Without going into too much grody detail, I have a medical problem that gets worse when I don't take care of it. And, with the holiday season on us and my day job getting crazy, I've been not taking care of it.
One of the main symptoms is insomnia . If some of you look at the times of my posts, you may have been wondering when the hell I sleep. Well, the sad truth is that when it's bad, there are days, and sometimes entire weeks, when I don't. Srsly.
The consequence of not sleeping, is that my available energy and ability to concentrate (and my ability/motivation to take care of my medical problem properly) are severely diminished. And that means, among other things, that I can't code very well.
I've been opening the files to work on, looking at the code, messing with it, looking at my dev plan, messing with it, and not getting anything done. Then I get frustrated and go read webcomics instead.
I had intended to get Neohack into a complete-and-playable state by the end of the year. But realistically, on December 23rd, that's not going to happen.
Now I'm just hoping to be able to sleep again by the end of the year, and I'm going to devote all the energy and concentration I can muster, to getting back into good enough shape to sleep.
It's 1:30 AM here. I have a headache most of you wouldn't believe. And I haven't slept in four days.
On the bright side? There's a cat purring in my lap.