Black Mage, in a hurry to get his quest over with and claim all the glory himself, has killed the rest of the party and rushed toward the great dungeon to retrieve the Quintessence Crystal himself! Can he do it?
The black mage, your character, has any one of 10 spells of varying MP costs that they need to use to deal with enemies. Fire spells have the most area, bolt spells have the most range and damage, and ice spells are somewhere in between. There's also the almighty Ultima spell with its massive range, damage and area, but it also costs an arm and a leg for MP. Finally, more powerful spells cost far more MP and time relative to their increased damage than the weaker ones.
There are 10 floors in the dungeon, at the bottom of which is the coveted Quintessence Crystal. He can pick up curative items off of the bodies of defeated foes as well.
Status ailments:
Scared- Can't target spells. They automatically fire at the black mage's location.
Stopped- Can't move
Sapped- Taking damage over time
Silenced- Can't cast spells.