Author Topic: Let's Play... a Bunch of Roguelikes!  (Read 76632 times)

Game Hunter

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Re: Let's Play... a Bunch of Roguelikes!
« Reply #60 on: July 16, 2013, 03:38:28 PM »
Because of the way things are in terms of timing, I have three games in the cycle at the moment and, if anything, UnReal World is probably the least roguelike of them (or at least the least mechanically-similar to Rogue). Teleglitch is done , doubly so because I actually beat the game! Instead we have:
  • Dungeonmans is a currently-Kickstarted roguelike and one of the devs asked me to play it so I'm playing it. Really liking the sensory aesthetics so far and the basic mechanics include both classic and innovative bits. For comments about the game itself you're probably better off going to this thread, but anything regarding my own playthrough and commentary is welcome here.
  • The Wizard's Lair slides into more humble roguelike category with just the basics and a few amusing changes here and there. Been a while since we've seen a game (outside of 7DRL) that takes this approach, and I don't mind analyzing the formula more rigorously for the goods and bads! Prior to this year's 7DRL, the developer asked me to try it out and, now that we're finally out of that marathon, we can see what this game has to offer.
  • UnReal World is still moving along, of course! I'm seriously considering if I should move this one to like, a "dedicated weekend" slot, since there's a lot of time not actively commenting on the situation and more about the steady progress of a lifestyle. I'll keep it in my regular group for the time being, but I also think we should move on from it soon.

And as always (even if I didn't mention it last time), let me know what you think! I've been at it for nearly two years at this point but I don't consider myself at all a veteran of either live-LPing nor roguelike-playing. I'm always eager to hear your praises, suggestions, criticisms, or anything else of that sort.
2012 7DRL Challenge blind-runs!
2013 7DRL Challenge blind-runs too!
I do roguelike LPs, usually blind. I'm always looking for criticism!

Darren Grey

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Re: Let's Play... a Bunch of Roguelikes!
« Reply #61 on: July 16, 2013, 04:03:40 PM »
Heh, you're an insane veteran by now. I've seen a lot of appreciation around for your 7DRL vids. You should update your sig, incidentally...


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Re: Let's Play... a Bunch of Roguelikes!
« Reply #62 on: July 17, 2013, 03:37:45 AM »
Yep, ya do great work there G.H.   8)  You've even weathered my endless harassment/suggestions for Roguelikes to tackle at some point in the mix this entire time!
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Let's Play... a Bunch of Roguelikes!
« Reply #63 on: July 17, 2013, 03:45:32 AM »
Can't get my friends to play my games.

But i can get them to watch your vids.

Game Hunter

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Re: Let's Play... a Bunch of Roguelikes!
« Reply #64 on: March 16, 2014, 06:32:28 PM »
Hi! I'm back from not making videos! Sorry for not at least mentioning anything about it, kinda ran out of steam and, true to what I'm personally used to doing, completely detached myself from all things related to it. But I've returned, just in time for this year's 7DRL! You can find the playlist here: it's basically empty right now but expect it to fill up starting Monday night.

Like last year, if you want me to play your 7DRL game (or play one you've tried and liked, or play one 'cause it sounds cool) let me know with a reply and I'll prioritize them over the others. I'm hoping to pump out at least two every day (not just weekdays), it depends on how many roguelikes there are this year: I would like to finish before June this time.

As for whether or not I'll be returning to a regular schedule after 7DRL, I'm keeping that tentative. I have a new hobby now (speedrunning, just gonna paste some twitch and YouTube accounts if it sounds interesting to you) which, combined with my still full-time job, leaves little room for other stuff. I might play games by request, I might do games I think are interesting, and who knows how many videos per series. The 7DRL playthroughs will give me a good sense of how much opportunity and interest I still have, so we'll see how it goes!
2012 7DRL Challenge blind-runs!
2013 7DRL Challenge blind-runs too!
I do roguelike LPs, usually blind. I'm always looking for criticism!


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Re: Let's Play... a Bunch of Roguelikes!
« Reply #65 on: March 16, 2014, 08:39:27 PM »
I'd like you to play mine (Beware of Strange Warp Points), but no rush :)
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Re: Let's Play... a Bunch of Roguelikes!
« Reply #66 on: March 16, 2014, 09:32:03 PM »
This is awesome news! I was really missing your letsplays, GH! Hope to see you playing my game eventually, but I don't want pushing it on you now, maybe later at some point  ;D


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Re: Let's Play... a Bunch of Roguelikes!
« Reply #67 on: March 17, 2014, 04:28:00 AM »
Cool Hunter. I used to like to run myself. Now I'm more of a weight lifter.


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Re: Let's Play... a Bunch of Roguelikes!
« Reply #68 on: March 17, 2014, 05:57:22 AM »
If you could review Hellspace that would be awesome.

I've addressed your major critisism from my last year's game Rogue City Scavanger - that it was way too hard - by tuning the game to my normal standards, and then adding an additional easy mode where the player gets 40% more health to play with. Also you seemed to get bored reading the story so I cut down on that side of things considerably too.

Critisism in normal reviews are a great way to improve, but there is stacks more to learn from LPs all hiding away in the unsaid info. Just watching how other people play your game - and indeed roguelikes in general - can really teach you a lot.

Looking forward to watching a whole bunch of different ones!


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Re: Let's Play... a Bunch of Roguelikes!
« Reply #69 on: March 17, 2014, 12:09:39 PM »
Cool Hunter. I used to like to run myself. Now I'm more of a weight lifter.

He meant this sort I think:
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Let's Play... a Bunch of Roguelikes!
« Reply #70 on: March 17, 2014, 01:59:44 PM »
Cool Hunter. I used to like to run myself. Now I'm more of a weight lifter.

He meant this sort I think:

My dry humor fell flat. :-)

Game Hunter

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Re: Let's Play... a Bunch of Roguelikes!
« Reply #71 on: March 17, 2014, 07:38:03 PM »
Also you seemed to get bored reading the story so I cut down on that side of things considerably too.
I reckon that has less to do with me getting bored of reading the story and more with me getting bored of dictating the story. I tend to read what's in front of me (maybe I'll stop doing that every single time) so something that takes a while can drag on and I can already feel the viewers waiting for me to get to the gameplay. That is, I wouldn't call it a fault of the game, rather a fault of my own presentation. I WILL say that simple games should have small stories anyway: that's just my raw opinion, though, and it will vary from player to player.


Eben suggested that I make a thread in the 7DRL forum for all the games I do, so any updates on my journey through this year's games will be found there (haven't made the post yet but I'll refer a link when it is). In addition to the post linking the video I'll try to write up some short review: nothing that goes past what I played in the video but hopefully involving details I didn't mention. Feel free to reply in that thread or, as always, comment on the videos themselves through YouTube.
2012 7DRL Challenge blind-runs!
2013 7DRL Challenge blind-runs too!
I do roguelike LPs, usually blind. I'm always looking for criticism!


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Re: Let's Play... a Bunch of Roguelikes!
« Reply #72 on: March 18, 2014, 06:52:06 AM »
Cool Hunter. I used to like to run myself. Now I'm more of a weight lifter.

He meant this sort I think:

My dry humor fell flat. :-)

I got it Jo.

Glad to hear you're back gamehunter.

I could suggest a few that would be interesting to see some video's on.

NLarn would be cool to see.

Also some of the variant's of older games like Unnethack, Crawl Light/Lite, quickband, and Ironband.

DaybreakRL and Kerkerkruip are interesting combinations of roguelikes with interactive fiction that would be cool to see a vid on.

Occult Chronicles is worth at least one episode I think.

Anamnesis  is pretty interesting as well.

Larva Mortus is a pretty cool Action roguelike-kinda game. Empires and Dungeons would also be a cool obscure one.

There may also be some games worth revisiting that you've already done for at least a single episode since they have progressed/changed quite a bit. Like Infra Arcana, Donnie Russel's port of Rogue, and Delver.

For something really obscure, Fatal Labyrinth for the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive is actually pretty cool for what I believe to be the first console roguelike.

Desktop Dungeons maybe?

A series on the Oryx challenge games would be pretty rad too.

Okay. Maybe that was a lot of suggestions instead of a few.  :P

As far as speedruns go, it would be kinda cool to see you do a Doom speed run since you started out doing DoomRL vids. Aprticularly Playstation Doom or DOom64 since they aren't done as much as PC Doom speedruns. You can get both to play on PC with the PSX Doom TC and Doom64 EX ports.

I saw your Keen vids and I think Dangerous Dave Trilogy would be cool in a similar vein to the Keen games. Jazz Jack Rabbit too.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2014, 08:31:53 AM by Legend »