Author Topic: Shadow of the Wyrm v1.7.2 "Michelagnolo Galilei"(formerly Savage Lands)  (Read 286719 times)


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm 0.4.3 "Carcassi" (formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #105 on: November 14, 2015, 03:49:43 AM »
Hi again jcd,

I added an article about humans to the wiki, and I was wondering something. I kind of stretched the lore a bit on the fae and humans, is that okay? Just made it flow easier. You're probably thinking, "Wtf, is this nerd for real?!?" Yeah, I'm for real. I am, like I said, that sort of guy. I just want to okay it with you, because some devs are pretty touchy about this sort of thing. If it's not okay, I'll just edit out my additions.

Anyhow, I've been playing Shadow for a bit again, and I noticed something: Sometimes, dungeons don't appear to have a down stairs. I have a suspicion that this is what searching is for, but I've searched all over the place, and can't find any hidden doors or corridors. I know there has to be a down stairs, because this is the Infinite Dungeon I'm talking about. Strange.

There don't appear to be any artifact boots, in addition to rings. Are you planning to add some in the future?

Is crowning implemented?

Potion and scroll generation seem to be wacky. In fact, I don't believe I've seen a single scroll generated in a dungeon, but maybe I'm just unlucky. As for potions, it seems like some games I'm insanely lucky and often get levels with tons of potions and stuff. Other games, like my current one, go without a single generated potion the entire game. Arrow generation is pretty off as well, because the few arrows I've seen are few and far between. I don't think I've seen a single shovel in all of my games either.

Ivory pieces are REALLY rare. I think I've found less than 100 total in the dungeon.

Sometimes, while I'm exploring the dungeon, several monsters appear out of the blue around me. This hasn't lead to any unpleasant situations so far, but I'm pretty sure this is unintended.

Final question, are you going to add armour piercing blows into the game?


EDIT: Of course I get a shovel and some arrows pretty much right after I post this message. I still think something's wacky, but now you know it isn't as wacky as I proposed it to be. I've been noticing these level messages sometimes, like: "You feel a magical power," or "You feel a holy presence," . What do those signify? I noticed a strange stone marker when I saw the "You feel a magical power," message, and an altar for holy presence. How do you use the stone marker? Do the level messages mean anything beyond flavor?
« Last Edit: November 14, 2015, 04:25:28 AM by kraphead »


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm 0.4.3 "Carcassi" (formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #106 on: November 14, 2015, 01:58:03 PM »
Looks fine to me.  No issues with lore-stretching or anything like that.

I've run into the no-down-stairs issue before - is it possible that they're hidden under items or something similar?  If not, I'll add something to my backlog to look into that.

Artifact boots are a great idea.  Added to the file.

The item generation algorithm is fairly basic right now, and definitely needs tweaking.  I'll look into it to see if there's any reason scrolls wouldn't be generating.

Critical hits are armour-piercing.  Not 100%, but they do max damage and allow only 1/4 of the creature's soak.  There are other ways to get full armour piercing: become incorporeal and attack bare-handed, use wands/magic (magic ignores soak), etc.

Monsters appearing around you would be part of dungeon updating, which happens periodically.

"Magical power"/"holy presence"/etc indicate special dungeon features.  Stone markers have a special ability: they are like beds, in that beds greatly increase your HP regeneration, and the stone markers greatly increase your AP regeneration.

EDIT: It certainly looks possible, looking at the code, to get no down staircases, if the same room is selected for up staircases, and then the same tile as the down staircase is selected.  Unlikely to happen, but clearly it can!  I'll fix that up today for next month's release.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2015, 02:09:03 PM by jcd748 »


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm 0.4.3 "Carcassi" (formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #107 on: November 17, 2015, 11:40:22 PM »
Just wanted to briefly pipe in and say how much fun I'm having with the game.


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm 0.4.3 "Carcassi" (formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #108 on: November 18, 2015, 03:16:23 AM »
Thanks!  I'm glad you're enjoying it so early on.  There are still a ton of rough edges!


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm 0.4.3 "Carcassi" (formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #109 on: November 18, 2015, 06:47:27 AM »
I have 12h work day so I didn't have time to go through newer versions of SofW, but I will try to make up for my months delays :)


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm 0.4.3 "Carcassi" (formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #110 on: November 18, 2015, 02:30:24 PM »
Ouch!  Brutal!

I'll be putting a new version out in about 2.5 weeks, if you want to wait for it.  If not, that's cool, too!


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm 0.4.3 "Carcassi" (formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #111 on: November 27, 2015, 01:43:27 AM »
So, getting back to items - one of the reasons you weren't seeing many scrolls is because they're currently uncommon, and even among the uncommon items, they have a small chance to be generated.  I've been tweaking the item generation algorithm, and while I think it will take a long time for item generation to get "reasonable" (for however we want to define reasonable), there should be more uncommon items generated in the next version, which I expect will probably be released next week.  There are a few item generation algorithm changes:

1) Now when an item rarity of "uncommon" or "rare" is selected, that means that those items are far more heavily favoured than the current algorithm, which just allows them to be generated (amongst all the common items, of which there are many, hence the lack of scrolls!)

2) Spellbooks are now uncommon, along with potions, wands, and scrolls, so there should, in general, be fewer spellbooks.

3) When out of depth creatures are generated, the item rarity is ratcheted up to at least uncommon

Again, while I don't expect this to solve everything, I think it should be at least a start at smoothing out item probabilities.  After the next version, if anyone has any feedback, I can incorporate it into the subsequent release.


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm 0.4.4 "Domeniconi"
« Reply #112 on: December 02, 2015, 02:24:48 AM »
Hi - new monthly release.  Lots of mostly smaller changes this month, with a number of tweaks courtesy of kraphead's rampages through the endgame.


Here goes:

Shadow of the Wyrm v0.4.4 "Domeniconi"
- Version declared November 3, 2015.  Version finalized December 1, 2015.

- Firing through an occupied tile is now possible, when that occupied
  tile is not the terminal tile on a particular path.  The check is
  based on the maximum of the defending creature's Awareness, and the
  attacking creature's Archery.

- Added "seeds" to certain food items (apples, cherries, etc).  When
  a creature eats these foods, he/she "spits out" the seed onto their
  own tile.  This seed is its own item and will eventually be used to
  allow planting of trees.

- Added some guards to a few of the Lua API functions so that they
  wouldn't do anything while the player is on the world map.

- Created a new character, Nama, who like Idem can be found at Wintersea
  Keep.  Nama records the true name of things, and allows the player to
  change his or her name.

- Improvised weapons now deal 1d2 damage, plus a modifier based on
  their weight.

- Evade nerf part 1: half the attacking creature's level, rounded down,
  is now used for all physical and magical to-hit calculations (kraphead).

- Evade nerf part 2: there was already a check in place for automatic
  misses; now there is also a check in place for automatic hits, though
  the chance of the latter (2%) is less than the former (5%).

- HP regeneration is now based on not only on the multipliers associated
  with the creature's tile and feature, but also on the creature's
  Health score.  There is a hard minimum of 4 minutes to regen 1 HP

- Similarly, AP regeneration now takes into account the creature's
  willpower score (akeley).

- The naming screen now shows the selected race/class combination, as
  well as the selected deity.  Typically the user will know these, but
  may not depending if a random generation option was chosen.

- The welcome screen now offers an option to create a new, randomized
  character.  Random selections are also possible from each of the
  sex, race, class, and deity selection screens (akeley).

- Conducts are now worth points (100 per conduct per level), not just
  bragging rights after winning (kraphead).

- Added brief class descriptions to character creation (Mateusz Logowski)

- Dropping a seed in a tile with a hole now plants that seed, and if the
  map is not permanent (e.g., it was a randomly generated field, forest,
  etc) then the map becomes permanent and links up to the world map. 
  The planted tile will transform into a tree of the appropriate type at
  some point in the spring of the following year.  Planting is currently
  100% successful when planting on overworld maps (a tree always grows
  the following year), and 0% on other map types (dungeons, caverns, etc),
  though this may change in future.

- Digging on a water- or air-based tile is now impossible.

- Good and neutral deities now very strongly dislike the consumption of
  undead corpses.

- Idem now only shows you the items in your inventory that are not

- Item enchantments were way too powerful.  Instead of using a uniform
  random number from 1 to (danger level/2), the algorithm is now
  mostly Poisson-based, with a typical mean of (danger level/8).  This
  is likely to be tweaked again in future releases.

- For generated NPCs, set AP to be half the base HP, if not specified.

- Spellbooks have been set to uncommon, so they should be generated much
  less frequently (akeley).

- Item generation was ridiculously biased towards generating common items,
  as those make up the majority of items in the game.  Rewrote the
  item generation algorithm to generate a larger proportion of uncommon
  and rare items.

- When out of depth creatures appear, there is a greater chance for
  uncommon items to appear as well.  Right now this results in a
  preponderance of potions and spellbooks, but will sort itself out over
  time as more items are added to the game.

- Humanoids now have a base chance to be carrying a small amount of
  ivory pieces.

- Kicking a creature now has a chance to send the creature staggering
  back (Mateusz Lagowski).

- Added a setting to always disallow moving on to dangerous tiles.  Set
  it to false by default - players can enable it as desired (kraphead).

- Various code cleanups and minor refactorings.

- New creatures: Nama.

- New artifacts: ruby ring "Falcon's Eye", jasper ring "Carpathos".

- Bug fixes:

  - Idem's description implied that he was mobile, but he was set to

  - Altus' quest incorrectly defaulted to Christof's generic chat text
    when the quest was completed (kraphead).

  - Shields/etc could be used in the ammunition slot for extra Ev/Soak,
    resistances, etc.  Fixed this so that only ammunition adds to
    Ev/Soak/resists when in the ammunition slot (kraphead).

  - Puglists' unarmed damage was being applied even when an improvised
    weapon (e.g., a shield) was wielded (kraphead).

  - The completion function for the Caravan Master's quest referenced an
    older creature ID, preventing the quest from being completed

  - A number of monster races (undead, dragon, etc) had their resistances
    and vulnerabilities inverted.

  - Ensured that piercing/incorporeal attack messages don't fire when a
    creature attacks itself (kraphead).

  - The code to remove items (e.g., the Exile taking the Amulet of the
    Two Moons) wasn't properly handling the case when the item was
    equipped in the inventory (kraphead).

  - The game would crash when it encountered a "%" when trying to print
    the game text, because of how the printw-type functions work.  Fixed
    up CursesDisplay to always change "%" to "%%" when doing string

  - Fixed a bug with dates in the Isen Dun Chronicle going past the
    actual in-game start date.


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v0.4.4 "Domeniconi" (formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #113 on: December 02, 2015, 01:17:31 PM »
Excellent assortment tackled indeed.   8)
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v0.4.4 "Domeniconi" (formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #114 on: December 04, 2015, 12:53:19 PM »
1. each time I throw rock at enemy the game crashes.
2. When I throw potion at enemy, potion dont disapear from inventory Ammunition slot.
3. Is this how throw healing potion suppose to work?:

1. is there a way to make the screen resolution bigger? like increase font size?
2. pressing any key could break "w" walk command
3. look command could has option to toggle between currently visible monsters (like fire-mode)
4. during aiming fire, key "=" could work also instead of "+" - remove need to press Shift.
5. add show graveyard/score option in menu

keybindings for laptop (adjusted to be more ergonomical than noob-friendly (f.ex. L'ook is no longer shift+L).):
swyrm.ini for 0.4.4
doc file

1. could you add race of Ratlings? (skaven-esque, ratkin humanoids)
2. could you add one-line item description in inventory and some quick-functions; equip/drop/read... (check this fake-screens):

3. random names instead of Wanderer. Copy 50 of thisand take random or create file from where game would take random names.

FU-kC I lost now 3rd character due to program crash!
2015-Dec-04 20:06:13   Could not insert map with id siriath_lair - a map with this key already exists in the MapRegistry!
- not sure if this is error log
 No load available. I not gonna go for sun gem and collect flowers anymore in this month. I'm pissed off.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2015, 05:20:19 PM by Lagi »


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v0.4.4 "Domeniconi" (formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #115 on: December 05, 2015, 02:24:59 PM »
Hi Lagi,

1,2,3: All bugs, will add to my to-fix list, thank you!

1. You should be able to do this in your terminal.  Right-click on the title bar, and select properties.
2. Will add to my suggestion file
3. I like this one a lot as well, will add it also
4. That's really lazy.  I love it.  Will add it.
5. Like, the high scores minus your current score?  I don't want the player to know their final score until they quit or die.
6. I'll add a suggestion to the file to allow something for a random name (probably "*" to be consistent)

I'm glad you were able to find alternative keybindings that work.  My only concern with including them would be maintenance as I add more commands, etc.  The alternative PDF looks good, too!


1. Ha!  Actually, if you go through my Mercurial/svn commits, you'll find that very early on I had ratlings.  A little while into the development process I rejigged things so that instead of ratlings I had snakelings.  I'm not likely to change it now, as I only really want one "magically mutated race of a mad sorceror" in the game.

2.  Adding more to the item descriptions (like, a bestiary, but for items) is on my long-term list, and was suggested by a friend of mine who playtested my first release.  I like your screen mockup and the alternative approach to inventory management.  I think it could happily exist side-by-side with the "one key per action" adom/nethack-y model I currently use.  I'm going to write up a description and add this to my suggestions list as well.

Re: the crash.  This has been something going on since the initial version that I haven't been able to pinpoint yet :(  It's the #1 thing I want to fix, because it really pisses people off, but I haven't been able to reproduce it locally yet so I haven't been able to track it down.  When you get your crashes, can you tell me more about how they happen?  Are you in forests?  Dungeons?  Just came down stairs?  Were walking around?  etc.

For the siriath_lair thing - did you experience any issues with that level?  I've done a search of my project and that level only gets referenced in one place, so I'm not sure why the game is complaining.

Thank you so much for your input.  It's very thorough and valuable!


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v0.4.4 "Domeniconi" (formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #116 on: December 05, 2015, 05:30:58 PM »
I just spent quite a while playing through a release-mode version of the game, taking a Fae Seafarer into the infinite dungeon over and over.  There's a bug right now where stairs from all levels are going back to the overworld - I'll fix that.  However, I can't seem to trigger the crash bug at all, no matter what I try.  Has anyone been able to narrow it down at all?


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v0.4.4 "Domeniconi" (formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #117 on: December 05, 2015, 07:01:56 PM »
I'll check it.

e1: For now - one minor suggestion. Can you make doors always visible? It's a bit weird when all 'stale' elements of environment are visible even if outside of player FOV, but doors disappears. Same with clay pots in 'starting city'.

e2: How to exit from 'L'ooking? [Enter], [Space], [Esc], [L] not working. Only way which I now 'primitive' found is locate cursor on player (or monster/npc) character and check 'B'estiary.

e3: Ah, ok, 'Z' key, it's mentioned at start... But possibility to use [Esc] would be appreciated ;)
« Last Edit: December 05, 2015, 07:22:01 PM by Avagart »


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v0.4.4 "Domeniconi" (formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #118 on: December 05, 2015, 07:22:16 PM »
E1: will add to my suggestions list.  It'll be for features in general, since that is a much easier case to code for than just doors.

E2: 'z'.  I'll look at the message when looking for clarity.

Procdump can be downloaded at

If you run sotw.exe in one window, and "procdump -ma -e sotw.exe" in another, it will provide a dump on crashes that if you send to me, I can use to pinpoint what's gone wrong.


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Re: Shadow of the Wyrm v0.4.4 "Domeniconi" (formerly Savage Lands)
« Reply #119 on: December 05, 2015, 07:42:21 PM »
Ok :) You are interested in all bugs, even these mentioned in this topic (as throwing rocks (ant other items, as I test it now))?

Hm... In most roguelikes cursed items are bind to slot, so it's impossible to unequip these. I started as dwarven pugilist with cursed brass knuckles in equipment. I equip it without problems and I can unequip knuckles as well. It's intended?

e: HP counter is in unintuitive place. It's most important part of 'hud' and it's most frequently checked counter, but it's in the middle of other elements of hud. I think best place for HP is most left position. If not, maybe it's possible to make it more visible? For example, in red/green colour?

e2: Leveling (at least few first levels) is insanely fast - on one simple layer of graveyard I get 6 levels!
« Last Edit: December 05, 2015, 08:02:33 PM by Avagart »