I did a little python, javascript, and whatever php garbage wordpress is made out of, but I don't think that makes me ready for a 7DRL.
You'd be surprised! After beating a number of roguelikes it's really satisfying to try and make your own. Plus of all the game types out there it's one of the easiest to make. A bit of python jiggling with libtcod and you can have your own @ romping around the screen killing whatever type of enemy you like.
There must be women devs out there in Rogues, the more welcoming to women a place can be the higher the chances are of finding them.
For ages I thought Linley was a woman's name and that roguelikes were truly gender open since one of the biggest and best came from a woman. Then I found out Linley was a bloke

Only women devs I know of: Johanna Ploog (who now works for a game company and can't publicly express any original ideas), ywgdana (not seen in two years), Jana Reinhardt (artist and designer for Pitman Krumb, but not a coder and more a general indie dev than a roguelike dev). So, uh, no one to interview

The gender inequality in development isn't a roguelike-specific thing though - general indie game development is just as bad. Most women involved are artists or writers rather than coders. It comes back to penetration (sorry Jo!) - in a male dominated area (gaming) the extremes of that area (development) will be even more male dominated. Indie gaming and development is even more of an extreme, and roguelike gaming and development is one of the craziest extremes of all! Though gaming is becoming a more equal hobby I fear it will take a long time for that equality to seep through to all of the extremes.
Haha, yeah, not just GR/PD random, but with a dead skill too. Anyway, I've also beaten POWDER 2x now. I've beaten so many of the Hack, Slash, Loot levels as well, now just to unlock all the achievements. Nothing else that compares as for accomplishments, but I play everything RL. My plans are to focus on Dredmor for now, but move into writing about powder then tome. Next could be anything (FTL?) I'm really good so I don't doubt being able to eventually ascend in any rogue I start to play.
You should take up FTL so I have someone to compete against

After winning a no-shops run whilst everyone else whines the game is all about luck with shops I feel there's little challenge or competition. It is frighteningly addictive though. And I'd love to see you writing about ToME, since I've put a lot of work into the lore in the game and pushed for much of its interface polish.
Also Toby the Trapper and Unstoppable remain unbeaten if you feel up to a challenge

One person suggested I do a let's play video, and I'm also considering that. I'm nervous about video because I hate when people are stupid dicks to me
Disable Youtube comments! They contain nothing but misery. Keep comments to your blog where you'll have a more receptive audience that actually gives a shit about what you're doing.
Dredmor so far is an excellent gateway drug (: What do you think? Are RLs getting more attention lately?
Yeah, definitely, and Dredmor has been a big part of that. Though in truth it started with Spelunky several years ago. Games like The Binding of Isaac and FTL are continuing the trend of pushing the roguelike term, and there's a kinda sense in indie communities that roguelikes are the cool thing right now.
However I do worry it doesn't lead to a lot of penetration into the core roguelike market. I've seen a lot of people comment that they love the likes of FTL and Isaac, but could never touch the proper stuff. The basic or absent graphics is such a huge hurdle for so many people. Which is a shame, because there's a real lack of games in general that focus on the gameplay rather than the graphics.