It's only a test of your patience if you play like a moron and do the same thing over and over until the RNG finally works in your favor.
If a game requires skill, luck will not get you far. The joy of save scumming is exactly the opposite of what you are suggesting, it gives you a chance to play the same situation differently. A chance to experiment, to just play with it and have fun trying out different possibilities. It's a game, let yourself enjoy it.
I'm not interested to test my real life skills because I already know that I'm amazing, so when playing roguelikes I'm interested to test the skills of my game character, test certain character build and see how far it can go. I don't want to be punished in my real life for what happens on my computer screen, it's a role playing game, not torturing simulator.
If you pay attention and learn from your mistakes you can start winning consistently. Some Crawl players have been known to win multiple consecutive games.
You will learn from your mistakes much faster if you let yourself replay and analyse the actual situation that killed you, analyse it straight away, instead of playing for another 27 hours until you get into only similar situation hoping to learn something from it that time around.
You see, thanks to save scumming I know things you don't, things you can't afford to experiment with, and if we were competing, I would have most certainly won.