That's rather scary. I live in Bournemouth, not too far away from your neck of the woods. Bournemouth is famous for well, beaches (which I don't frequent), nightclubs (which I don't frequent), chavs (which I'm not), and err, did I mention the beaches? 
That sound's remarkably like Southampton except for the beaches as somebody built docks all along the waterfront (apart from a stoney beach down on Weston Shore). We have nightclubs and chavs and during the night the two coincide and the city centre become unwalkable.
Perhaps somebody should make a ChavQuestRL, similar to Grand Theft Auto, you go around claiming benefits, trying to get council housing, stealing cars, scaring grannies, hanging around in parks and street corners getting drunk before going out on a Saturday night in your finest burberry and looking for a fight.
(A Chav for those who are not blighted by them is a member of the underclass, normally but not exclusively they are youths between the ages of 12 and 20 who think the world owes them a living and that violence solves everything (kind of reminds me of our little @)).