Author Topic: Welcome to Temple of the Roguelike Forums! (a.k.a. Introduce Yourself Thread)  (Read 624784 times)


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Welcome indeed MegaCorp/Dave S---I think I mentioned this nice little enclave waaay back in an initial e-mail back and forth we had.  Enjoy your stay as there's certainly much to read!   :)

Truth be told, I had a catastrophic disk failure not long after our email exchange.  Lost a *lot* of mail, both current and archived, leaving me no records to refer to since I'd become lazy about backups.  That, together with an aging memory that isn't quite so good any more, meant that I no longer knew about this site, and have only a fuzzy recollection of our exchange.  But fortunately I [re]discovered these forums by happenstance just a short while ago.  So ... pleased to meet you once again, and thanks for the welcome!
Dave S.


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  The 7DRL is coming up, maybe you can put something together. You don't need to be a developer, most of us consider ourselves to be hobbyists. Game making for the fun of it.


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Re: Welcome to Temple of the Roguelike Forums! (a.k.a. Introduce Yourself Thread)
« Reply #302 on: February 05, 2013, 03:32:46 PM »
This seems like as good a place as any for a first post :P

I've been lurking the forum and Rogue Basin ever since I learned the term "roguelike", a few months ago. After finding it, and looking into it, I realized that most if not all of my favourite games were roguelike's in some way, or heavily inspired by roguelikes. It's hit a bit of a cord with me in design ideas, and I've been finding more and more of my ideas lean towards roguelikes.

As for development, there isn't much public to share. I've made little games for myself and friends since I was 8 or 9, using RPG maker at first, then learning Basic, C, C++, and then Java, which I use mostly now.(big supporter of portable software :) ) More recently I've mostly been working with modding, on Minecraft and Terraria. As fun as they can be, I find myself wanting something with more of a challenge. For the curious, my user in both is "MiraiMai".

I'm sure I'll continue enjoying this forum, hopefully I can contribute from now on :) First step: the 7DRL! ;)

(PS: I tend to use a somewhat excessive amount of smilies, I apologize ahead of time for adding colour to the site :P )


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Re: Welcome to Temple of the Roguelike Forums! (a.k.a. Introduce Yourself Thread)
« Reply #303 on: February 10, 2013, 09:53:52 PM »

I am glad to hear another supporter of portable software wishes to spend some time with us. There are a couple of great roguelikes that are limited to a single platform. Few aspire to the grail of being as portable as POWDER or NetHack but releasing for major platforms is a nice thing.

Once in a while someone who places smilies a lot appears. Not a bad thing; done well it makes the post radiate cheerfulness. May you enjoy your stay in the RogueTemple forums.
Michał Bieliński, reviewer for Temple of the Roguelike


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Re: Welcome to Temple of the Roguelike Forums! (a.k.a. Introduce Yourself Thread)
« Reply #304 on: February 12, 2013, 07:32:51 PM »
I've heard even the founder of roguetemple is a smiley addict :D


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Hello everypeople, might as well make a new person post while I'm here.

Dwarf Fortress, as I hear is common, was my first "sorta roguelike depending on your view" experience. Things that drew me in: extreme complexity and awesome visual representation, which I hadn't seen done before. Not sure exactly when, why, or how the choice to start playing DCSS came about, but that was my next delve into roguelikes. I'm beginning to try to expand into other large roguelikes, but I'm finding it difficult to adapt to new interfaces and layouts and such.

In terms of making roguelikes...well, I'll probably be more on the player side of things. For a good while, at least. I can guarantee that if I ever decide to create a game, it'll be something of a roguelike, though. ASCII for sure. ;)

Other than that, thought I'd join because talking about roguelikes is awesome, and I don't have much in terms of friends who play them. I did actually get one friend playing DCSS  just yesterday (they find it fairly straightforward and fun, even), so I'm proud of that. :P


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I used to be on the player side of things - I played NetHack and some Angband versions.

Around a year ago, I had an idea to make an Underdark variant of Angband, but then studies got in the way.

Currently, I'm playing Incursion and hoping that I could do the following with it:
1) expand character levels to 20
2) remove 1 prestige class only restriction
3) add infinite levels


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I used to be on the player side of things - I played NetHack and some Angband versions.

Around a year ago, I had an idea to make an Underdark variant of Angband, but then studies got in the way.

If you dive too deeply into the game creation pool, you might loose your ability to enjoy games. You'll find yourself analysing them while you play, and less playing them for the fun.

But making games can be fun, too, so it's not neccesarily a big loss.


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I've already made some posts, but I forgot to introduce myself. ::)
Anyways, I don't consider really myself to be either a player or developer.
I'm mainly a graphic designer who's into game design and have a soft spot for roguelikes.
I've played a few rougelikes, as a kid I was really intrigued with Nethack and a couple of years ago I found ADOM who's my favorite in the genre.
Nowadays I have a hard time to get into new rougelikes (mostly due to lack of patience and time) but I'm still searching for that "perfect game".
A little while ago I started drawing a tileset, mostly for therapeutic reasons. It's made of quite large tiles and vector based graphics. (I've posted a screenshot in another thread)
I haven't really decided what to do with it yet. I have this vision of a "user friendly" roguelike/crpg and have already a half-made design document.
Perhaps I'll release the tiles as they are, perhaps I could find a developer who'd be interested to collaborate on a game based on my tiles (and design doc)? Well see...

I'm from Sweden BTW.


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Have I not introduced myself here yet...? Whoops!

I'm Kawa, also known as KawaiiDragoness on Youtube and Twitter.

You probably have heard me on Roguelike Radio by now if you've been paying attention in the recent episodes, with the exception of IRDC, considering I could not go to Poland.

I Let's Play Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup (formerly also Dungeons of Dredmor, Faster than Light, and Red Rogue - Dredmor may return soon) and do examinations of various ASCII implementations in video form. While I haven't LPed them (or at least not more than my general ASCII glance), I also play quite a bit of ADoM, Brogue, and HyperRogue. I have yet to beat a roguelike, though I try to be very knowledgeable about the genre.

I was very, VERY briefly a judge on this year's 7DRL, but real life was in the way for me to be as involved in that as I would like. Hopefully this will change for future years.

One day I will get over my coding phobia and make a roguelike about marine biology (currently code named Odell Down Rogue). If you get that reference, you probably played as many mid/late 90s "edutainment" games as I did before I found roguelikes.

Beyond the roguelike sphere, I do like other independent games and Let's Play Minecraft on interesting public servers. I like nail polish, webcomics, manga, origami, and baking without eggs. I was a mathematics major in undergrad and also have a Master's in Operations Research. I live in New York City and am trying to figure my life out beyond my hobbies.
Le cœur a ses raisons que la raison ne connaît point - Blaise Pascal


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Hi everyone !

I'm Danakh, currently working on my first dungeon crawler, a casual rogue like with only optionnal permadeath (mean you don't access the post end game levels after defeating the last boss if you've die before). It is quiet classical for other features (open the door, kill the monster, loot, spend XP :) )

I'll post about it soon, when it will be ready for public testing


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I'm Danakh, currently working on my first dungeon crawler

We need more games with a crawl command. Walk and run have become too ubiquituous ;)

Welcome :)


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I'm Kawa, also known as KawaiiDragoness on Youtube and Twitter.

Your voice gives me a mental image of a cheerleader. What makes it more hilarious is that you play roguelikes. But it's just my mental image and I'm sorry about that.

Darren Grey

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Your voice gives me a mental image of a cheerleader. What makes it more hilarious is that you play roguelikes. But it's just my mental image and I'm sorry about that.

What's your mental image of the rest of us?  :-/


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Welcome to all recent newcomers.   :)

Heh, one wonders indeed what mental images spring forth from Roguelike Radio folks both incidental and otherwise... :P
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
In Training