Author Topic: Professions, choosing them or not?  (Read 32852 times)

mushroom patch

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Re: Professions, choosing them or not?
« Reply #15 on: June 30, 2014, 02:11:29 PM »
I'm truly curious about what AgingMinotaur has to say about this as I value his opinion like no one else. If he really agrees with all that you say to be true, well than I will simply leave this forum, sparing you the trouble of reading yet again more about my deeply complex and showoff threads, as reaven seems to imply. I put this in the hands of AgingMinotaur. I think everyone will benefct from this, you all cease to read my crap and I stop wasting time posting it. Maybe this is a good thing. I think that the moral controversial thread was the best thing I could have possibly done, I really starting to have a deep look into your minds.

Yes, do the local nice guys have support and affirmation for you, like they have for everyone in the world? Should we ask what Jesus would think about your threads while we're at it? What other avatars of infinite compassion might you rally to your cause?

I think you should try to focus on discussion that people not interested in your project (that is, everyone but you) might learn from. I think you've gotten a pretty frank (and well-deserved) response to an OP containing such gems as "Please understand, training a skill in my game means spending weeks, months or even years of his life-spawn to effectively increase them, depending on the skill level and how much he wishes to advance." I think people read something like that and conclude 1) neither I nor anyone I know would be interested in playing a game like that, 2) neither I nor anyone I know want would be interested in discussing the pros and cons of this system, and 3) there is nothing of substance to discuss here that rises above the level of arranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

If you really want people to respond to your ideas about your project, release something, start a thread about it, and try to recruit players, then talk to players if you can find any. Otherwise, you should stick to matters of general interest with some kind of technical substance to them.


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Re: Professions, choosing them or not?
« Reply #16 on: June 30, 2014, 02:27:40 PM »
Read your first post again and ask yourself a following question: how do I want players to start my game? Not from the perspective of mechanics, but gameplay. Do you want to give them freedom of choice? If so, give them this opportunity, carefully balancing the professions so one of them isn't more profitable/easier than others. Do you want them to more or less follow the route they chose at the start, with all its benefits and drawbacks? You can then encourage players to stay on it by giving quests, crafting recipes etc. unique to their chosen profession and hold them back with penalties to other professions.
I did that already but my perception of what people may want could be wrong or not too accurate, hence me creating a thread to try to understand how off my perception was. You are the first one to post something with substance, not that reaver's and Krice's posts were useless but thy were simply too vague without actually discussing the topic. It is clear that reaver's response was fueled by external factors, hence he mentioning his splendid sandwich example which was completely off hand. I was interested in reading YOUR opinion, you could have said something I might not be aware of.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2014, 03:26:08 PM by Endorya »
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Re: Professions, choosing them or not?
« Reply #17 on: June 30, 2014, 02:34:13 PM »
Ok, I get it now. The project is a feature creeper's wet dream: Data entry in an editor of whatever feature one thinks is fun. A big funnel where you put in data (apparently "80% done TM" ), magic happens and a fun, interesting, challenging, roguelike game comes out, without even having to code! Oh boy. Reminds myself daydreaming like that when I was 14, furiously writing about game features in notebooks (or notepad) under the summer sun.
I like the way you talk about it as if it something repugnant. As if it was some sort of sin or something. Yeah: 'without even to code' as the RPG Maker. "And the world cracks open with the echoing of those words."

Quote from: reaver
Good luck, I won't bother you anymore with my "bad karma" and my emotionally-based fear of complexity.
You should continue, go ahead, you have the approval of everyone now, regardless of how you speak and what you say. Don't worry, I'm the one with the screwed up project having wet dreams, I'm not the victim but the one being emotive, everyone else is just being cool and impartial, completely disconnected from "every" other thread.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2014, 03:26:47 PM by Endorya »
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Re: Professions, choosing them or not?
« Reply #18 on: June 30, 2014, 02:49:46 PM »
I think you've gotten a pretty frank (and well-deserved) response to an OP containing such gems as "Please understand, training a skill in my game means spending weeks, months or even years of his life-spawn to effectively increase them, depending on the skill level and how much he wishes to advance."
Just to make sure, you did realize that the life-spawn was being referred to the character and not the player, right? Like pressing the 'Learn' button and having 2 months of in-game time elapsing in 2 seconds.

Quote from: mushroom patch
If you really want people to respond to your ideas about your project, release something, start a thread about it, and try to recruit players, then talk to players if you can find any.
Ok, until then I should post nothing about game design because that's not how it goes. First I implement design and only once I have something solid to show (regardless of the magnitude of the project) I may ask about it. If I got lucky, well, good for me, otherwise I simply have to redesign everything from scratch.

Quote from: mushroom patch
Otherwise, you should stick to matters of general interest with some kind of technical substance to them.
So, I'm only allowed to post stuff that you might consider interesting, with some technical substance in it. Everyone else seeking help with beginner related topics should post elsewhere unless you the community decides that such questions have green light to advance. For those with crazy ideas and complex mechanics such as mine, which apparently no one finds it interesting, (except all the people I tend to talk about it through skype) well, they simply will have to hold their horses about posting them. No one finds it interesting but the minute I post it in my thread: "Showing interest in my anatomy system" I get about 50 additional views per post.

« Last Edit: June 30, 2014, 03:29:46 PM by Endorya »
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Re: Professions, choosing them or not?
« Reply #19 on: June 30, 2014, 03:02:00 PM »
Once again you're getting emotional. This time you paint yourself as a victim by saying that those evil forum users don't want you to finish your magnificent game.
And again, people talking about my project with arrogance and despise, as if I ever said that my project is THE real deed. Of course I'm not the victim, I'm the hideous guy, the despising minion of evil that does nothing more than posting in everyone else's thread about how their own projects suck in relation to my own. What an impressive sense of judgment everyone is having.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2014, 03:06:15 PM by Endorya »
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Re: Professions, choosing them or not?
« Reply #20 on: June 30, 2014, 03:29:13 PM »
And again, people talking about my project with arrogance and despise, as if I ever said that my project is THE real deed.

Looks like you don't have good memory, because you did that in your previous post:

For those with crazy ideas and complex mechanics such as mine, which apparently no one finds it interesting, (except all the people I tend to talk about it through skype) well, they simply will have to hold their horses about posting them. No one finds it interesting but the minute I post it in my thread: "Showing interest in my anatomy system" I get about 50 views per post.


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Re: Professions, choosing them or not?
« Reply #21 on: June 30, 2014, 03:33:13 PM »
And again, people talking about my project with arrogance and despise, as if I ever said that my project is THE real deed.

Looks like you don't have good memory, because you did that in your previous post:

For those with crazy ideas and complex mechanics such as mine, which apparently no one finds it interesting, (except all the people I tend to talk about it through skype) well, they simply will have to hold their horses about posting them. No one finds it interesting but the minute I post it in my thread: "Showing interest in my anatomy system" I get about 50 views per post.

Ok, so if someone acknowledges that someone else likes his project it automatically means that the author considers his own project above everyone else's. Freaking seriously? WHAT?! Man... just LOL! I think now I understand the whole problem.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2014, 03:38:05 PM by Endorya »
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Re: Professions, choosing them or not?
« Reply #22 on: June 30, 2014, 03:42:09 PM »
Ok, so if acknowledge that someone likes my project it automatically means that I consider it above everyone else's. Freaking seriously? WHAT?! Man.. just LOL! I think now I understand the whole problem.

It seems you actually don't understand much, as most of your threads end up being arguments about "being emotional" and other bullshit, while rejecting any negative opinions about the topic itself. Good luck with your editor game, I feel you might needed it after spending 8 years in development and still having no clue about its gameplay mechanics (apart from that meaningless freedom you talk about).
« Last Edit: June 30, 2014, 03:47:51 PM by VoidPixel »


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Re: Professions, choosing them or not?
« Reply #23 on: June 30, 2014, 03:55:01 PM »
It seems you actually don't understand much, as most of your threads end up being arguments about "being emotional" and other bullshit, while rejecting any negative opinions about the topic itself. Good luck with your editor game, I feel you might needed after spending 8 years in development and still have no clue about its gameplay mechanics (apart from that meaningless freedom you talk about).
What other threads are there about being emotional? There is only one about it apart from this one. Your first post on the forum already starts with an inconsistency; and you use also the "bullshit" word which is a polite term but yeah, today everyone has green light to insult me, it's cool.

Thanks for the luck wishes. I know exactly how the game play will perform, you guys simply believe that whenever I post something about game play mechanics that I'm somehow still deciding what to do, well sometimes I'm deciding but those are things that are easily changed, not necessarily huge restructurings. The mechanics are there but I'm always curious about new possibilities which I note them down for further restructurings in case they actually happen.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2014, 04:17:25 PM by Endorya »
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Re: Professions, choosing them or not?
« Reply #24 on: June 30, 2014, 04:09:33 PM »
I've seen enough and I realize that no matter what I say I simply can't stop the mad stampede. Go ahead mates, continue to post and insult for as long as you want and keep fooling yourselves that it has nothing to do with the charade thread. Believe me when I say I won't open this thread again.
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Re: Professions, choosing them or not?
« Reply #25 on: July 01, 2014, 05:21:03 AM »
not that reaver's and Krice's posts were useless but thy were simply too vague without actually discussing the topic.

Because it's difficult to know how stuff works when you don't choose a starting profession. You still have skills and other stats you can progress, but differences in characters need something if it's only basic stats. It's the whole point of professions and role-playing. What is vague here is your description of the situation with professions in your game.