Author Topic: Triangle Wizard (now at R 17.03)  (Read 26345 times)


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Triangle Wizard (now at R 17.03)
« on: January 29, 2012, 10:00:45 PM »
Triangle Wizard is a hack 'n slash game developed by me, Wouter van den Wollenberg, in my spare time. It is freeware, which means anyone may download it, play it and even distribute it free of charge. When asked what the game is like I usually answer that it is a combination of NetHack and normal hack 'n slash games like Diablo.

I started with it back in spring 2008 basically because I was bored and I wanted to program something. I never made a hack 'n slash (nor a Roleplaying game for that matter) before so I decided to give it a whirl. I initially started with a complex text-based game based on D&D rules, but I quickly abandoned it because the programming wasn't very exciting. I did like the idea that users could easily mod the game by modifying some .ini files, but I didn't like the non-graphic nature of it.

During that time a friend of mine introduced me to a game called NetHack (see NetHack Official Homepage, hell check out Diablo too while you are at it). It was a turn-based hack 'n slash game which was unbelievably hard (at least to modern standards) and one little mistake (even one as small as pressing the wrong button at the wrong time) could end your game. Perhaps the most memorable part of the game were its graphics; all monsters and items were represented by mere letters and characters. A + would indicate a door for example. Of course there are versions of NetHack that do have bitmaps and no longer use letters, but somehow I really liked the letter graphics.

So I decided to make a hack 'n slash game using letters as monsters, but make it a real time game instead. I also removed some of the more complex mechanisms from NetHack such as fountains (including the wishes), pit traps and the need for sustenance. Getting rid of the bitmaps freed me of the task of creating my own which was boring (not to mention that I tended to suck at it) and could instead focus on the game itself. I did add some fancy looking spells though, since spell effects can be easily simulated with glow effects and don't require that many bitmaps.

The result is Triangle Wizard, named after the main character who is (the only person not to be represented by a letter) represented by a triangle. The wizard part it just because you only get to play a wizard; although there are many types of wizards you could opt to play. You may ask me why I didn't add Knights, Barbarians or even Tourists (Yes, you can play as a tourist in NetHack). My answer would be that I find playing fighters boring (I don't play the Barbarian in Diablo for example) and because fighting with letters just looks plain silly. No, we want to throw fireballs and such, not bump letters into letters. Of course without warriors there would be no need for equipment and such, which saves me the time I would have to spend to code an entire item system.

So anyways, you get to play a wizard and your goal is to rid a lengthy dungeon of all baddies and stay alive (read: 'refrain from being destroyed' should you opt to play as a vampire or lich) while doing it. There are many spells you can learn, shops to buy them and wreak havoc with. In addition the game features 106 mostly randomized dungeon levels inhabited by a wide variety of creatures both hostile and friendly. You will also have to deal with some boss monsters, magical traps, spiked walls and rivers of lava.

In order to obtain the 'retro' look the dungeon will be minimalistically displayed; mind you that this is also to avoid the ridiculous situation where a fully beautified dungeon is populated by a bunch of ASCII characters. And to keep the game nerdy enough (I would classify NetHack as a nerdy game because the only people I know who play it are nerds) the game is not only very difficult but contains numerous switches, strange hotkeys and nerdy creatures. You can even die, leave a corpse, and have a future adventurer find it (like in NetHack).

It also doesn't contain any sounds or music. This has been done on purpose to stay true to NetHack, and because I think most sounds are nothing more than a distraction. Furthermore since the monsters are represented by ASCII characters you are basically imagining a kobold when you see a green k anyway so why not imagine it growling and attacking too?

But the greatest thing about the game is its modability. All creatures, traps, unique monsters and even level parameters (remember the levels are randomly generated) are contained in .ini files which can be easily read and modified by using some text editor. Want to add a unique monster that bears your name? Feel free to put it in! Want to create a trap so fiendishly difficult even I did not include it? Again feel free to put it in (or even give it to your friends and laugh as they run away in fright from your demonic contraption!). The included manual explains what everything in the .ini files does so read that to get started if you want to mod the game.

Oh by the way, english is not my first language (which is dutch), so I expect there are some spelling mistakes here and there that I've missed (or more precisely, which Microsoft's marvellous grammar check has missed). In addition I, and probably every other non-native english speaker, tend to get confused because of British and American english so if you see some British words mixed up with some American ones please forgive me (or don't, I won't care).

That is about all I have to say about the game. If you want more information please use the menu which has been so conveniently provided at your left.

Some pretty dramatic gains here for the first release here in 2012!   8)

Hey all! Welcome to the first update of 2012! It is pretty big, featuring a new class, a new utility spell, new talents, a shrine, a deity and new diseases. But the biggest change is probably the darkness system.

You can now only see within a small radius around your character; the so-called light radius. It can be increased by wearing appropriate items (a torch is a cheap early game item for this) or by playing a race/class with an improved light radius. There are also ways to see creatures in darkness (darkvision, detect alignment, etc.), these might come with your race, class or obtained via talents or items. You can also use the new utility spell, Wizard's Flare (activated by pressing Q) to provide additional light. Spell effects (and burning enemies!) also provide light circles of their own. Not every creature can see into darkness, so if you find a way to remove your own light radius you'll become invisible to them! (that is, until you cast a spell since that provides a quick flash of light).

Since this is a pretty powerful change (it is not active in every level by the way) I have created a way to turn it off if you hate it (I would love some feedback though :P) To do so go into the global_settings.tri file and under [user_settings] add the following line:


and it will be turned off!

Patch R 13.01 Notes:

-Fixed empty shops.
-Improved the targeting of the Recall spell.
-Fixed a graphical error with a flying squared character.
-Added some clarification notes in the Trianglopedia.
-Corrected the article for the Cryptic Shrine in the Trianglopedia.
-Heroes spawned by the Dance with Death mission will no longer be generated inside walls.
-Added the Haunting Jitters, Hexomalady, Nocturna and Repugno Syndrome diseases.
-AI will no longer attempt to attack creatures which have been recently converted to their side.
-Angry dieties now regularly smite you with holy damage if you have any of their items equipped.
-A list of player allies can be found in the character dump now.
-Added the Servant of the Pantheon class.
-Removed the finding chance part of the message when you pick spells up; this was very confusing for new players. It can still be found at the spell info screen.
-Spell incantations powerups now correctly give you a spell level if you have none (or a negative amount) whilst also already having storage.
-Added a darkness system.
-Many spells, sigils, creatures now give light, some very rare creatures radiate darkness.
-Added several new item modifications.
-Added several ways to see into darkness, some races obtains some of these at the start of the game.
-Fixed a rare bug which caused you to have an insurmountable spell delay.
-Dorah now also grants Terrasight.
-Summoned creatures and allies no longer follow masters they cannot see (either through darkness or invisibility). Only if these creatures possess means to see invisible creatures or see into darkness will they follow their master. You can still use Recall to get them to teleport to you.
-AI controlled casters can now 'see' themselves always even when they are invisible and cannot see invisible creatures.
-Added the Wizard's Flare utility spell.
-Q can no longer be used to cycle spell in a certain letter bin (noone used this anyway). Q is now used to cast the new Wizard's Flare spell.
-Added a few new talents including Touch of Midas, Guidance of Kreia and Irene's Glare.
-Added the Twilight shrine.
-Added a new player corpse type; the Phantom.
-Added a new deity, Dauros the Benefactor.
-Removed the classes, races and spells from the manual. These are replaced by the ingame Trianglopedia.
-There is now a prompt after loading a very big level before the game continues, this way you can get a cup of tea in the meantime.
-Call of the Forest is now considered a nature spell for Druids.
-The Weather Tap ability of Weather Mages now provides a boost of 45% (up from 15%) quicker regenerating of wind spells.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2018, 12:57:03 PM by getter77 »
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Triangle Wizard (now at R 13.02)
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2012, 09:21:31 PM »
R 13.02---tis a doozy!   :o   Odds are high the next release will have a number of things that didn't quite make it into this one though.

Hi all! Welcome to a shining new (and hopefully bug free) version of Triangle Wizard! The contents are various quality of life updates that multiple people had requested, a possibly game changing handling of unit stacking (i.e. they don't anymore), and a reworked priest class.

The priest class is actually what took the most time this update since many of the unique boons they get are not just statistics changes. For example priests of Montezuma can sometimes capture and enslave enemies instead of killing them, priests of Abigail reflect spell damage if they are immune to the damage type of that spell, and priests of Karthus are surrounded by an aura that deals continual death damage. Ow there is also a new deity and a new quest!

Patch 13.02 notes:

-Pressing ESC now also offers an extended menu from which all other menu's and settings can be accessed without remembering the keycodes.
-Fixed a few typos.
-Quest related creatures are now immune to Charm and Anarchy.
-Azathoth will no longer instantly permakill anyone who offends it. Instead 60% of max hitpoints are lost until amends are made.
-Added an option to require shft/alt for mouseovers to be visible.
-Gnomish extra spell now levels when leveling up.
-Modified the graphics of Liquid Form.
-Quest escorts enjoy a moment of absolute immunity along with the player at the start of a new level for half the normal duration.
-Casting Wizard's Flare a second time in quick succession makes the flares explode in more brighter secondary particles which can no longer be controlled and stick to walls.
-Added a new quest: The Rituals.
-Less spell effects should penetrate to the next dungeon level.
-Galio should no longer drop his head twice.
-Magic sigils can now also contain the Dweomer Thief spell.
-Pyth now decreases the duration of status effects and diseases on the player by 75% instead of 50% on all allies.
-Melee immunity is now only granted after the third attack made on someone  in a short moment. This makes groups somewhat more dangerous. Creatures can no longer make infinite amount of melee attacks in some period of time, they now get a small cooldown after each attack. They can still perform knockbacks though.
-Trolls now regenerate incantations 55% slower instead of only 35%.
-The Berserker unique ability, Enchanted Weapons, now grants a quicker melee attack speed and quicker melee immunity.
-Floating damage numbers now have a different font if the damage was directed against yourself or allies.
-Creatures can no longer stack on top of each other.
-Knocking creatures into each other will knock those creatures also back.
-Increased the chances of Euphoria granting a wish.
-Radically changed the Priest's unique ability, Divinity Everlasting. It now grants a unique boon depending on your deity. A priest without any deity suffers major penalties.
-Entering a level where there is a gem to be found while you have a zero chance at finding magical items will no longer crash the game.
-Losing or gaining resistances via deities will no longer affect resistance powerup drop rates.
-Shop levels can no longer have darkness.
-Added internal support for item mods influencing non-resistable damage types.
-Added several new item suffixes.
-Corpses of a disciples will no longer be disciples if raised from death.
-Clockwork units have a new font.
-Increased the rate at which the Color Blast ability granted by Taric increases in spell level.
-Updated the handling of the poisoned status effect; it should no longer permanently change melee damage output.
-Added a few new creatures.
-Worshipping the RNG now also affects gambling.
-Added a new deity: Niwrad, the Evolving One.
-Champion enemies can now be generated with many new unique abilities.
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Triangle Wizard (now at R 13.03)
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2012, 08:48:44 PM »
R 13.03

Hallo all wizarding triangles! Now, almost three and a half years after the initial release of the game we are still going strong with updates! This update buffs priests in that they now have two deity specific spells (one of them usually being a circle one or two attack spell). It also has a few quality of life upgrades, bug fixes, two new deities and one new quest.

-Text for Priests of Jeffears now correctly state a wish can be gained from sigils instead of shrines in game creation.
-Quest creatures no longer drop copious amounts of loot that they shouldn't.
-Priests now gain two deity specific spells instead of one.
-Fixed some typos.
-Priests of the 5th Age can now control their Hypnotic Mesmer spells for a short duration.
-Priests of Azmodan can no longer steal traits from other deities by desecrating shrines.
-Followers of Tir-Jahar should no longer get stuck in walls.
-Slightly changed the graphics of Karthus' death aura ability.
-If burning creatures are knocked into each other the fire may spread.
-Fixed a bug which sometimes caused some followers to not appear at the stairs of the next level after descending.
-The player is now also healed upon descending as was already the case with his/her allies.
-Detect Alignment no longer flashes if used without low light vision; it will now introduce an offset which is constant but random for each creature.
-Berserkers can now attack much more rapidly.
-Added a new deity: Akatosh, the Dragon God of Endurance.
-Increased the chances champion monsters have talents.
-Added death texts for if you die to certain deity effects.
-Character creation now lists if races have special types of vision (such as low light vision).
-Modified the handling of Stoutheart's curse. You can no longer die from it.
-Powerful items now glow when on the ground.
-Doors have a chance of opening the opposite way as well.
-Added a new late game quest: Ancient Domains of Mystery.
-Scrolls gained via worship to Azmodan are now sacred to Azmodan.
-Added a new deity: Mystra, the Goddess of Magic.
-Buffed Ilmater's boon; his healing potions will now also remove curses and have a chance at removing diseases.
-Data from artifacts.tri is now automatically added to the Trianglopedia.
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Triangle Wizard (now at R 14.01)
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2012, 11:41:54 AM »
R 14.01

Hey all!

I managed to finish another version! Featuring two new races (thx Delekti!), a fix for the infamous 'Got killed by a summoned dragon to the face' early death and some various small updates. The game now also contains an option menu (accessible through the main menu) allowing to change many settings without having to go into a .ini file yourself. And least but not least for those who dislike abstract art there is now an option in the option menu to use tiles. This adds graphics to floors, walls and some powerups. There is now also an option to enable gore.

The default settings, however, show the game as it has always been, goreless with abstract art :P

Patch Notes

-Fixed several wrong entries in the Trianglopedia.
-You can again true resurrect fallen disciples to regain favor with their deity if it is angry.
-Lava Maws now correctly breathe fire instead of acid.
-Necromancers now correctly lose the need to breathe when becoming undead.
-Summoned creatures are now immune to melee and can't melee themselves for a second or so. This should reduce the chances of early game 'I summoned a dragon on your head' death.
-Game creation screen will no longer incorrectly say that Priests have the Sacred Wrath spell.
-You can no longer get a quest before entering Castle Everdoom.
-Montezuma's curse should no longer teleport the exit into walls.
-Akatosh will no longer stop healing potions from working at all, they now function as though you were cursed.
-Frostlings move somewhat faster.
-Added the Stitched One and Dark Dwarf races.
-Creature info now also lists the actual light (or darkness) radius of creatures.
-Added an option menu in the main menu which allows you to set things without having to open .ini files yourself.
-Altered the way walls are drawn to make it look like the outside of a level is all solid.`
-Made darkness look more pleasant.
-Added an option to use tiles. This adds new graphics to walls, floors and stuff like water. It is also featured in the minimap.
-Added support for GML scripts for levels.
-Added the option to use tiles and toggle shaded walls to the ingame option menu.
-Made enemies less likely to glitch outside levels during boss fights.
-Banjo should no longer cast so many Charms spells your computer crashes.

Some excellent gains!   8)
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Triangle Wizard (now at R 14.01)
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2012, 12:09:07 PM »
I'd like to get back to play this game.. just a little bit worried about learning again the controls (I remember that wasn't properly easy).
I'm glad to know Wouter still keeps working on it.. I had a lot of fun with Triangle Wizard.
What I enjoy the most in roguelikes: Anti-Farming and Mac Givering my way out. Kind of what I also enjoy in life.


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Re: Triangle Wizard (now at R 14.01)
« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2012, 04:20:54 PM »
Controls aren't  too rough so long as you're handy on a mouse wheel and can do a bit of combo between KB and mouse---your standard sort of Diablo II, Divine Divinity, etc styled setup really.   I'd not be surprised if there was some way to remap at least part of it all though I never went looking as the default scheme worked OK for me for the most part.
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Re: Triangle Wizard (now at R 14.01)
« Reply #6 on: May 22, 2012, 02:22:43 AM »
I'm rather fond of the abstract visuals as they are. Will probably check out the tiles at least once though. I luv ascii gore.

The one thing I would really like to see though would be sound for this game.


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Re: Triangle Wizard (now at R 14.01)
« Reply #7 on: May 23, 2012, 11:58:57 AM »
Controls aren't  too rough so long as you're handy on a mouse wheel and can do a bit of combo between KB and mouse---your standard sort of Diablo II, Divine Divinity, etc styled setup really.   I'd not be surprised if there was some way to remap at least part of it all though I never went looking as the default scheme worked OK for me for the most part.
I remember I had some troubles with them until I got some experience with it.. and not one of the easiest games to learn. But once you're in it's very good and there's nothing similar around. Last but not least, Wouter is a very active developer who also listens to players' opinions.

I'm rather fond of the abstract visuals as they are. Will probably check out the tiles at least once though. I luv ascii gore.
Same here, I love the black empty corridors of Triangle Wizard and I'll probably never go for tiles.
Anyway I'd be keen to see some less abstract representations for the monsters like the "tiles" NON is using with Infra Arcana.

What I enjoy the most in roguelikes: Anti-Farming and Mac Givering my way out. Kind of what I also enjoy in life.


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Re: Triangle Wizard (now at R 14.02)
« Reply #8 on: May 28, 2012, 02:48:38 PM »

Hey all! It is time for a new patch. It is mostly a patch to polish a few things, but it does add some new features such as the ability to buy incantations in shops, secret vaults and a new quest.

Patch R 14.02 Notes

-You can now buy plain incantations for spells in shops.
-Added the ingame clock to the option menu.
-The tiled minimap should be clearer.
-Priest of Dorah now correctly benefits from the normal boon of Dorah in addition to the priest boon.
-Corpus Furia produces additional gore (if gore is enabled).
-You can no longer pickup gold while your are jumping.
-Azathoth now correctly grants resurrections based on dungeon level instead of character level.
-Character information of the player now shows if Azathoth will provide a resurrection or not.
-Creatures can only take damage from an Evaporate Wall spell every few frames.
-Tydei powerups now have random color and correctly function together with tiles. Tydei no longer makes you confuse items.
-There are now tiles for altars, shrines and staircases if you enable tiles.
-Added a new mid level quest, The Case of the Lost Diamond Pickaxe.
-Improved the level generation algorithm, there should be some more variety in room placement.
-Grechen's curse can no longer put your gold into the negative.
-Added secret vaults. These are randomly present and are only visible if you have opened them (by blowing up the entrance or wall-walking over it). They contain random rewards and danger.
-Priests of Dorah can now detect hidden vaults.
-Worshipping Jeffears increases the chances of finding vaults.
-Added a new item suffix.
-Creatures can no longer hold doors closed.
-Treasure Hunters find more gold in vaults.
-Added blinking red glows at the sides during a death warning.

Some nice improvements and so soon after the last major.   8)
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Triangle Wizard (now at R 14.03)
« Reply #9 on: June 19, 2012, 08:53:17 PM »
R 14.03

Hey all!

Time for another update! It is actually a deceptively big one; it adds about one hundred new talents, that includes a new talent for each and every spell! They are quite varied; for example there is a talent that snares victims of Malediction spells to nearby walls, one that allows you to put wall spells down in a circle, a talent for Death Storm that makes it suck in nearby creatures during its start-up phase and even one that allows Haste to slow incoming projectiles!

Another major addition are auras which can best be understood when compared to the Paladin auras in Diablo II. Champion monsters are the most prevailing source of these auras, although some very rare items also produce them. There are both aggressive and defensive auras, and because they are read from their own new file it is easy to add new auras or modify existing ones!

Patch R 14.03 Notes:

    -Dramatically increased the cost of buying incantations in shops. The incantations found on the ground in a shop still have the normal price.
    -Buying an incantation from the shopkeep no longer grants you knowledge of the spell; you also need to buy a spell level.
    -If using permadeath the game is saved after opening a vault to avoid exploits.
    -Gold now has a graphic if using tiles.
    -Added a new stat; Encumbrance.
    -Armor no longer gives a flat speed penalty and can always be worn.
    -Armor now has an encumbrance value that represents a fraction of speed decrease. Encumbrance acts multiplicative.
    -Added a few item prefixes.
    -Added a few new general talents.
    -Increased the chances champion monsters have talents.
    -Added about 100 new talents.
    -Increased the power of the Brute's Strength talent.
    -Erachna's lair now contains holy water instead of ordinary water.
    -Standing in holy water provides protection against death magic, standing in unholy water provides protection against holy magic.
    -Worshipping Neptus increases these benefits.
    -Death Storm with the Divine Storm talent will no longer poison water.
    -The Pandemonium Fortress now contains holy water, and the Halls of Anguish unholy water. Pools of such water can also randomly be found in quest areas.
    -Added auras to the game. Auras work a bit like the Paladin auras in Diablo II. They can be modded and new ones added since they have been given their own new files: auras.tri. Champion monsters may randomly have auras and auras can also be found on rare items.
    -Added support for auras for unique creatures and quest related creatures.
    -Added auras to several unique creatures.
    -Call Hero heroes can no longer obtain several of the more powerful abilities of champion monsters (i.e. damage reflection etc.).
    -Increased Orc base speed. Orcs also suffer from less encumbrance.
    -Added the Death Knight and Gargoyle races (thx Delekti).
    -Dream Images sent to kill the player by Euphoria will now pursue the player down the stairs.
    -Increased the variety in champion monster names.
    -Corpses should no longer sometimes show up in dark vision.

The tradition of minor updates adding major and far-reaching new features continues unabated.   8)
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Re: Triangle Wizard (now at R 15.01)
« Reply #10 on: August 06, 2012, 07:57:46 PM »
R 15.01 with some rather substantial and quality of life changes:

Time for another update! The AI is smarter with Dispel Magic now, you can now talk to friendlies in the dungeon to make them either join you, wait for you, or hostile to you. There are also a few quality-of-life updates such as better visibility for the map screen if using tiles, and F2 now prefering powerups over traps should they be in the same location. You can now also insult deities at their own altars, and atheists can now loot them.

The biggest addition is perhaps the chance to play the ultimate evil by choosing the Nameless One himself as your deity. This changes the story a bit and can lead to a new ending. Instead of seeking to imprison the Nameless One you now actively seek his release upon the world. This path is very difficult though, as you become the enemy of all Creation and many former enemies may now join to seek your destruction. Only for veterans!

I still have a few fan suggestions to go through, but I am going on holiday in the near future so those will have to wait for a future update.

-Fixed some typos.
-Added the Darkness Aura.
-Fixed a rare bug in the champion monster talent generation that could cause a crash.
-The Tear of the Broken God now also generates healing potions when casting spells, but only if you have less than ten.
-There are no longer zones in water and lava where you are not affected by it.
-Clarified the description of the Arcane Sanctum spell with regards to the Turn Undead spell.
-Getting a winning lottery ticket via a wish now grants bonus points if you finish the game, defeating Maevalin, holding it. It also changes the ending in a minor way.
-Walls in the minimap screen now oscillate between tiles and non-tiles to make them more distinct from floors if using tiles.
-Entrance and exits of dungeons should no longer be in the lava, water or wall.
-The new game screen now has a clock.
-The AI is now more intelligent with the usage of Dispel Magic; they now only dispel hostile enchantments on allies, beneficial enchantments on enemies and enemy invocations such as Death Storm and Pestilence.
-The effect that Dispel Magic has, which causes it to dispel multiple enchantments at higher levels, does not work if used on friendly enchantments.
-Allies that join you in the dungeon don't do so automatically, you now first need to talk to them. However, they will still be friendly and aid you (but not follow you) if you don't.
-You can tell allies to stop following you by talking to them. You can also make them hostile.
-You can now insult other deities at their altars to gain their curse. If you are an atheist you can loot the altars instead.
-Taric demands a few less quests.
-Healthbar outline is now different for creatures who can join you but have not done so.
-Examine (F2) will now prefer powerups over traps if they are in the same place.
-When all aspects in the Hall of Spirits are killed, Taeniasis will now spawn at the player's location.
-Azathothian Cultists will now deal disintegration damage if below 75% of max health instead of 60%.
-Added the Nameless One as a deity. This also adds a new ending. Following this deity makes for a more difficult game. It will also change the dialogues of several boss encounters.
-Mystra's details, for a Chosen of Mystra, in the Deity screen will no longer have text on top of other text.
-Added another fix for the game crashing upon achieving victory.
-AI will now recognize that it can use Glass Spray on flying creatures if it has the Jagged Skies talent.
-Many bosses now use various talents.
-Increased Maevalin's hitpoints.
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Triangle Wizard (now at R 15.02 ARRP)
« Reply #11 on: September 15, 2012, 03:57:59 PM »
R 15.02 in the Holiday Spirit.   :D

It is the annual roguelike release party, so I guess I should also release something :P. So here we go! I have added two classes inspired on suggestions by Delekti, a few talents have gotten buffs, a new deity, planar travel and spell talents are now more common for your starting spells. Also added was a timeline showing the various deaths of your characters. Unfortunately this feature will only function with adventurers who will die from this version on.

Also remember, on the 27th of October Triangle Wizard will exist for 4 years! :D

Patch R 15.02 Notes

-Priests no longer swap class names upon being cursed.
-Fixed the death text from Karthus's Death Aura and the aura of Akatosh.
-Added the Zombie Lord and Blackguard classes.
-The Judgement of the Righteous talent now also grants Turn Undead bonus fire damage.
-The Hand of Carceri talent now also grants Touch from Beyond a chance to infect victims.
-Talents of class starting spells now turn up much more frequently for that class, rewarding the player for sticking to those spells.
-Provided another fix for the player victory crash bug.
-The Contingency Mantles talent is now more effective.
-Fixed a bug that sometimes caused Spellmantle to malfunction until you descended a level.
-Fixed a bug in the Archmage Morcalava quest which caused walls to glow yellow when a member of Morcalava's Harem was slain.
-Modified the font in the Trianglopedia so it can display odd characters.
-Added a new deity: Raziel, The Soul Reaver.
-Creatures reanimated via a unique ability, for example Pyro's Clockwork creatures, do no longer provide experience or gold when they are slain.
-Added Syntropic Shrine.
-Added the timeline.
-You can now sort items in your inventory by item type and quality level. You can sort the items in a shop in the same way.
-Caster AI now understands Entangle removes the ability to fly and will now use spells that only hit non-flying creatures on entangled creatures.
-Added time stamps on character creation and death.
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Triangle Wizard (now at R 15.03)
« Reply #12 on: September 19, 2012, 07:18:15 PM »
R 15.03

Hey all! So it turned out there was some pretty serious problem with the sorting algorithm in the previous version (the ARRP version). The problem was serious enough for me to warrent a quick fix update. Therefore there are no new features in this update; only a few fixes, but I would still implore you all to use this new version over the old one ;).

Patch R 15.03 Notes

-Fixed Zenithar making his disciples pay for things in random levels when he is not angry.
-Fixed a crash that would occur if low level enemies became frozen.
-Fixed a bug where Wuzeare could make entire walls disappear.
-Fixed a few typoes.
-Belt items are now sorted between ring and feet slots when using sort by type.
-Fixed a major bug in the item sorting algorithm that lead to exploits.
Brian Emre Jeffears
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Re: Triangle Wizard (now at R 15.04)
« Reply #13 on: October 24, 2012, 12:16:21 PM »
R 15.04 featuring some....interesting....levels and quests alongside the heap of nice fixes and additions   8)

Hello everyone!

It is almost Triangle Wizard Day! Only a few more days until the game exists for four years. Let us celebrate with another update! There is a new class (thx Delekti for the inspiration!), a new quest and a new random level and a few graphical upgrades for a few spells. Also included are a new devious form of trap; wall mounted traps! Another thing that is going to be useful is the ability to toggle talents so you can deactivate talents temporarily.

Patch R 15.04 Notes

-The Dungeons and Decorating quest now also allows lava (for the Dungeon Master) and (un)holy water as water.
-Holy, acid and unholy water now correctly works with the Brinelady powers.
-Fixed a few typos.
-Color Blast has a new visual effect if you have the Mesmerizing Colors talent.
-Friendly Cloud of Ashes spells do not obscure sight as much.
-Cursed items now also sparkle if powerfully cursed and they are on the ground.
-Gemini's priest power now works correctly with tiles.
-Corrected some starting spell levels for the Blackguard and Zombie Master classes.
-Added the Fool class, an insane mage whose abilities increase via cursed items.
-Fixed a crash involving Wuzeare's priest ability and fixed an error that stopped it from functioning properly.
-Upgraded the visual of Swirling Stars a bit.
-Total item level is now visible in the inventory (this is particularly of use to the new Fool class).
-Save games now have an extension identifying the game version.
-Traps can now also be mounted inside walls.
-Traps can now have spell talents.
-Many talents can now be deactivated (and reactivated later if needed) in the talent screen.
-Another fix for the crash on victory bug.
-Added the Dread More late game quest.
-Added the Trollmire random level.
-Fixed a bug that caused some quest creatures to be spawned inside walls.
-Added the Cloaking Aura.
-Crusade should no longer spawn creatures outside the level boundaries.
-Cursed Potions of Level Up can no longer be used in unique levels.
-Umbral Blot can now fly.
-Maevalin's random talents can no longer make him immune to damage.
-Added Delekti's Plot Hole as a unique drop.
-Updated the visual for Fury a bit.
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
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Re: Triangle Wizard (now at R 15.05)
« Reply #14 on: November 20, 2012, 07:32:18 PM »
R 15.05

Hello everyone!

I have rolled out another patch. Due to time constraints it is mostly bug fixes, but there are also a few quality of life updates.

Patch R 15.05 Notes:

-More fixing for crashes at victory.
-The Nameless One can now cast Teleport.
-Fixed an error with the Scroll of Tartarus that caused it to decrease the chances at receiving resistance power ups instead of increasing them.
-Added an option to increase game speed, use with caution!
-ESC menu options now show keyboard shortcuts.
-Added keyboard shortcut for shifting dimensions.
-Enhanced visual of Fury.
-Fixed a major oversight that caused erratic power up drop behavior at later stages of the game.
-Added the Averin's Ecstasy talent.
Brian Emre Jeffears
Aspiring Designer/Programmer/Composer
In Training