Here's Wil Wheaton recommending Dreadmor:
I trust you guys will shower him with an equal level of disapproval?
I will? Because Dredmor is boring and has bad mechanics and horrible flow. Its graphics and flavor are wasted on the incredibly tripe gameplay.
Papers please is excellent for a free flash game. It's not worth paying for though. It's only claim to fame is that it's now "deep" or "cool" to talk about/realize what kind of shit went on in Germany after the war. So story, much deep, wow.
Dear Esther is not a game.
I died several times to randomly generated bullshit minibosses with powers that pull you next to them and then put all your skills in cooldown in ToME4... If that's 'okay" because you're "supposed to play the game with permadeath off" then it's a bad roguelike.
Could just be my bad luck or lack of skill though.
I like both Will and Felicia (especially their Tabletop channel on youtube), but it's a bit sad that they're using their fame to advertise mediocre games. Felicia can lay the geek-vibes on a bit THICK, though, so I can understand people not liking her or thinking she's a fake geek GAMER GRRL.
Why would I have to shower him with an equal level of dissaproval though? Why equal? If I hate his games more than ToME4 I should shower him with MORE disapproval than Felicia. If I really hate ToME4 then Felicia deserves more disapproval. Oh wait, is it because Felicia is a girl and you feel the need to defend her honor on her behalf on a forum where she's unlikely to frequent, against people whose opinions she might not give a fuck about?
Welcome to modern american feminism where women have to be treated equally to men, but only if it's in the woman's advantage.
Cool story. So approval/disapproval is now tied to gender rather than the subject matter presented. I'll keep that in mind

I enjoy all the kneejerk reactions in this thread. Awww yeah.
OMG, didn't check the temple for some days and I discover this thread.
This is true, this is an embarrassment to roguelike community. When somebody say a nice thing about you or your community you smile or say thanks you do not *bite the hand that feeds you*
Bite the hand that feeds you? That situation only applies when you're being fed (getting money).
Seeing as how most roguelikes are, oh I dunno, FREE, there's no need for anyone to worry about "biting the hand that feeds you" LOL.
Are you people out of your minds? That you like tome or not doesn't even matter, it's publicity for roguelikes; what's not to like?
As for miss Felicia Day, whether you like her or not, she is known and not for how she looks; she has made some awesome stuff online. You do not have to like what she does, but you have to respect it.
Nah, nobody is entitled to respect, ever. Respect should be given freely.
It's not publicity for roguelikes per sé though. If celebs start praising Dredmor, and people play it en masse, those people would then maybe try other roguelikes, only to go OH THIS IS GARBAGE WHAT IS THIS, CALCULATOR PORNO?
How does that help roguelikes? It only helps Dredmor. (Or in this case, ToME)
Don't act like Felicia plugging your game is helping the entire community just because you share a genre with the rest...
Steam has some roguelikes, yes, but they're a terrible representation of the genre as a whole.
Implying a select number of roguelikes on a closed market like Steam is anything but horrible publicity is retarded. If anything people are growing up with ideas about what roguelikes are that are just plain wrong, if not harmful, thanks to Steam.
If a person doesn't have the brains or desire to go out, find the myriad of free roguelikes, and play them to see which they like/dislike... I doubt that kind of person can contribute anythign worthwhile to this community or the genre... That applies to all aspects of life though; don't let other people dictate your tastes. Or am I being too heavy-handed in my holier than thou bullshit here?
Oh and Krice, it is very rare when I get really angry at somebody but let me put it in simple words for you: your opinions about women is simply terrible, offencive and wrong; and I am not even a woman, I can hardly imagine how the ladies reading your posts must feel. Please go crawl back to your corner to develop the game you want nobody to play. Or maybe simply try to not insult half the world's population with every post.
Bro, please don't feel angry on women's behalf. They'll feel angry themself, or, if they have skin that isn't one micrometer thick, they most likely won't give a quarter of a fuck about what Krice thinks about them. HEY HOW ABOUT THAT? Or go and white knight some more, I'm sure more women will buy your game on steam because of it? (Really, don't be offended on someone else's behalf. That patronizing and half-hearted behaviour is much worse than anything Krice could ever say.)
I love how all these people who I've never heard of before come out of the woodwork and go "This thread has convinced me this board has nothing more worth hearing.". Have the decency to leave quietly, or the courage to stay and voice your disagreement.
Please don't engage in this kind of attention-seeking behavior, it's not going to help any party.
People are going to say things that you disagree with or find hurtful. Deal with it or get off the internet. God help you when you take that milquetoast attitude into real life, though.