And I really do not understand why you did not, before the poll started, say "ToME has won enough so I have not included it in the list".
Do not tell me you had no idea it would have a chance to win again you knew it would be a contender. So why did you not?
So, again, I suggest that you forbid previous winners from entering the contest in the next years, clearly state this in advance and I'm pretty sure nobody will find it unfair; I sure wont. But rules have to be set *before it starts*.
If you do not (I fully respect that it's your poll you do as you please), why would I not want to win?
To put it bluntly, your poll is not fair. Why? because it happens on your blog, which is only visited by a small subset of RL players, which is made of for a good part of "hardcore" ones. So if none of the participating games would ask their players to come over it would not be a poll on RLs but a poll on RLs as seen by a small minority. How is that fair to games that try to bring in new players ?
That you want it or not your poll has become the indicator of which roguelike is big, it is probably not what you want and I understand, thus my proposal by email (and that I also posted in a comment there
TLDR: Proposal is: make it the "new roguelike of the year poll"; only RLs whose first release is this year can participate. And if you truly want to help upcoming RLs, also forbid commercial ones as they have marketing power small indie ones do not. This would be fair and nice to help promote small new ones.
As for the ingame thing, as thomas biskup so eloquently put it: this is 2012 (well 2013 now!), you have to live with your time.
How is mailing in any way better ? So mailing a person that didnt play for 6 months to come vote is better than asking people that are *playing right now* ? (and I have obviously nothing against mailing either).
I have mailed about 9k people, I could have mailed thrice as much and by the way this are going currently next year I could probably mail six times that.... How the hell would this have been more fair than an ingame thing???
So you'll say, as you already said, that it would "force" other RLs to make the same kind of features. But having a huge list of emails to send to be ok is not forcing other RLs to have one too ? Where is the logic ?
And no it is not unthinkable to imagine devs actually implementing it. "Oh but they are all alone on their game they can not do it all!"
Can't they ? In 3 years I made ToME from scratch, along with a complete engine not tied to it, along with the server, along with the website and quite a few other side-things. And for 95% of it I was all alone on it. So either my nickname is true and I am a god, or, more realistically, you think lower than they are really worth of other devs. Hell quite a few RLs have devteams, DCSS, ADOM to name a few. Do not come telling me they can not implement such things.
Let's take another example, auto-explore. DCSS got it. Players loved it. ToME players started asking for it more and more (and more). What did I do?
Did I go to a forum to complain DCSS was unfair and I was feeling a pressure to implement it?
No. I pondered if it would be good for ToME, decided that it would, and made it happen. This is how progress is made; friendly rivalry that promotes progress on all sides.
To finish, if you do not exclude previous winners next years but keep on a specific rule that is very obviously targeted at one game in particular, I would kindly ask you to not include ToME in the list. As for myself I would make a post making it clear why I requested as such.
Because, once again, my deepest belief is in transparency.
Oh and please (this is not for you andrew), keep the "I dont like/hate ToME" "I dont get ToME" and such like out of the discussion. You can like or not a game, we all do; but you can not hate a game. You can only hate people making games. And if you hate me, please kindly explain why, as it is my deep belief that I always tried to be a good guy in my long RL history.
Thanks for reading this overly long post