I happen to think you're just ranting at the moment, but let's not have a prolonged flame war over this. My only reason for commenting on your post was, considering that about one in ten who will read it are in fact homos/dykes, and considering we live in a world where people still get harassed and killed for being homosexual[1], it might be nice for some people to get an indication that this community isn't uniformly homophobic. I'm not saying I think you hate homosexuals, I just get annoyed at people using language in a stupid, hurtful way. With no harsh feelings for you personally, I think I've made the point I wanted to make.
As always,
[1] Which, for your future reference, is the definition (if you don't know what "definition" means, look it up in a dictionary

) of hate crime: actual crimes motivated by hatred towards a perceived group; not, as you seem to think, hatred defined as a crime in itself. Also, you're probably not interested to know that Europeans played a central part in developing theories about hate crime, genocide, etc., as should be pretty obvious if you know the slightest thing about modern European history. In any case, I can't see how using insults like "homo", "nigger", "gypsy" etc. would somehow be justified by the fact that our governments perpetrate crimes against humanity. Feel free to elaborate, or not.