Looks promising with a good array of initial development targets---keep at the fine work and best of luck making this happen! 
Actually, I got a growing list if things to do.
Also I have some improvements that are quite interesting.
Having problems trying to download. I get a file not found page when I try to download the zipped package.
Are there windows binaries? Or plan on it?
Yes, other people already complained about downloading problems.
I have provided new links to 2shared.com that should give no problems.
Win binaries are planned, but you can play already in Windows with the .love files provided.
Actually I'm a penguin user, so I need to find a way to build the win binaries. I read somewhere that I can use dosbox/dosemu to do this, but I was a bit busy to try it.
You only need to download
"LÖVE engine", then download the
zipped .love file, then install LÖVE, that is damn easy (only click 'continue button') and finally, double click on the wirl.love file to enjoy.
In addition, the .love file is in fact a .zip file so you can open and edit it as you please.