Author Topic: Mysterious Castle 1.9  (Read 6539 times)


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Mysterious Castle 1.9
« on: February 02, 2012, 06:45:29 AM »

I've just released version 1.9, now with dungeons!

It's available for OSX now, Windows version is still at 1.8, but will be updating soon. Here's the changelog:



*   Dungeons! Errr... Mysterious Castles!

*   Treasure chests are now generated in caves as well as in the forest.


*   Added a custom cursor.

*   Transfering items further streamlined.

*   Weapons and armor now display basic stats.

*   All stat and skill increasing books now contain information about the
     stat or skill they increase. For instance, reading a book about the
     'sneak' skill will explain how it is used in the game.
*   You can now 'read' spellbooks to get detailed info on spell effects.

*   Moved the action bar, which showed how many action points a character
     had, from the bottom left corner, to a status bar hovering over the
*   Character pool size increased to 9.


*   Medium armor gives penalties -1 dex, -1 init, and -1 arcane.

*   Heavy armor gives penalties -2 dex, -2 init, -2 arcane, and -1 move.

*   You can now take a five foot step before making a full round action.

*   Canceled spells no longer waste your turn.

*   Greatly reduced the frequency of certain powerful items.

*   The 'curse' spell no longer stacks.


*   Added a dark guild faction, members include dark monks, warriors,
     trolls, and ogres.
*   Enemies can now 'power strike' you.

*   Enemies are now immune to certain types of energy, ie. fire elementals
     don't take damage from fire (duh!).


*   Fixed broken "web" immunity.

*   Fixed 'bless party' ability of obelisks.

*   Fixed a bug where sneaking characters loaded from a file used their
     normal light source.
*   Fixed light cloning when using autoequip.
*   Fixed the impassable fence of doom bug.

*   Several other bugfixes.


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Re: Mysterious Castle 1.9
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2012, 12:45:40 PM »
Congrats on making another fine release!  2012 continues to shape up better and better.   8)
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
In Training


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Re: Mysterious Castle 1.9
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2012, 11:06:25 AM »
It's not easy to find the download link for Windows. The user interface is not very intuitive at first sight. Why do I have to press some buttons twice? It's ultra-annoying that I have to wait until the whole text message appears... Is there any button to speed it up? There should be different key for switching to full screen - maybe it's logical on OSX to press Esc, but on Windows Esc typically closes a window.

Positive comments will come when I figure out how to move my characters :D.
Fame (Untitled) - my game. Everything is a roguelike.


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Re: Mysterious Castle 1.9
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2012, 07:02:24 AM »
Well, the interface is certainly non-standard! Remember to press the arrow keys to show the various panels.

You can speed up button clicks by going to the options pane and selecting 'select action' instead of 'select+confirm action'. The default is two clicks because it's a tactical game made for iOS and I hate misclicks in tactical games.

The download links are all in the same place, on indieDB. Will fix textbox speed. Right now the text is pretty pointless though :P

I'll consider customizable keymappings soon. What is a good fullscreen key on windows?

Moving is the easiest part! Just click!

Thanks for taking the time to post!


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Re: Mysterious Castle 1.9
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2012, 09:41:02 PM »
From this board I went to and found a link to IndieDB. There I saw the "Mysterious Castle 1.8 for Windows (No Music)" link, so I followed it. It took me to some subpage with a huge "Download NOW!" button. Finally, that was what I wanted! Three levels of redirection. Not a big deal, but you could provide a direct download link. Making it easier to download you're making it more popular :).

I'm used to pressing Alt+Enter to go fullscreen (that's the way the Windows console works) or F11 (as in Firefox). These would be the best keys, I believe.

Moving is simple, indeed. I think that the first time I played, the game might have hanged and just stopped receiving any input :).
« Last Edit: February 06, 2012, 09:52:06 PM by UglyTroll »
Fame (Untitled) - my game. Everything is a roguelike.