Author Topic: ElonaPlus (Now at v1.66) Updated English Translation  (Read 67481 times)


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Re: ElonaPlus (Now at v1.59) Updated English Translation
« Reply #30 on: July 12, 2016, 12:32:38 PM »
[Changes and additions]

    Added a new facility to South Tyris. Added 4 new NPCs for it. At this facility you can reset the deepest dungeon floor cleared, quit your existing guild, and reset any secret treasure of saint/wicked used. You can also reset pets' impress, master/servant relationship, marriage, and some other parameters. Like the mansion of younger sister, it cannot be seen on the world map.
    Added content to the Insane book.
    Any changes made to a quest giver's name will now be reflected in the journal. If the name of the recipient of a delivery quest has had his name changed, the name change will be reflected in the journal when the journal is opened in the town the recipient is in.
    The speed penalty for having too many limbs will now also be reflected in a tag team that the character with the penalty is in.
    You can now receive a large amount of materials from your pet at once when choosing to receive materials from them. The amount is 500 times what it was. The colour of the log text saying which materials you received and how many of them have been made to match the skill that they depend on. Gardening skill no longer gives Magic ink, and instead gives Shining weed. The former wasn't a plant and it also overlapped with Detection skill materials.
    Changed the sprites of harpy and dragon's pet harpy. It's now more harpy-ish.
    Added 4 high-level harpy race NPCs.
    Added 5 high-level mandrake race NPCs. Changed the sprite of mandrake.
    Added 4 evolutions.
    Added 1 special action and 3 Wide special actions.
    The damage-over-time from poison and bleeding status ailments is no longer reduced by the metal and armour bit flags.
    Added 2 new colour options. One of them was a duplicate so it has been made colourless.
    Buffed the new 1.51 precious artifact by a little.


    Fixed some descriptions.
    Fixed the player being unable to be part of or disband tag teams.
    Strength attribute experience is now given for all participants when Lock Break succeeds. The amount awarded is less than that if the lock had been picked the normal way.
    Leold no longer has his position reset to Cyber Dome or Ruoza when he is supposed to have moved elsewhere when the player proceeds beyond a point in the main quest.
    Fixed Greater Evasion not working unless the character was affected by Gravity status.
    Pets are no longer included when counting the number of allied NPCs left on the map during a quest.
    Fixed the height and weight of Melugast typeM.
    Fixed the issue with the amount physical damage received when Emergency Evasion is active.
    Fixed the issue with the player's coordinates when returning from the Act III area for the first time while in the wilderness, then exiting the map that the player had returned to.
    Fixed the issue with the player's starting position if the player talks to an NPC and goes to a hunting quest map in the main quest/for a sub quest, then exits that map, then enters it again.

[New evolution]

    harpy evolves with another heart to flare chick and learns Super Regene. (Used only when HP is below 50%.)
    If a magic heart is then used, it will further evolve into phoenixian and acquire fire resistance.
    puppy, pumpkin, greater pumpkin, and halloween nightmare evolve with king heart to necro chimera and learn Bind. Colour will change and speed will increase depending on the original monster.
    mandrake evolves to swordmandrake with another heart, learns Shining Wave.

[New special abilities]

    Blade Turbulence
        Bleed damage to all enemies in sight, dependent on Magic Control. Bleed strength depends on the difference in initial speed between the user and the target.
        Lulwy (outer, inner) will now use this.
    Death Song
        Everyone within sight will be inflicted with Death Word, dependent on the user's Magic, and resisted with the targets' sound resistance. Characters already inflicted with Death Word are exempt.
        The user will not roll for resist, and will thus be afflicted by Death Word.
    Homing Lazer
        Magic damage to all enemies in sight, dependent on Marksman and Perception.
        Damage is split amongst all enemies, so amount of damage will depend on the number of enemies.
        <Mobile Communication Equipment> will now use this.
        It's to give it that gun*** feel to it. You know, like funnel missiles, multi-round missile launch systems, homing lasers...?
    The above three are (W)ide special abilities.
    Clash Rush
        Shadow Step, with 100% critical rate and 100% pierce. 50% of the damage dealt is then deducted from the user's HP. The user will not die even if brings the user's health into the negative. If gauge is less than 25%, it will just be a Shadow Step.
        destroy boar will now use this instead of Charge Attack.
    Data Delete
        No effect yet. Might become a stupidly powerful move in the future.

[New NPCs]

        Level 153 mandrake. Undead. Invisible.
        Short Teleport, Drain Blood, Eye of brainwashing, Ice Bolt, Mind Bolt, Greater Potion Throw.
        Guaranteed to give mind resistance when eaten.
        Level 119 mandrake. Shadow Step, Fire Breath, Struck Out.
    cucumber warrior
        Level 80 mandrake. Clash Rush, Rampage.
    cucumber horse
        Level 63 mandrake. Suitable for riding. Draw Shadow, Zero Shoot.
    zap mandrake
        Level 43 mandrake. Touch of Nerve, Raging Roar. Has same effect as mandrake when eaten.
    memory empty man
        Level 15 karune.
    devotee of oblivion
        Level 15 elea. Mind Bolt.
    mad scratcher
        Level 20 zanan. On the verge of hostile. Run Wildly on low health. Eye of Insanity.
    <Maile> the marionette shaman
        Level 50 servant. God. Heal Critical on low health. Eye of brainwashing, Data Delete.
        Level 168 harpy. God. Homing Lazer, Shadow Step.
        Level 141 harpy. Death Song, Nether Wave, Raging Roar, Short Teleport.
    black wing
        Level 101 harpy. Clash Rush, Blade Turbulence, Shadow Step.
    mayu sibayu
        Level 45 harpy. Blade Turbulence, Magic Storm, Insult. On low health, Close Suicide.

[Artifact buffed]

    <Amulet of Yekub>
        Increased Mana and Will bonus, added sleep resistance.

[New South Tyris location]

    the Oblivion Palace
        4 small medals.
        Insane book gives a hint about its location, but can be entered without obtaining the book.
        Talk to <Maile> the marionette shaman to access the functions listed below, but sanity will increase.
        The system messages that appear are just flavor text, so don't pay them any mind.
        Reset deepest dungeon floor cleared
            Reset dungeon floor cleared if it's too high.
            It won't become 0, and will depend on how far along the main quest you are.
        Quit guilds
            Mostly for roleplaying. The only way to make your character not belong to any guild after joining one.
        Forget profile
            Entirely for roleplaying. Change the 1st and 2nd lines of your profile. Special 2nd line is available here.
        Reset innocence/wickedness
            Mostly for roleplaying. The only way to remove the innocent/wicked karma feats from using the secret treasures. Karma will not be reset.
        Reset ally's impression, master/servant, and marriage status
            Allies marked as precious will not appear in the list.

[Changes and additions]

    Added a bit of content to the main quest.
    Added 1 unique Act III NPC.
    Added 1 precious artifact to Act III.
    Created a new world map for the map furniture item. It will change slightly between Act I and Act II.
    Added floor tiles that play a piano note sound when stepped on. There are 24 different pitches.
    Juke box item can now mute the BGM on the map.
    Added 6 high-level lizardman race NPCs.
    Added 1 evolution pattern.
    Added 2 new rods (the magic device).
    Material gathering spots no longer get generated on maps that randomize every time the player enters it.
    NPCs will now have a chance to not use up a charge when they zap an attack rod. That chance depends on the level of their Alchemy skill (it's 80% even at skill level 1). They will receive Alchemy experience for zapping it. Power of the rod is reduced.
    Added a special action that allows usage of rods without consuming a charge. For player use only. Power of rods will be reduced.
    Added an equipment attribute that enhances breath attacks. Waist, head, and arm equipment have a chance of having it. This equipment attribute can be stacked, and at the maximum level it will triple breath damage. Unlike the equipment attribute that enhances spells, this attribute will also affect breath procs from weapon attacks.
    Changed the name and equipment attributes of the <Child Zeder> artifact.
    Ammos can no longer be stolen while equipped. Ammos that are not equipped can be stolen.
    The range of danger levels of random Nefia (dungeons) that get generated during a diastrophism caused by the statue of Opatos is now different from the range of Nefia that get generated naturally.
    Greatly increased the amount of gold pieces given by the statue of Yacatect. That amount will also slightly increase if you worship Yacatect and the amount increased depends on your favour with her. The drop rates of platinum pieces and small medals remains the same.
    Spots that used to have a random Nefia will eventually have a new Nefia on them instead of remaining empty forever. (This does not affect existing dungeons.)
    Breakfast and Handmade gifts events now have an equal chance of picking any pet out of all your pets. However, pets that do not have the required skill will not get chosen.
    Added an item that will prevent a pet getting picked to serve you breakfast or give you a handmade gift in the morning. It is a randomly generated item, but if you update to this version ten of them will get placed at your feet so that you can try them out.
    Added a special action that allows you to work with your pets to break a lock on a container. You can use this when you're alone too.
    If a pet is in a tag team and sells ore items, half of the proceeds will now be given to the partner.


    Fixed some NPCs not getting their portraits displayed properly if you change someone's appearance and load up the portraits in the process before talking to them or looking at their character sheet.
    Fixed untitled red books getting generated.
    Fixed some items that were generated after the generation of a precious artifact getting listed in Oracle.
    Defeating an enemy with Body Blow will no longer cause the dead character to vomit.
    Fixed some monsters spawning in ragnarok when they shouldn't.
    When a high-level mutant spawns, it will now have at most 20 limbs.
    Fixed materials getting inherited anyway if you cancel while inheriting a gene.
    Fixed the placement of the command ring if the game window is too tall.
    Fixed the variable that determines if the player is eligible for a reward not getting triggered if you offer an item to your god with your favour already maxed out.
    Fixed the calculation for escort quest reward.
    Fixed the distortion of the menu screen text that occurs even when the title water effect has been turned off in the options.
    Fixed time stop equipment attribute getting a + displayed in the attribute strength even when the attribute isn't that strong.
    Fixed the 1 tile difference in the distance that light travels in the North/South directions and the East/Wast directions.
    Fixed the custom spoken line file for pets not getting read sometimes.
    Time passed during game events (such as chocolate-making or travelling to/from the Act III continent) will no longer have random events.
    Event triggers will no longer be activated when certain characters get defeated in the EX arena.
    Fixed the item correction code for Cyber Dome. (NB: This refers to the feature where entering Cyber Dome with certain glitched/obsolete items will automatically fix those items.)

[Fixed timing of tester placement]

    Made the tester appear in Amur-Cage after talking to <Regulus>/<Renai> at the border.
    An additional tester will be placed there after the event finishes, even if there is already one on the map.
    There are multiple infected yerles soldier there too, so what's the difference a tester or two is going to make?

[New NPCs]

    draco eques
        Level 160 lizardman. Shining Wave, Gravity Sphere.
    blizzard lizard
        Level 134 lizardman. Ice Ball, Crystal Spear.
    claymore dragonewt
        Level 110 lizardman. Shadow Step, Provoke.
    assassin lizard
        Level 68 lizard. Invisible. Space retention.
    black lizardman
        Level 45 lizardman. Insult, Poison Breath.
    lizard mage
        Level 22 lizardman. Heal Critical on low health.
    <Belphat> the cosmic sword
        Level 170 yith. Shadow Step, Swarm, Attribution Shield, Mind Breath. Cure of Eris on low health.

[Expanded main quest]

    Placed <Marka> on F14 of the Cradle of Chaos. Will not respawn here after dying.
    F15 is a floor that is randomly generated every time it is entered. Placed <Norne> and <Belphat> here. Defeating them will yield neither AP nor items.
    <Meshera plant> has been made to not give AP nor items until the Ether blaster is obtained.
    You will be able to take <Belphat> along with you after talking to him. (Works just like <Poppy>)
    Taking him along with you just once will set off the trigger to let you proceed along the main quest.
    But you won't be able to go to F16 just yet.
    Talk to <Kuroya> at the Dock when you have <Belphat> with you to receive a reward, and <Belphat> will leave your party to be placed on the Dock.

[New item]

    <Amulet of Yekub>
        The reward for the above quest. Neckace, but cannot be offered to <Yacatect>.
    rod of magic laser
        Casts Crystal Spear. Craftable with 35 Carpentry.
    rod of poison ball
        Casts Poison Storm. Craftable with 22 Carpentry.

[Child Zeder artifact]

    Name changed to <Lucky Almonds>, removed cold resistance, added some dark resist. Added enchants that increase luck and enhances breath.
    Made it more obvious that this weapon's design was not based off **cky or ***** sticks.

[New special abilities]

        Learned during level up when Alchemy is 30 or more.
        Use it to turn it on or off. Does not use a turn.
        When on, zapping attack rods will not reduce their number of charges.
        Their power will be approximately halved, and 3 SP will be spent.
        Rods were hard to use as a main weapon due to their reliance on charges, and this is to fix that.

    Lock Break
        Learned during level up when Lock Picking is 60 or more.
        Works on chests, gamble chests, and safes.
        Use half of the sum of the Strength and Lockpicking of all allies (including the player) within sight to attempt to open the chest. skeleton key does not increase chance of success.
        When the lock is successfully opened, there will be one less item in the chest or the safe.

[New evolution]

    lizard man and lizard mage evolve with king heart to lizard majesty and learn Shadow rush.

[Changes to statue of Opatos]

    In previous versions, diastrophisms on a continent did not overwrite all random dungeons on it.
    statue of Opatos will now rewrite all dungeons, even the ones that have been entered but have yet to be cleared. 1/4 of the value of the deepest dungeon cleared will be used for generating dungeons, and the regional multiplier will be 2, so dungeon levels should not be in the extremes as much now.
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: ElonaPlus (Now at v1.59) Updated English Translation
« Reply #31 on: July 12, 2016, 12:34:57 PM »
[Changes and additions]

    Added a bit of content to the main quest.
    Your summoned undead can no longer be performed to nor preached to. They will also no longer eat, drink items on the floor nor pick up items on the ground.
    Coffins of necromancy created when undead are returned to their coffins will be identified and will neither be cursed nor blessed.
    The map furniture item can now be read. It's a little hard to grasp what's going on in the main quest without knowing the placement of the other countries in game. It uses the file that is included in the development version of vanilla Elona, but I plan to replace it with another version in the future because it's too colourful and the shape of North Tyris isn't quite right.
    Added 5 high-level fairy race NPCs. Changed the sprites of fairy and titania.
    Added 1 evolution.
    Added 1 Act III unique NPC.
    Added 1 item for use in Act III.
    NPCs will now use a ranged attack instead of Swarm when their target is not next to them. If they do not have the proper equipment to perform a ranged attack, they will simply spend the turn increasing their gauge.
    NPCs with a first aid kit in their inventory will now automatically use it when they are low on health. They won't heal for very much if the stats that the heal amount of the kit depends on are low though. Usage of a kit will take precedence over their low-health AI routine, so you can give them first aid kits if you don't want them to use the said routine on low health.
    Juices will now have their blessed/cursed status and + value erased and get stacked when made with a juice mixer.


    Fixed gauge of characters with 96-100% in their gauge having it reduced to 95% instead of increasing when they kill an enemy.
    Fixed performing not giving experience like it should.
    Fixed usage of first aid kits and special ammos boxes while they are on the ground not refreshing the tile they are on, causing them to leave behind a ghost item.
    Fixed being unable to play the Act III minigame on the 15th of every month.

[Expanded main quest]

    Event on F11 of Cradle of Chaos.
    Placed <Spipha> on F12. She will not resurrect here after dying once.
    Event on F13 of Cradle of Chaos. You won't be able to proceed to F14 yet.

[New NPCs]

    <Renai> the over meshera
        Level 162 bacteria.
        Uses remote blow, Psychic Wave, Super Regene, and so on.
        Has Run Wildly, and portrait and sprite will change when she uses it.
        Will be placed on North Tyris south border after F13 Cradle event.
        Insanity when eaten.

    fairy the shining
        Level 168 fairy. May give magic resistance when eaten.
        Sprite shines. Uses Greater Throw Potions and Mist of Dazzling.
        Uses Healing Rain on low health.

    yousei gorath
        Level 135 fairy. Homing AI. Burning graphical effect.
        Uses Close Suicide. Corpse is super heavy.

        Level 110 fairy. May give magic resistance when eaten.
        Cure of Jua on low health.

    gigantic fairy
        Level 88 fairy. Uses Suspicious Hand, drops gold pieces on death.

        Level 42 fairy. Invisible.

[New item]

    researcher's diary
        Received from <Regulus> after F13 Cradle event. Cannot be wished for.
        If you have this item and talk to <Loyter> after Nightmare quest is cleared, he will make a comment about it.
        You won't receive anything from him though.

[New evolution]

    fairy will evolve with god heart into magna fairy. Learns Magic Equip.

The moral of the story is that they've done quite a lot since we last peeked in on them---quite possibly one of, if not the most, lively Roguelike projects in the world today as it apparently so happens now that they've got serious momentum going!   8)
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: ElonaPlus (Now at v1.63) Updated English Translation
« Reply #32 on: November 05, 2016, 02:28:52 PM »
That time again~  v1.63 and back a bit 8)

[Changes and additions]

    3 additional floors of main quest content.
    Added 1 unique NPC and 1 unique artifact for Act III.
    Added 6 new high-level behicle race NPCs.
    Added 1 new evolution and changed an existing one.
    Removed the DV halving effect of Mist of Frailness spell. Added an [armour] skill reduction effect that works separately from the PV halving effect. Armour skill reduction amount scales with spell level to a maximum of 300. The spell will also reduce the bonuses from armour skill. This is to make the spell useful for players and allies and not just for enemies.
    The Gravity status ailment now goes away when changing maps.
    Changed the damage calculation for Gravity Sphere special action. Base damage is now higher, floor number has less of an effect, and it is also no longer reduced by the target's Strength. It can still be reduced by magic resistance and Feather. It will now also roll to cause a short duration of Slow (can be resisted); duration of Slow depends on the user's Constitution. The probability that its corresponding equipment attribute will proc this special action has been reduced to 60%.
    Added a gauge attack that is activated by Gravity Sphere special action.
    Added 2 'W'ide special actions that work well with the Gravity spell. The Tough feats have been swapped for a feat that grants these. This should make it possible to roleplay as a character with gravity powers.
    Added a special action that allows you to run over enemies while riding.
    Added 1 learnable feat (i.e. not bought with AP) that reduces the accuracy penalty for riding.
    Minimum damage for Smash Ground and Blade Strings special actions after damage reduction now depends on the user's Strength and Tactics.
    Changed the counter for stacks of sox and panties [in the Japanese version] to pairs.


    Fixed some descriptions.
    Fixed the following unique artifact melee weapons not triggering gauge attacks: Blood rod, Sasanqua Sickle, Zugaikurai, and Necromantis.
    Fixed using love potions with Alchemical Rain dripping hot wax from Candle of Luluwy on to targets.
    Fixed a turn getting expended if you use the Directive special action but cancel before selecting a target even if you have a Very pistol of Mani.
    Fixed there not being an accuracy penalty due to the weight for a ranged weapon equipped in a hand slot.
    Fixed there being an accuracy penalty due to weight for a melee weapon equipped in the ranged slot.
    Fixed having an extra sox taken from you when turning in sox at a particular Act III sub quest if you have 31 or more sox. (For example, if you had 60 sox when turning them in, you will end up with only 29.)
    All NPCs except ranch animals that have had a seasoning item used on them will no longer attempt to follow the player around.
    Fixed harvesting unknown seeds causing the artifact seed auto-save and their crops gaining +enchant value reserved for fruits and vegetables.
    Fixed equality sign in the code not resetting largeanimal and seamonster races to their default sets of body parts.
    Fixed the crash that occurred when attempting to read more than a certain number of sprites within the deck. As a result of this change, user sprites (for custom NPCs) are now permanently set to their default.
    Fixed the freeze that occurred when using Golden Storm when there are no targets within range of the special action due to the continual searching for a valid target. As a precaution against this bug, the number of times targets will be attacked is now more random. To make up for that, 1 turn of irresistible Blind status ailment will be applied. Blind enemies with bling!

Detailed changelog (E) Beware of spoilers?

[Additional main quest content]

    Placed the below mentioned Alfred on F34. Generates with half health and is Unconscious by default. If Lankata was killed, he will automatically recover from unconsciousness and you can talk to him. Otherwise, you will have to bash him to talk to him. You will be able to progress in the main quest even if you ignore him.
        The main quest branches are as follows:
            If you talk to Alfred with Lankata killed -> Alfred will be placed in Amur-Cage after the conversation.
            If you talk to Alfred without killing Lankata and without killing all 4 of the undead bosses -> Alfred will be placed in Amur-Cage after the conversation. Lankata will be moved from F25 to F34 if not dead, and will naturally resurrect with time on F34 when killed.
            If you talk to Alfred without killing Lankata but have killed all 4 of the undead bosses -> Alfred and Lankata both move to the Shrine of Guardian after the conversation.
            If you go to the next floor without talking to Alfred -> Alfred dies when you use the stairs, and will be placed in Amur-Cage. When reentering F34, Lankata will be moved to that floor from F25 if not dead, and will naturally resurrect with time on F34 when killed.
            If Alfred dies before the conversation -> when reentering F34, Lankata will be moved to that floor from F25 if not dead, and will naturally resurrect with time on F34 when killed.
        #3 is the only scenario where both of them get to live, but no matter which you pick there won't be any difference in the items that you can obtain or anything. Just pick the one that suits your character the best.

    Cutscene on F35.
    Placed <Aile> the attendant on F36.
    F37 is inaccessible for now.
    The Cradle of Chaos has 40 floors in total.

[New NPCs]

    <Alfred> the cangnan wind
        Level 174 elea. Cure of Jua on low health. Shadow Step, Feather, Shield Parry, Magic Storm.
    konigs katze
        Level 151 behicle. AI prioritizes movement. Rocket Fire.
        Level 121 behicle. Shadow Step, Voracity Fang. Is a warrior, but is equipped with claws and has Marksman skill.
        Level 106 behicle. Draw Shadow, Smash Ground, Hero, Attribution Shield. Is a warmage, but comes with claws equipped.
    ride cleric
        Level 66 behicle. Suitable for riding. Crystal Spear, Holy Shield.
    Xeren auto tank
        Level 35 behicle. Doesn't have any special actions.
    large bike
        Level 16 behicle. Neutral. Suitable for riding. Doesn't have any special actions.

[New item]

        Unique battle axe artifact. Is equipped by the aforementioned Alfred.

[New feats]

        NB: pun on "one with the steed".
        With this, accuracy penalty for weapons weighing 4s or more is reduced from
            (Weapon weight - 3.6) * 1000 / (10 + Riding skill / 5) to
            (Weapon weight up to 10s - 3.9) * 1000 / (100 + Riding skill * 2).
        In addition to the above, the negative accuracy modifier while riding will also be reduced from
            100 / (150 - Riding / 2, min. 115, max. 150) to
            100 / (150 - Riding / 2, min. 105, max. 125).
        The accuracy penalty for weapons weighing 4s or more equipped on the steed is also reduced from
            (Weapon weight - 3.6) * 1000 / (10 + Strength / 10) to
            (Weapon weight up to 10s - 3.9) * 1000 / (100 + Strength).
        The negative accuracy modifier for the steed while riding will be reduced from
            100 / (150 - Strength / 2, min. 115, max. 150) to
            100 / (150 - Strength / 2, min. 105, max. 125).

    Sexy Dance
        NB: Reads "Gravity Control" in Japanese.
        Replaces the Tough feats. Gives the Gravity Accel special action.
        Will give Gravity Sphere special action when leveling up with 60 or more Constitution.
        Will also give the Giga Gravitation special action when leveling up with 100 or more Constitution.

[New special actions]

    Gravity Accel
        Applies a buff of the same name to all allies (including the user) in visual range. When activated, targets will gain +20 turns of Gravity status ailment. While active, affected targets will not activate traps, nor step into puddles, nor fall into wells even though they are afflicted by Gravity. Physical damage dealt is increased by 10%, and physical damage received is reduced by 5%.
        Speed increases with the number of turns of Gravity status ailment, capped at 1/2 of the target's original speed or 300, whichever is lower.
        While the buff is active, the "you generate gravity" ether disease symptom is negated.
        Gravity status ailment from Gravity special action lasts for +50 to 99 turns which is longer, so you may find Gravity Accel better when used in conjunction with the [Gravity special action].
        In essence, this reduces the negative effects of Gravity on allies and also applies positive effects to it.
        Gravity status ailment will still completely negate Greater Evasion though.

    Giga Gravitation
        Applies +30 turns of Gravity status ailment to all enemies in visual range and +1 turn of Bind.
        Deals magic-element damage dependent on the user's Constitution and Magic Capacity skill level.
        Damage is multiplied by 1.5x if the target's Gravity status ailment has 50-99 turns remaining.
        Damage is multiplied by 2x if the target's Gravity status ailment has 100-149 turns remaining.
        Damage is multiplied by 2.5x if the target's Gravity status ailment has 150-199 turns remaining.
        Damage is multiplied by 3x if the target's Gravity status ailment has 200 or more turns remaining.
        This special action is a lot more powerful when used in conjunction with the Gravity special action.
        Gives Magic Capacity experience after using.

    Hyper Dash
        Learned during level up if Riding skill is 80 or above.
        Nothing happens if used while not riding/being ridden.
        Effect is applied to the player if used by the steed the player is riding, or if used by the pet riding the player.
        If used by the player when the player is not riding, the below mentioned effects do not occur.
        The character controlling movement (or the tag partner of an NPC) will be able to displace enemies from their tile with this buff.
        When the player is under the effect of this buff, a melee attack will not occur when moving in the direction of an enemy and the enemy will get displaced.
        Shadow Step and Distance Attack can still be used. Select the appropriate option from the 'i'nteract menu to use melee attacks.
        Be aware that NPCs will not attempt to push away an enemy standing between them and their target.
        Inflicts 1 turn of Wince. Damage is reduced by the average of the target's PV + DV + Dexterity.
        The character controlling movement will gain Riding skill experience. (Also given to the player's steed/rider, and to tag partners of NPCs.)
        This is basically a hit-and-run attack.
        Divine cattle and unicorn NPCs from evolution will now have this special action.

[New gauge attack]

    Graviton Buster
        Activated by Gravity Sphere. Destroys wall and floor tiles in a breath area of effect.
        Targets will gain +50 turns of Gravity status ailment and a Slow debuff that is stronger than that of Gravity Sphere. Damage is not reduced by Feather.
        Power depends on the average of the user's Constitution and the floor number (max of 2000).

[New evolution]

    Large bike will evolve with machine heart into machine storm and learn Hyper Dash.

[Changes to an existing evolution]

    Xeren electric tank which was already strong to begin with will no longer evolve. Xeren auto tank added in this version will evolve into Xeren humanoid tank. Attribute increased by evolution has been changed from Magic to Strength. Fire a volley will also be learned.
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Re: ElonaPlus (Now at v1.63) Updated English Translation
« Reply #33 on: November 05, 2016, 02:30:07 PM »

[Changes and additions]

    Overhauled character sprite drawing to make it possible to accommodate 1000+ sprites. Mostly affects custom NPCs and disguised summoned undead. As far as I can tell, everything should still work the same.
    If the move that an NPC picks from its AI routine is Hero, Holy Shield, Regeneration, Attribution Shield, Speed. Holy Veil, Divine Wisdom, Lulwy's Trick, Boost, Contingency, Clear Mind, Feather, Charge Attack, Attribute, AutoGuard (aka Absolute Protect), Retention (aka Space Retention), Concentration, Element Scar, Mist of Silence, Slow, [Mist of] Frailness, Nightmare, Punishment, or Death Word, and its target is already afflicted with the buff/debuff, it will attempt to pick another move out of the routine up to two times. For example, a move that has a 20% chance of getting used will now only have a 0.8% chance of getting wasted.
    Added a new gauge attack that procs from touch-type special actions.
    Added a 'W'ide special action that throws money. Money thrown cannot be recovered.
    Added 2 new special actions for NPC use only.
    Added 1 new 'W'ide special action available from the shield bash feat.
    Sacks of sugar and bottles of salt are now usable items. Added pepper and soy sauce items; these fall in the same category of items as the former two. Using these on any NPC will marinate them and increase the quality of the corpse they drop (up to +4). Now you can enjoy little Gwen with salt and pepper or have your bosses with soy sauce.
    Unknown seed crops no longer yield junk- and ore-type items.
    Tentatively added 4 new items. All of them are obtainable from unknown seeds.
    Added 3 new item fusion recipes. Relaxed item requirements for instant ale recipe and increased the number of products it yields.
    Summoned undead no longer contribute to performing score.
    Only one each of every type of fused undead can be created at a time.
    Coffins of necromancy of summoned undead used in necro fusion will now have a cooldown of 24 hours.
    Kaneda Bike's sprite is now a mix of the original bike that it references and a normal motorcycle.
    Using Alchemical Rain with love potions no longer causes impress to increase (it will still cause Dim though).
    Changed the damage calculation for Blade Strings. Tactics skill now has a greater effect on damage, and damage is now reduced by the target's armour skill.
    The "change attack to arrow magic" feat now gives Casting experience. Special actions that proc regular attacks will now also change those attacks to dart-type spells.
    The portion of the extra melee attack bonus chance that depends on the number of hands is now 0 when number of hands is 2 or fewer. (NB: see equipment attributes page on English wiki for more info.)
    I've always felt that Confused and Dim are too similar in terms of their effects, and there are also several ways of applying Dim to targets that are immune to it. Thus, to make the distinction between them greater, Confused now causes only spellcasting failure and random movement of the player's character, and also reduced ability to give commands to the player's character. Dim, on the other hand, causes reduced accuracy, reduced evade, and an increased chance of receiving critical attacks.
    Body weight of 100kg and above no longer grants immunity to spider webs.
    The portion of body weight that depends on height has a minimum of 0. Characters with 0 weight now no longer gains weight when eating. Cursed Slow potions and that soup item will still have an effect.


    Fixed some descriptions.
    Fixed tobacco not getting consumed in the tobacco processing recipe.
    Fixed damage reduction due to distance multipliers getting applied twice when rock throwing equipment attribute is in effect.
    Fixed regular investing (i.e. not investing 50) attempting to increase shop rank twice.
    Fixed portrait, name, and atmosphere of characters that do not have a walking animation set not returning to their normal state when the effect of a shift core ends.
    Fixed log messages sometimes not getting displayed when more than one message attempts to display when changing maps.

Detailed changelog (E) Beware of spoilers?

[New items]

All of these can be harvested from unknown seeds. They also have a low chance of getting randomly generated. If harvested, they will gain a +enchant value from Gardening skill or from the fertilizer bonus.

    tea leaf
        Will be used in item fusion to craft black tea or green tea in the future.
    coffee beans
        When used in item fusion, yields 4 x cups of coffees that are all guaranteed to be blessed and inherit the +enchant value of the coffee beans. The +enchant value increases its sell value. You can use this to roleplay coffeshop.
        When used in item fusion, yields 10 x rice balls that are unblessed but inherit the +enchant value of the rice. It's an early game food that will not train attributes, but the +enchant value will recover SP.
    bannou mugi
        (NB: multi-purpose wheat)
        When used in item fusion, yields 2 x bottles of beer and 2 x bottles of whiskey, all of which are guaranteed to be blessed, as well as 2 x sacks of flour and 2 x raw noodles that are unblessed but inherit the +enchant value of the bannou mugi.

[New special actions]

    Shield Parry
        Learned upon level up if Shield skill is 35 or above and shield bash feat has been acquired.
        Applies a buff of the same name to all allies in sight who have a shield equipped in a hand when used.
        Will give a (DV total of shields equipped in hands + 5, does not include tonfas/claws)% chance of evading physical attacks. Is calculated separately from the normal evasion. This % chance has a minimum of 0, and maximum of 15. (This means that the lighter shields are better than heavy shields in this respect, and there will be no need to use multiple shields as 1 will suffice.)
        If a melee attack is evaded with the above calculation or with a regular evade/greater evasion while the buff is active, 2 turns of Invert status ailment (NB: "stagger") will be applied to the attacker.
        (Remote attacking opponents will be Inverted, but ranged attackers will not and will only be evaded.)
        Physical damage on characters affected by Invert will be multiplied by 1.75 times.
        High DV shield-wielding characters can now be damage support.

    Golden Storm
        Learned upon level up if Investing skill is 50 or above. (Is a 'W'ide special action.)
        An attack that tosses 200gp at each enemy in sight. Tosses up to 10 times. Gold pieces cannot be retrieved.
        Gold amount cannot be adjusted because that would make balancing this special action difficult. Too bad, really.
        Damage depends on Investing and Throwing skill levels. This really is a spike damage special action for Throwing characters.
        Damage is reduced by target's PV, armour skill, and Dexterity. Won't work well against opponents that have a lot of defence.
        Yacatect will use this for both of her forms when her health is down to 50% or less, with the probability of her using it depending on the amount of gold [that she has].
        More literal bang for your bucks.

    Rocket Fire
        Same effect as the panzerfaust X item, except damage is reduced by the target's PV, DV, Constitution, and armour skill. If gauge is insufficient, it turns into a regular ranged attack.

    Nuclear Fire
        Same effect as the atomic launcher item, except damage is reduced by the target's PV, DV, Constitution, and armour skill. If gauge is insufficient, it turns into a regular ranged attack.

[New gauge attack]

        (NB: expends 100% gauge.)
        Power depends on the average value of Will and Magic. Has no effect other than damage, but damage is easy to scale up.
        Hand-type special action -> (Resolution Hand if you have it) (NB: it actually says "Palm of Derangement" here? Typo?) -> GHAND would be how attacks are usually chained, but if the Blue Spirit is equipped, only GHAND will be used after selecting the hand-type special action. This increases damage dealt and also allows you to attack distant enemies.

[Seasoning for prepping food]

    Any of the seasoning items will increase corpse quality by +1. It uses the same variable as the counter for rubbing livestock on the ranch, so the number of seasoning items used on them is the number of times you won't have to rub them. There might not be a point in doing that though.
    All of them will deal a large amount of damage to snail race characters.

Partial changelog for next version

[Changes and additions]

    Added 1 unique NPC for Act III and 1 unique artifact.
    Added 6 new high-level behicle race NPCs.
    Added 1 new evolution and changed an existing one.
    Removed the DV halving effect of Mist of Frailness spell. Added an [armour] skill reduction effect that works separately from the PV halving effect. Armour skill reduction amount scales with spell level to a maximum of 300. The spell will also reduce the bonuses from armour skill. This is to make the spell useful for players and allies and not just for enemies.
    The Gravity status ailment now goes away when changing maps.
    Changed the damage calculation for Gravity Sphere special action. Base damage is now higher, floor number has less of an effect, and it is also no longer reduced by the target's Strength. It can still be reduced by magic resistance and Feather. It will now also roll to cause a short duration of Slow (can be resisted). The probability that its corresponding equipment attribute will proc this special action has been reduced to 60%.
    Added a gauge attack that is activated by Gravity Sphere special action.
    Added 2 'W'ide special actions that work well with the Gravity spell. The Tough feats have been swapped for a feat that grants these. This should make it possible to roleplay as a character with gravity powers.
    Changed the counter for stacks of sox and panties [in the Japanese version] to pairs.


    Fixed a turn getting expended if you use the Directive special action but cancel before selecting a target even if you have a Very pistol of Mani.
    Fixed there not being an accuracy penalty due to the weight for a ranged weapon equipped in a hand.
    Fixed there being an accuracy penalty due to weight for a melee weapon equipped in the ranged slot.
    Fixed having an extra sox taken from you when turning in sox at a particular Act III sub quest if you have 31 or more sox. (For example, if you had 60 sox when turning them in, you will end up with only 29.)
    All NPCs except ranch animals that have had a seasoning item used on them will no longer attempt to follow the player around.
    Fixed harvesting unknown seeds causing the artifact seed auto-save and their crops gaining +enchant value reserved for fruits and vegetables.
    Fixed equality sign in the code not resetting largeanimal and seamonster races to their default sets of body parts.
    Fixed the crash that occurred when attempting to read more than a certain number of sprites within the deck. As a result of this change, user sprites (for custom NPCs) are now permanently set to their default.
    Fixed the freeze that occurred when using Golden Storm when there are no targets within range of the special action due to the continual searching for a valid target. As a precaution against this bug, the number of times targets will be attacked is now more random. To make up for that, 1 turn of irresistible Blind status ailment will be applied. Blind enemies with bling!
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Re: ElonaPlus (Now at v1.63) Updated English Translation
« Reply #34 on: November 05, 2016, 02:31:22 PM »
and more

[Changes and additions]

    Four floors' worth of content in Act III main quest.
    Added 2 new items.
    Added 1 new precious artifact. It will cause summoned undead to fuse with one another.
    Added 4 new low-level undeadgod NPCs. They do not spawn naturally.
    Added 1 new unique NPC for Act III.
    Increased the volume of the growling sound effect when entering a floor with a Big Daddy.
    The effect of changing physical attacks to dart spells is no longer solely applied to actions in the NPC's AI routine. It will now also work even if the target is out of range for that particular action in the routine to activate and the NPC ends up doing a regular attack.
    Added 2 new 'W'ide special actions obtainable from the Gentle Face feat.
    Added 1 new 'W'ide special action obtainable from the Magic Eye feat.
    Number of turns that targets are boosted by Rubbing special action is now 3 and 5 respectively for Fellow impress and for Soul Mate and above.
    Changed the name of Resolution Hand special action, and also made slight changes to its cost and effect.
    Sound effect for Blade Turbulence special action no longer plays when the user is out of the player's sight.


    Fixed some descriptions.
    Added code to dissolve a tag team if a tag member has been handed over for a sub quest or placed in the Doujou. This is to prevent the remaining member of the team from temporarily vanishing.
    Fixed experience getting rewarded for using Blade Strings on NPCs resulting from splitting or on a sandbag.
    Fixed the conversation continuing normally and the game crashing sometimes if a pet is selected from the list pets to change martial style for at the Doujou, and then cancelled.

Detailed changelog (E) Beware of spoilers?

[Additional main quest content]

    Mid-boss battle in F30 of the Cradle of Chaos, but you can ignore it and go down the stairs if it's too much trouble. Future events will change a lot depending on whether you killed all four unitdead NPCs (NB: see below) on the floor.
    Cutscene on F31. Halion and Miros will get placed in Ruoza after that. Miros will disappear from Kurualm.
    Arma on F32.
    Cutscene on F33. F34 is inaccessible for now.

[New items]

        Part two of eating legendary monsters is the jerky of the Byakhee!
        Dropped occasionally by the king in yellow. Gives speed experience when eaten. Will not cause insanity.
        What's great about this is that unlike raw shoes, you can feed them to your pets.
        Part three will be roast Shantaks.
        A purely aesthetic item that is rarely randomly generated. One is guaranteed to be at the Ludus summer festival.
        Colour of the effect and where it occurs is random. Can be used on the world map or indoors (consider remodeling your home before that).
        This is for the people who had work or are forever alone and couldn't go to a fireworks display - enjoy the fireworks in Irva with your pets, at least?
        Let me know if you find a better sound effect for it.
        Unique scythe artifact. Using it causes undead to fuse. Music tickets can be exchanged for it in Act II.

[Undead fusion]

    Use the Necromantis, select the type of fusion desired, expend 25% gauge, and the undead gets summoned.
    Undead that were subject to fusion will become coffins with 1 hour cooldown.
    The various Necro Force powers will have an effect, but the [fused undead] cannot be put into a coffin.
    Fused undead cannot leave the map they are created in, so it's a good idea to use them only when fighting a strong enemy.
    Undeadgod race NPCs have high attributes and have no weakness to fire so they should prove useful. Remember that they don't have the usual resistance bonuses that undead have though.

[New NPCs]

    <Halion> the extremist
        Level 20 elea. Has temper bit flag. Potion throwing 1, Nether Arrow, Rampage. On low health, Heal Critical.

The following characters do not spawn naturally. They are either created by the Necromantis, or spawn in an Act III mid-boss battle. Keep that in mind if you're looking to raise them as pets. In the future, they will appear in the Void after clearing Act III.

        Undeadgod. Unaffected by equipment attribute that deals massive damage to gods. Rotten corpse. Super Regene on low health. Uses Shadow Step, Squeeze, Boost.
        Undeadgod. Unaffected by equipment attribute that deals massive damage to gods. Rotten corpse. Super Regene on low health. Psychic Wave, Gravity Sphere.
        Undeadgod. Unaffected by equipment attribute that deals massive damage to gods. MP Breath on low health. Nether Breath, Voracity Fang, Draw Shadow, Swarm, Megid Flame.
        Undeadgod. Unaffected by equipment attribute that deals massive damage to gods. Rotten corpse. Cure of Jua on low health. Provoke, Short Teleport, Alchemical Rain, Ice Bolt, Lightning Bolt, Slow. Over-Ray when gauge is sufficient. (When NPCs use Alchemical Rain, it will only make targets wet, but they will remain wet for longer.)

[New special actions]

    Abyss in the eye
        Gained during level up if the Magic Eye feat has been acquired and Magic is 60 or above.
        Gives the user and all pets in sight with a buff of the same name.
        Gauge absorption is fixed at 2%, and HP, MP absorption will depend on the user's Magic.
    Cowering Smile
        Gained during level up if Gentle Face feat has been acquired and Will is 80 or above.
        All characters excluding the user in sight will get afflicted by 3 turns of Atrophy and Chills. (Which works out to 0.45 times damage dealt for the afflicted characters.)
        Has no effect on characters already affected by Atrophy or Chills.
    Smile Field
        Gained during level up if Gentle Face feat has been acquired and Will is 40 or above.
        Uses Space Retention on the user, and all targets in sight will get buffed with Concentration.
        Strength of buffs will depend on the number of targets and the user's Will.
        If there are no enemies around that use physical attacks then it may be worth using it even if enemies are in sight.
        It makes enemies proc criticals more often so it works well in combination with Emergency Evasion.
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Re: ElonaPlus (Now at v1.63) Updated English Translation
« Reply #35 on: November 05, 2016, 02:32:49 PM »
And finally:

[Changes and additions]

    Added 6 high-level yeek race NPCs.
    Added 1 item fusion recipe.
    Reduced the SP cost of "Touch of..."-type special actions. Added a Wide-area support special action for those.
    While Sense Objects is active, you will be able to see invisible NPCs as well now.
    Individual spells can now be tracked, the decimal values of their spell levels can be seen, and bonus points can now be spent on them on the character sheet after the resistances section. (Some debug mode functions have been enabled to allow this.)
    Added an AP feat for pet use only (listed under Change battle style). When they attempt to use a regular physical attack (melee or ranged), it will become a dart-type spell of the element that they have the highest resistance against.
    Reduced the cost of magic practice to 3-10 pp.
    The goose now lays 2 pp at a time.
    The Elements Eyes artifact no longer affects all allied characters in visual range, and is now targeted in the 4 cardinal directions. Its effects also no longer wear off during sleep. By targeting the desired character and selecting the Cancel option, the Elements Eyes' effect will wear off on that character.
    There is now a confirmation dialogue when handing over town child NPCs at an Act II sub quest. Pets marked as important can no longer be handed over.
    Pets' Investing skill now has some effect when the player is investing shop (the sum of 1/5 of each of their Investing skill capped at the player's Investing skill level). They will also receive experience to the skill.
    Rare herbs now recover 20 times as much potential. The amount of potential recovered by food infused with herb remains the same. This is to buff the option of eating herbs as they are.
    Magic practice experience now increases with Learning attribute instead of being a fixed value.
    Added scroll of escape to rewards given for defeating the random boss in dungeons.
    The speed at which effect animations play at can now be adjusted in the in-game settings.
    You can now tell the informer your birthday once. There may be a birthday event in future versions that will occur on the real-life date.
    Made it possible to have even more physical intimacy with your pet:
        It is now possible to access a special conversation screen with pets who are at Friend impress or above. Choosing which action to take will expend action points.
        TxtDialogB, TxtDialogE, TxtDialogF, and TxtDialogH from the pet's custom spoken line file will be used by depending on which action you choose to take, and they will also change their full-body portrait (NB: AKA 'atmosphere') to match.
        Their happiness will increase depending on the actions taken up to a maximum of 10. Sleeping will reset your action points to 10, but all happiness points of all pets will also be reset.
        Pets' gauges will increase by their happiness points every time they take a turn.


    Fixed some descriptions.
    Fixed the crash that occurred if you enter a number less than 0 or a number for which no picture file exists when changing the atmosphere (the full-body portrait). To prevent this, numbers that do not match any picture file can no longer be selected. (This also means that you will be unable to select pictures if their file numbers are not contiguous.)
    Fixed the enhances your spells modifier only being 1.1 times at most for magic devices due to a typo.
    Fixed the massive reduction in healing effect on characters with cMetal and cArmour bit flags.
    Fixed being able to repatriate inner gods recruited as pets, causing them to disappear.
    Added more measures to prevent sell price overflow.
    Fixed Time Stop special action having an effect even when time has already been stopped. Also fixed some characters not getting their gauge reduced when they use it.

Detailed changelog (E) Beware of spoilers?
1.60: detailed changelog

Taken from 仕様書(elonaplus).txt. May contain spoilers.

[More physical intimacy]

    If a pet is at Friend status or above, the player has Action points remaining, and Happiness is not at max, then the [evochat] option will appear in the conversation window.
        When that option is selected, the ambient SFXs like the chattering in town will temporarily be turned off.
        Picking 'Be kind': +1. Chance of an additional +1 depends on impress.
        Picking 'To embarrass': no change. But if they tend to be passive/obedient due to use of the tamer's whip, then there is a chance of gaining +2, [with the chance dependent on the servant/master relationship].
        Give 100,000gp: +1. Roll for random number up to the target's current gold amount - if result is below 100,000, give an additional +1.
        Every action taken other than ending it will reduce Action points by 1. And to be honest, it's going to be very boring if the pet does not have their atmosphere (full body portraits) set. Evochat is short for evolved chat.

[New NPCs]

        Level 155 yeek. Uses Draw Shadow, Hero, Slow.
        Level 131 yeek. Eye of Insanity, Insult, Mind Bolt.
    master archayeek
        Level 106 yeek. Water Bolt, Dark Eye, Summon Yeek, Bound in Blood. On low health, Cure of Jua.
    archayeek gunner
        Level 78 yeek. Homing Lazer, Provoke.
        Level 56 yeek. Shadow Step, Smash Ground.
    yeek hard worker
        Level 30 yeek. Has a high chance of using collected power, Disturbance.

[New items] - Purely for roleplaying smoking characters

    In the future, they may be targetable in the 4 cardinal directions to cause a gauge increase or come with withdrawal symptoms.

    suigara - [NB: cigarette butt] Generated at your feet after using a cigarette.
    kiseru - Generated randomly.
    tobacco pipe - Generated randomly.
    hamaki - [NB: cigar] Generated randomly.
    cigarette - Generated randomly.
    tobacco - Generated randomly. Also harvestable from unknown seed crops.

[New item fusion recipes]

    tobacco processing - crafts cigarette, hamaki, tobacco pipe, and kiseru.

[New 'W'ide' special action]

    Resolution Hand
        Gained during level up if Touch of Poison or Touch of Sleep feat has been acquired and Alchemy skill is 20 or above.
        When used, it gives a buff to all allies (including the user) in sight that has the same name.
        [With the buff,] Touch of Weakness, Touch of Hunger, Touch of Poison, Touch of Nerve, Touch of Fear, and Touch of Sleep will now deal damage to the target, with amount of damage depending on Alchemy skill and Magic attribute. Damage is reduced by the target's Constitution.
        If the target's health is determined to be less than 1/8 of maximum (this does not include the farmer's bonus), then it will invoke something similar to decapitation and deal lethal damage and give the user a small amount of a random material. Targets on a sandbag do not yield materials.

[New spell page on the character sheet]

    The spells are basically the same as skills. However, they don't recover much potential when bonus points are spent on them because potential will recover if you do nothing anyway. It's also because not much potential is recovered at high potential. You would probably want to use this to bring spell levels to the point where they are just about to level up before attending magic practice.

[New AP feat for pets]

    Change attack to arrow magic
        For when you want to make pets with melee/ranged AI attack with only spells instead. (And also if you like dart-type spells.)

Changelog for 1.60fix (E)


    Fixed the crash that sometimes occurs when selling items or depositing items while affected by buffs or debuffs.
    Fixed level 0 spells getting displayed on the character sheet'st list.

:taps:  Yep, I'd definitely be inclined to say the project is very much alive and lively. 8)
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: ElonaPlus (Now at v1.63) Updated English Translation
« Reply #36 on: January 26, 2017, 02:05:43 PM »
Maybe not the correct place for this question, but I hope you will forgive me.

I am trying to add custom portraits to ElonaPlus, with an 80x112px bmp format, but ElonaPlus does not seem to like it at all... it crashes every time. I am following the format and directory locations that are described for adding custom portraits to Elona (non Plus version)... is there something that I am missing?

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Re: ElonaPlus (Now at v1.63) Updated English Translation
« Reply #37 on: January 26, 2017, 08:11:21 PM »


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Re: ElonaPlus (Now at v1.66) Updated English Translation
« Reply #38 on: April 11, 2017, 06:05:36 AM »
Updated to 1.66! patch notes from 1.64 to 1.66 shown in order! (splitting posts up due to exceeding 20k characters, wow!)

1.64 -
[Changes and additions]
Added 2 floors of content to the main quest.
Added an item that is available for a limited time only. If you update the game while it is still 2016 and load a save file, it will be generated at your feet.
Made some changes to moon gates and runes because of the server shutdown.
Added 6 high-level ent race NPCs.
Ent race NPCs will start with Gardening skill.
Added 2 new evolutions.
Added 3 new special actions. Added 1 new feat that grants them.
The number of gold pieces awarded for clearing random Nefia is now approximately 1/4 of what it was. Floors other than the first one will have roughly the same amount of gold placed on the ground. This change was made because dungeons gave the same reward no matter how many floors there were in there, and players looking to get the gold reward at the end were basically making a beeline for the last floor. This should increase the amount of money Nefias award if they have 5 floors or more.
Tiles in the random floors of the Act III main quest dungeon are now of a certain type. This does not affect floors that already have been generated.
Decreased the spawn rate of Nefias that have a danger level that depends on the lowest floor cleared.
The player can now use Pregnant special action when pregnant. Now you can get that girl/guy you like knocked up. The kid isn't going to be yours though! (Talk about high-level NTR shenanigans.)
NPCs born from pregnancy will have a level of at most 200.
Increased amount of exp gained by students at the Doujou when the player stops by.
Changed the power of Gravity Sphere special action. Its power was previously balanced with end-game Constitution in mind, so this time it should be balanced when Constitution is still low. Floor number also has a lower effect on its power now.
Converge Breath gauge attack will now increase current HP by 1/3. This increases HP, but is not a healing move. It may increase HP beyond the maximum until HP gets recalculated. HP will not be increased if current HP already exceeds maximum HP.
Items made from item fusion will be identified when created.
Increased the base price of items created from wood craft and stone craft item fusion recipes. Carpentry and Jeweler skills modifier on item quality has been adjusted so that they make it easier to craft better items. The material of the resulting item is also no longer fixed and is now random, so items may sell for even more due to the material modifier on their prices. However, the game will auto-save after crafting an item.
Decreased the skill level required for emerald tablet, brilliant rubynus, and brilliant diamond item fusion recipes. Increased the sell price of those items. Number of items consumed when crafting remains the same.
Fixed some descriptions.
Fixed and added content to help_npc.txt.
Changed now CNPCs act when they select a move from their routine which CNPCs are not supposed to use. They will now use a physical attack instead.
Fixed the colour mix-up for the archayeek and lunatyeek monsters.
Fixed cancelling item fusion after the ingredients have already been selected then using another item fusion recipe consuming the ingredients from the cancelled recipe.
Fixed gender displaying twice on the conversation windows.
Fixed the issue with trismagistus attack range.
Fixed being able to use Fire a volley even if gauge is below 50%.
Fixed Converge Breath stopping time even when gauge is 100%.
Fixed Giga Gravitation affecting targets out of sight. Also fixed the debug sound effect getting played; it was used for checking when Magic Capacity experience was obtained. Also fixed 10% of maximum HP getting consumed instead of 10% of maximum MP.
Fixed Effect Speed option in the in-game config glitching when restarting the game.
Detailed changelog (E) Beware of spoilers?

[Additional main quest content]
Event on F37. Placed Vessel on F38. F39 is inaccessible for now.
[New item]
If thrown at a hostile NPC or the player, it deals chaos damage dependent on the player's Will and Magic Device.
Throwing it will deal no weight-dependent damage.
If thrown at a non-hostile NPC, it will heal an amount of HP that is dependent on the target's and the player's Will attributes.
Is not consumed by throwing. Can be obtained by updating the game, or by wishing.
[New feat]
Knowledge of magical plants
Grants Misteltein special action.
Grants Violent Garden special action upon level up when Gardening is 30 or above.
Grants Aromageddon special action upon level up when Gardening is 60 or above.
[New special action]
Deals Throwing skill-dependent damage to the target's mana.
There are a couple of things that make this different from other mana damage-dealing special actions.
If the target is not a unique NPC and Strength is half or more than the user's base Strength, then a Strength debuff dependent on Gardening skill will be applied.
If the target is a god-type NPC, then Throwing and Gardening skill-dependent non-elemental damage will be dealt. (Reduced by the target's Gardening skill.)
Gives a little Throwing and Gardening skill experience to the user.
Replaces Nether Arrow in Kumiromi's repertoire of moves.
Violent Garden
Wide special action. Deals Gardening and Learning-dependent poison-element damage to hostile characters in sight.
The strength of the status ailment dealt is fixed.
Targets that are not already afflicted by Bind will have 3 turns of Bind applied to them.
Gives Gardening skill experience to the user.
Replaces Nether Arrow in Insane Kumiromi's repertoire of moves.
Wide special action. Activation will expend 1 essential oil in the inventory.
Affects all hostile and allied characters in sight including the user.
Gauge of affected allies will be increased by 15% and their MP will be recovered by an amount dependent on the user's Gardening's skill.
A Gardening skill-dependent speed debuff will be applied on hostile targets that are non-unique NPCs and have a Speed attribute that is half of the user's Speed or more.
[New NPCs]
curse wood king
Level 153 ent. Curse, Violent Garden. Uncontroll on low health.
dragon tree
Level 131 ent. Float bit flag. Power Breath, Poison Breath.
tree incarnation
Level 114 ent. Temper bit flag. Misteltein, Lightning Bolt. Heal Critical on low health.
Level 96 ent. Eye of Illusion, Mist of Darkness, Darkness Bolt.
banyan monster
Level 44 ent. Squeeze, Drain Blood.
Level 29 ent. Bewitch, Draw Shadow, Touch of Weakness.
[New evolutions]
Fire ent evolves into maple dragon tree with another heart. Ice ent evolves into snow dragon tree with another heart. Both of these evolutions will grant the float bit flag. The attributes that are increased by evolution will differ for them.
Partial changelog for next version

[Changes and additions]
Added a bit of Act III main quest content.
When the informer NPC has been informed of your birthday and that day is today, a birthday event will occur when changing maps. (It will only occur once a year.) It's nothing much, so please don't be too eager to see it.
Changed the chicken NPC's sprite because it's the year of the rooster. Also made a different sprite for female chickens.
Placed a new unique NPC at the South tyris north border.
Added 2 new spirit NPCs and evolution patterns.
2 new red books. Placed one of them permanently on a map.
Livestock can now be milked by using Squeeze special action on them.
Milk obtained this way will have an +enhance value on them that depends on how much they were brushed and the player's Dexterity. The +enhance value will be even higher if they are good at producing milk. Being inept at producing milk will have no effect on the resulting +enhance value.
Milking has the same cooldown as Rubbing them with a brush.
However, livestocks' Life will be halved every time they are milked.
Attempting to milk livestock with less than 2 Life will kill them.
Livestock will still spawn milk on the ranch even when their Life has been lowered, so you can choose whether you want to milk them all you can then let them live or turn them into pieces of meat afterwards.
Milk sells for the same amount for all monsters, so with some Rubbing you could have a dairy farm even on a ranch with low level monsters.
To make PV less important and accuracy less unimportant, DV now has 1.75 times the effect on evasion compared to previous versions.
Nerfed Violent Garden - its bind has been reduced to 1 turn.
Some random Nefia will now be generated with their danger level dependent on the lowest floor cleared plus the level modifier of the respective areas.
Slicing animation for bladed weapons now play rotated to a random angle.
Gauge attacks can no longer be used while Continuous attacks special action is in use. Also made the latter's animation faster, and if the attack is a blunt force the animation will be played at random coordinates. Increased the damage multiplier from 17/15 to 17/6. However, there is now a 70% chance that no experience will be gained when attacking.
Accuracy is now halved when attacking with Shadow Step special action. Shadow Step will now become a regular attack when used by NPCs on a target adjacent to them.
Doubled the effectiveness of "increases your chance/decreases enemy chance to deliver critical hits" equipment attributes and Eye of Mind skill. Halved the critical chance penalty of heavy weapons.
Desert regions no longer confuse the player, and will instead cause mild Dim and deal low amounts of damage.
Pets can now be made to stay on a certain floor at your home. They will no longer attempt to follow you to other floors, and their default position will be fixed. After updating the game, you will have to redesignate pets as stayers at your home.
Onigiri now takes 2 turns to eat. (For reference, other foods take 9 turns.) Note that if they have an +enhance value on them they can be used to recover SP even when in combat.
Added the cooked food rank to item names.
Added bed rank to the descriptions of beds.
Reduced identification fee. Pet investigation still costs the same.
When Neutral NPCs in random Nefia trigger a randomly-generated wire trap that they will no longer behave as if the player had attacked them.
Fixed Silent Ocean special action not changing some tiles. (Music tiles will be unchanged by it.)
Fixed an oversight in BGM assigning for F10 and onwards in the Cradle of Chaos.
Fixed the 16th adventurer getting recognized as a pet by certain game functions such as duel gloves and red soul spindle.
Starvation damage will no longer occur while a picnic basket is in use.
Fixed Misteltein special action not being a hostile action.
Made Graviton Buster not proc from Gravity Sphere equipment attribute.
Reduced [muiltiplier for] MP-dependent damage bonus for MP Breath from 50% to 25%.
[In progress]
Bug testing and fixes.
Making NPCs for a tutorial map.
Creating the actual tutorial in the map. (Progress 11/16) This is extremely text-heavy.
Making sprites for those NPCs. (done)
Making the course selection menu. (done)
Making the map. (done)
Setting map parameters. (done)

1.65 -
[Changes and additions]
Added a bit of Act III main quest content.
When the informer NPC has been informed of your birthday and that day is today, a birthday event will occur when changing maps. (It will only occur once a year.) It's nothing much, so please don't be too eager to see it.
Added a tutorial facility and 6 new NPCs a short distance south of Vernis. This is to guide players through the early game where it is easy to mess up. It will appear after a diastrophism if you're using a save from a previous version. This is oriented towards totally new players. If beginners find themselves getting stuck in the game even after following the hints given, then I might want to add more tutorial content or change game balance.
Changed the chicken NPC's sprite because it's the year of the rooster. Also made a different sprite for female chickens.
Placed a new unique NPC at the South Tyris north border.
Added 2 new spirit NPCs and evolution patterns.
2 new red books. Placed one of them permanently on a map.
Livestock can now be milked by using Squeeze special action on them.
Milk obtained this way will have an +enhance value on them that depends on how much they were brushed and the player's Dexterity.
Milk sells for the same amount for all monsters, so with some Rubbing you could have a dairy farm even on a ranch with low level monsters.
To make PV less important and accuracy less unimportant, DV now has 1.75 times the effect on evasion compared to previous versions.
Nerfed Violent Garden - its bind has been reduced to 1 turn.
Some random Nefia will now be generated with their danger level dependent on the lowest floor cleared plus the level modifier of the respective areas.
Slicing animation for bladed weapons now play rotated to a random angle.
Gauge attacks will no longer proc while Continuous attacks special action is in use. Also made the latter's animation faster, and if the attack is a blunt force the animation will be played at random coordinates. Increased the damage multiplier from 17/15 to 17/6. However, there is now a 70% chance that no experience will be gained when attacking.
Accuracy is now halved when attacking with Shadow Step special action. Shadow Step will now become a regular attack when used by NPCs on a target adjacent to them.
Users of Distant Attack will no longer get hit by things like cut damage counter when using that attack from a distance.
Doubled the effectiveness of "increases your chance/decreases enemy chance to deliver critical hits" equipment attributes and Eye of Mind skill. Halved the critical chance penalty of heavy weapons.
Desert regions no longer confuse the player, and will instead cause mild Dim and deal low amounts of damage.
Pets can now be made to stay on a certain floor at your home. They will no longer attempt to follow you to other floors, and their default position will be fixed at the coordinate designated. After updating the game, you will have to redesignate pets as stayers at your home.
Onigiri now takes 2 turns to eat. (Note that other foods take 9 turns.) This means that if they have an +enhance value on them they can be used to recover SP even while in combat.
Added the cooked food rank to item names.
Added bed rank to the descriptions of beds.
Reduced identification fee. Investigating pets still costs the same.
When neutral NPCs in random Nefia trigger a randomly-generated wire trap that they will no longer behave as if the player had attacked them.
Fixed Silent Ocean special action not changing some tiles. (Music tiles will [still] be unchanged by it.)
Fixed an oversight in BGM assigning for F10 and onwards in the Cradle of Chaos.
Fixed the 16th adventurer getting recognized as a pet by certain game functions such as duel gloves and red soul spindle.
Starvation damage will no longer occur while a picnic basket is in use.
Fixed Misteltein special action not being considered a hostile action.
Made Graviton Buster not proc from Gravity Sphere equipment attribute.
Reduced [multiplier on] MP-dependent portion of MP Breath from 50% to 25%.
Detailed changelog (E) Beware of spoilers?

[Additional main quest content]
Cutscene on F39 of Cradle of Chaos and placed Leold there. Ends with the conversation for now.

[Tutorial facility]
the Adventure Seminar
[NPCs on this map] will resurrect naturally with time and map will refresh periodically. The Classroom map accessible from here will refresh whenever you enter it. The courses overlap in content, but another way of looking at it is that there is continuity across the courses.
[New NPCs]
Level 6 norland. Not randomly generated. Uses Dark eye, as well as Heal Light on low health.
<Part time worker> the red sword
Level 55 karune. Drain Blood, Squeeze, Draw Shadow.
<Mito> the seminar lecturer
Level 65 juere. Uses Shadow Step and Gravity Accel.
<Iduru> the seminar lecturer
Level 65 norland. Uses Shadow Step and Continuous attacks.
<Cresce> the seminar lecturer
Level 65 zanan. Uses Rocket Fire and Potion throwing 1.
<Ajetalio> the seminar lecturer
Level 65 yerles. Uses Blade Strings, Dancing Wire, and Vindalian Jiu-jitsu.
<Zisilion> the mine king
Uses ranged attacks only. Will give platinum pieces once a day for doing town board quests. This reward does not expire over time [and you can claim it whenever you like]. This NPC also serves as a reason for players to visit towns in South Tyris.
chaos serpent
Level 190 spirit. Floats. Resists chaos. Uses collected power, Homing Lazer, Nether Wave, Shadow Step, Eye of brainwashing, Abyss in the eye, and Megid Flame. On low health, uses MP Breath.
chaos seed
Level 30 spirit. Floats. Resists chaos. Uses Squeeze and Eye of Mana.
[New evolutions]
Chaos spirit evolves into chaos sprout with evolution heart. Male and female sprites differ.
Using a god heart on chaos sprout will then make it evolve into chaos plant and learn Extermination Breath.
[Birthday event]
Up to 16 NPCs out of all the pet and non-pet NPCs on the current map will now be selected (pets will have priority) and they will celebrate your birthday.
They will celebrate it even if they were out of sight, have low impress, or are hostile, but not if they are asleep, unconscious, or have 0 Attract.
Lines spoken by them will be affected by their respective styles of speech.
The number of NPCs there and the options [you pick] will determine whether they will cheer and applaud.
The worst thing that can happen is that there is no one on the current map. In that case, the wish goddess will celebrate your birthday.
A blessed present will be generated at your feet when the event ends.
[Milking livestock]
The +enhance value of milk produced by livestock will be higher if they are good at producing milk. Being inept at producing milk will have no effect on the resulting +enhance value.
Milking has the same cooldown as Rubbing them with a brush. However, livestocks' Life will be halved every time they are milked.
Attempting to milk livestock with less than 2 Life will kill them. Livestock will still spawn milk on the ranch even when their Life has been lowered, so you can choose whether you want to milk them all you can then let them live or turn them into pieces of meat afterwards.


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Re: ElonaPlus (Now at v1.63) Updated English Translation
« Reply #39 on: April 11, 2017, 06:05:45 AM »
1.66 -
[Changes and additions]
The armour equipped by NPCs will now be +enhanced depending on their starting level like their weapon currently is. This will not apply to summoned NPCs and NPCs outside Nefias though.
Equipment increase in price with their +enhance value. Enhanced equipment have the same chance of dropping [from kills] as miracle-quality equipment. The chance for enhanced miracle equipment to drop is even higher. Be sure to leave some space in your inventory so that you can pick these equipment up.
Reduced the multiplier on sales at player shops specialized in equipment from 2 times to 1.5 times.
Greatly reduced the delay between refresh ticks for generating fertilizer on farms and well as the Rubbing and milking cooldowns on the ranch from 120 hours to 24 hours. For existing saves, the new cooldown will take effect after the next fertilizer generation/Rubbing/milking. There is still the minimum 24 hours delay between crop growth [ticks] and generation/breeding of ranch animals. However, the number of chances that crops get to grow over a period of a few days has been doubled, and the chance of ranch animal breeding/produce spawning has been quadrupled.
Amount of money rewarded for clearing Nefias (and their individual floors) was way too much, so it has been significantly reduced.
Added just a few pieces of info that the tutorial facility was lacking.
Added 1 new unique NPC in the tutorial facility who will give you an item if you meet the requirement.
Slightly reduced the fee for attending the Seminar. This is as low as it will go so that players will pay attention to the content.
Changed the portraits of 4 unique NPCs added in 1.65. Middle-age wizards are kind of hard to draw...
Added 2 new red books.
Made categories of instruments produce different "♪" [speech bubbles]. Some of them were kind of hard to illustrate as text, so these might change in the future.
Performing and harvesting quests will now automatically end if you leave the map. (The quests will be cleared if you meet the quotas.) Added an exit for the Party Time! map at the bottom.
Changed appearance rates and added more unique NPCs to the list that will appear in Party Time!. There is now a difference between North and South Tyris in terms of the NPCs that will appear, and people who shouldn't be together will no longer appear at the same location.
Greatly increased the chance of satisfying the audience when Fascination Dance succeeds.
Preaching special action will now please the audience and award points.
When characters with the spell multi-casting bit flag defeat an enemy with dart-type spells, they will no longer immediately search for the next target and shoot the remaining dart spells at it.
Disturbance special action no longer activates when used on a target that does not use gauge attacks. The animation has also been sped up, and the log will describe who used Disturbance on which target.
Made some South Tyris towns have more/less of certain types of quests.
Digging town walls will yield gold bars as well as gold pieces.
Reduce the amount of nutrition that the goose needs to lay platinum pieces. Yacatect's gem stone now gives 10-25pp (depending on Faith skill level).
Increased the limit on number of handmade chocolate that you can make [per year] from 3 to 10. However, they no longer heal, and their effect on Impress has been reduced.
Pets being ridden will now have their HP bar colour change when they are not hungry.
Rod of alchemy and energy crystal of matrix no longer work on items marked as important.
When NPCs attempt to use Shadow Step, Run Wildly, ZinlaiKyaku, or Clash Rush on a target out of sight, it will now become a regular movement instead of attack.
Changed the colour of some wall tiles in the Act III main dungeon.
The log now displays if bomb rocks are idling or in combat, so keep an eye on it. Cluster bomb rock also no longer uses Draw Shadow, and will approach its target with regular movement. As such, they are no longer something that you have to prepare for in advance and are now quite avoidable.
Eye of brainwashing special action now has a visual effect only when the target fails to resist. If the target is the player, the attribute used to resist is now Will instead of Charisma. If the target is an NPC, (Impress + player's Charisma) will be rolled against (50 + attacker's Charisma) to resist.
There is a feature in vanilla Elona where breath attacks do not work on tiles outside a radius centred on the player. This means that all breath attacks outside used to be just a wasted [turn]. This has been changed so that breath attacks will work outside that radius.
The equipment that NPCs spawn with and rare drops that have a 1/100 chance of getting generated or less now have 5-20 times the rate of getting generated. However, there is a trigger that decides if they will get generated, and this has a 1/4 chance of being turned on at the start of each day. Once [a rare piece of artifact equipment or rare drop] spawns, this trigger is turned off. These items will never drop/spawn when the trigger is off.
<Oti-Tubaki>, <Hero's cloak>, plank of Carneades, and <Nightmare> will now get randomly generated. They are unaffected by the aforementioned trigger.
The <Stradivarius> is now available for purchase with music tickets.
Fixed some descriptions.
Fixed the log not describing who used a breath attack for breath attacks used within sight.
Fixed an NPC added in 1.65 not being marked as unique, causing it to get randomly generated and not speak its unique NPC lines. If this NPC is already generated in a save file from a previous version, the game will automatically mark it as unique when you enter the border map.
Fixed the deck image of an NPC added in 1.65 (not the aforementioned).
Fixed sprites for female chickens not getting used.
Fixed exchange items (NB: music tickets/small medals?) in player shops not getting categorized as sellable items.
Fixed vomiting when Alchemical Rain is use and generating a vomit causing the current Alchemical Rain to apply the blessed/cursed status of the vomit [to the remaining hits].
Fixed getting hit by cut damage counter when using Distant Attack adjacent to the target.
Fixed custom dungeon deed map name getting reset to the default when you exit the map by walking off the map edges.
Fixed challenge-type hunting quests not getting cleared after defeating the quest target if the same type of monster has been summoned (by necromancy or otherwise) on the map.
Detailed changelog (E) Beware of spoilers?

1.66: detailed changelog
[New NPC]
<Karata> the seminar mascot
Level 45 metal. Not suitable for riding, metal, immune to elemental attacks.
Voracity Fang on low health.
Will ask 4 questions based on the current seminar (3 questions if there are joke answers.)
[Answer them correctly] and he will give you an item. (And only one, even if the day changes.)
[Party Time! unique NPC appearances]
North Tyris
Either Loyter or Whom dwell in the vanity (Loyter will appear 100% of the time at certain points in the main quest).
Mia, Shena, and Gilbert are guaranteed to appear.
One of the following groups will appear:
<Part time worker> the red sword + Karata
Mito + Ajetalio
Each of the following has a 20% chance of appearing:
Raphael, Renton, Strance scientist, Lomias, and Larnneire
Marka joins the list in mid-Act III.
South Tyris
One of Lomias, Larnneire, or vanity is guaranteed to appear. (Whom dwell in vanity becomes Vessel during the main quest, and will not appear in the beginning of Act III).
One of Stoke, Mefan, or Zisilion is guaranteed to appear.
New citizen (NB: Laie the citizen) is guaranteed to appear after the corresponding sub quest is completed.
Each of the following has a 20% chance of appearing:
Caim, Zernard, The leopard warrior, Silvia, and Arma.
Melget joins the list in mid-Act III.
[Bias in South Tyris town board quests]
Kurualm has a high chance of generating delivery quests.
Ludus has a high chance of generating harvest quests, but not as high as Yowyn.
Arcbelc has a high chance of generating performing quests.

Haven't played in a while and went to go see if there was a new version and noticed we were a few patches behind here. Cheers, folks!

Latest version (1.66) at this link
« Last Edit: April 11, 2017, 06:16:21 AM by Lucentdepths »


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Re: ElonaPlus (Now at v1.66) Updated English Translation
« Reply #40 on: April 11, 2017, 12:02:54 PM »
Good eye and monstrous changelogs---nice.   8)
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
In Training