I would like to try making a "resource pack" for pd, I started making new sprites and sounds but I haven't trying testing it yet. It supposed to set game to futuristic time where big crisis occurs, and you going to investigate underground Russian laboratories that were taken over by secret organization rather than venturing onto dungeon for an artifact. It is Deus Ex inspired. This organization had captured latest tech, they are sabotaging cities water supplies and power plants, releasing various and deadly viruses, causing major chaos to whole country and soon goverment have fallen into economic crisis. When government shuts down completely, they will take over whole Russia and start the world conquering. Thats why government granted their finest elites a surgery that will change their lives forever. They are sent into sewers under Moskva to search for laboratories, and then, search for a Energetic Power supply and denotate it. You can either denoate it now and probably die or escape with it and use it to power up war factories, leaving laboratories to run off Energetic Power, becoming dark and dead silent, mostly important, not functional anymore.
The way it replaces items are that scrolls are represented as unknown devices that do stuff, such as teleporting device, alarm device (scroll of challenge), neuro-hacking device (scroll of terror), etc.
Potions are represented as a vaccines that you can inject or shoot from your crossbow that you wear on your wrist (all characters wears it, expect Huntress (she uses magnetic force (characters are featured differently).
Rings are represented as a Portable Implants that you can install without needing a surgery. All characters have two slots available in their system. Its like when you place your sd card in your device.

Wands are represented as a SREG, Self-Recharging Energy Gun, and energy they project can differ. There are toxic, pyrokenetic, teleporting, cryokenetic (slowness), neuro-hacking (amok) and a lot more types of SREG.
Seeds are represented as a trap kits that you can assemble on ground. They use a cloak feature, which makes them invisible to anyone espect those who assembled them. Healing and teleporting seeds are represented as a temporary contraptions that you can use when you step on. Healing one is a one-use vaccination arm and teleprong one is a cloaked telepod.
Food is packed inside special containers that prevent bacterias and from being expired. Chests are security containers, keys are keycards and money is some sort of credit card that you can scan and upload to your Online Bank Account and later use them to buy laboratory equipment from a jobless scientists. Yeah, due to economic crisis, those poor guys stole everything from their workspace to sell so they can survive in urban environment. Melle weapons are still there in present. Economic crisis is also reason why they don't have guns and ammunition, expect SREG, which isn't effective weapon but it is atleast cheap and it has unlimited ammo.
Charachters: Warrior is featured as a Cyborg, he can install one of two equipment from a Cyberpack (tome where you choose the path to go), Over-clocked arm (gladiator) or an Agressive-Defense system (berserk).
Rouge is featured as a Augmented, he can install either Improved Reflexes (assassin) or a Improved Movement (freerunner)
Mage is featured as a Cyberlord, he can install either Corpse Leech (warlock) or a Energy Drain (battlemage)
Huntress is featured as a "Energia", she can install either Advanced Targeting System (sniper) or a Biological Intelligence (warden)
Texure design (or tiles) goes from sewers being sewers, prison being Military Research Laboratories, caves being Chemical and Cyber-Medical Laboratories, drawen city being Genetic and Biological Laboratories, and final destination: demon halls being Energetic Laboratories.
Sounds and music will be made by me. I have already done some sprites. In case you are wondering, you can access applications assets by opening it as a zip file with total commander. I also want to figure out how to edit text, and write more of the story there. And how to test it too! What do you think? I can upload some images to show you but I think I need watabous approval since he made those sprites originally and I just edited them privately (uploading it will make edited image public). Sound and music, however, are created by me. I have been working on this a year ago but I never said a word about it. I'm still working on whole story and everything.