Author Topic: rogue and rog-o-matic  (Read 12160 times)


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rogue and rog-o-matic
« on: May 12, 2012, 12:39:21 AM »
Came across this forum today and so, saying hello and
giving a link to my work on rogue/rog-o-matic:

My humble efforts:

  Rog-O-Matic XIV plays against the version of rogue
(5.4.4 modified to fix a few things and one bug, plus the
duplication of colors gold and silver made Rog-O-Matic's
database have a fit, so I changed the rogue code to use
Silvery and Golden, then I wouldn't have to mess with
that code for now) I have posted there.  Source code
only for linux, Debian Wheezy (currently in testing). 
Use the latest release for best results...

  It might work for Ubuntu also (but I have not tested it there).

  It is a rainy day and winter project for me, but I post the
link here for those who would like to play with it too.  I do
this for fun, enjoy!

  Yes, there are still bugs in there, and I'm working on them
when I get the time.  The code i'm still figuring out, so if I
make mistakes, that is why.  ;)

  I pick up where Rog-O-Matic Restored stops:

  (that version is at

  Some day/year, when I have a lot more time I will go
back and get other versions of rogue to play against
it also...

  peace, and happy hacking,



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Re: rogue and rog-o-matic
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2012, 04:58:08 AM »

  Added different versions of Rogue.

  One for the purists who would like to play Rogue 5.4.4 (including one bug fix).

  The other version I've changed to include the bug fix, some grammar and
spelling fixes, plus many other changes to make it less ambiguous when a
scroll is read  and there is no armor/weapon to enchant or protect.

  These help Rog-O-Matic to not make invalid inferences about scrolls and

  With these updates to Rogue I also put a new version of Rog-O-Matic that
is in sync with these changes.


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Re: rogue and rog-o-matic
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2012, 01:04:14 PM »
My recent humble efforts:

-  Progress in weapon handling.

-  Put the usleep delay feature I added in a previous version under the control of the '-w' option to Rog-O-Matic.  (if you run Rog-O-Matic without -w you should have trouble following along as it goes rather fast...)

- Made the SEED environment variable useful for replicable running of both Rog-O-Matic (r1.0.2) and Rogue (r1.0.4):

  Didn't think there were bugs in Rogue, but as it turns out I managed to find a segfault (will have to fix that for the next update).

- Major revision of debugging scripts:

- Bugs are now happening so late in levels that it was taking too long to find if the fixes were working or not.  So I spent some time making everything work with the environment variable SEED to make runs replicable.

- Added scripts/rewrote/reorganized directories.  Mostly all bash scripts, a little awk.

- Added options to mainloop (-o (runonce), -w (watch, slow things down), (-p run gdb for player process, -r run gdb for rogue process, -b run gdb for both), -l (loop, but don't remember (use fixed starting point)), -L loop and remember (learn) - still starts from a fixed point).

 - sfxseed script (to select previous SEED and set up for running it again).

 - cmp2runs (compare two series of runs).

 - tried to explain it all in README (will have to rewrite sometime...).

  debug (r2.0.0):


      ant  . .. ... .  .....
« Last Edit: July 12, 2012, 01:10:13 PM by ant »


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still going - rogue and rog-o-matic
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2014, 12:34:13 AM »
updates ongoing.  at version r1.0.9 for both rog-o-matic and rogue (just by accident the versions do match at the moment).  debugging scripts at r2.0.5

current debugging in rog-o-matic to fix database code.  i'm leaning towards redoing completely.  would be faster to do something a bit better than keep trying to patch this current setup which lacks in some important ways.  this would also let me revert a few cosmetic changes i made to rogue to work around the bugs in the rog-o-matic code.

bugs in rogue, on the other hand, are much easier to work around or fix.  :)


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Re: rogue and rog-o-matic
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2014, 03:15:52 AM »
The fun continues:  :)

My versions adapted from others:

(use these together for best results)

rogomatic is now at version 2.0.0
rogue is now at version 1.1.0

  I did redo most of the database code for keeping track of interesting items while working on fixing the invalid inferences problems.  The identifying and reading scrolls of identify has also been worked on.

  I also fixed some of the older bugs that I'd found before.

  More remain, like the "Followmap: direction invalid" error and some searching issues, and then there are general gaps too in that certain scrolls or potions provide information that is ignored.  So there is a lot of room yet for development.  I'm not sure how much of it I will actually do until I get to it.

  Right now I have a few weeks where I'll be doing other things and I have to decide if I want to work on the searching related stuff or to fine tune what I've got already...  Hmmm...


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Re: rogue and rog-o-matic latest versions updated
« Reply #5 on: December 18, 2014, 05:13:32 PM »
now at: and

version 1.1.1 for rogue

version 2.0.1 for rogomatic

version 3.0.0 for debugging scripts

the fixes and workarounds in the rogomatic code are to get past a few bugs that have been hanging around quite a while, but are rarely encountered.

one bug you will see is that when scrolling happens it corrupts some underlying information used by searching.  to work around this i've created a slightly modified vt100 to put in the users .terminfo/v directory and that will keep the program from scrolling.  it is a work around, but it is good enough for me until someday when i can figure out the underlying bug.  the users environment variable TERM should be set to vt100.

the other bug is a followmap direction invalid error.  instead of going through all the searching code again (i looked at it several years ago but have not gotten back to it) and tracking down why the value is being returned out of range i just catch it when it comes back out of range and adjust it then.  another work around, but it is a rare bug and this is the least intrusive fix for now.

the other changes to rogue, rogomatic, debugging scripts are for improving the speed and reliability because under the old method i was getting hung up during testing when the processes were finishing too quickly for the scripts to find the PIDs needed to know what was running.  now both rogue and rogomatic will tell me their PIDS when i ask them (using environment variables GETROGOMATICPID and GETROGUEPID).  a normal user will not see these new files appear as they would have no reason to set these variables.

Testing, bug fixes, etc. continues when i have time.

More details than you probably want to know are included in the NEWs, ChangeLog, TODO, NOTES, etc files...

have fun!



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page changed Re: rogue and rog-o-matic latest versions updated
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2017, 11:43:10 PM »
now at: and

  as i've been updating my website the page has a
new location at:

  the other/things are now on the same page as the
rogue and rogomatic items.

  not much has changed with the code for some time
(i'm distracted by other/things...  :) )  i'm hoping to
pick up a new machine soon so i can code and test
on 64 bit versions, but i don't expect to start getting
back to the debugging and coding cycle until the winter.

luckily the fate of the world does not depend upon this...