In regards to healing I attempted it to be more like it was in the book, with out the rations that is. (probably should of just implemented rations, oh well)
Yep as mentioned healing can be done in two ways -
- descending levels (every 3rd level starting from the entrance, these levels are guarded by a "key guardian". These resting stages give you back 10 stamina.
- and fountains, (u)se them and they restore all your health and maybe luck (cant remember but it should)
I generally wont use fountains unless I am close to death.
Fountains have a 33% chance of been generated on most levels. There should be around 3-5 in most games.
Which is the same as teleports I think. Incidently teleports might annoyingly block your exit or at least make it hard to get at. So apologies in advance if this is the case

I might have to put a (u)se on them as well.