Author Topic: Epilogue (Now at v1.99d)  (Read 24364 times)


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Epilogue (Now at v1.99d)
« on: March 08, 2012, 12:53:37 PM »


-Epilogue strives to create a complex system hidden behind a simple-to-use mechanics.
-Characters choose an ability class and a weapon proficiency upon creation. You might be a Melee Vampire or a Shield Priest for example.
-The game features an alchemy system along with ingredient gathering.
-Rather than have enemies which differ greatly from the player, every enemy has equipment and weapons that can be picked up and used by the player as well.
-The game is graphical (but with simple graphics) and you can see all the items you have equipped on your character (as well as what the enemies are wielding).
-Rather than only introduce a few new items and monsters per level, Epilogue has an entirely different set of spawns and equipment on each floor.


Rather than being some adventurer entering an evil lair, you actually start as one of the hapless minions inside the evil dungeon. The game takes place years after all the possible adventurers have died out and the evil lord Slith has come out victorious over all life forms. The absence of combat has led to your mind wandering, and you eventually become self-aware, realizing you are the last hope for this world.

Future Development Plan

Currently there are 4 proficiencies, 4 classes, and 4 dungeon levels. I plan on adding content until there are 16 classes and 16 dungeon levels, or until the game seems too hard or drawn out based on the power curve. Feel free to suggest class, proficiency, monster, or item ideas in the forums, as I am certainly open to your ideas.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2012, 11:38:50 AM by getter77 »
Brian Emre Jeffears
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jocke the beast

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Re: Epilogue (Now at v0.1)
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2012, 09:19:09 PM »
Cool game.
But as long as the fights are done the way things are now I'll leave it for now...
Creator....please stick to traditionally roguelike movement/attacks  >:(


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Re: Epilogue (Now at v0.1)
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2012, 12:07:58 AM »
Cool game.
But as long as the fights are done the way things are now I'll leave it for now...
Creator....please stick to traditionally roguelike movement/attacks  >:(

Hey there, I was about to post this thread :P
If your problem is 4d versus 8d movement, I guess I can't really comment on that.  It's just a matter of personal preference.

But what exactly did you have against the combat?
"Traditional" in roguelikes is a term that means a lot of different things to a lot of different people.

Thanks for trying it out at any rate  :)

jocke the beast

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Re: Epilogue (Now at v0.1)
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2012, 07:33:11 PM »
Sorry if I wasn't so clear. I'm swedish  ;D

What I meant by the controls "was not my style" I meant the actual combat-movement. Others roguelikes you just walk "into" a monster to attack (melee of course) but in Epilogue you have to press space_bar to do the similar.... That's what I meant!
But otherwise, thumbs up man!


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Re: Epilogue (Now at v0.1)
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2012, 09:26:18 PM »
Ah ok.  I made everything attack by spacebar so that there wasn't a control difference between ranged vs melee, but I will add in move-attack for the next update at least as an option for anyone who prefers that.


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Re: Epilogue (Now at v0.2)
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2012, 11:36:29 AM »

-added text info for 4th level creatures
    -fixed splitting enemies’ item copies
    -added/adjusted start screen
    -fixed a case where equipment stats did not update
    -modified swamp gas quantity
    -added 2 proficiencies
    -added ability descriptions
    -fixed a case where enemies would ignore you rather than attacking
    -added options menu
    -added volume and fullscreen options
    -added 2 sound effects (abilities and level up)
    -you can now attack enemies by simply walking into them (you can toggle this in the options menu)
    -fixed poison, which would heal you instead of hurting you
    -fixed a trap placement bug

I started working on the 5th level, which should be in the next update.
Brian Emre Jeffears
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jocke the beast

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Re: Epilogue (Now at v0.1)
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2012, 06:50:35 PM »
Ah ok.  I made everything attack by spacebar so that there wasn't a control difference between ranged vs melee, but I will add in move-attack for the next update at least as an option for anyone who prefers that.
Cool man!
And what a nice new version  :)


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Re: Epilogue (Now at v0.3)
« Reply #7 on: March 15, 2012, 02:29:52 AM »

* The notable kills list now indicates enemy class
* Increased the damage dealt by abilities
* Added some missing controls in the help menu
* You can now press G to take a screenshot, which is saved as “epilogue_#.png” where # is 0,1,2…
* Added the 5th floor!
* 10 new enemies
* 10 new armors
* 17 new weapons
* Fire now instantly spreads across flammable materials
* Adjusted the quantity of consumables
* Added the Hermit ability class
* Fixed a minor ui bug
* Added a new god: Paciscraux (Trade your eternal soul for an extra life)
* Altered difficulty level
* Now your skills start at 0 (where enemies start)
* Increased starting max health
* Combat is much faster/more meaningful
* Amplified some item effects as partial compensation

Rather nice set of gains so soon!   8)
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Epilogue (Now at v0.4)
« Reply #8 on: March 17, 2012, 11:42:48 AM »
speedy v0.4

* Adjusted the opening dialogue
* Added a creature knowledge feature (Press K in game)
* Your characters now gain knowledge by defeating enemies
* This knowledge is passed on to future protagonists when you die
* This has a slight effect on damage calculation currently
* Players with the cold/hot feet trait no longer suffer a movement penalty from walking onto water
* Fixed a bug where certain info was not displayed
* Added 6th level
* 10 new enemies (including a new boss)
* 10 new armors
* 18 new weapons
* Altered some text
* It is now possible for creatures to be immune to poison
* Fire is now consumed when it affects a creature
* The power curve is a little intense on level 6.  I’ve been experimenting with a few resolutions.
* Currently I have settled on having the player take 1/2 damage, which seems to work out ok.
* This does not affect the minimums though, so it mainly prevents massive hits.
* You still can get violently beat down when surrounded, so that’s good.
* An alternative is to add extra equipment, such as rings, to give the player an advantage
* Another alternative is to add a method of powering up equipment
* Dungeon level on the character dump now displays properly (i.e. 1 instead of 0)
* Changed the dungeon color schemes
* Fixed a bug involving wormholes
* Fixed a crash that rarely occurred when an enemy cloned itself
* Fixed a display problem involving the ground log

Note: I haven’t beaten the current version.  The closest I got was crashing the game on level 5.  Given the crash fix, I wanted to push out the update so no one else suffered that fate.  The level 6 boss is kind of a beast, but you should be fine ;)
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Epilogue (Now at v0.5)
« Reply #9 on: March 25, 2012, 11:51:53 AM »
    -Your minimum visible range is now 0 instead of 1
    -Slightly increased the quantity of traps
    -Added new traps
        Fire Trap
        Blind Trap
        Steam Trap
        Poison Trap
        Fatigue Trap
    -Added mouse/keyboard support to menus, alchemy, options
    -Changed how the chat log looks
        Now each enemy turn occupies its own “paragraph” so you can clearly differentiate between attacks
        I think its better than it was, but I’m still not totally happy with it
    -Many additions to user interface, redid help section
    -Increased font size in certain parts, screen width
    -Added minimap
    -Added new class: Cartographer
    -You no longer waste an ability when you cast on an empty tile
    -Somewhat reduced chance of additional effects during combat (i.e. limb damage)
    -Reduced the chance that ink sacs blind their target
    -Fixed message ordering in certain cases
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Epilogue (Now at v0.6)
« Reply #10 on: March 30, 2012, 11:43:53 AM »

This version I continue the trend of filling the dungeon with content rather than lengthening it explicitly.  There are also plenty of UI improvements, bug fixes, and adjustments.

Change Log:

-Reduced the low health penalty for sustaining wounds
-Reduced shield block chance by 20%
-Fixed trap pickup bug
-Increased the fire area of effect radius of certain skills from 0 to 1
-You can now sprint, once per camp, by pressing R
-You no longer gain the benefits of a camp when you collapse from exhaustion
-Rooms now have their own floor tile
-Changed some of the art
-Added locked doors
-Added enemies that carry keys
-Fixed a bug involving cartographer abilities
-Added new class: Excavator
-Added new proficiency: Vitality
-Added even more traps:
-Added new gods:
   Mollith, goddess of joy
   Wroth, god of agony
   Dorom, god of death
-Added a new help section on the gods
-You can now reach the help section from the main menu
-Slightly increased the minimum trap count
-Fixed a sneaky bug with ability damage
-Added placeholder creepy background track
-Improved the look of the ui
-Changed the formatting when looking at an item's stats
-Removed the ugly ++- tail on items
-Items now have a color indicating bonuses (i.e. STA+10 or Tempered)
-Increased the initial game volume (some people may not have even realized there was sound)
-Increased the chance that a rare creature drops his equipment upon death
-Fixed an input bug
-Slightly reduced the negative impact of the recharge trait
-Added a control missing from the controls page
-Fixed the screenshot function
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Epilogue (Now at v1,0)
« Reply #11 on: April 01, 2012, 11:44:25 AM »
...annd a jump to v1.0 it seems!   8)

Why 1.0?  The game now has 7 classes, 7 proficiencies, 7 floors, 7 gods, and 7 bosses.  I originally intended to make the game longer, but I rather like the current length/difficulty.  If I go deeper, the power curve will become unwieldy and I will probably have to rework a lot of stuff.  I'm not saying I will never lengthen the game (and I have some ideas for this), but the current game is something I would call "complete".  Most importantly, there is now a beginning, middle, and climax to the plot, with two possible game endings (I may add more later).  This definitely isn't the end though: I will still be working on it just as much, but I will be switching gears a bit.  While having lots of 7's looks nice, I do want there to be more classes to choose from.  I also want to add a lot more dungeon features (you know, besides traps).  There will likely be a lot of time spent trying to balance things or tweak combat.  There is also the matter of adding lore text for floors 4-7.  I'm not sure if I actually want them to be available (maybe unlocked?), based on certain themes and information you'll learn if you beat the game.  The moral of the story is: this is now something I would call a game, and you should feel quite pleased with yourself if you make it to the end; however, there is more work yet to be done in order to improve the experience as a whole.

By the numbers: the game has 70 enemies, 125 weapons, 70 pieces of armor, 60 different projectiles, and 47 unique item effects.  There are around 5000 lines of text describing these entities.

Change Log:

*Doubled the chance that Wroth intervenes (from 1% to 2%)
*Added the 7th level
  *10 new enemies (4 bosses)
  *16 new weapons
  *10 new armors
*Added game endings
  *1 normal
  *1 alternate
*Fixed sound (no idea why it was broken)
*Fixed a crash involving the 6th floor boss
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Epilogue (Now at v1.0)
« Reply #12 on: April 01, 2012, 09:53:06 PM »
I haven't gotten a whole lot of feedback on the game so...if anyone does have feedback, negative or positive, I would love to hear it.  I'd also love to hear about anyone's experiences if they manage to beat the game (I haven't yet).  The more feedback I get, the better a game I can create.


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Re: Epilogue (Now at v1.0)
« Reply #13 on: April 02, 2012, 01:50:38 AM »
Looks interesting.

Full screen doesn't seem to work for me unfortunately.

Also, it doesn't seem that using wasd is needed to actually move the character and arrows are just used to change facing. I think arrows might be better for moving and using something like shift or ctrl + arrows to change facing.

I'll give better feedback when I get to play it longer.

There really needs to be a look command.

It took a while to figure out that there was something in the chests. I didn't even think they were chests at first cause I didn't notice anything happening when I interacted with them. You need a better way to identify that there are items on the ground other than the tile just being a different color. It took me a while to figure that out.

The mouse has pretty minimal use. I think there should be a keyboard alternative for it's functions. Especially for picking up items off the ground.

A way to look back on the message buffer would be really nice too.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2012, 02:03:35 AM by Legend »


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Re: Epilogue (Now at v1.0)
« Reply #14 on: April 02, 2012, 06:41:44 AM »
Full screen doesn't seem to work for me unfortunately.
I assume this means your computer doesn't support 1280x768.  I added a check for this for the next update.

Edit: Actually, I have no way of testing if my check works since my computer does support fullscreen.  If it's not too much trouble, would you mind seeing if this update prevents you from switching to fullscreen?  It also has the changes I made based on your comments, indicated below.  If it doesn't work, then either my check is not working or your computer does support the resolution and something else is wrong entirely.

Also, it doesn't seem that using wasd is needed to actually move the character and arrows are just used to change facing. I think arrows might be better for moving and using something like shift or ctrl + arrows to change facing.
Hmm...why I neglected to put in the controls that wasd is for movement is completely beyond me O_o.  The reason the arrow keys aren't used for movement is because you need the mouse to play the game and all the keys on a keyboard are not next to the arrow keys =P
I made it so that almost all keys are accessible from the left hand, without moving it off wasd, which works great in my opinion.  Maybe it is a little odd if you are not used to it.

I just implemented ctrl+wasd for changing direction.  That hadn't even crossed my mind, so thanks for the suggestion =)

There really needs to be a look command.

It took a while to figure out that there was something in the chests. I didn't even think they were chests at first cause I didn't notice anything happening when I interacted with them. You need a better way to identify that there are items on the ground other than the tile just being a different color. It took me a while to figure that out.
It seemed pretty intuitive to me at the time.  It now has a clear icon indicating something is there, in for the next update.  Perhaps I will make it so hovering the mouse over a tile says what the tile contains, but I kind of like the fact that you have to go over to the tile to examine it.

The mouse has pretty minimal use. I think there should be a keyboard alternative for it's functions. Especially for picking up items off the ground.
The mouse is used for targeting, inventory management, ability management, examining things (enemies, items, abilities), scrolling the windows.  I use the mouse constantly during play to keep track of how much health the enemies have.  When you are fighting a group of enemies and you want to explicitly choose a target, the mouse is pretty important (you may not have noticed this if you went melee).  Doing most of these functions with the keyboard seems silly to me when you have a perfectly happy mouse waiting to be used.  As I said above, I made it so most of the keyboard commands are in close proximity to wasd, so it makes sense to me.

Why have a set up where you have to press a key, then use the arrow keys to examine items, then another key to pick up, and likely no good way of organizing, as opposed to having all these functions available with the mouse?  It's just faster and easier to get used to.

I just added the Z key for picking up the first item on the ground (which is generally what you do, from a chest for example).  For picking up other things, you generally want to examine them first, so the mouse would be there already.  If you didn't realize that hovering the mouse over an item showed its stats I could understand why the mouse seems minimal.

A way to look back on the message buffer would be really nice too.
Just scroll your mouse ^_^

Thanks for the feedback!  I think most of your complaints are on the interface, or perhaps where I failed to properly explain it in game.  In my opinion the interface does its job quite well, without needing a list of a hundred key commands.  If you just don't want to have to use a mouse, I can understand that.  I also like games where I can just rattle away on the keyboard.  But I think the mouse performs so well and with such ease here that I don't really see a problem.  In the first few levels you definitely can get away with not using the mouse very much, but once things get tactical you really need it (or at least doing things with the keyboard would start to get very tedious).  For instance, there might be a group of enemies approaching me, so I throw a smoke bomb towards them.  Then I want to use my lunging sword to dive down another passage to put more space in between us.  This type of thing I think is so much easier when I can just right-click twice, as opposed to fiddling with the arrow keys and targeting buttons.  This is all just my opinion of course, I totally understand that a lot of players are comfortable executing key sequences to get things done (like for some reason I know the multi-key sequences in dwarf fortress that will lay down carpenter workshops =P), but my aim is to make a fast, easy interface.

Although we may disagree about some things, I really do appreciate that you took the time to comment, so thanks again!
« Last Edit: April 02, 2012, 07:56:31 AM by kraflab »