Author Topic: Welcome to Temple of the Roguelike Forums! (a.k.a. Introduce Yourself Thread)  (Read 659293 times)


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Hello, my name is Joshua Smyth and I'm from Auckland, New Zealand - Lord of the Rings, Hobbits, yadda, yadda.

I'm 25 years old, which is why I should hurry up and graduate and get a real job :)

Unlike most of my university friends, instead of working over the summer I thought it would be fun to sit on the dole and have a go at programming a game. So over the past 3 months I've been programming my first Roguelike Caverns of Underkeep  I'm due back in class in one month's time so I have to wrap Caverns up soon. But I'm pretty sure I'll get the game done before then.

My favoriate roguelike game is Castle of the Winds (which is pretty obvious if you've played Caverns) I've tried to get into Nethack and some of the other ones but I just can't remember which key does what damnit! So I guess my current interests are in improving roguelike UI - I like alot of what Slashie has done with his games.

I have lots of ideas for games, both roguelike and not, and I'm happy to work on them in my free time for the next few years while I save money to start my own studio! Mawhaha!

I also want to spend more time developing my artistic side, drawing and that kind of stuff.

« Last Edit: January 25, 2008, 07:48:56 AM by JoshuaSmyth » <- Browser based Roguelike


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aargh. a kiwi. the less said the better ;)

-Stu the aussie

--/\-[ Stu ]-/\--


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OP is a computer science student.

Hit the nail on the head.

Yeah, I am talking Programming 1 this semester so they are starting us off with C but form there who knows where I'll go?

I guess they are forcing him to use C, perhaps stick to one language at a time, writting a roguelike certainly will teach you a lot about the language.

I am hoping so. Before I start the real roguelike I want to make I'll probably just toy around with a couple of basic Rogue-clones just to get the feel of writing a roguelike and coding in C. I don't know what language I'll end up using but eventually I may switch, it just depends on how much I like C as opposed to other languages. "Fearlessness is better then a faint heart for any man who puts his nose out of doors. The date of my death and length of my life were fated long ago."


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I am hoping so. Before I start the real roguelike I want to make I'll probably just toy around with a couple of basic Rogue-clones just to get the feel of writing a roguelike and coding in C. I don't know what language I'll end up using but eventually I may switch, it just depends on how much I like C as opposed to other languages.

You will probably switch as time goes on :) I've played with a number of programming languages and the basics are pretty similar, but you'll be a much better programmer if you learn multiple paradigms for problem solving. Personally I prefer OO design languages (C++, C#, Java) Although I haven't played around with functional languages yet.

Theres almost no better way to learn a programming language than to write a (small but non-trival) project in it - Roguelikes are probably a perfect fit.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2008, 02:04:09 AM by JoshuaSmyth » <- Browser based Roguelike


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Theres almost no better way to learn a programming language than to write a (small but non-trival) project in it - Roguelikes are probably a perfect fit.

Incidentally (and Slash, you may want to make an announcement about this or something), the Annual 7DRL Challenge is right around the corner.  Participants have one week to make a playable game from scratch, and after 168 hours they present their creations.  It's a good way to get something accomplished, instead of putting of your main project like so many of us do.

Call for dates:


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Slash is waiting for the official date to be decided :P


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The 7DRL contest sounds interesting - not sure if I'll be entering, I want to work on a non-roguelike for my next project. Maybe next year I'll be keen.

Although you never know, I might be tempted at the last minute. <- Browser based Roguelike


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I am 24 y.o. .net programmer and oldskool gamer  ::). Recently i'm decided to start a site devoted to roguelike games - Rogue Life. My first task - collect all the roguelike games on this site (and play'em,  ;)). I'm thinking about writing roguelike in C# (3.5) - with advanced features and lots of staff - if things would go good. Currently architecture of the game and framework is being worked on. Next milestone - dungeon generators. Will this project succeed - we will see, currently it's only in the plans. You will be keep informed - track the news  :).


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Hi, welcome to the forums!

It is nice to see a new roguelike, I hope your staff does a good job on it (most roguelikes are made by one person alone)


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I'm thinking about writing roguelike in C# (3.5)

There were a few times in my roguelike development where I wished I had something like linq

Come'on Sun Microsystems, you're falling behind ;) <- Browser based Roguelike


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Hi, welcome to the forums!

It is nice to see a new roguelike, I hope your staff does a good job on it (most roguelikes are made by one person alone)
For now, i'm working alone on it. As soon as i get free time (day off), i'll create an svn repository (thinking about google code), tracker (mantis), write down some nearest tasks and ideas (WCF authentification, client-server architecture, dungeon generators, multiple output windows), so delelopment process will be clear for everyone. As it would be an open source projects - so everyone may join the team.


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I'm thinking about writing roguelike in C# (3.5) - with advanced features and lots of staff
Ah, sorry, I misunderstood

good luck with your project!


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    • Z's Roguelike Stuff
I think wizards are not done correctly in most roguelikes. An archetypical wizard uses a staff, and wizards in games usually can wield any weapon they want. I liked how CalcRogue required a wizard to wield a staff in order to cast some offensive spells. And in Dungeon Crawl this is not done very well. The power gained from magical staves can be useful sometimes, but I think it is usually more useful to just wield a +7,+7 vorpal weapon, since magical staves always work as +0,+0 quarterstaves. Still, there is more to be done in this area. Wizards could obtain a variety of magical powers by wielding appropriate staves.


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    • Stu's Rusty Bucket
In CnC you are required to wear/wield wizard stuff to regain mana otherwise you wont. so you can wield the sword and the wizards pointy hat, and you'll regain mana slooowly but if you have a good staff, robe, hat etc you'll regain it much much faster...

--/\-[ Stu ]-/\--


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New here. Name's Aaron and I've always been a fan of roguelikes - its just taken a while to make the first step and actually start to play them  ::) Anyway, just as a piece of blatant advertising, I've started up a blog - - where I'll be cataloguing my various views, ideas, and exploits. And, although you've heard this a million times before, I'm planning to eventually make my own roguelike, so I'll keep you all updated as to whether that project moves from vapourware to actualware  ;)