I noticed dynamite doesn't seem to blow up the trees in the intro level.
Yes I know, it's a limitation I did to make certain things easier for me, and I'm totally fine with this. The forest is such a small part anyway.
Was mostly just an observation. Not like the player needs to blow up trees.
Can you do anything to/at the altar?
Short answer: No. Long answer: Well, stuff like prayer or sacrifice means having some sort of religion-system. This is something I certainly want to add in some manner, but now is not the time.
There could be other things to do at alters or any kind of dungeon feature like simply searching it, trying to knock it over, push it, examine it. Things like that.
I read some comments on another board about your game and I think I have to agree with toning down the respawning a little. I rarely make it past the first level of the dungeon because I just keep getting swamped by creatures and no way to find a safe place to heal since I can't get away from them and find a door that isn't broken to close. Plus I have very little equipment and have only gotten as high as level 3 once while still on the first level.
Hehe, you're a Codexer? Do you post there? Or did you just stumble upon the thread?
I can agree that the spawn rate is a bit much.
I'll ask the same question here as there;
Is it the initial amount of monsters, or the rate at which they spawn during exploration that you find too high (or both?)
Just stumbled there.
Kinda hard to say really. There is no way for me to know how many monsters started on the level. I wasn't even aware they were respawning until someone else mentioned it in that thread. I just thought there were tons of enemies.
Sometimes it seems like a level is almost empty then, "bam". I'm getting swamped. Especially with the zombies popping back up while other enemies are at my throat.
Or I just barely manage to explore the whole level without dying and make my way back to stairs and I get ambushed by several creepies when I turn a corner.
I noticed that I can't seem to move from enemies while they are attacking me. Particularly trying to move diagonally away from them or between to enemies. I can never seem to move diagonally between them.
I'm not sure what you mean here. Are you saying that the game literally refuses to let you take a step away from them? I'm a little confused and worried. 
I'll be getting attacked by enemies and try to make my next move a step away from them. My player doesn't move, I get the action messages about how the whatever enemy hit or missed me, and my guy still hasn't moved but it's my turn again. Very occasionally he does move though. But this is only when I am getting attacked by several enemies at once. Like 3 to 5, but not completely surrounded like there wasn't a space to move.
@Z <- this is what I mean by moving between them. I want to go down-right diagonally. Never lets me.
Maybe some other traits that could be picked would be specific melee weapon proficiency like bladed, blunt, pointed, etc.
Yes that post concerning more and smaller bonuses was interesting. I'll have to sketch up a revised bonus list when I find the time.
I'd like to see a few more, but not too many really. Personally, I think DoomRL and some of the more major ones have a little too many to pick from and it gets a little bogged down.
Could you please elaborate on the effects of insanity? I can't seem to figure out what it does.
I could to that, but first let me ask you, did you read the "Insanity" section in the manual?
Lol. Of course I didn't. Sorry about that. Guess I just assumed there was nothing new in there that I needed to know for some reason.
After reading it, it made me think that maybe by examining things like the Altars and seeing blood, strange designs, etc, it could also effect the player's sanity. Or they could find something useful. Would give searching/examining them a risk/reward factor. You could also add things like painting, torture chambers/instruments etc.
Been playing a bit more and Two things seem a little unfair.
Mainly, such a limited inventory. It seems a little too small. Not counting the slots for rings, worn armor, held weapons, etc, the player only has 15 slots for items. This makes it very tough to manage. Especially the ammo ( what little I have found btw). I think at least the ammo should be stackable to an extent. I ended up with 4 clips of bullets. One had 7, the others 4, 3 and 3. The same bullets. THere should have been someway to have them all fit in a single clip or if the max clip size is 7, then they should have fit into about 2 and 1/2 clips instead of 4. I think there should definitely be at least about 20 inventory slots and tweak the way ammo is stacked a little.
There seems to be a little bit too little ammo for the amount of enemies popping up early on. I'm not saying make it tons. Just a little more so there is still a good danger of running out and having to make shots count.
Another feature request I had was for a prepared weapon slot and a command to switch between the prepared and wielded ones. Or at least just a key that lets you swap out your currently wielded weapon for the last one you had equipped. I find myself constantly switching between a firearm (when I have the ammo :p )and melee weapon most the time to conserve ammo 9and this would come in very handy.
Thanks again for the menu interface tweak. Having a blast playing with a gamepad. Gonna try to fit in one or two more games real quick before sleep. Have only gotten to level 3 so far and most cause I was running for my life lol.
p.s. it would be nice if the intro back story was presented on the tittle screen or as a menu option to read it.
About the too many monsters/respawning too much. I just opened a door and got mauled by 6 reanimating corpses on the very first level! Fought hard and put them all down I think at least once, but only had 2 hp at that point.
Also, I like the way healing works, but it might be kinda nice if you get at least partially healed if you are applying first aid and get interrupted. Or maybe some sort of small semi-rare healing item for when you are in tight situations and the time for first aid is simply not an option.
***Edit 2 (about 2 minutes after the last one)***
Just got devoured by a pack 9 wolves in the forest before even stepping foot in the church. The one that dealt the killing blow actually came out of the church just as I saw the entrance.