Author Topic: Welcome to Temple of the Roguelike Forums! (a.k.a. Introduce Yourself Thread)  (Read 631525 times)


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My name is Dana.  I've been poking away at roguelike projects off and on for years now :P 

My first stab was going to be called Wa, and I wanted to make it a vaguely oriental setting.  However, the concept and scope I had in mind for the game was too big for me.

I took much of the Wa codebase and started a new game I am calling crashRun during a 7DRL event in 2006, this one in a cyberpunk setting.  I worked on it for a good week, but came nowhere close to winning.  But!  I'm back on the wagon and working away.

Nice to meet you all.


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Hey Dana, I remember you, your site and Wa. Nice to have you here and good luck with your projects!


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Thanks!  It's good to be here :)


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hello everyone pleased to meet you
names dingbat - i'm fairly new to the RL genre so please be easy on me :)


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hello everyone pleased to meet you
names dingbat - i'm fairly new to the RL genre so please be easy on me :)

In a genre such as this newbies should be worshipped as gods... well almost.  ;D
Welcome to the world of roguelikes, may you die well and often.
corremn's Roguelikes. To admit defeat is to blaspheme against the Emperor.  Warhammer 40000 the Roguelike


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I'm I_Own_The_Letter_O and I'm from England. I'm 26 and work in local government. The name comes from a joke prize I once won in a bag of crisps, as well as regular prizes they put in silly things like 'you win the moon' or 'you win the rights to cat's souls once they die' (maybe not that one) and, you've guessed it, I won the letter O.

I've lurked for a bit here and on the r.g.r.d, made an abortive attempt at a 7drl where my compiler fell over and went boom. I now have (finally) got around to downloading turbo c++ and have started from scratch. This weekend I wrote all my system dependant i/o stuff and made my little atman walk around the screen! This week I intend to write a basic dungeon generator and incorporate the turn structure. Then next week the world.


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wherebouts in the uk? I lived in london for 5 years (east end) and middlesbrough for something like 6months....

--/\-[ Stu ]-/\--


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I'm somewhere between Southampton and Winchester, a small town called Chandler's Ford. It's most famous for having one of the highest divorce rates in England and has also been named the wife-swapping capital of England, I'm sure the two are connected but as I don't get invited to those sorts of events I cannot be sure.


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lol. when I lived in mboro it was all "which factory do you work in?" and the answers were often "the biscuit factory", "the chicken factory" etc. Me, I worked in the sandwhich factory! lol. those triangular things that go in vending machines as well as all the trains..

I dont see myself hurrying back to the uk (wife wont let me) anytime soon. Would love to live up in Fort William but that aint gonna happen anytime soon...

--/\-[ Stu ]-/\--


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I'm somewhere between Southampton and Winchester, a small town called Chandler's Ford. It's most famous for having one of the highest divorce rates in England and has also been named the wife-swapping capital of England, I'm sure the two are connected but as I don't get invited to those sorts of events I cannot be sure.

That's rather scary. I live in Bournemouth, not too far away from your neck of the woods. Bournemouth is famous for well, beaches (which I don't frequent), nightclubs (which I don't frequent), chavs (which I'm not), and err, did I mention the beaches?  :)


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Hey, at least you all don't live in Portugal! All we have is OLIVE OIL! ;D
"Get it hot! Hit it harder!!!"
 - The tutor warcry

One of They Who Are Too Busy


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That's rather scary. I live in Bournemouth, not too far away from your neck of the woods. Bournemouth is famous for well, beaches (which I don't frequent), nightclubs (which I don't frequent), chavs (which I'm not), and err, did I mention the beaches?  :)

That sound's remarkably like Southampton except for the beaches as somebody built docks all along the waterfront (apart from a stoney beach down on Weston Shore). We have nightclubs and chavs and during the night the two coincide and the city centre become unwalkable.

Perhaps somebody should make a ChavQuestRL, similar to Grand Theft Auto, you go around claiming benefits, trying to get council housing, stealing cars, scaring grannies, hanging around in parks and street corners getting drunk before going out on a Saturday night in your finest burberry and looking for a fight.

(A Chav for those who are not blighted by them is a member of the underclass, normally but not exclusively they are youths between the ages of 12 and 20 who think the world owes them a living and that violence solves everything (kind of reminds me of our little @)).


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    • Stu's Rusty Bucket
We had chavs in the eastend and in boro we had the original north east uber geordie + manc chavs, their sisters, the hoodie chav and when the two met would often spawn an ASBO baby chav with white lightening in their baby formula bottles. At least the chavs didnt try and get into the Boleyn on game day (unless sunderland or newcastle were coming down).

--/\-[ Stu ]-/\--


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Not sure if those outside of GB will understand the word chav but I'm sure there are equivalents in any society that produces sports wear that is worn by the unsporty (it's almost as if they think wearing it makes them sporty), sells cheap yet potent alcohol to minors and has a welfare system so easy to abuse. Wikipedia (god bless it) has a page on chavs if anyone needs a further introduction. I'm not sure if this particular thread is the right place to continue talking about them though.

Unless any body here wishes to come out as a chav?


Anyone at all...

(I once wore a peaked cap and a hoodie at the same time, it started to rain and I pulled my hoodie's hood over the cap as I didn't want it to spoil. But that only makes me a chav by appearance not by intent... Or are we judged by how we seem to others not how we wish we were inside... I quickly jump back inside the chav closet.)


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Hi, my name's Scautura, and I'm a rogue-aholic...

Well, maybe not quite, but I've been trying to develop my own RL (Cyberpunk setting) for a few years (over 10?) and not getting very far. Lost count of the number of attempts I've put pen to paper, but only once (before the current attempt) have I got code to hard drive. Even then, it was absolutely awful (errrr, generated stats - and that was it - run before crawl?)

I've got a blog (CyberRogue), and some code (an @ walking around a "floor" in Python with Console - for some reason, wcurses doesn't like me) and maybe this time I'll get a "finished" project out (since when did RLs ever end up finished?)

Duct tape is like the Force - it has a Dark side, a Light side, and it holds the Universe together.