Nice one. Intro reminded me early Metallica 
Wow that was so obvious that I missed it! The early lyrics had a very slight Alice in Chains vibe that I dug too. Off to play it again.
Actually that intro was bothering me whole evening... And finally I remembered what it reminds me.
Slayer - South of Heaven

Okay, I'll bite as well. No huge amount of great music has come out of Norway*
* I'm saying that since I'm not too fond of black metal. I'm sure there are those who would disagree 
Not only black metal! But also death, doom, thrash, gothic and everything in between

Dismal Euphony, while yes, black metal, but absolutely amazing: Kovenant has quite some good songs: Sins of Thy Beloved have beautiful songs: of Tragedy is also nice: is my one of my all times favorite:, there are some good electronic bands:
Apoptygma Berzerk: offtopic, but partially roguelike and partially music related, so I'll post here.
There was a band Soundgarden. My favorite song by this band is Black Hole Sun : is an awesome roguelite game Enter the Gungeon.
In this game there is a gun: Black Hole Gun.
The comment to the gun says: "Won't you come"