Legerdemain uses checkpoints, something that fits the game well, as it's trying to throw in some elements of Interactive Fiction by using lots of fixed content. PrincessRL has also been mentioned somewhere in here, I think? Regarding this whole sad flamewar[1], it strikes me as difficult to design a game that works equally well with and without permadeath. Instead of whining about how traditional RLs should include an option to turn off the feature, it would be more productive to think about what would constitute good design of a RL without permadeath.
I've been thinking that some of the upcoming, epic RLs might fit the bill for a kind of game that could work well without permadeath. I'm thinking about something like URR here – not URR specifically, but games based around the idea that a truly huge world is regenerated for every time you restart. A big-scale RL like that could probably be designed around the player controlling a family or other community. Dieing would lose your current hero with all the associated loot and experience, and might advance the game world a few months in time, to the disadvantage of your family, before starting you out with a new character in the same world. Eg. if you were out on a mission to assassinate the king, that opportunity may be lost forever as he consolidates his position before your family has time to regroup. The new character should obviously be scaled to fit the current danger level of the world, but it would still feel painful to lose nice equipment and to fail at a particular mission. In a game like this, there might be a final win/lose condition (eg. if your community is wiped out, or some major goal is achieved). Compare it to a game of Go, where you've got a board with lots of local conflicts that connect to a whole towards the end of the game. You can lose a battle and still go on to win the game.
As always,
[1] The popularization and dilution of the RL term is coming to bite us in the butt, it seems, when posters appear who assume that the community who's been RL-ing for years actually secretly prefers their games without permadeah. Lol. Yeah, we've just been slaves of the order of discourse, and so have been playing with permadeath all this time

Seriously, though, just savescum, or not, whatever makes the game better for you.
Edit to footnote: I'm actually not trying to diss any recent members of this forum, sorry if I come off that way. But please respect and adapt to the existing community a little bit

Prolonged flame wars about stuff like this only decreases the signal/noise ratio (or increases, whichever way ratios are calculated, you know what I mean, you crunchers of words and numbers).