Like miki, I'd be interested in what to replace frequent combat with, as RLs are typically hack'n'slash games. I'd love to play (or make

) something that tones down the psycho killer aspect whilst retaining RL replayability et al. I guess "exploration" is one possible key word to start thinking about features that might make a less combat-focused RL fun and interesting. "Random story" seems still to be more or less a holy grail, though – as in, it would be neat to cure humanity of all ailments, but I don't see it happening anytime soon

URR has been mentioned, I think that is planned as not too combat heavy. The current version is very much alpha, featuring no battle whatsoever. It's got a neat system for random puzzles, though. I guess Dwart Fortress might be a place to look also, although I'm ashamed to say I've yet to play it.
As always,