Looks nice.
Not only doesn't look nice, but it's not even ready yet (no connections).
One hour tops to implement connections. Maybe an extra hour to tiddy it up to make it as generic as possible., so I don't consider that a major hurdle, especially since if you configure the input values correctly you can get very large continuous zones. The main reason behind the speed is how the data is stored, it is trivial to pick a random node in zone 1, a random node in zone 2, and bamf! connection. Assuming you have to enter a command to go through it, as is the case with most rogue-likes. Connections that auto-move you do suddenly become more interesting to place.
Keep in mind my intent with this is to create a general purpose generator that can be used in any C# based rogue-like.
Krice: Could you give me an example or two of algorithms that you consider good as far as cavern generation goes?
I agree with your premise. I appreciate blunt honesty.
But even so, things aren't all bad all the time. It's one thing to have standards, and another to expect perfection.
Some cultures are just like that, doesn't bother me. My wife is from Taiwan, and she's like that (though considerably less...blunt
) On the rare occasion she says good job I know I dun good. The rest of the time is spent pointing out what could have been done better so it can be done better next time
Watch those diagonals.
4-way connectivity is nice, but the aesthetic is incomplete when diagonal edges between tiles still exist.
*sigh* Yes, it's something I've been struggling with. I believe a good tileset rather than solid squares would hide this to some extent, but then it looses some of it's general application, since many rogue-likes don't use graphical tilesets. You could of course hide it with a lighting engine, you can only see the area around you, so the player couldn't tell there was a space diagonal. Still not ideal, I agree.
Anyway, nice little algo, but go make some gameplay now ;P
Gameplay? What's that?