Author Topic: Let's Play... a Bunch of Roguelikes!  (Read 74537 times)

Game Hunter

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Let's Play Hack, Slash, Loot
« Reply #15 on: February 21, 2012, 04:02:06 PM »
Movin' on to Hack, Slash, Loot. As far as roguelikes go it feels very straightforward -- definitely in the category of a dungeon diver with its gimmick resting primarily in the interface -- so I might not spend too much time playing it, but the full version might surprise me with its 32 classes. I'm also pretty sure that the quest I'm on currently isn't indicative of typical gameplay (that is, almost entirely walking around and opening chests) so I think it'll have more than enough replayability. (Hope you guys don't mind if I post-update this thread for each new game: just trying to pique interest whenever I start something up.)

Also, I really don't mind playtesting a prototype/alpha game and recording the results. If some devs are sensitive about what they want visible to the public, I am more than willing to accomodate by unlisting or even privitizing it for selective viewing only. (Just make sure you let me know.)
« Last Edit: February 21, 2012, 05:10:59 PM by Game Hunter »
2012 7DRL Challenge blind-runs!
2013 7DRL Challenge blind-runs too!
I do roguelike LPs, usually blind. I'm always looking for criticism!


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Re: Let's Play... a Bunch of Roguelikes!
« Reply #16 on: February 21, 2012, 09:11:46 PM »
Good stuff and makes sense to update here to keep a running tally of things.  I know the HSL full version just updated recently, though quietly as it only seems to be localized within my inbox as a purchaser, within the last several days so I presume the demo version also did so.

I keep trying to get the dev to get on Roguebasin and more visible as it goes, but there was apparently some ugliness a ways back with some folks assailing it with baffling venom as "not a Roguelike!1, you monster" that put him fairly gunshy   :-\
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Let's Play... a Bunch of Roguelikes!
« Reply #17 on: February 28, 2012, 03:04:17 PM »
DoomRL is almost out and I was allowed to make a teaser recording, so here it is. There will probably been a thread in the Announcements forum soon, too.
2012 7DRL Challenge blind-runs!
2013 7DRL Challenge blind-runs too!
I do roguelike LPs, usually blind. I'm always looking for criticism!


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Re: Let's Play... a Bunch of Roguelikes!
« Reply #18 on: March 04, 2012, 07:59:30 PM »
What would be cool is if someone could do a lets play on every 7drl released this year.

Game Hunter

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Re: Let's Play... a Bunch of Roguelikes!
« Reply #19 on: March 04, 2012, 08:22:21 PM »
What would be cool is if someone could do a lets play on every 7drl released this year.
That's actually part of the plan, once the 7DRL period ends. I'll probably spend one, maybe two videos' worth per successful entry. They'll be, with any luck, in addition to my normal LP schedule, so you'll have lots to watch during that time.

Speaking of which, planning on recording a little Random Realms today, we'll see how that goes with the new patch.
2012 7DRL Challenge blind-runs!
2013 7DRL Challenge blind-runs too!
I do roguelike LPs, usually blind. I'm always looking for criticism!

Game Hunter

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Re: Let's Play... a Bunch of Roguelikes!
« Reply #20 on: March 19, 2012, 02:22:55 PM »
All right then! I've begun my blind-running of 7DRLs, starting with Infiniverse. I am going to attempt to play every single one insofar as they can be played on a Win7 computer in some form. You can find an introduction to this series here.

As mentioned, if you know some games that would be currently impossible to get running on Win OS, even with proper emulation, I'd be more than grateful if there are people out there that can scrounge up a copy that would work properly. Off the top of my hand, I know there's a Mac game called DuneRL, a few open-sourced games constructed in Unix that don't have Win-compatible makefiles, and at least one game (whose name eludes me at the moment) that was designed for Android phones.

(I will be playing Tales of Maj'eyal concurrently for the time being, I just didn't have time to record it last night. First one's up, though!)
« Last Edit: March 20, 2012, 04:29:08 PM by Game Hunter »
2012 7DRL Challenge blind-runs!
2013 7DRL Challenge blind-runs too!
I do roguelike LPs, usually blind. I'm always looking for criticism!


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Re: Let's Play... a Bunch of Roguelikes!
« Reply #21 on: March 19, 2012, 10:02:25 PM »
Fantastic!  I also hope to see the "almost 7DRLs", of which there seem to be a fair number of also aiming to get releases out by the end of this week or the next couple as it happens.  Besides, given the number of successful ones, you'll still be plowing through these for a number of weeks in terms of those on time for the finish line.

Shoot, even for the "finished" ones it would appear many are, gladly, aiming to keep improving them in the near to general future as opposed to release drops---gogo full-bodied projects beget from breakneck chaotic speed!   :P
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Let's Play... a Bunch of Roguelikes!
« Reply #22 on: April 02, 2012, 11:53:46 PM »
Started up IVAN today. I've been told it's a pretty hard game. Maybe I'll survive long enough to make the LP meaningful!

My 7DRL 2012 playlist is still updating (basically every day, sometimes not weekends). Keep checking for more games over the course of this month and probably the next as well! (Note that, if you made a game and would like me to play it ASAP, just let me know in some form.)
2012 7DRL Challenge blind-runs!
2013 7DRL Challenge blind-runs too!
I do roguelike LPs, usually blind. I'm always looking for criticism!

Game Hunter

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Re: Let's Play... a Bunch of Roguelikes!
« Reply #23 on: April 25, 2012, 04:16:16 PM »
And now we go into ZAPM. It's a good refreshing feeling to move out of the settings we've seen so far and move into something a lot...different, I guess! All of the same concepts are there, but simply putting a new label can really help revive that roguelike spirit.

I believe I'm a little over halfway done with the 7DRL 2012 games, excluding failed attempts (although I do plan on trying those, or at least the ones that can be played). Still chugging along!

As always, if you have anything you want to say about my videos (praise, anti-praise, criticisms, suggestions), my ears are always listening.
2012 7DRL Challenge blind-runs!
2013 7DRL Challenge blind-runs too!
I do roguelike LPs, usually blind. I'm always looking for criticism!


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Re: Let's Play... a Bunch of Roguelikes!
« Reply #24 on: April 25, 2012, 09:46:27 PM »
Zap'M is one of my all time favorite games. I won it several times and actually am developing a variant. Thanks for recording this video. My comments noted down while I was watching the thing.

Nice music! Yes, I see the vertical line stuck on screen.

I was scared you would die a YASD by kicking the door. You actually went down to a single hit point! Wonder how long would take you to figure out how to shoot the pea shooter. I laughed when you noticed your HP was down. Nice job figuring why.

Vat of sludge being food? Hilarious! Zap'M has no hunger at all.

Instead of kicking doors you can shoot its lock off with the pea shooter. Costs no hit points. Stand close as if you were going to kick it because it is assumed from afar you are not aiming for the lock. I also like how you are kicking from a diagonal direction. A habit from Adom? Hmmm ... maybe Zap'M fork should have door trap that damages people standing diagonally but not orthogonally. :-)

I too was baffled at Zap'Ms unfriendliness as to what everything does. Some of this is actually fixed in the variant. Picking an item from inventory like you did actually gives information.

When applying skills you can allocate more than one point to single skill at a time. The trick is to press enter before exhausting all your advancement points. This is addressed in the fork too.

Oh, you missed a door at Space Base 4. Kinda fun discovering you had "Chi" power.

Additional comments: Yes, pea shooter is a handgun. There are going to be lotsa guaranteed shops soon. I would be very grateful if you survived until that moment, so here goes a suggestion. Do not drink unidentified canisters. Zap'M has equivalent of potion of death! That is a really silly way to go. By the way, you can try price ID. It will give you some clues as to how expensive a thing is and at the same time how good/bad things it could do. Expensive things are either very good or very bad. No further hints though. I'd hate to spoil Zap'M for you. You decide what to identify with your floppy disk program.

Waiting patiently for the second part.
Michał Bieliński, reviewer for Temple of the Roguelike

Game Hunter

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Re: Let's Play... a Bunch of Roguelikes!
« Reply #25 on: April 26, 2012, 09:12:30 PM »
I won it several times and actually am developing a variant.
Some have mentioned PRIME to me, and I plan on doing it at some point as well. So many roguelikes, so little time...

I also like how you are kicking from a diagonal direction. A habit from Adom?
I didn't notice this until you mentioned it, but yeah, that would definitely be from ADOM's boulder traps. Granted no other game has a specific penalty for diagonal kicks, so sticking into PRIME would be amusing to say the leaset.

By the way, you can try price ID. It will give you some clues as to how expensive a thing is and at the same time how good/bad things it could do. Expensive things are either very good or very bad.
This is something I learned from NetHack, and if I had felt I had time to do so, I'd probably figure out the rough pricing for everything. But I already spent the better part of an entire video (it'll be P3) in Robot Town and here from on I'll probably start and stop the recording as necessary when it comes to shopping. I'll probably at least figure out the cost for ID floppys, if only because they're so dang important.

Waiting patiently for the second part.
Just a heads-up if you don't know, I try to record videos every weekday. I already have enough videos to get through the weekend, so that's a bonus for once.
2012 7DRL Challenge blind-runs!
2013 7DRL Challenge blind-runs too!
I do roguelike LPs, usually blind. I'm always looking for criticism!


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Re: Let's Play... a Bunch of Roguelikes!
« Reply #26 on: April 27, 2012, 05:37:41 PM »
PRIME is planned to have a release early in May so it would be good to wait at least until then.

After watching second part I have to say your playing style makes quite an impression. Again I learned a few things about what might be confusing from player's side.

By the way it was the gamma ray gun that took care of your software engineer. It is constantly radiating you when carried. I used to test ray guns early and usually discarded gamma ray gun after sorting it out or quickly used up if I needed empty ray guns.

Fighting with your hands is unarmed combat, not basic melee weapons. I think bare hands means "naked" hands.
Michał Bieliński, reviewer for Temple of the Roguelike


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Re: Let's Play... a Bunch of Roguelikes!
« Reply #27 on: April 28, 2012, 04:27:47 PM »
Just watched P3. Nice job escaping that alien nest!

Your strength was lowered by poison damage you took earlier. Zap that blue ray gun at something. If it is gamma ray gun you are going to die of radiation sickness soon.

If I were you I would use that pea shooter to get rid of those alien eggs before they hatch lest you get caught by facehuggers sneaking up on you due to your slowness.
Michał Bieliński, reviewer for Temple of the Roguelike


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Re: Let's Play... a Bunch of Roguelikes!
« Reply #28 on: May 04, 2012, 05:48:10 PM »
Third post in a row. Hope this is not a major blunder.

After watching ninth part I wish to express my gratitude again. PRIME has just received a modification which shows prices of items in shop without requiring player to pick them up exactly as you suggested. There are several more improvements you mused about. I heard you wish to collect knowledge about the game so In return let me present you with some facts about ZapM. One commenter said spoilers for ZapM are not widely available. This is true. Knowing the code in and out I am pretty much spoiler library on two legs so do not hesitate to ask questions.

I'll try to brief you with some facts but still leaving out the most fun-destroying spoilers. Mild spoilage is okay I think since you've experienced most of the game yourself.

Important gameplay bugs:
- Geiger counter in ZapM is not reliable. It works so-so for single counter but trying to use two or more is bound to produce artifacts. You've seen one of them.

- Bat'leth is classified as melee weapon, not a sword. :-(

What items do:
- Roll of duct tape is a consumable repair item. What you can repair: disabled <robot_name_here>, malfunctioning (red) doors, damaged pet robots.

- Restraining bolt is applied at robots to "tame" them. Basically it is additional circuit which forces obedience to you.

- Mega computer works exactly like mini computer except for one situation. You cannot execute floppy disk programs while you are blind with mini computer. Try it some time to see why. Your weak programmers should carry only mini computer to avoid becoming burdened. Mega version is good for selling.

- Canister of mutagen is radiating you like gamma ray gun. You had green jumpsuit which was radiation suit so in result it did not hurt your health. Ordinarily it would.

- Nano cola gives you temporary boost to charisma. This is its only purpose. Psions use it to spam Mental Blast several times in a row. In short Charisma emulates mana in ZapM. Nano cola is mana potion that can overcharge your mana pool.

- Empty ray gun should be 'a'pplied. It asks you to pick a canister for filling it up. All the bad canisters to drink are fine as fuel.

- Heap of space junk is absolutely useless. In PRIME it is the best food for matter compiler but ZapM has no real function for it.

What mutant powers do:
- Telepathy mutant power shows creatures with minds. This means you won't see grid bugs or dogbots show up but bore worms, redshirts and the like will be marked as such.

- Haste just increases you speed at the cost of 2 charisma points. There is no reason at all to turn it off ever. It has no other costs or disadvantages.

Questions you asked in videos:
- There is a way to prevent an automatic door from opening. Zap it with gauss ray gun which destroys its electronics.

- Pulse rifle needs to be 'a'pplied to have its firing mode changed.

- Toxic taste means you have been irradiated. Usually single such event is not enough to trigger radiation sickness.

- Non-optimized floppy disk of debugging checks for bugs your armor, implants and wielded item. To debug something wield it first and then run the disk. If you wield a non-weapon it is not going to weld itself to your hand. Grenades also do not glue themselves.

- Gauss ray gun is good for damaging robots. It also has effects on certain item class thus making zapping yourself less than recommended action.

- If you ever get your hands on digestion power abuse it. Digestion allows you to eat almost any item so experiment freely with wielding weapons and if something refuses to get off just eat it.

- Buggy floppy disks are rarely bad. Only unfun buggy floppies are enhance XXX because those decrease plus of XXX and bug it. On the other hand identify, debugging, mapping, detection, diagnostics and all others simply do their job. With the execption of ...

- ... buggy transportation which is dangerous. It has a little chance of causing instadeath. It tries for random coordinates five times and if it is always wall or occupied you die in transportation accident. Stupid thing, we did away with it in PRIME 1.9.

- Enhance XXX floppy can remove bugginess too. Docbot can't.

- Most canisters ignore bugginess. Buggy ones work exactly like optimized versions. Exceptions are: gain ability (buggy: -1 to random ability, debugged +1, optimized +1 to all), speed (affects duration), jarred brain (no int bonus if buggy).

Mutant Powers:
- Skill in mutant powers only increases chance to successfully use it. Nothing more.

- Concentration skill does not increase chances of using power. It decreases chances of automatically turning off persistent powers when you get stunned or confused.

- Every character level increases use chances for all powers.

Weapon damage:
- Plus on weapon adds one to its damage output. +0 pea shooter: 1-4. +3 pea shooter: 4-7. Enhanced pea shooter is great. If you start with enhance weapon floppy it is good to use it right away.

- Optimized weapon gets +2 to hit. This is like you would pump another two skill points in its skill category. Each level of corrosion or burns modifies to hit by -2.

- Each energy weapon uses some cells per shot. Phaser, blaster, laser pistol use five. Laser rifle uses eight. Laser cannon uses thirty five. Guardbot has the laser cannon but it may also be generated randomly.

- Categories: (ok, this may sound obvious but please bear with me)
In parentheses is raw damage. xNUM means NUM shots fired and bullets used per firing round.
-- handguns: pea shooter (1-4), blaster (1-8), phaser (1-8 + 2-12 blinding), laser pistol (1-8 + 2-12 blinding), pistol (1-8), assault pistol (2x 1-8)
-- light guns: sniper rifle (1-10), shotgun (4-24), laser rifle (1-12 + 3-18 blinding)
-- heavy guns: pulse rifle (3x 1-8), chaingun (6x 1-10), laser cannon (4-48), railgun (3-30)
-- sword: katana ("antique sword") (1-10), light saber (2-12 + 1-6 fire)
-- basic melee weapons: anal probe (0 damage), mop (1-8), club (1-6), cattle prod (1-4 + 1-6 stunning), dagger (1-4), nunchucks (2-8), bat'leth (2-12), chainsaw (2-12)
-- thrown weapons: football (1-6), rad grenade (4-32 radiating), stun grenade (3-18 stunning), concussion grenade (3-18), frag grenade (4-24)
- unarmed: punch (1-6)

- A railgun shot takes 150% time it would take to fire any other gun.

- Melee attacks receive damage modifier:  (Str - 10) / 2. Str 14 means +2 to damage, Str 8 -1 to damage.

Random tips:
- Do everything to avoid becoming burdened. Adom penalises you with -5 speed which is 5% slower actions. In ZapM being burdened means -50% to speed. Ten times more.

- Do not worry about buckazoids that much. Later levels have plenty of them. Constant trips to Robot Town erode your attention.

- Flashlight uses so little energy I usually walk with it constantly on. Especially if I have a power plant which regenerates energy way faster than flashlight burns it.

- If you see a monster shooting you with a weapon several times without it misfiring it means his weapon is not buggy. You can use it without fear.

- If you have disintegration ray gun consider robbing a shop. Keep in mind the ray gun annihilates things -- the clerkbot was gone with all its money so good course of action is to attack the shopkeeper that you have not bought from. Ideally one you sold lots of stuff to so you can carry the loot next door as you did.

- Experiment with items more frequently.

- You can drop canisters into a vat to trigger pouring them into it. Make sure you are pouring a single canister as opposed to whole stack so you can benefit from the clue.

PRIME invalidates half of those already but for the most part information is made available inside the game. So when you eventually come to see what the fork has to offer prepare to be surprised a little.
Michał Bieliński, reviewer for Temple of the Roguelike

Game Hunter

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Re: Let's Play... a Bunch of Roguelikes!
« Reply #29 on: May 04, 2012, 08:56:39 PM »
After watching ninth part I wish to express my gratitude again. PRIME has just received a modification which shows prices of items in shop without requiring player to pick them up exactly as you suggested. There are several more improvements you mused about.
Glad to be of assistance! Part of the purpose of this kind of LPing is to offer "advice" through my complaints and nitpicks. Were it not blind-running, I may already be used to some of the game's apparent or imagined deficiencies and not express my distaste for them (which is often why developers overlook ease-of-use implementation more than other aspects). It's not always something that requires changing, but it's usually food for thought either way.

I heard you wish to collect knowledge about the game so In return let me present you with some facts about ZapM. One commenter said spoilers for ZapM are not widely available. This is true. Knowing the code in and out I am pretty much spoiler library on two legs so do not hesitate to ask questions.
I gotta say, I was surprised not to find any sort of wiki or guide (besides the developer's) for even simple stuff like stats and descriptions. More than anything I tend to use the wikis for items that I have no idea what's going on, or maybe some weird nuances that are sort-of understood but would require a rather large amount of effort to figure out.

And while I would like to go about collecting that information, who knows if I'll have to time! Gotta move onto other roguelikes, after all. I'll certainly hit up PRIME at some point, since it basically sounds like ZAPM+.

- Categories: (ok, this may sound obvious but please bear with me)
In parentheses is raw damage. xNUM means NUM shots fired and bullets used per firing round.
-- handguns: pea shooter (1-4), blaster (1-8), phaser (1-8 + 2-12 blinding), laser pistol (1-8 + 2-12 blinding), pistol (1-8), assault pistol (2x 1-8)
-- light guns: sniper rifle (1-10), shotgun (4-24), laser rifle (1-12 + 3-18 blinding)
-- heavy guns: pulse rifle (3x 1-8), chaingun (6x 1-10), laser cannon (4-48), railgun (3-30)
-- sword: katana ("antique sword") (1-10), light saber (2-12 + 1-6 fire)
-- basic melee weapons: anal probe (0 damage), mop (1-8), club (1-6), cattle prod (1-4 + 1-6 stunning), dagger (1-4), nunchucks (2-8), bat'leth (2-12), chainsaw (2-12)
-- thrown weapons: football (1-6), rad grenade (4-32 radiating), stun grenade (3-18 stunning), concussion grenade (3-18), frag grenade (4-24)
- unarmed: punch (1-6)

- A railgun shot takes 150% time it would take to fire any other gun.

- Melee attacks receive damage modifier:  (Str - 10) / 2. Str 14 means +2 to damage, Str 8 -1 to damage.
This is especially the kind of important stuff that should quite honestly be available in-game already. (Sounds like PRIME has in-game descriptions, so I hope it has these as well!) Otherwise the player's just firing guns and noticing that some hurt more than others, but not enough to know if it'll kill something with some amount of health (ala tricorder). I don't mind figuring out some things, but when there's no way to discern something other than blindly collecting raw data, that's when I draw the line.

Seems kind of silly that so many things can have BDO status but not actually matter. I suppose this is to obfuscate what DOES matter, but I'd say if something cannot be affected either way, it probably shouldn't be bothered to have a status.

In any case, thank you very much for the feedback!
2012 7DRL Challenge blind-runs!
2013 7DRL Challenge blind-runs too!
I do roguelike LPs, usually blind. I'm always looking for criticism!