Formerly the WIP Angelband, and now something far removed----it is alive but in slow dev. will be a rogue-like inspired by a variety of different games and programmed in Java by one person. The game is both free and open source but is more of a pointless demo than an actual game at this time.
The zip file contains source code and resource files only, most of which are also included in the Windows setup file. I will sporadically upload new builds, and any feedback will be appreciated. Email feedback to cowgod14[at] ([at] = @, but it confuses spam bots this way) or post it on our Facebook page.
Current Game Features
-The game engine currently consists of a character that can move around the screen, read signs, open a door, talk to an npc, use a teleporter, and travel to the world map.
-A small amount of miscellaneous artwork of varying quality. No music or sound yet.
-A spiffy map editor that can handle the limited capabilities the game engine has at this time.
-A character assembler program for assembling character images from images of each body part.
Here are some features that will make UgaritRL unique among rogue-likes:
-More mental than Binding of Isaac.
-Fully graphical (though with minimal graphics) - no ASCII mode
-Unique 3-option character development system inspired by Breath of Death VII
-A crafting system modeled upon Terraria's, but with less detail
-RTS-like buildings
-Easy resource gathering
-Ally creation, much like in Geneforge, but possibly customizable like army units in Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
-Includes a map editor for creating new scenarios
-Based loosely upon ancient middle eastern myth (particularly Canaanite myth)
-Humans are livestock!
Next Updates
-Add aspect selection screen
-Add inventory system and openable containers
-Add crafting
-Allow multiple items per tile of the map (maybe)
-Update dialogue screen to include HTML (maybe)
-Add more items to item list
Release Date: 2023/08/11 (Tentative)
Latest changelog of the giant list onsite:
gui: WPViews are now replaced by SwingLogicCards, which store JComponents instead of WContainers
gui: WPViewList classes are now VSwingCardList classes
gui: SwingWidgetPanelLogicCard wraps a JWidgetPanel (with a WTopLayerContainer) around a WContainer
gui: JPseudodesktop now allows switching JComponents for the main view using SwingLogicCards
refactor: created oc.swing.event package for ActionListeners and so forth
refactor: created oc.swing.lookandfeel package for Layout classes
rename: oc.widget.view -> oc.swing.logic
gui: moved keyboard reactor adding code to the main game panel
gui: map editor is decorated when it's in a windowed mode
gui: eliminated overlay renderers
refactor: eliminated WTopLayerContainer, and included the ability to set a top-layer container in JWidgetPanel
warnings: java version is output at beginning of program
refactor: eliminated cursor classes
gui: moved cursor-setting code into SwingWidgetPanelLogicCard so that it sets the cursor for its JWidgetPanel
rename: ArrayKeyReactor "wasXPressed" methods are now "isXPressed"
refactor: moved key state changes to ControllerButtonState
gui: updated ClickMouseReactor to handle button releases
bug fix: .exe files are no longer broken
java: upgraded to java 7 update 6
bug fix: game's TileDisplayArea checks for left release events instead of click events
(this isn't affected by the button use of other cards any more because everything's in Swing panels)