Busy week!
I added a
fourth type of map panning, of the RTS variety where you put the cursor against the edge of the screen.

But the biggest progress was made in the area of achievements... all 256 are now decided and listed in the game data, but still have to be implemented xD

I also did a
mockup of the achievements UI, also still to be actually implemented...

I like it though, pretty and functional
(Note that the icons don't actually match the achievements, and there are duplicate names--this is just a mockup so I wasn't worrying about everything being logical/perfect
)That's the latest one, where an earlier version was using my original darker version for locked/unknown achievement icons which I don't think looks quite as good in context? Not 100% sure...

At size 14 I also added an IBM VGA font for the map ASCII. Now there's some nostalgia!