would like to see a superhero RL...
With a choice of type of superhero that you are in chargen. Are you a mahou shoujo type transforming superhero, or do you have to do the Clark Kent? Or are you like the Thing?
With the exception of "the Thing" type pedigree you'd have two states of being; civilian and hero. Using hero powers while in civilian form raises the Awareness meter. If this ever fills up the general public discovers your true identity and the game forces you straight to the final boss encounter/place/level since there's nothing left for you but to take down crime once and for all or kiss your (regular) life goodbye!
Regular gameplay has the hero visiting the Police Station to get the low-down on what criminal activities are currently occurring in town. Taking down criminals (subduing small-fry and killing giant berserking monsters) skews the "Public Opinion" meter in your favor.
Destroying public property (cars, newsstands, fire hydrants, gazebos) skews the "Public Opinion" meter to your disadvantage. So does letting badguys destroy public property, but not as much.
Heroes that are strong could pick up cars to throw at badguys, lasers fired by either party pass through people, getting punched with super strength throws a person/thing in a direction with certain force; so there's a lot of possibilities for collateral damage.
Having high Public Opinion draws stronger evil-doers to the City, and beating the top dog wins the game. On the other hand having negative Public Opinion will cause police to give you less high-profile missions to prove you're not a loose cannon. If you ever hit Public Opinion rock bottom, you'll become Public Enemy number 9001 and have to fight both your former allies and the villains.
I'd be pretty excited about this game that will never be made

Alternatively I'd get a kick out of a Wrestlemania RL, where you get bonus points for doing flash signature moves. You have to please the crowd to keep getting booked for fights, so it's not about winning as effectively as possible. Rather it's about conserving your health while doing some Stone Cold Stunners on the poor fool that's up against you.