HOLY CATS, WE'RE LEAVING EARLY ACCESS NEXT MONTH.This month it's all about playing the way you want to play. That means Mac and Linux support, tools to prevent stupid deaths, keyboard examine, ASCII mode, and optional 8-way movement.

The final class has been added as well: Berserker. With the highest starting strength of all the disguises and an ENRAGE spell, you'll surely wreak havoc on the hotel. That brings us to 12 classes and 19 achievements to collect!
Diagonal movementFour way movement has always been helpful for players without numpad. But sometimes it just doesn't feel like a roguelike without diagonals.
Adding optional 8-way movement to Golden Krone Hotel affects A LOT. Expect the game to feel different, but hopefully still balanced. It's now easier to dance around lone enemies and it's possible to dodge light beams. But remember it's also easier to get surrounded and magic becomes 8-directional too.
ASCII ModeASCII can look cool as hell. It's often easier to understand what's going on too. So here it is.

There's a Muted Palette option that almost turns the game greyscale (the main exception being hints of red). This an excellent option if you want to crank up the horror aesthetic.
Grognard ModeIf you really want to go old school, there's GROGNARD Mode. This flips a bunch of options simultaneously to make the game look and feel more like a classic roguelike. You'll get ASCII, diagonal movement, and a bunch of display effects turned off (like animation, damage numbers, bounciness, etc.).
But feel free to play with those on if you prefer! It's quite fun playing a little bouncy @.
Changelog:- Mac and Linux now supported. Please let me know if you have any problems.
- Optional diagonal movement added
- ASCII mode added
- Bump animation added
- You can now Examine with keyboard (press V) and hovering over tiles also displays their name
- Added a "Confirm dangerous moves" option. If you die to sunlight a lot, this might help
- Berserker class added
- Shapeshifter now turns into a wolf whenever in moonlight
- Spiridus and Moroi toned down a bit. Moroi range reduced
- Options menu reorganized and several new options added
- Sound play when selecting options
- Added highlighted text to tutorial to make it easier to understand
- Fixed a very weird bug with ice/stairs that created ghost enemies that could be killed infinitely
- Fixed a crash when playing the game outside of the Steam client
- Fixed an issue with the revolver cancellation not clearing selected tiles
- Fixed an issue with certain attack types being displayed
- Fixed an issue with rebinding ESCAPE/ENTER
- Fixed the display of 1HP in morgue files
- Fixed an issue with ring display in morgue files
- Fixed an issue with resting while poisoned/burning
Since the game is wrapping up, please let me know of any last minute ideas on balance/polish. Big changes are probably not making it in, but there's still a month to fine tune things.
And I'm super serious about the price increase this time (I wanted one last opportunity for Mac/Linux players to buy at $5).