feedback!


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v0.6.0 "Capirola"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #226 on: February 05, 2017, 02:49:38 AM »
@jcd748 - congrats for February release! Nice list of changes, especially that you stated that "there won't be February release" ;)

I had a plan for no February release, and then I started working on some things that were doable within that timeframe.  I'll probably skip a month at some point this year and do something more substantial with the central city, but not yet - right now I want to flesh out shops a bit more.


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v0.6.0 "Capirola"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #227 on: February 05, 2017, 04:55:35 AM »
@jcd748 I'm really sorry for losing SotW player, it wasn't my intention.

Don't worry about it.  People will drift away from games, and back again.  I played my first game of DCSS in years today, got to XL14, and haven't died yet!


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v0.6.1 "Riquier"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #228 on: March 01, 2017, 01:13:51 PM »
So, a lot of this release was carry-over from the previous one - there are now wilderness shops (bazaars, which can generate in fields/scrublands/hills/desert), and shops can generate in the random villages as well, with a probability based on the type of settlement.  Springs, which generated in forests and were previously just terrain variation, can now have a fairy spirit generated within.  Chat with the spirit to have your HP and AP fully restored. 

Dungeons also can now have springs generated within, and I've slightly upped the chance of each room having a special feature.  Dungeon springs will always have a fairy spirit generated - they seem to want to help...

Other than that, a few bug fixes, and a few more skills implemented (Bowyer, Fletchery, Lore).  Fewer bug fixes than previous releases, too, which is great - I'll delude myself into thinking it's because I haven't written any.

Shadow of the Wyrm v0.6.1 "Riquier"
- Version declared February 3, 2017.  Version finalized March 1, 2017.

- Wearables can now apply status ailments when equipped, and undo them
  when unequipped.

- Satiation effect type.  When in place, a creature's hunger clock
  decrements at ~15% the normal speed.

- Implemented the Lore skill.  This gives a chance to identify the status
  of an item the first time the player picks it up.  The chance is
  directly proportional to the skill value.

- The Bowyer skill is implemented as well.  When you have a bough, you
  can use it to create a bow or a crossbow.  Higher skill values will add
  to-hit or damage bonuses, in the same way that this is done for e.g.
  Smithing.  The Crafting skill also plays a role in the total potential
  improvements points, though to a lesser extent than Bowyer.

- Fletchery has also been implemented.  A branch can now be turned into
  arrows, bolts, javelins, or throwing clubs.  The quantity created is
  based on the per-item weight and the weight of the branch.  The
  ammunition created will get better and better with higher Fletchery and
  Crafting values.

- In-game shops have their items restocked on a monthly basis.  This
  covers all shops on all persistent maps.  If the player is on a map
  with a shop when the repop occurs, he or she will see a message about

- Tree tiles now have a chance of generating a bough instead of a branch.

- Blackwater traps are now light blue instead of dark. (Rob Ayres)

- Spellbooks now provide fewer castings when read.

- Adventurers also start with a wand they've found on their travels,
  either lightning bolt or teleport.

- The random villages that are scattered throughout the world now have
  a chance to contain a shop: 40% for a hamlet or scattered settlement,
  75% for a regular settlement, 85% for a walled settlement, 100% for
  a city.

- Quests now show not just the questmaster, but the map that they're

- Currency is now fixed at uncursed status, always identified, and cannot
  be blessed or cursed.  This will allow proper ivory stacking in the
  player's inventory.

- Reworked the item generation algorithm.  The previous algorithm was
  based purely on an item's danger level and rarity, and did not take
  type into account at all.  After the rework, almost all items are now
  "common" for their specified danger level.  The algorithm now first
  picks an item type (weapon, potion, etc) and then tries to generate an
  item of that type based on the danger level and selected rarity.  This
  ensures a more even distribution of item types throughout the game, as
  previously scrolls, potions, and so on, were notoriously rare, getting
  passed over in the selection process by more common items.  The
  algorithm is a work in progress and is likely to be reworked or tweaked
  in future versions.

- Teleport wands will appear earlier.

- Shopkeepers don't like being outside their shop, so they will not allow
  the player to switch places with them. (Rob Ayres)

- Praying can now cause a deity to neuter all breeders on the level,
  preventing them from breeding.  Subsequently generated breeders are not

- The chance of a breeder to breed on a given turn has increased from
  10% to 15%.

- There are a few more creatures at the start of Amaurosis' lair.

- The game now keeps track of which creature gave each status ailment.
  Experience is now properly granted when killing a creature with a
  time-delayed effect, such as poison or petrification (Esran).

- Keybindings are now reloaded whenever the game runs, not just when a
  character is first created (Esran).

- Bazaars can now be generated in the wilderness.  They can be generated
  on field, scrub, hill, and desert locations, and will display a message
  when moving on to the tile on the world map.

- Springs in the wilderness can now generate a fairy spirit.  These are
  the spirits of the fairy girls slaughtered by the giants in the sacred
  glade.  If you talk to one of these spirits, you'll have HP/AP restored,
  and hunger satiated.

- Slightly increased the probability of generating a special room in a

- Springs can now be generated in dungeons as well as forests.  In
  dungeons, a fairy spirit will always be generated at the spring.

- More combinations for random name generation.

- More stanzas for "Tel and Floridel".

- New shops: potion shop in Gnordvar, general store in Stoneheim.

- New items: satiative amulet, bough, wand of wrath, wand of arcana.

- New creatures: kingspirit, roiling slime, splitting shrike, marsh
  wraith, ancient worm, Pelageus, fairy spirit.

- Bug fixes:

  - The Literacy skill's improvement message was the same as Leadership
    (Rob Ayres).

  - Ivory pieces were forming separate stacks when selling, rather than
    being merged into the player's existing amount (Rob Ayres).

  - Petrification wasn't leaving a corpse on the right tile.

  - Creatures could leave both corpses and statues when petrified.

  - Creatures could drop their equipment and generate death drops when
    petrified, but these items would be unreachable due to statues being
    blocking features.  Suppressed item drops/generation on petrification,
    as any items should be considered part of the statue.


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v0.6.1 "Riquier"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #229 on: March 16, 2017, 06:59:48 PM »
so I'm really digging this game.  Currently playing an ogre pugilist who really can't be touched.  (that character has some issues, like being unable to read and therefore unable to figure out how to uncurse equipment)

I'm wondering if there's a plan to balance weights?  A mole's corpse weighs 100 and so does a dragon's.  I also do not really think scrolls should weigh 1 if a big giant broadsword weighs 5.

I'm finding myself struggling to figure out what to do 'next' ... I will occasionally find a town or castle/keep but they're either empty or they have a random <go place and kill thing and come back> that takes just a couple of minutes.  I have a final quest of "go kill the wyrm guy" but I'm not finding a lot inbetween. 

I also struggle with knowing what or how to make my god happier with me or knowing where I stand.

Are there plans to allow me to drop multiple <different> items at once?  What about auto-pickup options?

All in all I am enjoying this game a great deal.

« Last Edit: March 16, 2017, 08:00:52 PM by kain »


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v0.6.1 "Riquier"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #230 on: March 18, 2017, 01:22:10 AM »
Hi kain,

Thanks for the feedback!  Corpses should be differentiated by size, which is influenced by race, but I'll make a note to check on this.  There isn't any variation within race, so a roc will be the same as a kestrel.  I'll make a note to fix this up at some point in the future.  As for scrolls, I always envision them as being the kind with the wooden handles, which are thus heavier than just a scrap of paper.

Now, what to do next.  You've hit on what I feel is the central weakness of the game: a vast, sprawling wilderness with only the illusion of immense choice.  Now, there are set areas, and most of these can be found around the "edges" of the map.  You can find additional quests in these areas, with good rewards, and these can hopefully supplement your levelling.  I've never won the game legitimately (I play in debug mode and cheat mercilessly), but my general pattern is:

- Do the starting island: the Barrows, do 5-10 levels of the starting dungeon, and Wintersea Keep.
- Once I've got a boat, do Aeschburh (to the north west) and Gnordvar (basically due north a while)
- Go to Atua-Elar and clear out Stonewall
- Clear out the Ogre Camp in the far western part of the world, and return the amulet to the exile, who lives in a hidden cave north-east of the starting island
- Find a dungeon and dive deep
- Around level 30, look at clearing out Cithriel, which can be found by talking to the caravan master in the fae camp in the far north
- Around level 35-40, go to Stoneheim (the fixed dwarf village in the north-west corner of the world) and clear out Wyrmeswraec and the Caldera
- At this point, I'm probably ready to take on Amaurosis. 

Now, I have the immense advantage of knowing where everything is.  But the fixed locations are truly fixed: from game to game, you can always find them in the same location.  This is to provide a sense of continuity from game to game, and because randomizing everything in a 100x100 map would just be aggravating.

As for how to make your deity happier, right now, you can offer at a co-aligned altar.  There are a few altar locations scattered throughout the game (in the keep north-west of where you start, and a few other places), and they can also occur randomly in dungeons.  As for checking your piety, you can use the "P"iety command.

Multiple-drop isn't something I'd planned on adding, but I'll add it to my suggestions file.  I also didn't have autopickup on my to-do list, but I've added it.  What kind of autopickup options are you looking for?  By item type?  Something else?

I'm glad you're enjoying the game.  It still kind of blows my mind that people play it when there are far more polished options (ToME, DCSS, etc) available.  Thank you.  I mean that.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2017, 01:23:57 AM by jcd748 »


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v0.6.1 "Riquier"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #231 on: March 18, 2017, 01:34:50 PM »
It still kind of blows my mind that people play it when there are far more polished options (ToME, DCSS, etc) available.

Why not to play them all? ;)

You are creating good game - and it's the main reason. But I think that it's really important that SotW fills the niche in the roguelike world. Your game have unique set of features. Most roguelikes are only about dungeon diving, or they have very static world. You created game with procedurally generated overworld, with towns and other meaningful places. There are NPCs, some of them have quests. I don't know many roguelikes that are similar to SotW. If you want play good, plot-ful roguelike with random world, there is no other choice.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2017, 01:36:22 PM by Avagart »


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v0.6.1 "Riquier"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #232 on: March 18, 2017, 01:48:17 PM »
I suppose that's true.  The random overworld is a bit of a dodge, though - it doesn't have nearly enough interesting things to do, as most of the fun is in the static bits.  But improving the overworld is something I mean to do in the near to mid term, if just bit by bit.  Even adding shops to villages in the last release was a small step.


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v0.6.1 "Riquier"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #233 on: March 18, 2017, 09:57:18 PM »
This and Legend of Siegfried ARE just about the only ones in this specific sort of adventuring field afoot as of late barring any sudden revivals and yeah....each month or so's nice update amounts to another step or so catching up to ADOM/Elona/etc and that's a wonderful thing.
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v0.6.1 "Riquier"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #234 on: March 20, 2017, 03:57:12 PM »
Corpses should be differentiated by size, which is influenced by race, but I'll make a note to check on this.  There isn't any variation within race, so a roc will be the same as a kestrel.  I'll make a note to fix this up at some point in the future. 
So as I'm progressing in the game I am finding corpses of different weights.  Thanks for the race explanation!

As for scrolls, I always envision them as being the kind with the wooden handles, which are thus heavier than just a scrap of paper.
This also makes sense, thanks!

Now, what to do next.  You've hit on what I feel is the central weakness of the game: a vast, sprawling wilderness with only the illusion of immense choice.  Now, there are set areas, and most of these can be found around the "edges" of the map.  You can find additional quests in these areas, with good rewards, and these can hopefully supplement your levelling.  I've never won the game legitimately (I play in debug mode and cheat mercilessly), but my general pattern is:

- Do the starting island: the Barrows, do 5-10 levels of the starting dungeon, and Wintersea Keep.
- Once I've got a boat, do Aeschburh (to the north west) and Gnordvar (basically due north a while)
- Go to Atua-Elar and clear out Stonewall
- Clear out the Ogre Camp in the far western part of the world, and return the amulet to the exile, who lives in a hidden cave north-east of the starting island
- Find a dungeon and dive deep
- Around level 30, look at clearing out Cithriel, which can be found by talking to the caravan master in the fae camp in the far north
- Around level 35-40, go to Stoneheim (the fixed dwarf village in the north-west corner of the world) and clear out Wyrmeswraec and the Caldera
- At this point, I'm probably ready to take on Amaurosis. 

Now, I have the immense advantage of knowing where everything is.  But the fixed locations are truly fixed: from game to game, you can always find them in the same location.  This is to provide a sense of continuity from game to game, and because randomizing everything in a 100x100 map would just be aggravating.
Again, this was probably me just getting a couple of characters through like level 10 or so and not really understanding the scope and general layout of the "board" ... things are starting to make more sense.  I do find myself going through an awful lot of food exploring the oceans though ...

As for how to make your deity happier, right now, you can offer at a co-aligned altar.  There are a few altar locations scattered throughout the game (in the keep north-west of where you start, and a few other places), and they can also occur randomly in dungeons.  As for checking your piety, you can use the "P"iety command.
I think I converted the altar in Stonewall to my god and then I sacrificed a ton of corpses in a random dungeon and I think I converted to another god.  I assume there's some sort of baseline "value" of crap the gods will accept.  They didn't like basic equipment, for example, but I'm pretty sure I was able to give them a named weapon.  They also didn't care 2 bits for my pile of 35 ivory pieces but happily accepted my stack of 400.  I imagine this threshold will become more apparent the more I play the game.

Multiple-drop isn't something I'd planned on adding, but I'll add it to my suggestions file.  I also didn't have autopickup on my to-do list, but I've added it.  What kind of autopickup options are you looking for?  By item type?  Something else?
This could be as simple as auto-picking up classes of items (every scroll, every potion, all currency, all wands, etc) or far more granular (every scroll of ID and enchant, never pick up scroll of trap ID, always pick up potion of healing, never pick up dram of gin)  Seems like picking up money at the very least would be a good option.

I have encountered a minor inventory (well, if you're looking to exploit scrolls of blessing, not a minor) quibble.  It doesn't seem as if like items stack.  I cannot for the life of me get my similar scrolls (or potions or food or plants or ... bafflingly enough, currency!?) to stack in a consistent manner.  See my list of scrolls below:
Code: [Select]
---------------------------------------------- Items Available (Filtered) ----------------------------------------------
Scrolls - ?
  [a] uncursed scroll of uncursing [1.00 lbs]
  [b] uncursed scroll of trap detection [1.00 lbs]
  [c] uncursed scroll of identify (2) [2.00 lbs]
  [d] cursed scroll of trap detection (2) [2.00 lbs]
  [e] blessed scroll of trap detection [1.00 lbs]
  [f] uncursed blank scroll (3) [3.00 lbs]
  [g] uncursed scroll of uncursing [1.00 lbs]
  [h] uncursed scroll of cleansing [1.00 lbs]
  [i] uncursed scroll of cleansing [1.00 lbs]
  [j] uncursed scroll of blessing [1.00 lbs]
  [k] uncursed scroll of uncursing [1.00 lbs]
  [l] uncursed scroll of blessing [1.00 lbs]
  [m] uncursed scroll of identify [1.00 lbs]
  [n] uncursed scroll of recharging [1.00 lbs]
  [o] uncursed scroll of identify [1.00 lbs]
  [p] uncursed scroll of recharging [1.00 lbs]
  [q] uncursed scroll of uncursing [1.00 lbs]
  [r] blessed scroll of cleansing [1.00 lbs]
I've been through some iterations of dropping and picking up all my scrolls of identify.  I can't get them to stack up in a manner that I consider appropriate.  It seems like they *should* stack since some of them do, but if there's a trick to that then I don't know what it is.

I'm glad you're enjoying the game.  It still kind of blows my mind that people play it when there are far more polished options (ToME, DCSS, etc) available.  Thank you.  I mean that.
I play a lot of roguelikes.  I've been playing Nethack since 1987 or 88 (damn I'm old...) and I've played many many many of them in between.  I've put a hundred hours into ToME, I've thoroughly beaten DCSS.  Same thing with Angband, the original ADOM, etc.  I hesitate to consider the hours I spent on Baldur's Gate, Dwarf Fortress, Gnomoria, Diablo or any of the early Final Fantasy games. 

Recently in an attempt to get my kid to play roguelikes we've started playing Unexplored.  (check it out on steam, it's kinda fun)

SotW is a return to oldschool ascii games and this one seems like it's got a ton of promise and a lot of replayability.  Thanks!


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v0.6.1 "Riquier"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #235 on: March 21, 2017, 10:07:32 PM »
Again, this was probably me just getting a couple of characters through like level 10 or so and not really understanding the scope and general layout of the "board" ... things are starting to make more sense.  I do find myself going through an awful lot of food exploring the oceans though ...

Ocean travel (well, overworld travel) definitely requires a lot of food.  Silverweed helps, if you can find it - it'll fill you up completely.  Otherwise, you might want to scrounge around for fruit or roots, try fishing, etc.

If you want to avoid hunger altogether, you can play a Fae, which are hungerless.

I think I converted the altar in Stonewall to my god and then I sacrificed a ton of corpses in a random dungeon and I think I converted to another god.  I assume there's some sort of baseline "value" of crap the gods will accept.  They didn't like basic equipment, for example, but I'm pretty sure I was able to give them a named weapon.  They also didn't care 2 bits for my pile of 35 ivory pieces but happily accepted my stack of 400.  I imagine this threshold will become more apparent the more I play the game.

There are definitely value checks on what you offer.

This could be as simple as auto-picking up classes of items (every scroll, every potion, all currency, all wands, etc) or far more granular (every scroll of ID and enchant, never pick up scroll of trap ID, always pick up potion of healing, never pick up dram of gin)  Seems like picking up money at the very least would be a good option.

Okay.  I'll look at autopickup by type first.

I've been through some iterations of dropping and picking up all my scrolls of identify.  I can't get them to stack up in a manner that I consider appropriate.  It seems like they *should* stack since some of them do, but if there's a trick to that then I don't know what it is.

I can maybe see how some of that would happen - right now, when you pick up an item, it tries to stack based on what it knows.  Once you have everything identified, if you drop all your scrolls and pick them up, does it stack them properly?  Or do you still get multiple stacks of the same type (e.g., two uncursed scrolls of cleansing stacks).

Also, what version are you playing?  I fixed a bunch of currency-related issues in the last version, but I'm not sure if you're playing that.

And I'm also an old-school nethack player!  I started on 3.2.2, and got hooked on it by a friend whose father used to download versions of it off the university network.


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v0.6.1 "Riquier"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #236 on: March 21, 2017, 11:14:37 PM »
I ran a few quick tests, generating uncursing scrolls over and over.  I got stacks like this:

Code: [Select]
Scrolls - ?
  [a] uncursed scroll of identify [1.00 lbs]
  [b] uncursed scroll of enchanting [1.00 lbs]
  [c] scroll labelled "VERITAS OMNIA VINCIT" (16) [16.00 lbs]
  [d] scroll labelled "VERITAS OMNIA VINCIT" (2) [2.00 lbs]
  [e] scroll labelled "VERITAS OMNIA VINCIT" (2) [2.00 lbs]

Now, if I read the uncursed scroll of identify and identify [c], I get:

Code: [Select]
Scrolls - ?
  [a] uncursed scroll of enchanting [1.00 lbs]
  [b] uncursed scroll of uncursing (16) [16.00 lbs]
  [c] cursed scroll of uncursing (2) [2.00 lbs]
  [d] blessed scroll of uncursing (2) [2.00 lbs]

If I generate 30 more scrolls, I see the following on the ground:

Code: [Select]
Scrolls - ?
  [a] scroll of uncursing (27) [27.00 lbs]
  [b] scroll of uncursing (2) [2.00 lbs]
  [c] scroll of uncursing [1.00 lbs]

Picking them up, I now have:

Code: [Select]
Scrolls - ?
  [a] uncursed scroll of enchanting [1.00 lbs]
  [b] uncursed scroll of uncursing (16) [16.00 lbs]
  [c] cursed scroll of uncursing (2) [2.00 lbs]
  [d] blessed scroll of uncursing (2) [2.00 lbs]
  [e] scroll of uncursing (27) [27.00 lbs]
  [f] scroll of uncursing (2) [2.00 lbs]
  [g] scroll of uncursing [1.00 lbs]

I've now got six stacks of scrolls:

- 3 stacks of uncursed/cursed/blessed
- 3 stacks whose statuses are unknown

To me, this is correct, based on the fact that item statuses are initially unknown.

Now if I create an identify scroll, and read it (it turned out to be blessed, so it identified everything):

Code: [Select]
Scrolls - ?
  [e] uncursed scroll of enchanting [1.00 lbs]
  [f] uncursed scroll of uncursing (16) [16.00 lbs]
  [g] cursed scroll of uncursing (2) [2.00 lbs]
  [h] blessed scroll of uncursing (2) [2.00 lbs]
  [i] uncursed scroll of uncursing (27) [27.00 lbs]
  [j] cursed scroll of uncursing (2) [2.00 lbs]
  [k] blessed scroll of uncursing [1.00 lbs]

So, six stacks.  But at the moment, stacks are separate items in the inventory.  If I drop stack "i" and pick it up, I'd expect it to combine with [f].  This is exactly what happens:

Code: [Select]
Scrolls - ?
  [a] uncursed scroll of enchanting [1.00 lbs]
  [b] uncursed scroll of uncursing (43) [43.00 lbs]
  [c] cursed scroll of uncursing (2) [2.00 lbs]
  [d] blessed scroll of uncursing (2) [2.00 lbs]
  [e] cursed scroll of uncursing (2) [2.00 lbs]
  [f] blessed scroll of uncursing [1.00 lbs]

So I think I could get to your case by repeating variations on these steps.  Is this roughly how it would've gone for you?  I assume your expectation would be that after identification, any inventory items of the same type and B/U/C status would be grouped together?  This isn't currently done, but probably should be.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2017, 11:23:45 PM by jcd748 »


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v0.6.1 "Riquier"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #237 on: March 22, 2017, 11:39:57 PM »
holy smokes, a responsive dev!  This guy rocks!

I'll start out and say that I'm playing Shadow of the Wyrm 0.6.1 "Riquier"

So I think I could get to your case by repeating variations on these steps.  Is this roughly how it would've gone for you?  I assume your expectation would be that after identification, any inventory items of the same type and B/U/C status would be grouped together?  This isn't currently done, but probably should be.

I've read a blessed scroll of ID and been through a bunch of iterations of dropping (bulk, just a couple at a time, just a single scroll, just a single stack, etc) and picking them back up all sorts of ways and on occasion a stack and a single will combine but it doesn't seem to be following expected convention (b/u/c in ID and unID'd forms) 

I could post my save game if that would shed any light on what's going on.

I'm really smitten with this game.

I have another wall of text ... feel free to tell me "too much, too much!" and I'll stop whenever it gets to be annoying.  Also feel free to tell me "that's how it's supposed to work"

Additional notes:

  • Using a wand changes the charges remaining and moves the wand to the last item in wand inventory.  Is it removing and creating a new object when you discharge a wand?  It's hard(ish) to keep track of items when they change "letters" from turn to turn.
  • It would be neat to be able to see the various resists on identified wearables without having to swap them on and off.
  • Is there a way to "use" items?  I have found a shovel, a mattock and a sackbut but I do not know how to use them.  What about musical instruments?  I've found a lot of those but I can't figure out how to use them.
  • At higher player levels and lower dungeon levels (maybe ... I'm at L26 with EV:57/34 on dungeon level -1100 fighting things like minotaurs and sorcerers -- this might not yet be considered high level) it seems like nothing can touch me until it crits, then I get hit for 30+ HP at one shot.  I've save scummed a couple of times and I'm coming to the conclusion that it only takes 3-4 "bypasses your armour" messages to die in a couple of rounds.
  • I find myself playing for a god who doesn't care if I kill friendly units (yes, I found a file with some strings in it ...).  There's a lot of them and oftentimes they're in the way (yes, they'll move out of the way) but it's usually easier just to kill everything in a dungeon.  Any thoughts on making friendly dungeon dwellers fewer and farther between?  Should that ogre bonegrinder really standby as I slaughter 8 of his (presumed) friends/family?
  • Any thoughts to a scroll of exit (or something like that) that would allow you to go from dungeon level XX to 1 (maybe to the exit tile)?  I am not seeing a lot of dungeon regeneration happening so the climb back up and out of the dungeon is usually just "oh, there's the stairs, fast travel ("w") until you get close"
  • Poison is really debilitating.  I seem to have to save all my healing potions to heal in case I get poisoned and do not have an antidote.  Antidote potions seem very far between and even with a poison number of 0.30 I seem to still get hit for well over 100% of my HP by poison when I get poisoned.
  • Is it possible to review or see the level messages 'holy, magic item, zoo, etc' again?
  • Is it a design intention to not see the total amount of weight (I realize I could add it up) we're currently carrying and perhaps the threshold for "burdened/etc" on those?  It might also be neat to see the effect of "carrying" in terms of how much we can actually carry.  I recently added 18 points to carry and was still burdened.
  • I'm having trouble moving my saved game from my work computer (don't tell!) to my home computer.  I've tried everything -- even copying the entire game directory but my saved game doesn't show up on another computer.  Could it be a userID (logged into the computer) thing?
  • I also want to compliment the Forgotten Beast for knowing how to angle his beam against a wall to hit me.  OUCH!



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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v0.6.1 "Riquier"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #238 on: March 23, 2017, 03:49:29 AM »

1. I'll look into this.  Might have something to do with de-stacking.
2. Added the suggestion to my file
3. For picks/mattocks, walk into rock.  For shovels, you can dig with '>' I think (there's info in the manual).
4. Incorporeal attacks (from spirits and such) bypass most soak.  That's intentional, and came out of early versions where you were invincible with high soak.  If you increase your evade, or resists, you can mitigate this somewhat by avoiding the damage altogether, or decreasing the amount taken.
5. Probably at some point I should smarten up the generation algorithm.  In the meantime, enjoy the evil gods and the extra xp.
6. That's already been suggested, and is on my to-do list at some point.
7. Yeah, poison's dangerous.  You could play a caster and look for a spell to help with that.  Or if your foraging's good enough, you can grind some piles of white basil in the wilderness.  Or pray.
8. "M"essage buffer keeps a history
9. Yeah, it's something I wanted to hide.  I want it to be general - if you want to carry more, train your Strength (there's an NPC who does training in the Forest of Yew) or the Carrying skill.
10. Intentional - it's so you can't play other people's games on the same computer.  I'll look at implementing an ini setting to ignore usernames.
11. Heh, I forgot I made the AI remarkably good at figuring out bounce patterns.


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v0.6.1 "Riquier"(formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #239 on: March 24, 2017, 10:11:33 PM »
Hi all :) Long time listener, first time caller here. First, thank you, Julian, so much for creating SotW. I've really enjoyed the game so far. Recently, I've been putting some tables together for reference and have a few questions about mechanics that hopefully someone will be able to answer.

1. Ages. Can I read the starting and maximum age values to mean that a human player's life expectancy (from the time we spawn in the game) is between 25 and 83 years (same for playing dwarf, giant, ogre and gnome)? Beyond that, generally speaking, faes can live for up to ~1 million years...all things being peaceful. Elves live second longest (wood elves more than mountain elves), though nowhere near as long as faes. Finally, goblins seem like they can only expect between 20 and 65 years. Am I misinterpreting the values in some way?

2. Experience Gain. It seems that each level from 2 to 50 has an experience point value associated with it. Those values are altered based on, at least, race and class experience multipliers (I think). Do I understand that correctly? (I.e., lower experience multiplier values mean "faster" leveling as there are fewer experience points between levels?)

3. AP and HP (and Piety) Regeneration. I haven't done too much digging into the source engine files, so I don't really understand how the race and class HP/AP regen multipliers work. Anything you can offer would be helpful to me.

Everything I've tabled so far has, for the most part, been derived from the ShadowOfTheWyrm.xml file. Simple stuff to make it visually easier for myself when starting a new character. I'm using org-mode, and I'm happy to export what I have and share it. I just want to make sure I understand some of these values first.