Hello, my precious @s.
Golden Krone Hotel is a roguelike about switching between human and vampire forms (analogous to mage and brawler classes), killing vampires with sunlight, and sneaking around by manipulating torches. You can play the game in your browser
The game started as a 7DRL, but is now on Steam Greenlight and
you could make my fricking day by voting for it right now. I'm not just throwing it out there as is. I have
a lot planned: content, polish, and trying to make the gameplay more deep.
One of the main things is making the game simply look better by adding a 2.5D effect. I made a
short post in /r/roguelikedev about this change and overcoming the resulting performance issues. Here's the new look:

I've already added fog of war and increased the number of visible tiles. And here's an overview of some other things I'm thinking about:
- Improve level generation, so there are fewer dead ends, floating hallways, and other weirdness.
- More items and reworking the inventory system to consist of 2 kinds of items instead of just 1. Putting this on the UI without additional menus and adding nice icons for each.
- Full dialogue/story rewrite. Yea, the stuff I added at 4am the last night of 7DRL isn't going to cut it.
- A real tutorial
- Explicit damage types and resistances. More statuses like confusion.
- More branches, so the game is longer and there is an optional extended endgame. Planned so far: LAB, FACTORY, GRAVEYARD, GROTTO, DEEP CAVES, UNDERGROUND RIVER, MAELSTROM, UNDERWORLD
- Lava and water tiles (vampires can't cross water at all).
- Giving vampires collectible abilities, so the vampire combat is more interesting than just bump everything.
- About a dozen more spells and an additional spell slot. Books will offer the choice to learn 1 of 2 spells.
- New monsters: toadstools, skeletons, demons, and more.
Let me know your ideas. To be perfectly honest, I'll be valuing what I see here a little more than the ideas that pop on Steam.