Author Topic: Dungeonmans (now at v1.7.12 4K And Stuff)$  (Read 46750 times)


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Re: Dungeonmans (now at Pay2Lose DLC!)$
« Reply #45 on: June 16, 2017, 06:21:01 PM »
Pay2Lose DLC!  $4.99
Crush more monsters, get less loot, and discover all new ways to end up as bloody Triger Chow! Die of starvation, suffer crippling wounds, and watch your gear crumble into broken shards! Over 100 fine tuned difficulty options to challenge yourself, with new Leaderboards so you can dunk on your chump friends.

No new powers, no new items, just determination, suffering, and defeat. Your only rewards are bragging rights and the ability to look yourself in the mirror with a renewed sense of purpose and stremf. Pay2Lose!

    Turn on new Survival and "realism" features then make them as brutal as you please.
    Share your settings with friends and compete in Weekly Trials!
    Make enemies healthier, have them hit harder, and give them unfair, broken powers.
    Tune difficulty for Champions, Ancient Kings, Bosses and Warlords.
    Gimp yourself! Poison all your potions, cap your stats, give yourself a Trick Knee.
    No bonus experience, no extra loot.
    Does not require a new Academy, and is compatible with Ironmans mode.

Bragging Rights
Clear the game and your Brutality score is uploaded to the Leaderboards. Take the Weekly Challenge where everyone gets the same set of options and fights as hard as they can, putting their scores on the boards too.

Speedrunners and Competitors
Set hard caps on leveling and build custom drop restrictions. Share the rules with your friends and do battle with monsters, each other, and the RNG!

Veteran Players
Mess with the rules, steel your will and return to dungeons deep. Try crazy builds hand-tuned to face down specific rules changes. Take that OP Rangermans who's been gathering dust and put him up against broken and unfair monsters!

Get Back In The Fight
Been a while? Then enjoy all the FREE updates to the Dungeonmans adventure delivered over the last three years: new masteries, the Psychomanser, class overhauls, 100+ new items, the Finite Dungeon, Fallen Castles, the Horseless Hollow, and Adventure Maps! If none of that sounds familiar, just go play Dungeonmans and buy the DLC later.

Maximum Roguelike Cleverness DLC~   8)
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
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Re: Dungeonmans (now at v1.7a5)$
« Reply #46 on: July 31, 2017, 10:26:56 PM »
v1.7a5  ;D

Heroes with at east one point in Psychomansy will receive a Psychofocus, a neck piece (!) that can be enchanted like any weapon, and adds its power to your fist attacks. The Psychofocus will grow in power as you add more points to Psychomansy, and will eventually grant stat increases while worn as well. You must have at least one empty hand to take advantage of these, if you have no Fists equipped the Psychofocus will lay dormant.

RIP Eager, 2014 - 2017
Eager, the gameplay breaking, game code crashing, best on every weapon forever enchant, has been retired. It will vanish off of any items currently equipped with it, and will no longer roll on random drops, scrolls, or hammers.

RIP Venomizer, 2014 - 2017
You were the trash Rangermans power we neither wanted nor deserved. Replaced with Pinomizer! Pinomizer will deal 2x bow damage and pin an enemy in place. The first time you use Pinomizer in a round, it will not cost any Action Points.

New Adventure Map Research
Research into the mysteries of the old Foomwardens continues! New items may be crafted at the Research Station:

Salford's Sealant: Select and remove a single enchantment from a piece of gear. That enchantment is then SEALED and will never appear on that item again.

Warden's Words of Fury: Fight long enough in the most dangerous Adventure Maps and you may discover a piece of Warden's Wisdom, lost knowledge that can unlock some of the most powerful rituals of war. Completing the Research Station recipe involved will net you to choose from a list of exceptionally powerful weapon enchants, each based on a particular type of weapon and suited to that weapon's gameplay.

Bugs Fixed And Cool Stuff
    Drink the Typhoon has improved visual/audio effects.
    Rings no longer show broken/wrong prefixes.
    Character sheet mouseover for Defeat Block and Defeat Parry are now correct.
    Skills and Foom stat description updated.
    Holy shit the alt-tab texture bug might be gone finally.
    Cut down on Banner Spam in the combat log.
    Enchant item scrolls move equipped items to the top of the list.
    Closing a Use Item on Equipment window without using the power should no longer fizzle away the source item.
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
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Re: Dungeonmans (now at v1.7a8)$
« Reply #47 on: August 11, 2017, 12:33:35 AM »

Armor Warding
Heroes pushing into Adventure Maps of threat 18 or higher will encounter the occasional Warding Seal, magic used by Foomwardens of old to increase the power of their armor. Layer by layer, you will build up warding over time, creating a trusty set of protection that will let you charge into ever greater danger.

Warding has three different effects:
For Light 'Armor', Warding adds additional % to your Light Shield size.
For Medium Armor, Warding adds AP Gain.
For Real Armor, Warding adds flat resists to Melee and Ranged damage.

Just a heads up, the AP Gain on Medium Armor is not huge right away, so don't go feeling like Medium Armor is a must have.

Weapons with default modifiers on them, such as the variant Polearms and Wizard Staffs, will no longer show up as magical if they are not.
Buying out all of a shop's inventory will put that Shopkeeper out of business, unless...

Bug Fixes
Fired Up Rangermans powers no longer accessible without being Fired Up!
Right clicking to identify no longer dances around the fact that Identify Scrolls might not yet be Identified!
Weapon and Armor racks no longer have a chance to drop 0 loot (boring!) and can drop better loot at higher levels, including the rare legendary if you are lucky.
Status effects tick correctly when walking up/down stairs, meaning Banner particles won't get stuck on you anymore.
Salford's Sealant should no longer accidentally seal away the wrong magic on items with 3 or more stacks of the same enchant.
Foomwarden enchants can be applied correctly to Psychofocii.
Perks should only show up once in the character sheet.
Lizardmans Popes should not be able to die and leave you without a portal.
Fixed some fiddly paper doll stuff.
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
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Re: Dungeonmans (now at Horseless Headsmans 2017)$
« Reply #48 on: October 18, 2017, 01:00:00 PM »
Horseless Headsmans 2017 Update   8)

The Horseless Headsman Returns!
He's back (or maybe he never left) and there's a little something new this year. Spooky Adventure Maps will drop during the season, leading to all new dungeon types with new boss encounters. You can also collect Rare Mostlies, pets with unique names and a full set of class powers that have no time limit and hop back into your inventory when you change areas.

Line of Sight Improvements
Targeting powers and ranged attacks should cleaner and make more sense. Bugs that occasionally let one target see another but not vice versa have been fixed. Note that there still may be situations where you can't see a monster but they can see you, it's just that those situations won't be based on wonky LOS calculations.

Redistribution of Health
    No longer targets enemies out of LOS
    Improved audio/visual effects
    Will sum all the health leeched and lost before applying it to the caster

Combat Changes
    Wizard staves can now parry, Fists cannot.
    Dungeon Dervish powers can no longer be used with fists, and require a 1H weapon in each hand.
    Debug code that allowed anyone to always equip staff + 1h was still lingering in the game. Whoops. It is gone now.
    Many delayed attacks -- attacks that happened as part of animations during a special power -- were NOT using the offhand. They are now.
    Most status effects that require armor will go away when you change out a piece of armor, even if they are the same type.

Bug Fixes/QoL
    Scrolls of Armor Ascension now properly deliver top-shelf armor mods.
    UI Fix: clicking on consumables in hotbars while the Use Item window is open won't toss your items in the trash.
    Status Effect display should be a little more responsive when removing effects.
    The "Belt" slot, that little box in the bottom right, no longer accepts any items. It will again soon!
    Deep Rolled the Thunder is no longer usable in the Overworld.
    Certain legendary items that weren't showing up in the Armor tab will do so now.
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
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Re: Dungeonmans (now at v1.7.12 4K And Stuff)$
« Reply #49 on: December 21, 2017, 08:37:18 PM »



What happens now is that the game resolution caps at 1920x1080, and will fill your monitor at that size. Meaning the UI should be readable, and there won't be a million miles of empty space in the backpack UI when you open it.

Dungeonmans Works on 4K Monitors Now
Did you scroll past that first paragraph? You should not.

Small Mouse Changes
Mouse behavior for movement has changed slightly. The biggest change is that no action executed adjacent to you will result in more than one move/step/action. Previously it was possible to click once and step more than one step, or attack and then move, both of which were unintended actions that have cost players many HP in damage when surrounded.

Note that moving the mouse away and holding it down will still make your hero run. However, even then, once your hero reaches the mouse, you'll stop moving. Before, you'd do a silly dance.

Almanac News!
There will be a full post about this later, but new Almanac content has been added. Two (or three? I already forgot) more layout pages with real actual bestiary information on Bandits, Punks, Snakes, Undeads, and Warlords.

There's also a 40+ page document of work-in-progress Almanac writing that reads like the actual Almanac would read. If you really dig on the Almanac, check it out.

Join the Discord and talk about the game / yell at me
This is the best place to get dmans updates as well as bug fixes, advice, science, and discussion of the best Final Fantasy, which is 12.
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
In Training