Author Topic: Witchaven the Roguelike (check post #1 for details) Last Ver. .9B5  (Read 27165 times)


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Re: Witchaven the Roguelike (check post #1 for details) Last Ver. .9B4
« Reply #15 on: January 05, 2013, 09:11:28 AM »
I think it just comes down to obscurity----even I would've thought something like this would only wind up happening over on Chaosforge, but it is great to see new life being fashioned out of something that could've gone differently had the commercial and dev realities of back then played out rather differently.   Part of me would love to see a grand multi-verse mishmash Roguelike of pretty well all the classic and underground FPS games from back in the day as there was quite a bit beyond Doom, Duke, and Hexen that slipped through the cracks.


So basically, summarizing all that text in 12 words plus an exclamation mark?

And since you named it, I think I never saw a HexenRL or HereticRL before. I love those games, more Hexen than Heretic, and it would be nice to have someone to develop such Roguelike.


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Re: Witchaven the Roguelike (check post #1 for details) Last Ver. .9B4
« Reply #16 on: January 05, 2013, 01:27:43 PM »
Um...."Because WitchavenRL, with an unusual FPS backdrop, could be adapted with style!"

Heh, hence the Chaosforge mention as awhile back there was work being done on a HereticRL module---not sure of the current status of it, but still!  I also harassed/suggested/begged at the time for it to merge in Hexen stuff as well, since I'm of the same preference.
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Witchaven the Roguelike (check post #1 for details) Last Ver. .9B4
« Reply #17 on: January 06, 2013, 12:13:25 PM »

 I also harassed/suggested/begged at the time for it to merge in Hexen stuff as well, since I'm of the same preference.

I'm not talking about any specific FPS game, but I think that the final boss in your next RL should be named Korax.
Also three character classes, warrior, mage and cleric, would fit well.


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Re: Witchaven the Roguelike (check post #1 for details) Last Ver. .9B4
« Reply #18 on: January 06, 2013, 12:42:16 PM »
Ha, time'll tell.  Meanwhile, here's the old topic for the former...which looks like it has been on hiatus for awhile but would probably still work with an older version of DoomRL from when it was started.,4494.0.html
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Witchaven the Roguelike (check post #1 for details) Last Ver. .9B4
« Reply #19 on: January 07, 2013, 04:38:45 PM »
No, it's not a new release. Next release will have a HUGE list of additions but I will need some more time to finish and tweak everything.

The point of this post is that I have been receiving some private messages (actuall 3) in this forum and other forum about corpses left by killed enemies.

The README file says that corpses may be looted to obtain various items. Some people have been asking me how to loot them. To do that, you may press the key [,] that is the same key for Pick Up. Basically you pick up the item left in the corpse. Using [a] will not apply the corpse since you can't find a way to apply it, but rather to loot or pick up something from it.

Fire braziers, barrels, enchanting shrines and stairs can be [a]pplied since you need to use them in any way with your own hands without the need to pick up and hold them in your backpack.

Also, arrows and teleporting pentagrams must be picked up, not applied. Some people could think that you may apply the arrow to the bow, but in fact, you just pick up it to place in your quiver. And the teleporting pentagram requres that you pick up it so you can demonstrate that you are worthy of going deeper, but you really no need to apply it in any way.

Other scenery elements like guillotine and impaled corpses are just decorative and you can't interact with them at all, other than 'observing' them.

About Magic Shards, that are briefly explained in the README, they can be picked up and then used into a weapon to increase its proficiency.
Once you pick up a Shard (using [,] key) you must select the weapon you want to enhance. Then pressing the appropiate key binding (^p, ^i or ^e) you will immediately apply the shard to the selected weapon. For example, if you see a Shard of Power, move your character over it and to pick it up. Then select a weapon to enhance and finally press ^p to use the Shard of [^P]ower.
The same applies to the other two shards ( L[^i]fe and [^E]ternity )

Additionally, you can press ^h for keybindings help and ^u for GUI tips.

I hope everything is now clear but if any other doubt, please post it in the forum rather than sending me a private message since anyone else can have the same doubt.


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Re: Witchaven the Roguelike (check post #1 for details) Last Ver. .9B5
« Reply #20 on: January 09, 2013, 04:23:50 PM »

See first post for links and stuff


Full changelog dump for 0.9BETA5:

Code: [Select]
- Changed Night Vision spell: it now shows monsters on map instead of increasing viewing distance
- Change the obsolete table.getn() for length operator # (thanks to bartbes at LÖVE forums for tip)
- Increased starting weapons durability: random(80,100)%
- Changed Firebraziers chances: success = 30%, unsuccessful = 25%, burn = 45%
- Increased armors chance to lose durability by 5%
- Rebalanced item spawn chances
- Changed random item generation algorithm from multiple algorithms to a single one
- Some minor code tweakings
- Changed items spawning chance during map generation
- Rewrote ranged weapons keybinding behavior: press [t] to throw Bow or Pikaxe, whatever is selected
- Changed player weapons damage formula, adding now the player level
- Rewrote bloody remains spawning algorithm
- Some other minor code cleanups

- Added Scare Spell
- Added Freeze Spell
- Added more morgue dead quotes
- Added dual wield
- Added a small chance that a random enemy spawn during gameplay
- Added Ank
- Added Amulet of the Mist
- Added Shadow Amulet
- Added Crystal Staff
- Added Helmet
- Added Horn
- Added Treasure Chests
- Added auto-identification weapons: unidentified weapons get identified when using them for some time (a.l.a. BRogue)
- Added more info to README and fixed some misspellings
- Added [g] as key binding for pick up items in addition to [,]
- Added player bloody remains: when player gets hit, there is a chance to spawn bloody remains

- Fixed bug where picking a Pike Axe weapon didn't increased the throwing pikeaxes.
- Fixed bug with player health falling below zero
- Fixed bug with items spawned by barrels crashing the game
- Fixed bug with items spawned by corpses crashing the game
- Fixed bug with lava pools, where player was only receiving damage when moving over them. Now receives damage when a turn passes

« Last Edit: January 09, 2013, 04:35:00 PM by SomeGuy »


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Re: Witchaven the Roguelike (check post #1 for details) Last Ver. .9B5
« Reply #21 on: January 09, 2013, 04:34:54 PM »
Congrats on yet another meaty Beta release to move things forward.   8)
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Witchaven the Roguelike (check post #1 for details) Last Ver. .9B4
« Reply #22 on: January 11, 2013, 11:46:46 PM »
Could you please re-elaborate your question? I think it is hard to really understand it well.

I just meant not a lot of people even remember the original Witchaven game.  I understand making roguelikes out of XCOM and Doom because those were well known and well-loved titles.


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Re: Witchaven the Roguelike (check post #1 for details) Last Ver. .9B4
« Reply #23 on: January 17, 2013, 05:50:59 PM »
Could you please re-elaborate your question? I think it is hard to really understand it well.

I just meant not a lot of people even remember the original Witchaven game.  I understand making roguelikes out of XCOM and Doom because those were well known and well-loved titles.

... and now more people knows Witchaven thanks to me. Isn't this great? ^_^