Hi guys, I too like dem roguelikes. I write a blog about gaming and beauty (because I'm apparently a masochist). My specialties are rogues, indy games, and I write about some of the kickstarters I like. For people into beauty stuff, I write about skincare, beauty products from Asia (S. Korea esp), and budget products. I haven't posted too many articles (slow but steady), but I've been a journalist in the games industry for a long time so this is like my weirdo side-project. I'm disabled and I'd welcome conversations with other disabled gamers to compare notes with.
I play powder, nethack, dredmor, crawl, tome, and many more. I've ascended a bunch and my goal is to beat as many as possible. I enjoy a challenge, and strategy games are my fave but I've been around for a while and I'll play any game if it's good. I don't limit myself.
Nice to meet you all!