Author Topic: Rogue Space Marine (7DRL 2015) (Success)  (Read 26827 times)


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Re: Rogue Space Marine (7DRL 2015) (Success)
« Reply #15 on: March 20, 2015, 09:50:01 AM »
Really strong game. Impressive work.


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Re: Rogue Space Marine (7DRL 2015) (Success)
« Reply #16 on: March 20, 2015, 11:15:23 PM »
Really strong game. Impressive work.

Thanks very much, Samildanach. I appreciate your feedback! Thanks for taking the time to play my game.


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Re: Rogue Space Marine (7DRL 2015) (Success)
« Reply #17 on: March 20, 2015, 11:18:12 PM »
EDIT: Oh, those enemies in space could be because of this:

They could get outside through the computer.

Thanks very much for the feedback, supperdev. Also, thank you so much for reporting the level generation bug! This was definitely NOT supposed to happen, but I was very sleep-deprived when I coded the level generator, so it looks like I made a mistake.

I will take a look at this tonight and try to fix the bug. I think I know what is going wrong here. Hopefully I can release an updated version tomorrow that guarantees that the game always generates levels that can be beaten, and don't provide a path for the enemies to float out into space!


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Re: Rogue Space Marine (7DRL 2015) (Success)
« Reply #18 on: March 21, 2015, 03:39:32 AM »
Hi everybody,
I think I have fixed the level generation bugs, hopefully. I uploaded a new version (same location, same filename). Thanks!


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Re: Rogue Space Marine (7DRL 2015) (Success)
« Reply #19 on: March 21, 2015, 04:30:45 AM »
Hope you`ll continue to work on this. Would be nice to see tightened up balance, more abilities and such. One thing I`d love to see is destructible scenery/degenerating cover - since you hide & shoot a lot it would really add tension. Also more variety in dungeon generation wouldn`t hurt - more ways to escape the horde...

Think if you could damage the wall and cause a breach sucking enemies out...or maybe yourself - that would explain the bug in a nice way :)


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Re: Rogue Space Marine (7DRL 2015) (Success)
« Reply #20 on: March 22, 2015, 12:03:59 AM »
One thing I`d love to see is destructible scenery/degenerating cover - since you hide & shoot a lot it would really add tension.

That's a great idea! I'll see if I can implement the logic to handle that. It wouldn't be very hard to designate destructible walls inside the room that maybe get destroyed after one or two hits.

Think if you could damage the wall and cause a breach sucking enemies out...or maybe yourself - that would explain the bug in a nice way :)

Also a cool idea, but this one would take a little more effort to implement. I'll think about it!
(Anyway, the bug should be resolved now, so this isn't as much of a necessity at this point...)

Thanks again for the feedback. I'm just happy that people are actually playing my game, after sinking about 55 hours into developing it. If people are having fun playing the game, then the sleepless nights were worth it!


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Re: Rogue Space Marine (7DRL 2015) (Success)
« Reply #21 on: April 23, 2015, 01:49:01 PM »
Hi everybody,

I recently made a few post-7DRL updates to the game and I wanted to share them with you.

The new version is available here:

16 March 2015: Several bugs that would crash the game were discovered and fixed. The first one crashed the game if you had an active shield at the end of the level. The second was related to enemies that tried to attack you without a line of sight... the result of fixing that bug is that enemies now try to get a line of sight before attacking, which actually improves the gameplay in my opinion.

20 March 2015: Multiple level generation bugs fixed. There hopefully shouldn't be any more problems where a hallway to another room is blocked or there is a breach in the wall that allows enemies to walk out into space. The level generation is a bit complex, so I'm not certain that the bug is 100% fixed, but I think, at the very least, I made some improvements to prevent this bug from happening.

22 April 2015: Red alert respawning fixed. Originally, all dead enemies would respawn 10 seconds after the red alert sounded. This made finishing a level after the red alert nearly impossible. I wanted a red alert to create a very difficult situation for the player, but not an insurmountable challenge, so I randomized respawn times between 10 and 20 seconds to make it a little more fair.

22 April 2015: Ability description screen added. So many people asked what the different abilities do, especially the passive effects that are hard to understand, so I created a simple screen to explain. Press and hold F2 at any time to display the screen.

23 April 2015: Enemy patrolling fixed. There was a HUGE bug that I somehow never noticed in the enemy patrolling code, and this caused the enemies to all congregate in strange spots around the level. The result was that you might find several rooms completely empty, but then stumble on to a room with 30 enemies in it, because the enemies all decided to go to that one spot. I found the bug and I wasn't quite sure of the best way to fix it, so I eventually decided to make it so that enemies stay in their starting rooms when patrolling. I didn't have a lot of time to play-test this, but from my early observations, it seems to make the game more fun and balanced.

So, those are the updates I have made since release. It's worth noting that the core gameplay remains the same. The changes I have made are mostly just bug fixes, and even though some of those fixes resulted in slight gameplay improvements, it's still essentially the same game.

On another note, the rankings of the 2015 7DRL entries were just posted and my game ranked very highly, and I'm very honored by that. I just wanted to publicly thank everybody for playing my game. I put a lot of time and effort into it and I'm really glad that people seem to enjoy it.