The Legend of Siegfried 0.2.6 is now released!
Release summary: tons of graphical/interface improvements, more detail to current content
Download 0.2.6 for Windows; requires .NET framework 4.0
This release is currently Windows-only, as a bug in the Mono runtime prevented me from getting a working executable for Linux.

* Added hp bar
* A* optimization
* You no longer need to restart to change font size, window size, or fullscreen
* Added basic playback functionality
* Metal items can now melt
* Added option to scale graphics
* Added error handling to allow you a chance to attempt a save in case of a fatal error
* Reworked cave generation
* Added containers
* Reworked score system
* Added AI-based dungeon generation
* Added trees
* Added AI usage for all implemented feats
* Added AI usage for all implemented spells
* Added more content
* Added required time to cast spells to spellcraft page
* Reworked how modifiers are applied to various types of equipment
* Combine inventory and equipment screens
* Right click on adjacent tiles will now attempt to open/close/operate or talk to a person there
* Finish yeti quest
* Change "open" command to "operate" command
* Remove "close" command
* Added cross training to combat skills
* Add tooltips to most statuses
* Many GUI improvements, fuller mouse integration
* Complete rewrite of low-level display and input
* Critical hits no longer do any bonus damage, but will always deal maximum damage at +75% armor penetration
* Improved UI for various menus
* Added active DM AI
* Make number of shops in city more consistent and reduce size of city
* Added descriptions for most potions
* Visible creatures and items now show graphical tiles
* Added more feats
* Improved AI (fleeing)
* Going up or down no longer takes two turns
* Decreased wolf strength and agility
* Fixed a bug with pathfinding and traps
* Fixed some issues with displaying extended tiles
* Fixed a minor grammer issue
* Fixed save game meta info for some backgrounds
* Fixed a display bug that only manifested at certain resolutions
* Fixed a minor bug with automation
* Fixed a minor bug with targeting in non-visible areas