Author Topic: Pixel Dungeon (now at v1.7.3)  (Read 533823 times)


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Re: Pixel Dungeon (now at v1.6.2)
« Reply #630 on: February 04, 2014, 12:50:51 PM »
This is the first >+3 item I have ever found in PD, what is the max for imp-given rings?
The ambitious imp has a list of rings, or is truely random and gravling and me we hace the same luck? XDDDD
The imp should reward you with a random +3 or +4 ring, but there is a bug in the current version and you can receive a useless +0 ring. Imp's rings are always cursed.


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Re: Pixel Dungeon (now at v1.6.2)
« Reply #631 on: February 05, 2014, 11:44:28 AM »
Today I did something I do not think I repeat in a while: I drank my first healing potion in depth 15, facing the DM300. With the dew drop vial full! (More below the sewers is difficult to fill, I saved for another critical moment)

Beign a Berserker, of course. :P
« Last Edit: February 05, 2014, 12:45:40 PM by Veldrin »


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Pixel Dungeon Savegame Utility v0.1
« Reply #632 on: February 14, 2014, 08:42:27 AM »
Hello! I recently started playing Pixel Dungeon and I love it!
I play it on my phone (gnex CM11) and my tablet (HP Touchpad CM10.2). This morning I wanted to find a way to keep the games current on each so when I play I can pick up where I left off, no matter what device I am using. Eventually I came to the conclusion that I can directly use ADB to pull and push the game information to make backups and transfer those between my devices.

Almost immediately I realized that this would become tedious, so I made a little batch file to pull a backup then push that backup onto a different device. I figured that maybe other people would find this useful, so I made it a bit more sophisticated and user friendly.

Pixel Dungeon Savegame Utility v0.1
by brewton

Back up and restore your Pixel Dungeon files
Restore the most recent backup, or a specific backup

Android SDK
A rooted Android Device

Edit the .bat file with Notepad and edit these lines to point to the correct locations on your computer.
Code: [Select]
SET ADB=d:\android\sdk\platform-tools\
SET PIX=d:\pixeldungeon\

- This program is Windows based. I might throw together a Linux version. Probably won't have Apple support.

- Right now this can only restore a complete backup.
  In future it will be able to restore specific character classes, rankings, and badges.

- Definitely do not disconnect your Android device while the file is running. It would be bad.
  If you want to download the files from one device and upload to another you must restart the program.
  I will probably fix this at some point.

Use at your own risk. I take no responsibility for damage to your device, computer, or loss of data.


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Re: Pixel Dungeon (now at v1.6.2)
« Reply #633 on: February 19, 2014, 12:39:53 AM »
Hello Watabou, I've been developing an open source program over here to create images for the Pixel Dungeon Wiki. However, for the program's completion it would be nice if I could add the game's image assets to the project. But before adding the assets, I thought it would be best to get your permission. So can I add the images?
« Last Edit: February 19, 2014, 12:42:26 AM by mdsimmo »


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Re: Pixel Dungeon (now at v1.6.2)
« Reply #634 on: February 19, 2014, 08:24:32 AM »
Hello Watabou, I've been developing an open source program over here to create images for the Pixel Dungeon Wiki. However, for the program's completion it would be nice if I could add the game's image assets to the project. But before adding the assets, I thought it would be best to get your permission. So can I add the images?
Sure, no problem


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Re: Pixel Dungeon (now at v1.6.2)
« Reply #635 on: February 19, 2014, 10:35:06 AM »
Hello Watabou, I've been developing an open source program over here to create images for the Pixel Dungeon Wiki. However, for the program's completion it would be nice if I could add the game's image assets to the project. But before adding the assets, I thought it would be best to get your permission. So can I add the images?
Sure, no problem


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1.6.3 released!
« Reply #636 on: February 20, 2014, 01:16:09 PM »
  • Added: Journal
  • Added: Alternative quest for the troll blacksmith
  • Added: New glyph - armor of displacement
  • Added: New glyph - armor of entanglement
  • Added: Non-rectangular rooms
  • Added: New fonts
  • Added: Additional info in rankings
  • Changed: New level layouts
  • Changed: Field of view is "round" now
  • Changed: Inscribed armors are more common now
  • Changed: Arcane styli are rarer now
  • Fixed: Several bugs and typos

...and more


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Re: Pixel Dungeon (now at v1.6.2)
« Reply #637 on: February 20, 2014, 04:17:06 PM »
I've continued to play this awesome game and love it to death.  I have a couple complaints.  First is that the characters seem to play the same.  To win with a warrior is fairly straightforward:  save your upgrade scrolls, hope for good armor early, or from the roaming ghost, upgrade that quickly then pick up a good weapon as you continue.  However, I've found no unique advantages to playing the other characters any differently.  If you can pick up a wand of slow or a ring of evasion or accuracy, it makes like much easier.  The wizard's health gain is awesome for farming flies, but he isn't any better with a wand than anyone else.  The rogue may dodge a bit better in leather, but plate's absorb makes light armor pointless.   The can upgrade the girl's boomerang, but it doesn't do enough damage to be worthwhile.  So I end up playing all the characters in almost the exact same way.  They are just a little more difficult to win with than the warrior is.

Secondly, I now tend to skip the demon levels entirely.  The eyeball beams hit WAY too hard to be worth fighting, and the succubi aren't dangerous - they're just annoying.  There aren't enough health potion drops in the levels to make up for fighting those creatures, so you're better off skipping the levels.  I'll use potions of mind vision and maps of magic mapping to completely skip the last 4 levels and still beat the final boss easily.  I'd like to see these levels tweaked so that they're a bit more in line with the difficulty, or at least have enough health potions to make them worthwhile to fight through:  I hate it when you're motivated to skip portions of the game.


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Re: Pixel Dungeon (now at v1.6.2)
« Reply #638 on: February 20, 2014, 05:11:43 PM »
Secondly, I now tend to skip the demon levels entirely.  The eyeball beams hit WAY too hard to be worth fighting, and the succubi aren't dangerous - they're just annoying.  There aren't enough health potion drops in the levels to make up for fighting those creatures, so you're better off skipping the levels.  I'll use potions of mind vision and maps of magic mapping to completely skip the last 4 levels and still beat the final boss easily.  I'd like to see these levels tweaked so that they're a bit more in line with the difficulty, or at least have enough health potions to make them worthwhile to fight through:  I hate it when you're motivated to skip portions of the game.


You don't need anything more in this depths, maybe you look for one Upgrade o Strenght in the first or first and second levels, but after that, flee to the stairs for not lose too many potions!
I save Magic Mapping Scrolls to evade the traps too, at these levels these are very deadly.


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Re: Pixel Dungeon (now at v1.6.3)
« Reply #639 on: February 21, 2014, 06:06:07 AM »
I think there may be a problem with the new layout code.  It may be that I am just not used to it.

Screenshots here:

Even on maximum zoomed out, there is no way I can get the whole screen to fit on my tablet for one screenshot, so there are 2.  The right hand side one is just to show that there is nothing special there either, just walls.

So -- level 1, which means no secret doors.  But no jar for holding dew, either, so I think there is a room somewhere, I just cannot reach it.  And in the bottom left hand corner (of level1.png only)  there is a very suspicious looking width-of-a-door wide 1 tile of bookshelf.

So, just unfamiliarity, or a real problem?

Playing a huntress, if it matters.

LATER: aha, dew drop vials are no longer guaranteed to show on level 1.  So perhaps nothing is wrong at all with the above.  The limited mind vision that a huntress has wasn't showing me any rooms, at any rate.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2014, 06:40:34 AM by gravling »


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Re: Pixel Dungeon Savegame Utility v0.1
« Reply #640 on: February 21, 2014, 06:27:54 AM »
If your device is rooted you can use Titanium Backup for this, which has the advantage that people who don't have any sort of PC, just phones and tablets can use it.  Tell TB to backup your files to something removable -- an sd card or a USB memory stick, and you are in business. 


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Re: Pixel Dungeon (now at v1.6.3)
« Reply #641 on: February 21, 2014, 07:45:30 AM »
If the troll blacksmith can no longer pronounce 'th' and says 'dan' and 'dis' and 'dat' he had better say 'dem' when talking about "reforging them into a better"  :)


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Re: Pixel Dungeon (now at v1.6.3)
« Reply #642 on: February 21, 2014, 02:04:16 PM »
LATER: aha, dew drop vials are no longer guaranteed to show on level 1.  So perhaps nothing is wrong at all with the above.  The limited mind vision that a huntress has wasn't showing me any rooms, at any rate.
Yes, it is spawned now on a random level from 1 to 3.

If the troll blacksmith can no longer pronounce 'th' and says 'dan' and 'dis' and 'dat' he had better say 'dem' when talking about "reforging them into a better"  :)
I wasn't sure how many "th" I could replace with "d" while keeping it readable :)


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Re: 1.6.3 released!
« Reply #643 on: February 21, 2014, 10:57:32 PM »
  • Changed: Field of view is "round" now

Any particular reason for this change? Does it take more time/energy to move diagonally than orthogonally? If not, this doesn't reduce asymmetry; it introduces it!
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Re: 1.6.3 released!
« Reply #644 on: February 22, 2014, 05:45:53 PM »
  • Changed: Field of view is "round" now
Any particular reason for this change? Does it take more time/energy to move diagonally than orthogonally? If not, this doesn't reduce asymmetry; it introduces it!
It does introduce asymmetry (if I understand you correctly), but I don't think it's a problem. And the reason for this change is aesthetic: I think that the new field of view looks better like on this image.