Author Topic: Dungeonmans (now at v1.7.12 4K And Stuff)$  (Read 48128 times)


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Re: Dungeonmans (now at Early Access "Encaenia" $
« Reply #15 on: October 29, 2014, 12:32:55 AM »
"Encaenia"   8)

Build numbers are for boring people! Check out the patch notes for today’s new build.

New Dread Spire Under Construction
The Dread Spire has changed from a single huge map to a hub and spoke system with smaller maps and handcrafted themed boss floors. The majority of the dungeon is unfinished, though you can encounter many of the new and upgraded enemy types:

New: Ascended Cavalier
New: Ironbound Foomcrawler
Evolved: Cultist Theurge, Cultist Annihlator, Cultist Titan
The final boss encounter is CLOSED and unavailable for the time being, but if you’re a high level Dungeonmans and want to help me out, kick the tires in the new final dungeon and let me know what you think.

Please note that the numbers for these high end monsters have not yet been tuned, but the Cavalier and Foomcrawler can do upwards of 500 damage (before armor) on special attacks, so step lively.

If you are loading a save from a previous build, you’ll need to visit the Headmaster and reshuffle your Overworld to have the Dread Spire work correctly.

Character Sheet Overhaul and Stat Changes
Pressing SPACE will open a full detail character sheet with all gameplay stats as well as a description of each of their effects. If there’s anything there that is unclear, please let me know!

Ranged, Melee and Spell Hit have been merged into a single Hit value.

Elemental Resists have changed to use ratings rather than raw percentages on gear. You can still use scrolls of resistance that give you a flat temporary bonus while in tight spots.

Add your own images to the game’s collection of selectable hero sprites! For instructions and examples, head to your Steam install folder and look for “\Steam\steamapps\common\Dungeonmans\how to use heroskins\”

Deadpulses and Special Enemies
The Manabones skill in The Terrible Basics of Necromansy will occasionally cause Champion, Boss and Ancient King monsters to spawn Deadpulses when hit, even if they don’t die from the attack.

Bug Fixes
King of Thieves now drops stolen gear on death.
Blueprints work again!
Temple Traplords are now working correctly.
Teleport traps no longer spawn on stairwells.
Take Them With You! Now works correctly.
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Dungeonmans (now at Early Access "Encaenia")$
« Reply #16 on: November 14, 2014, 02:26:20 PM »
Launch trailer!   8)

Dungeonmans, everyone’s favorite fast-paced monster crushing adventure roguelike, will launch the first release version on December 9th 2014!
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Dungeonmans (now at Early Access "Builds Whenever #1")$
« Reply #17 on: November 20, 2014, 07:50:37 PM »
Builds Whenever #1   8)


With less than three weeks until the official ship date (gulp), I’m changing the official Every Two Weeks build update process to this new one: Builds Whenever.

There will be far more builds, published when I feel like it, in order to get quicker feedback on final polish, balance, and the upcoming Challenge Dungeons. Yeah!

Anyway, new build out. Tons of bug fixes, new sounds, and…

Challenge Dungeons?
Not available in game just yet, but shortly. Sorry to tease! They are small, hand-crafted dungeons focused on a single monster type. Unlock them by leveling up their Monster Knowledge, clear them for special bonuses and permanent upgrade to monster difficulty — with commensurate rewards!

King of Battle and Disintegral Calculus
They’re in and unlockable. How can you access them? Spoilers below!


Spooooilllerssszz ok here we go:

Disintegral Calculus is unlocked by mastering the three core Wizardmans paths: Foominology, Cryoscience, and Tricksonometry.
King of Battle is unlocked by mastering Shieldcraft, Real Armor, and Polearms.
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Re: Dungeonmans (now at Early Access "Builds Whenever #2")$
« Reply #18 on: December 02, 2014, 09:13:27 PM »

The Mountain Fortress

The forces of darkness have advanced their campaign and have claimed new ground in the world! Near the center of the map you will find a spiraling Mountain Fortress, a handcrafted dungeon adventure! Brigands gather strength in a redoubt protected by ferocious Mountain Scrobolds, but who is truly pulling the strings? Kick asses all the way up to the top of the fortress and find out for yourself!

Where did the Dread Spire go?

Oh it's still there-- but now it's in hiding! While Dread Foom certainly fears no Dungeonmans, he knows the value of playing it safe. His sanctum is now swaddled in protective magics and completely inaccessible! Unless you happen to find a map, which of course you will not, because there's only one and it is in the mighty fists of his strongest lieutenant.

UI and Art Improvements Everywhere!

Seriously look at all the shiny colors and glowy buttons in that Masteries panel! Many monsters have received cosmetic upgrades (like shadows!) and plenty of game effects are visually improved as well.

Random Rings

There are now rings with random attributes that drop in the world that often increase your base stats.

Town Changes

Towns are smaller now (again), the Inns have been cleaned up and there are some new surprises to be found. Still not quite done with them.

Numbers Numbers Numbers
Rebalanced shop prices for scrolls, potions, and weapons.
Rebalanced metal cost for upgrade hammers at the Academy Armory.
Tweaked the damage and health of Undead monsters. Basic Melee skeletons are weaker overall, and caster types have less health.
Hats have proper names and flavor text now! Alright.
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Dungeonmans (now at Early Access "Builds Whenever #3")$
« Reply #19 on: December 04, 2014, 01:03:08 PM »

Bug fixes!
Doorspike crash in overworld fixed.
An edge case where an explored dungeon could turn trivial and unenterable after you enter and leave it has been resolved.
Weapon sell prices are now correct, and not 5% of base value without enchants...
Monsters shouldn't be able to occasionally take infinity turns when you're resting, especially bees with axes :(
Chests of Exiled Champions shouldn't crash on save any longer.
Boss rooms once again spawn additional monsters for the fight.
Rings no longer grant obscene ( >1000%) additional dodge, block or parry. Sorry.

Early Game Dungeon Population Tweaks
Enemies that appear in dungeons will now hew closer to the level that the floor is tuned to. If you are Level 4 and in an Adventurous dungeon, you should no longer encounter waves of Level 1 Punks and Crab-Rats that offer zero XP.

Your feedback on this will be very helpful!

Other Balance Tweaks
Added new magic modifiers that directly add to Block, Dodge or Parry instead of just being a multiplier. 5% Total Parry is useless when your Parry value is 3.
High Guard will now make sure your block value is at least 30% for the duration of the stance, 40% if you are a Shield Master.
Many Feathers Shooting Stance is now much cheaper at early levels, scales properly as you advance, and has had its duration reduced by 2 rounds.

Also This Stuff
Enemy archers who fire Bleeding Shots now have additional sound, color, and impact when they do so.
Museum Knowledge should update the instant you turn the book in, without requiring a trip out of and back into the Academy.
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Re: Dungeonmans (now at Early Access "Builds Whenever #7")$
« Reply #20 on: December 07, 2014, 10:40:54 PM »
#7   8)

Bannermans Changes
The Bannermans now has two Banners instead of six. The Banners are unlocked at the start of the Mastery tree, and additional points spent will add new abilities to the existing Banner. The durations have also been increased to 20 rounds.

Dual Wield / Dungeon Dervish Changes
Razor Fury will do slight damage to all adjacent enemies when it puts you into the high damage stance.
Crippling Crescent has been replaced with Decimanser's Dance, an attack that cleaves from one enemy to the next if you score a kill.

Power Drive
New sound effect, as well as a one tile recoil knockback if there's room after you fire.

Who is this crazy old man? Where is he? Does he even exist outside of this patch note?

Summon Gravemooks
The power is now better about finding empty space to spawn skeletons, and it will also scale as you level-- higher level Necromansers may find special Undead joining their cause for a brief time.

Droog Captain damage and bleed tuned down, you babbies.
Some Academy cleanup, including new Ookleaf Pine Trees and a fix for having too many Ghost Professors
More death sound effects added, with more on the way!
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Dungeonmans (now at v1.0!)$
« Reply #21 on: December 09, 2014, 09:42:38 PM »
v1.0 is here at last!   8)

Hey Dungeonfans,

Today's the day! Version 1.0 is live and the days of Early Access are over.

Many thanks to all of you who trusted me with your time and money, and helped make Dungeonmans into the great adventure I'd always hoped it would be.

There's still more to come in the form of a free content update, so stay tuned for details on that. In the mean time, tell your friends about Dungeonmans and if you're so inclined: write a positive review!
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Dungeonmans (now at v1.0!)$
« Reply #22 on: December 13, 2014, 12:12:53 AM »
Quick Fixin's

Quick fixes to some critical endgame issues:
Astrolarium and Menagerie now have correct monster populations and can be cleared.
Astrolarium entrance is named correctly and no longer sticks you inside a crystal.
The post-boss portal for the Crystal Charnel takes you to the proper location.
Dread Spire areas are no longer trivial.
Proper death text has been added to the Dread Spire.
Rendering errors with portals and walls have been fixed in Purple dungeons.

Other issues:
Added some missing contributors to the credits.
Desummoning poofs no longer hold up the game.
Swamps now scale from levels 7 to 12 depending on world location and depth.
Mixed-element resistances now work correctly.
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Dungeonmans (now at v1.01!)$
« Reply #23 on: December 18, 2014, 10:05:41 PM »
v1.01  8)

Major Bug Fixes
Monsters that steal items or stats (like Stremf) will now correctly return those objects when killed, even if you left the area.
Stat-bearing rings now grant their stats.
Fixed certain Bleed, Melee and Ranged damage resistances not working.
Players should no longer get stuck in Wooden Barricades.
Items festooned in enchantments by greedy Dungeonmens will no longer cause the inventory to crash.
Many monsters with missing Monster Knowledge values have been fixed, allowing for their types to show in the Museum.

Cosmic Enchanted Items

Be advised that items are now limited to one Cosmic enchant.

Trying to spoil as little as possible here: having 4 or 5 of those stacked on every piece of gear made the game completely trivial. To adjust for this, the power of the Cosmic enchant has been increased. Attempting to enchant an item more than once with Cosmic power will instead increase the magic modifier of the item by one.

Bandits, Brigands, and Towers
Added three new enemy types: Duke of Distractions, Baron of Bones, and Marchioness Astromanser.
Tower difficulty now ranges from levels 8 to 13.
Bandit Kings are now level 13, and no longer appear earlier on as regular enemies.
Brigand Strongmens should be appearing more regularly, and Champions have the power to disarm you!
Towers have been well received for their unique style of play, big rewards, and cool Warlord encounters. However, they didn't quite scale well, to the point where Towers at level 11 or so became too easy, even when marked as "Legendary" depending on the location. This has been adjusted.

The new Bandit types will also appear in high level regular dungeons as well.

Balance Issues
Decoymens can only be summoned one at a time now, and once a Decoymans is killed, all monsters who saw that event get wise to your tricks and might not be fooled again.
Shield Rush no longer stuns Champions, Bosses or Ancient Kings, but instead throws them Off Balance for a round, weakening their attack damage.
Bannermans has an extra mastery point in Cartography, Southern Gentlemans loses one in Bows, bringing both classes to 5 points at start.

Other Bug Fixes
Mountain Scrobolds now bring rocks down on your head much faster.
Fixed Door Spikes occasionally having no health.
Fixed UI issue for Stellar Anvil.
Fixed issues where enemy Blinks would result in them being in two different places.
Fixed Tireless not always working for some stamina powers.
Crash on loading/saving a Temple Map under certain circumstances.
Fixed extra space between damage numbers and damage type in the combat log.
Fix for Blinged Reaper save crash.
Fixed occasional Detonate Deadpulse crash.
Fixed the look of some broken doors in the Mountain Fortress.
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Dungeonmans (now at v1.02!)$
« Reply #24 on: December 23, 2014, 08:27:38 PM »

Mostly bug fixes, and some Academy improvements.

Academy Updates / Fixes
Armory crafting UI fixed up.
Blueprint costs adjusted, in most cases the tier of metal required has been lowered.
Museum dialogs cleaned up, new explanations added.
Ghost Professors may now teach you their skills at any time.
Piles of metal may be found that grant metal to the Armory in bulk.

Steal Stremf Nerf
Enemies now steal a flat 5 stremf the first time they use the power on you, and then 2 stremf with each additional cast. This also reduces the increase in power they receive from the theft.

Dungeon Cleared Status
All dungeon types should Clear properly now. Camps act like Roadblocks-- removed from the map when cleared, and respawning in new positions with a world re-roll or new hero spawn.

Combat Balance
Shield Rush now pins (but does not stun) enemy Bosses, Champions and Ancient Kings in addition to throwing them Off Balance.
On Highest Wind now does increased damage, based directly on Stremf and Foom.

Bug fixes
Enemy swap/shuffle powers don’t work under a Banner that prevents forced movement.
King of Battle correctly grants weapon proficiency.
On Highest Wind should no longer bugs out the camera.
Cosmic upgrading existing Cosmic items will actually use starshards now. Shame on you for exploiting this!
Champion / Ancient King of Thieves will really stop permanently stealing items now, probably.
Unique items and rings keep enchants on save/load.
Baron of Bones requires line of sight to the hero to spawn a Searing Bloodrager.
Marchioness Astromansers won't shield allies unless the hero is within about 10 tiles.
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Dungeonmans (now at v1.02!)$
« Reply #25 on: December 23, 2014, 11:08:34 PM »
Any chance to update Humble version? It`s still EA 1.5 over there.


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Re: Dungeonmans (now at v1.02!)$
« Reply #26 on: December 24, 2014, 12:23:50 AM »
akeley, please get a hold of me via
Dungeonmans: The Heroic Adventure Roguelike!


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Re: Dungeonmans (now at v1.1a! Finite Dungeon! Retirement!)$
« Reply #27 on: February 28, 2015, 12:57:19 AM »
v1.1b   8)

The Finite Dungeon
The Finite Dungeon is post-game content, a straight up dungeon crawl with a myriad of enemies, high level scaling, and a variety of music and art. What lies at the bottom? Is there a bottom? Is there a top?
The mechanics of the Finite Dungeon will allow you to perform Academy duties such as turning in Proofs and other items.
Enemies scale in power as you descend the dungeon, and eventually scale beyond level 15. To counter this, there is a new mechanic called Glory.
Glorious items have a Glory Rank, which starts at 1 and ends at some really high number you probably won’t reach. Glorious weapons have their damage scaled up, Glorious armor grants a health bonus when worn. Glorious potions provide larger healing and stat bonuses.
Take note that Glory does not scale Stamina or Mana pools. Those are already silly large. They will continue to grow as your Foom and Stremf increase, but they will not be directly affected by most* gear.
The Finite Dungeon is a one way trip! There are no stairs up, and Carefully Escape Dungeon will teleport you to the starting point of the floor you’re on, but not out of the Dungeon. No getting amulet of Mij and running back to the top while crap spawns around you. Just keep going down and looting monsters.

Dungeon Dervish Update
DD has a new mechanic, Tempo. When you start killing things, you get in the zone, and your hero bounces back and forth to keep her energy up.
Tempo activates for three rounds when you kill an enemy in melee. Killing another enemy during this time resets Tempo to 3 rounds.
While Tempo is active, your DD powers do not cause Strain.
Tempo increases your Parry. When you parry an attack while Tempo is active, you are granted a counterattack.
Using DD powers while Tempo is active causes Tempo to rank up. Each rank of Tempo gives you a 4% melee damage bonus and a 2% parry bonus.
Tempo ranks max out at 5.
Razor Fury now gives you the option of taking one step before whirling around attacking.
Decimanser’s Dance now attacks the enemy with the lowest hit points first, and will continue to prioritize the lowest hit point enemy as the attacks chain. If the attack does not kill the final target, it applies a bleed which can be defined as “Sick Nasty”.

Town Improvements
There are a multitude of new shop types representing varieties of gear and combat styles. Shopkeepers now have unique names and additional audio/dialogue flavor.
Towns are better represented on maps, including Prosperity Rank.
Selling items no longer causes your inventory to randomly shuffle around.

Retiring your Dungeonmans
When you reach level 10, you may visit the Headmaster and suggest that you retire. There are three options:
First is to teach at the Academy.
Second is to open a shop in the wilderness -- this requires some Purloined Inventory.
Third is to wander the world as an Adventurer.
Retiring is the end for that hero, and you will roll a new one!

Stamina and Mana Regen Powers
Most all powers that restore Stamina and Mana during combat now restore a flat value instead of a percentage. These abilities should be useful in helping you keep your resources up but they should not give you the ability to simply recover all stamina in a single round, or cast spells without running out of mana ever.

Combat Balance
Monster HP is going up, a small amount at the mid range and a much larger amount at the high range.
Monster damage is going up starting around level 8 or so.
However, bursty Bleed damage is going down. Bleed damage ignores armor, and has been the cause of some pretty suspect 1HKOs.
Resists will be a little harder to come by.
All Lightspear based abilities now include your main hand weapon in damage scaling.
On Highest Wind and Fury Felled A Thousand Foes now take your mainhand weapon damage into account.
Power Drive now takes weapon damage into account.
Light Armor now increases the absorb level of Light Shield based on your maximum health and the quality of the armor.

Some Bug Fixes
Infinite Library Books exploit fixed, lol sorry.
Shop sales UI no longer shuffles everywhere.
Lesser Beast research is now recorded in the museum.
The Chemistress sprite is unlocked when the Alchemy Lab is maxed out.
Typos here and there cleaned up.
Monsters now have Protips you can see on mouseover/inspect if you have sufficient Monster Knowledge.

Some hot bug fixes:
Fix for occasional Beeholder crash.
Foomingdale's shops now populate correctly.
Starting Wizardmens with under 12 science won't crash when mousing over Light Shield (yeah that was a kickin' rad bug to chase down at 3am)
« Last Edit: February 28, 2015, 01:04:03 PM by getter77 »
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Dungeonmans (now at v1.1a! Finite Dungeon! Retirement!)$
« Reply #28 on: February 28, 2015, 02:34:04 AM »
Whoa, Retirement sounds really great! It was one of the main things that made Pirates! one of the best games ever and it`d be great if more RLs used it.


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Re: Dungeonmans (now at v1.1b! Finite Dungeon! Retirement!)$
« Reply #29 on: March 22, 2015, 07:50:53 PM »
March 22 mini-good fix   8)

A pair of crash / blocker issues have been resolved:

-Academies with Amaranth Pandemonium unlocked will no longer sometimes spawn without doors.
-High end item spawning crash fixed, this affected lots of high level towns and dungeons.
Brian Emre Jeffears
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