Author Topic: Brogue-AUDIO (1.7.4)  (Read 71109 times)


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Brogue-AUDIO (1.7.4)
« on: February 01, 2014, 09:55:44 PM »
Brogue-AUDIO_174Afinal (23. May, 2015)

Quote from: ChangeLog
- music and sound effects support
- improved light and shadows visibility
- no gameplay changes, compatible with vanilla Brogue
- new sounds, more polish and volume balancing
- Linux build bundled

Linux users:
copy/move "audio" and "fonts" folders to "bin" folder where brogue-AUDIO binary is located.

Brogue-AUDIO_v9x (18. March, 2014)
(Also contains classic Brogue 1.7.3 + audio only, no gameplay changes.)

Quote from: ChangeLog
- modified stealth system, added sneaking ability
- order allies to wait by swapping places twice in a row
- reflect magic bolts onto yourself from "mirror statues"
- darkness potion is not transparent, use as "smoke screen"
- staff of tunnelling pushes monsters away and knocks them down
- stone pedestals, give two - get one...
- improved lit and dark areas visibility
- music and sound effects support
« Last Edit: July 19, 2016, 06:33:51 PM by LazyCat »

RiC David

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Re: Brogue with music and sound effects
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2014, 07:44:25 PM »
Great but how do you disable the music? I actually really like the music - it's far better than some of the tracks on the recent ADOM update with NotEYE (beautiful sentimental music but completely out of place in a dungeon) but I like to listen to podcasts and other spoken audio while playing roguelikes so all I want is the sound effects.




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Re: Brogue with music and sound effects
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2014, 11:50:26 PM »
To disable background music go to "audio" folder and delete or rename bkg_level1.wav and bkg_level2.wav. To disable battle music as well delete or rename bkg_battle.wav. By the way, here is the latest version:

Brogue-1.7.3_audio-v8 (10. February, 2014)

...with some more visual improvements and lighting animation in real time, like this: few gameplay changes and additions...

Strange seed
- don't eat it, throw it

Darkness potion
- supernatural darkness is not transparent

Staff of tunnelling
- it doesn't go harmlessly through monsters

Scroll of shattering
- monsters can get embedded in the green crystal

Stone pedestals
- give two, get one...

Wands recharging and enchanting
- just like stuffs, only wands don't recharge by themselves

RiC David

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Re: Brogue with music and sound effects
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2014, 06:34:41 AM »
Thanks, I'm playing now with just the sounds and it's great, I especially love the ambience for the different terrains. I switched in a soft sonar ping in place of the Metal Gear alert sound, it's classic but it grated on me quickly as it's too, well, alarming. What impressed me more was the lighting; the areas feel far more alive and the level of darkness is nicely tangible with the brightly lit areas glowing celestially!

I love it, it's just what was missing from Brogue for me. For such a visually expressive game it always felt strangely silent and not quite fully realised - this is a real improvement.


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Re: Brogue with music and sound effects
« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2014, 09:46:45 PM »
Cheers. So yeah, you can disable or replace any sound just like that. Those sounds are really meant to be a template, they have low sampling rate to decrease the size, meant to be replaced eventually, but they are good enough for me. Can you hear any noise or have you noticed anything like that regarding sound quality? Have you tried it with headphones?

RiC David

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Re: Brogue with music and sound effects
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2014, 03:58:22 AM »
Yeah I did switch in a few more, well a lot more actually - I couldn't resists adding in some classic Zelda sounds like the 'damage take' sound for when you bump into walls, the rupee sound for collecting gold and about half a dozen others; the problem is I'm spending more time fiddling around with new sound effects than actually playing. Incidentally, is one of the sounds the same as the astronaut enemies from Dredmor? I'm trying to place it and that's what I keep hearing.

I can't give any feedback on the quality of the sound as I play it through my laptops on board speakers so I can listen to podcasts etc. through my hi-fi speakers, naturally the laptop speakers are really boxy and...lo-fi (which is why I love them for retro gaming - sounds perfect) so any imperfections are imperceptible. If I play it through headphones at any point and notice anything I'll let you know though.


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Re: Brogue with music and sound effects
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2014, 04:40:42 AM »
Maybe you can zip it up and upload your 'audio' folder once you are done re-mixing.

I checked my audio files on another computer with headphones, it's terrible actually. So terrible I don't understand how I haven't noticed it before. Therefore I resampled most of the sounds to better quality, and the difference is huge, when listening with proper speakers or headphones anyway.

The most interesting addition for the next build game-wise is probably the ability to order allies to wait. When you swap places with an ally twice in a row they will stay waiting there until you move over them again or unless they get attacked or start loosing health for whatever reason, in which case they go back to their normal suicidal behaviour.

RiC David

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Re: Brogue with music and sound effects
« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2014, 10:45:24 PM »
I'd gladly upload my sound set but don't know where to upload it to as I don't have an account with any personal upload/download sites.; if you want to give me an e-mail address then I'll send it across to you and you can share it from there. I found the original thread on the Brogue site and find the whole thing very interesting but see that things have been quiet on there for a few weeks but maybe people are just waiting for the next bit of progress.

Is there a way multiple sounds could be assigned to the same action? I ask as a formality really as I can see that there are about five 'scroll read' sounds (God I hated those sounds!); I'm wanting to add multiple footstep sounds so it doesn't sound so unnaturally monotonous, I'm currently using the sounds from Zelda: Ocarina of Time and they have at least three different possible sounds for every type of terrain.

That wait command sounds very tasty, Lord knows the allies are fantastic at getting themselves killed so it'd be nice to prevent that once in a while. Is this something you personally are modifying or is this going to be the developer's next release?



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Re: Brogue with music and sound effects
« Reply #8 on: February 23, 2014, 04:44:13 AM »
I'd gladly upload my sound set but don't know where to upload it to as I don't have an account with any personal upload/download sites.; if you want to give me an e-mail address then I'll send it across to you and you can share it from there. I found the original thread on the Brogue site and find the whole thing very interesting but see that things have been quiet on there for a few weeks but maybe people are just waiting for the next bit of progress.

You can upload it here without even needing account:

That forum, like this one, is generally quiet, with mostly zero users online. I guess people are just not into roguelikes.

Is there a way multiple sounds could be assigned to the same action? I ask as a formality really as I can see that there are about five 'scroll read' sounds (God I hated those sounds!); I'm wanting to add multiple footstep sounds so it doesn't sound so unnaturally monotonous, I'm currently using the sounds from Zelda: Ocarina of Time and they have at least three different possible sounds for every type of terrain.

That's what background music is for, so you barely even hear any footsteps. If you disable background music and all you hear are the footsteps all the time, then I'm afraid it just ought to sound monotonous. Using several different sounds for the same terrain type could probably help, but it seems too much work for a such subtle effect.

That wait command sounds very tasty, Lord knows the allies are fantastic at getting themselves killed so it'd be nice to prevent that once in a while. Is this something you personally are modifying or is this going to be the developer's next release?

This is what I think how next official Brogue release should be. It is for people to try out and for the original author to decide if he will take anything to include in his official build.


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Re: Brogue with music and sound effects
« Reply #9 on: February 24, 2014, 11:34:11 AM »
You can upload it here without even needing account:

I think that dropbox is better option. With this type of histing-services (sendspace, rapidshare, zippyshare, *share, *space) files smetimes disappear. The files in your Dropbox will be as long as you keep them in the folder "dropbox" on your disk.


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Re: Brogue with music and sound effects
« Reply #10 on: February 24, 2014, 12:32:50 PM »
Files inevitably disappear from such sites, especially when they're not exceptionally popular over a long period of time. When github zip file hosting stopped working I hosted a version of Mutant Aristocrats! on Mediafire. It disappeared months ago. Dropbox is definitely preferable, though it's unclear if they have bandwidth limits for accounts or individual files. Dropbox also allows you to update hosted files without updating links.


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Re: Brogue with music and sound effects
« Reply #11 on: February 25, 2014, 02:41:23 PM »
Yeah, I would get it from there and put it in my Mediafire folder. I never had any problems with my free Mediafire account, for three or more years now. On a related note, I was very disappointed to see Imageshack is not free any more, at all.


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Re: Brogue-AUDIO
« Reply #12 on: February 25, 2014, 02:44:50 PM »
After few weeks of testing and polishing release v9 is out, first post updated with the download link. Here are some details...

* Stealth and sneaking
When you wait your stealth range is halved, as usual. But now if you keep waiting further your stealth decrease one more point. And more importantly, the first step after waiting does not go back to double the radius, only increases yours stealth by one point. Effectively this means if you repeat pause-step-pause-step-pause-step... your stealth range will stay lower than if you just keep walking, and that's how you sneak.

* Reflected magic
Haste, empowerment, invisibility, healing, protection, teleportation, and even the magic of plenty you can now use on yourself, regularly.  You can reflect a magic bolt of marble statues (now called mirror statues), which will deflect the bolt right back at you every time. You can also use crystal formations, and you can try to reflect bolts of golems, mirrored totems and reflective monsters, but that might not reflect the bolt back at you, or worse, it could make that golem invisible instead, but sometimes, when there are no mirror statues around, it's worth the risk. This little change brings many new possibilities, and together with wands being more worth enchanting you now have attractive options to put enchants in some of those wands/staffs you would never enchant before. I actually reached 40th floor for the first time thanks to two wands of invisibility and charm of recharging. Sure, all these new possibilities make the game easier, but not much, not as much as they make it more interesting. I'd like to hear what people can do with this - what new builds, what new tactics and new strategies are now available.

* Boss battle
New enemy appears on the way up with the amulet, or going below 35th floor. No spoilers now. I am looking for volunteers to get the amulet and try to bring it out of the dungeon for a feedback on this boss battle - whether is it too hard, too easy, could it be made better, or whatever. Have fun.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2014, 06:22:38 AM by LazyCat »


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Re: Brogue-AUDIO
« Reply #13 on: February 26, 2014, 04:26:47 AM »
I managed to clear this on my first try with a bunch of lucky drops and the most insanely overpowered Brogue character I've ever had.

I like being able to use wands and staves on myself.  The extra strength from wands of empowerment makes enchanted broadswords and armor less of a necessity.

I found an enchanted suit of plate armor early on, so I didn't try the new stealth mechanics.  They sound good though.

I'll send you a pm with my thoughts on the last boss.


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Re: Brogue-AUDIO
« Reply #14 on: February 26, 2014, 06:41:30 AM »
Nice, look at all those staffs. Extra generous seed. Did you get to make use of tunneling staff to push monsters into some hazard or knock them off balance for a free swing with the broadsword? Do you think using empowerment on yourself for strength gives you more advantage than using it on allies? Too much strength?