I wonder how slow and tedious combat against multiple enemies could be if you have to keep track of what every hit does (at least to your own character).
I don't see how having the game keeping track of damage in a detailed damage system can make combat slow and tedious. Damage is just automatically computed towards particular body parts controlling specific body functionality, nothing else changes from the player perspective.
How about combat messages? I could imagine that the log will be quite filled with detailed descriptions of what's happening each round or do you have planned out some kind of HUD (symbols/numbers popping over characters) or image of the character's body showing conditions of each body part?
What I have planned is having detailed text messages and having a graphical representation of each character body subdivided into body parts that will display damage quantity through color codes, yellow, organ and red. Each body part should also have symbols representing broken bones, cuts etc.
Now when I think of all the kind of damage weapons can do (pierce, slash, crush...) and then think of spell damage elements (fire, lightning, energy...) multiplied with different body parts etc... the amount of work you have ahead is simply staggering. I've been programming a simple dungeon crawl roguelike for years and it's a huge time sink to get even basic things working but I guess it's hardcore for you or no game at all?
The amount of work is simply fascinating. That's why I'm developing an "SDK" so I can input and test everything without needing to code. Otherwise it would be suicidal. This is something I've been cooking for some years now which includes 4 redesigns.
Can you share any screenshots of your game? I remember seeing screenshots of an editor of some sort a while ago but not any actual gameplay screenshots. Please, anything
There is no game yet, only the editor I'm developing which also adds to the game's development itself as it shares general functionality they both will use, mainly classes.
Here is a screenie of where I put everything together, anatomy wise.