Author Topic: Jo's Off Topic Rant  (Read 47767 times)


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Jo's Off Topic Rant
« on: April 14, 2012, 04:48:09 AM »
  Well I have been planning on getting cardlike 2.0 out for quite some time, but illness has prevented progress. Since the 7DRL challenge I have been sick as shit.

  For those that do not know I am an attorney, or used to be, but became too ill to practice. Respiratory infections, chronic. I even tried working part time at my friend's gas station. I was just too weak to do it. So in December I applied for disability through the US government. They got back to me today, some 4.5 months later.

  Verdict: Denied.

  Apparently losing your ability to make a living due to illness is NOT grounds for being disabled. They treat everyone like they are faking. As if I would fake an illness to get $700 a month in welfare when my earning capacity at my law firm was 8-10k a month. Jesus...

  So I'll appeal. I'll try to work a bit and try not to get fired. My work capacity is very low, then my health turns bad and my capacity is zero.

  The 'greatest country on earth' has plenty of money to blow the holy fuck out of brown skinned people but cannot take care of it's own sick worth a shit. Wonderful. Seriously people bitch about paying taxes to take care of sick people but no problem paying to have people killed.

  That's why I am proud to be an American. The greatest country on the planet.


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Re: Jo's Off Topic Rant
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2012, 05:02:51 AM »


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Re: Jo's Off Topic Rant
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2012, 06:52:34 AM »
  Yee Haw!


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Re: Jo's Off Topic Rant
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2012, 07:41:13 AM »
For those that do not know I am an attorney, or used to be, but became too ill to practice. Respiratory infections, chronic. I even tried working part time at my friend's gas station. I was just too weak to do it. So in December I applied for disability through the US government...

If you don't mind me asking, what precisely is your illness? And symptoms? What sort of actions have/are you taking to try and keep it under control? How/when did you start noticing symptoms?

I feel like members of the internet generation would, by default, exhaust all possibilities to improve one's health via the vast array of information available; however, there is more information than a single set of fingers and eyes can parse. Each time you appeal to another person for aid you increase your chances of finding some alleviation by an order of magnitude.

Apart from that- hope you feel better.


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Re: Jo's Off Topic Rant
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2012, 08:25:14 AM »
Moldy or dusty environment? Those can cause chronic illness.


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Re: Jo's Off Topic Rant
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2012, 08:53:59 AM »
@Requerent - I was born with under developed liver and respiratory system. I was very premature. That was 1979, and I was in a part of the country with very bad health care. But I lived. Barely.

  I did pretty well until the late 80's when I started to develop very bad throat and bronchial infections. One event saw me lose 20% of my body weight in 2 weeks. Nearly fatal. I had one surgery in 1992 or so. I did okay for a couple of years, ran track and field. Then in 1997 I came down with a major sinus infection that wouldn't go away. Complete air flow blockage in my nose for 4 to 6 months or so. I lost a ton of body weight as my blood became infected with the bacteria. If I were not so young and in great shape at the time I likely would have died. Another surgery and a TON of steroids and antibiotics won that battle.

  2 years later I was under the knife again. Same issue. I continued to try to be as health as possible. And more or less did well between 2000 - 2005. My "glory days. " In early 2005 I got a sinus infection so bad it spread through my tear ducts to my eyes and made me go blind. The blindness lasted a few weeks. Lost my job, my health insurance, everything. I was never the same after that one. It took me forever to get the steroids and antibiotics required because I couldn't find a doctor that would see me without insurance who also knew what to do.

  Luckily I figured out what to do when these major episodes pop up so now all I need is a doctor willing to sign off on a prescription. This is hard because the drugs are so very harsh, but usually they'll listen.

  2006 to the present has been a constant struggle with fatigue and infection. I cannot sleep at night because of the air flow blockage. So along with the infections, which cause fever, blocked breathing and all kinds of mucus nastiness I also have a major sleep problem. I choke all night. So this causes heart issues and major energy problems. I also sometimes have trouble seeing because of the pressure and what not. Sleep apnea can be helped with a machine, but that machine also causes increased risk of respiratory infection. So you can see the issue there.

  I do try to take care of myself. But right now my condition is worsened by my ballooned body weight. But I challenge anyone to be on prednizone for any length of time without just becoming fat as hell.

  So as of right now I try to exercise when I am not too messed up. I eat as clean as possible, lots of produce and smaller portions.

  As far as working goes the issue is consistency. I'm a very capable employee, and kick ass for a couple of weeks. But if I have one night where I choke too much and do not sleep well, then try to go to work, the strain on my system leads to fevers and infections that spiral out of control until I take a month or so off. Rest up. Take a ton of drugs if necessary.

  The drugs required when I have a major episode (about once a year) are so harsh they actually make me sicker until I get better. Avalox and Prednisone for a month is usually what I take. These drugs are losing their effectiveness though, and the side effects are getting worse. I estimate I can use them 3 more times before they quit working. This estimation based on past experience with other drug cocktails. The next step when I get a major infection is hospitalization.

  I've yet to find a job that allows for taking long amounts of time off at a moment's notice. Like what sort of boss is going to let you call in the morning and say, "Hey. I'm taking a month off. I'll need a $1000 advance on the drugs I need to keep me alive. Please. Thanks." So I'm putting my efforts towards writing fiction and games. Perhaps money can be made that way. Problem is I'm not so good at it. And I'm not sure I have energy required to get good enough to make money that way.

  So there it is. On the upside I haven't worked since October, so I've been able to rest whenever needed. Sometimes in bed for 18 hours at a time. This is the first winter I've not had a major episode since 2004. Yay! Had I been working, however, I'd not have the option to stay in bed when needed. I tried to do some part time work at my friend's gas station in February, but I was feverish and sweating through my clothes by the end of my first shift. Pathetic!

EDIT: Lol...all that and I didn't address your post Req! I meant all that wall of words to show that I have been dealing with this for decades and have tried everything that can possibly be conceived. Everything but going vegan...dunno why but that route gets mentioned a lot. I went vegetarian for awhile but did something wrong and got sicker than shit.


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Re: Jo's Off Topic Rant
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2012, 08:56:59 AM »
  As for the dusty/moldy environment. I've moved to every conceivable climate and there has been little change. I'm currently in a steppe (cold desert) environment. Formerly in a mild/wet environment (portland). I've also gone tropical (Hawaii) and hot dry (central california) and there has been no change.

  Warm weather does seem to help. But without the means to support myself I do not have the option on were to live.

EDIT: Also note this is NOT an allergy thing. I've been tested many times for different allergens. My symptoms do not act up during a certain season. I can bail hay or work in a dusty barn all day without issue, at least when my energy is high.


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Re: Jo's Off Topic Rant
« Reply #7 on: April 14, 2012, 09:05:06 AM »
  I know there's not much anyone can do but I just thought I'd vent here on my favorite forum. I'm pretty isolated now that I'm not a big time lawyer anymore. I can't really throw house parties and go out on the town like I used to. Since I can't drive anymore and live in my parents basement. So one turns to the internet to express frustration. Kind of pathetic really. Meh...such is life.

  I'm sure soon I'll figure out a new plan of action and execute it. Then I'll out conquering again.


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Re: Jo's Off Topic Rant
« Reply #8 on: April 14, 2012, 09:27:06 AM »
So sorry to hear about your situation Jo.
If I could, I'd certainly help you.
What I enjoy the most in roguelikes: Anti-Farming and Mac Givering my way out. Kind of what I also enjoy in life.


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Re: Jo's Off Topic Rant
« Reply #9 on: April 14, 2012, 11:47:18 AM »
  I know there's not much anyone can do but I just thought I'd vent here on my favorite forum. I'm pretty isolated now that I'm not a big time lawyer anymore. I can't really throw house parties and go out on the town like I used to. Since I can't drive anymore and live in my parents basement. So one turns to the internet to express frustration. Kind of pathetic really. Meh...such is life.

  I'm sure soon I'll figure out a new plan of action and execute it. Then I'll out conquering again.

Sympathies----I can relate a fair bit, as I too have previously vented and whatnot on here.

Hang in there!
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
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Re: Jo's Off Topic Rant
« Reply #10 on: April 14, 2012, 12:19:34 PM »
  Thanks Getter. It's good to vent. Very cathartic. I feel better already. :-)

  Working on Cardlike helps quit a bit. It's sort of getting too epic in scope. I'll probably need to revise it down a bit.


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Re: Jo's Off Topic Rant
« Reply #11 on: April 14, 2012, 03:56:23 PM »
I've been suffering from mild chronic fatigue myself because of my illness, but I found a great "medicine" to it: mega mass type supplement (protein+carbs, usually maltodextrin). It works so well for me because I'm a small guy and have difficulties eating enough. Also when you eat protein supplement it gives nothing but pure energy your body and muscles need. No fat included. The real trick is use the supplement wisely. It's not good to drink a lot of that stuff, but divide it to smaller portions taken during the day. Another great thing is that even small portion will make you less hungry so you don't eat too much other stuff with fat etc. The energy you get from proteins+carbs is natural without side effects, so it's not like drinking coffee or energy drinks (which both are bad for your health).


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Re: Jo's Off Topic Rant
« Reply #12 on: April 14, 2012, 08:46:54 PM »
Holy shit- I cried.

If you have problems primarily with infections, then there may be a nutritional course of action that can be helpful. One problem with being born premature is an opportunity to fill your gut with the good bacteria necessary to supplement your immune system. I think... at any given point in time the average human has about 10-100 (it may be more like 10,000, I can't remember) good bacteria for every human cell on their body (we are mostly foreign critters O_O). Antibiotics are NOT trivial because they kill both. Necessary if an infection occurs, but afterwards it's necessary to get those good bacteria back because they help ensure that digestive resources get used effectively (necessary for proper immune function).

Whatever you do, don't go vegan or vegetarian. They aren't good ideas for people with health problems. As far as nutrition is concerned, you want easy energy that can't be absorbed by bad bacteria. That means eliminating sugar as much as possible. Not just 'sugar,' but naturally occuring mono and disaccharides (IE lactose from milk). If you can't eliminate, try to keep it to under 1 gram per serving. What you want are these things call oligosaccharides- they are short chain starches or complex sugars that will ferment in your gut, stabilizing your GI tract's Ph and feeding good bacteria as it gets broken down into simple sugar. Our primary source for the oligosaccharides necessary for building gut flora is in mother's milk- after that we don't find large quantities of it in average diets. Asparagus, garlic and Soybeans are good sources of the three types.

You also need good bacteria. The easiest way to do this is by making your own Kefir. You just need a 16oz jar, kefir grains (you can get 'em freeze-dried online) and milk. The Kefir grains are yeast/bacteria cultures that eat the lactose. Just let them ferment at room temperature for 24 hours in a glass jar with milk. strain out the grains and drink the liquid. Reconstitute the same grains with milk and repeat. It's very easy and in 2 months you'll probably no longer need to use toilet paper (in a good way). I like recommending kefir because it's incredibly inexpensive and it's an easy solution to keep up with. If you did only one thing, this would probably help quite a bit. Kefir will still have lactose in it (contradicting the point above), but it's going down with lots of good bacteria.

This obnoxiously awful website pretty much started the 'Kefir revolution'- it's a good resource but there may be more succinct sources elsewhere

Otherwise, try to stick to pickled and fermented foods. Truly picked foods, in the ingredients list, will have only salt, water, and the food being pickled (plus spices)- it won't have vinegar or any kind of sugar. On the nutritional facts, pickled food should also have a very low or nonexistent sugar content (less than one gram). Sauerkraut and pickles are the easiest things to find-- but if you feel like this sort of thing is helpful to you, making pickles is incredibly inexpensive. Salt, water, jars (you can reuse jars bought from the store- they all have pickling lids that will repop from the fermentation gases), and stuff to ferment- plus the internet for some guides.

Stick to sourdough for bread- don't need to shy too far away from beer, undistilled fermented beverages help fight infection (stick to original bottle fermentation)- if your liver can handle them in small quantities. Also highly recommend supplementing with Zinc- it will help your liver and other aspects of the immune system.

Mmm... Oh. Recommend high quality (care not cut) beef. A chuck roast, when prepared properly, will run you about 4 dollars a pound and taste like rib-eye. Bivalves are also good.


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Re: Jo's Off Topic Rant
« Reply #13 on: April 15, 2012, 08:24:26 AM »
Well that was quite hard core. However it's true what you say about antibiotics, they destroy also good guys. But sometimes you can't avoid using antibiotics.

I would be careful when trying extreme diets. Internet is full of them and the usual trick is ban one of the main components. Carbs are on the top of the list, while in reality we need carbonhydrates. It's the excess that is bad.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2012, 08:30:41 AM by Krice »


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Re: Jo's Off Topic Rant
« Reply #14 on: April 15, 2012, 09:17:21 AM »
I am not a nutritionist but still a health practicioner, and from my personal point of view one of the most brilliant researcher we have today about food, nutrition and general wellbeing is dr. Joseph Mercola.. I personally try to follow many of his recommendations and very often agree with his perspectives. Basically I try to exercise often, stay away from neo-carbs and high g.i. carbs, get plenty of sunlight exposure and saturated/monounsaturated(raw) fats in my diet. Never been ill since years, and the last time I took a pill was probably in 2008.. I was keeping taking antihistaminics because of my allergy until one day I threw everything away (pills and my confidence in the application of nosographic/descriptive medicine in every field of our lives).
I think that almost 99% of humankind diseases are about exposure to molds, blood acidosis and lack of vitamin d. Once those three issues are solved, basically every condition has a hard time to keep existing.
I'm not saying it's something easy, because nowadays the government, along with the food industry and the traditional medicine, seems trying to do their best to harm us.. tap water is full of fluoride and clorine residuates (way worse than clorine itself), milk gets pasteurized (sometimes irradiated) by law and cows are fed grains, meat is full of hormones and antibiotics, veggies covered by pesticides.. and initial low levels of vitamin d can make it harder to start to regularly exercise or get sun exposure.. but the process can also be gradual and the more, the better.

Just my 2 cents, everyone should conduct his own research and decide consequently.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2012, 09:20:19 AM by Skeletor »
What I enjoy the most in roguelikes: Anti-Farming and Mac Givering my way out. Kind of what I also enjoy in life.