Came across this forum today and so, saying hello and
giving a link to my work on rogue/rog-o-matic:
My humble efforts: Rog-O-Matic XIV plays against the version of rogue
(5.4.4 modified to fix a few things and one bug, plus the
duplication of colors gold and silver made Rog-O-Matic's
database have a fit, so I changed the rogue code to use
Silvery and Golden, then I wouldn't have to mess with
that code for now) I have posted there. Source code
only for linux, Debian Wheezy (currently in testing).
Use the latest release for best results...
It might work for Ubuntu also (but I have not tested it there).
It is a rainy day and winter project for me, but I post the
link here for those who would like to play with it too. I do
this for fun, enjoy!
Yes, there are still bugs in there, and I'm working on them
when I get the time. The code i'm still figuring out, so if I
make mistakes, that is why.

I pick up where Rog-O-Matic Restored stops:
(that version is at
Some day/year, when I have a lot more time I will go
back and get other versions of rogue to play against
it also...
peace, and happy hacking,