- one time, somehow my character ended up in the same tile as a rat. I could move off, but the rat got a free turn cause i couldnt attack... myself?
It's a bug. I noticed it too late unfortunately (after publishing)

- I picked up a longsword and leather armor, put them on, and for some reason the next rat got 2 attacks for every one of my turns. Is there some speed reduction? How does combat work?
And this behaviour is correct. I have to describe it in more details somewhere, but in short, yes, there is speed reduction. There are penalties for using weapon that is too heavy for you (slowing attacks, reducing attack skill). There are also penalties for using armor that is too heavy for you (reducing motion speed and defense skill). To be able to use heavy items you have 2 options:
1) Use Potions of Strength to increase your Strength.
2) Use Scrolls of Enhancement to increase quality level of your item and decrease its Strength requirement.
The problem is that strength requirement of the item is not shown until it's identified that way or another, because I don't want to reveal it's quality level before that. Maybe I should display "typical strength requirement". In your case that will be "11" for leather armor and "16" for longsword.
Thanks for your comments!