Author Topic: Dear Mr. Biskup  (Read 27087 times)


  • Rogueliker
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Dear Mr. Biskup
« on: November 18, 2010, 10:14:14 PM »
Why--by the gods--why, did you decide that the player should lose a turn for canceling a command? I'm sorry; I know I should have been watching my mana, but, when I told you that I didn't want to exhaust myself casting that spell, why did you let the caveman bash Quag's brains in?


      #########                                         #########
     ##.......################################       ####.......##
     #......%....../../........./.%........%.#       #...........#
  ####.............#.....#       ##.......##...........................#
###...#.......##########.   ######.........#######.##...#...............#
#.............#             ...............#   #........................##
#........./..##    #.................#            #.......(...........###
###......%[...#    #...............##################...#............##
  ###.........#    #.................................................#
    #...>.....#    ##########...#########################............#
    ##.......##             #####                       ##...........#
     #.......#                                           #.......#####
     ###...###                                           ###...###
       #####                                               #####
Quag          St: 9  Le:21  Wi:15  Dx:19  To:12  Ch:16  Ap: 7  Ma:20  Pe:16 N=
DV/PV: 16/3    H: -3(55)      P: 3(86)       Exp: 11/23280      PC: 5 Sp: 97

                            Background Information

Name: Quag                Race: male Gnome          Class: Elementalist
Eye color: brown          Hair color: brown         Complexion: tanned
Height: 3'4"              Weight: 108 pounds
Age: 117 (grown-up)
Star sign: Falcon         Birthday: 6/Falcon (day 216 of the year)

        Your parents are travelling adventurers. They are doing moderately
 well but are talented enough to survive.
        As a child your parents cared a lot for you. Despite all
 circumstances you enjoyed a happy and fine childhood.
        During your youth you embarked on many small journeys to nearby
 towns on behalf of your parents. You learned to know lots of people and
 made many friends.
        Your path was always clearly lying before you. You knew about your
 destiny since your earliest years and fortunately your grandfather
 supported your wishes. You managed to find a competent trainer and began
 your studies.
        You decided to become a Elementalist.

Total weight: 946 stones                Carrying capacity: 960 stones

Head          : -
Neck          : -
Body          : uncursed robe [+0, +1]                                [60s]
Girdle        : -
Cloak         : -
Right Hand    : uncursed quarterstaff (+0, 1d10+2)                    [40s]
Left Hand     : -
Right Ring    : blessed ring of minor elemental mastery [+2, +2]       [1s]
Left Ring     : -
Bracers       : -
Gauntlets     : -
Boots         : uncursed gnomish boots (+1, +0) [+2, +0]              [10s]
Missile weapon: -
Missiles      : -
Tool          : uncursed torch (1088 turns of fuel remaining)         [10s]


Total weight: 825 stones   Carrying capacity: 960 stones

Girdles ('[')
   uncursed mithril girdle [+0, +2]                                   [20s]
Necklaces (''')
   uncursed amulet of perseverance {Wi+3}                              [3s]
   uncursed brass amulet                                               [3s]
Tools (']')
   heap of 2 uncursed torches                                         [20s]
   uncursed box with flint and steel (25)                              [5s]
   uncursed tinderbox (6)                                              [3s]
   cursed tinderbox (18)                                               [3s]
   uncursed box with flint and steel (23)                              [5s]
Rings ('=')
   uncursed ring of fire resistance                                    [1s]
   uncursed ring of searching                                          [1s]
   uncursed ring of cold resistance                                    [1s]
Wands ('\')
   uncursed wand of door creation (0 charges)                          [3s]
   uncursed wand of stunning (7 charges)                               [3s]
   uncursed wand of door creation (4 charges)                          [3s]
   uncursed wand of acid (1 charge)                                    [4s]
Potions ('!')
   heap of 2 uncursed potions of healing                               [8s]
   heap of 4 uncursed potions of water                                [16s]
Scrolls ('?')
   uncursed scroll of vermin control                                   [2s]
   uncursed scroll of charging                                         [2s]
Books ('"')
   uncursed spellbook of Darkness                                    [100s]
Food ('%')
   cursed iron ration                                                [100s]
   uncursed large ration                                             [200s]
   heap of 2 uncursed loaves of bread                                 [80s]
   blessed large ration                                              [200s]
   uncursed hurthling cake                                            [30s]
Valuables ('$')
   982 gold pieces                                                     [9s]

                                Weapon Skills

Melee weapon           Lvl   Hit   Dam   DV   Level          Required marks
---------------------  ---   ---   ---   --   -------------  --------------
Unarmed fighting         0    +0    +0   +0   unskilled            30
Daggers & knives         0    +0    +0   +0   unskilled            30
Clubs & hammers          0    +0    +0   +0   unskilled            30
Maces & flails           0    +0    +0   +0   unskilled            30
Swords                   0    +0    +0   +0   unskilled            30
Axes                     0    +0    +0   +0   unskilled            30
Whips                    0    +0    +0   +0   unskilled            30
Pole arms                0    +0    +0   +0   unskilled            30
Twohanded weapons        0    +0    +0   +0   unskilled            30
Staves                   0    +0    +0   +0   unskilled            2

Missile weapon         Lvl   Hit   Dam   Ra   Level          Required marks
---------------------  ---   ---   ---   --   -------------  --------------
Slings                   0    +0    +0   +0   unskilled            14
Bows                     0    +0    +0   +0   unskilled            14
Crossbows                0    +0    +0   +0   unskilled            11
Thrown axes & hammers    0    +0    +0   +0   unskilled            14
Thrown daggers           0    +0    +0   +0   unskilled            14
Thrown rocks & clubs     0    +0    +0   +0   unskilled            14
Thrown spears            0    +0    +0   +0   unskilled            14
Boomerangs & scurgari    0    +0    +0   +0   unskilled            14

Shields                Lvl   DV               Level          Required marks
---------------------  ---   ---              -------------  --------------
Shields                  0    +0              unskilled            30

Damage caused with your melee weapons:
Right hand: +10 bonus to hit, 1d10+2 damage

Damage caused with your missile weapons:
No missile weapons available.


  Climbing ............. 61    (good)         [+1d5]
  Concentration ........100    (superb)       [+1d5]
  First aid ............ 56    (good)         [+1d5]
  Gemology ............. 51    (good)         [+1d5]
  Haggling ............. 54    (good)         [+1d5]
  Healing .............. 56    (good)         [+1d5]
  Listening ............ 61    (good)         [+1d3]
  Literacy ............. 83    (great)        [+1d5]
  Metallurgy ........... 72    (great)        [+2d4]
  Mining ............... 51    (good)         [+3d4]
  Pick pockets ......... 11    (mediocre)     [+3d3]
  Survival ............. 37    (fair)         [+2d4]
  Swimming ............. 45    (fair)         [+3d5]
  Ventriloquism ........ 30    (mediocre)     [+2d4]


   Burning Hands:   305,   5pp     (Effectivity: +16)
   Darkness     :   266,   4pp     (Effectivity: +0)
   Earthquake   :    10,  80pp     (Effectivity: +0)
   Fire Bolt    :   206,   9pp     (Effectivity: +9)
   Fireball     :     6,  20pp     (Effectivity: +1)
   Frost Bolt   :   550,  11pp     (Effectivity: +7)

              His achievements during his adventures:

Quag, the gnomish elementalist, was killed by a caveman.
He scored 27671 points and advanced to level 11.
He survived for 0 years, 3 days, 5 hours, 50 minutes and 7 seconds (5803
Quag visited 8 places.
His charisma score was modified by +2 during his career.
His mana score was modified by +2 during his career.
He ended his adventuring life on level 5 of a dangerous cave at the Drakalor
226 monsters perished under his attacks.
He possessed the following intrinsics:
  He was fire resistant (enhanced through an item).
  He was cold resistant (gained through an item).
  He was shock resistant (gained through an item).
He had the following talents: Boon to the Family, Charged, Charming, Heir,
Long-Lived, Long Stride, Potent Aura.
He had a final speed score of 97 (final base speed: 102).
He was religious.
He did not ask for divine help.
He was neutrally aligned.
He was slightly tainted by Chaos.

The following monsters were vanquished:
      1 berserker
      1 berserker lord
      5 black hurthlings
      3 blink dogs
      2 bugbears
      1 carrion crawler
      1 cave fisher
      1 cave lizard
      1 caveman
      1 chaos brother
      1 chaos rat
      3 chaos sisters
      1 claw bug
      1 cutpurse
      2 dark elven wizards
      2 dark sages
      1 dire wolf
      1 displacer beast
      3 dopplegangers
      1 eye of destruction
      1 fairy dragon
      9 fire beetles
      2 fire lizards
      1 floating eye
      1 gargoyle
      1 ghost
      1 ghost bat
      7 ghuls
      1 giant ant queen
      7 giant ant warriors
      6 giant ant workers
      2 giant bats
      3 giant centipedes
      4 giant lizards
      2 giant rats
      3 gnolls
      7 goblins
      9 goblin rockthrowers
      5 goblin slavemasters
      1 gray ooze
      3 green worms
      1 gremlin
      2 hell hounds
      4 hobgoblins
      1 hobgoblin chief
      2 huge bats
      2 imps
      1 jackal
      1 karmic lizard
      8 kobolds
      3 kobold chieftains
     11 large bats
      2 large gnolls
      1 large jackal
      8 large kobolds
      2 large orcs
      6 large spiders
      2 lizard men
      2 minotaurs
      2 necromancers
      1 ogre
      1 ogre magus
     10 orcs
      1 orc chieftain
      2 orc scorchers
      1 outlaw leader
      1 owlbear
      1 pixie
      2 rabid dogs
      3 raiders
      6 rats
      1 ratling archer
      1 ratling duelist
      1 ratling thief
      3 ratling warriors
      2 shadows
      2 skeletons
      1 staring eye
      3 swordsmen
      4 tarantulas
      1 white baby dragon
      1 wolf
      1 yellow ooze
      6 zombies

Seriously, people, please make your roguelikes don't take a whole turn if the player cancels a command for lack of mana. Think of Quag's family.


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Re: Dear Mr. Biskup
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2010, 02:51:21 PM »
I can only guess, but it's probably because of the time system.
In Wizard's Quest cancelling spell will cost you both time and mana.
Because the spell is first being casted and only than targeted and thrown.
Again in WQ it is possible to start casting spell without enough mana, and successfully cast it,
because mana will regenerate during casting.

There were a lot even stupider YASDs :)


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Re: Dear Mr. Biskup
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2010, 02:54:43 PM »
Man, that's lame.


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Re: Dear Mr. Biskup
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2010, 03:27:01 PM »
Ah, well, I'm too zap-happy when playing elementalists anyway. If I kept using my spells like I was, I think Quag would have lost his spells completely as leveling became slower. I figure I need to train some weapon skills if I play an elementalist again.

There were a lot even stupider YASDs :)
Yes. Yes there are.

Savveth, the gray elven elementalist, was crushed by a toppling door.
He scored 1694 points.
He survived for 0 years, 0 days, 22 hours, 42 minutes and 47 seconds (127
Savveth visited 3 places.
His appearance score was modified by +1 during his career.
He ended his adventuring life in the small village dungeon on dungeon level
« Last Edit: November 20, 2010, 02:42:41 AM by Fenrir »


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Re: Dear Mr. Biskup
« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2010, 08:44:58 AM »
Why--by the gods--why, did you decide that the player should lose a turn for canceling a command?

I think he didn't decide that, it was left in by accident.


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Re: Dear Mr. Biskup
« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2010, 12:22:51 PM »
I remember thinking the same thing.
I think its because it does a spell cast check before you cast it, which takes a turn.  If the cast failed it would obviously still take a turn.  Still I agree it is just wrong.
corremn's Roguelikes. To admit defeat is to blaspheme against the Emperor.  Warhammer 40000 the Roguelike


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Re: Dear Mr. Biskup
« Reply #6 on: November 20, 2010, 03:29:45 PM »
I think that's a bug, and there are lots of much more important bugs in ADOM.


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Re: Dear Mr. Biskup
« Reply #7 on: November 20, 2010, 09:28:18 PM »
I think that's a bug, and there are lots of much more important bugs in ADOM.

Yeah, and it's kind of sad how things went for Biskup. That he is so busy with real life that there is no way he can do anything about ADOM or JADE.


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Re: Dear Mr. Biskup
« Reply #8 on: November 20, 2010, 09:33:44 PM »
I'm not informed on this situation. What happened to Mr. Biskup?


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Re: Dear Mr. Biskup
« Reply #9 on: November 20, 2010, 11:36:53 PM »
He is just so busy that he cannot fix the remaining bugs in ADOM (some of which are very nasty... of course ADOM is a great game even with them). And it should be possible to fix most of these bugs quite easily and release the ultimate, almost perfect ADOM (just to fix these bugs, no new features added or anything that takes time), I don't know why he prefers working on JADE -- sure, writing a new game is more fun than fixing bugs in an old one, and we all want a game that is even greater than ADOM, but given the amount of time he has, I doubt that he will finish it in a reasonable time, and that it will be as great as he intends.


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Re: Dear Mr. Biskup
« Reply #10 on: November 23, 2010, 08:21:16 AM »
I don't know why he prefers working on JADE

What makes you think he is working on JADE? Let's deal with it, his game development hobby is now over. He's working in real job and has a real girlfriend (not just jpeg ones like we have).

Darren Grey

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Re: Dear Mr. Biskup
« Reply #11 on: November 23, 2010, 08:49:44 PM »
In fact it's more serious than that - he runs his own company and is married.

I will say to the original poster though, you should have been wearing that girdle.  The weak shall be punished  :P


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Re: Dear Mr. Biskup
« Reply #12 on: November 24, 2010, 03:27:59 AM »
I didn't wear the girdle because I didn't know what effect metal armor has on spell casting. I just assumed it is bad.

What makes you think he is working on JADE? Let's deal with it, his game development hobby is now over. He's working in real job and has a real girlfriend (not just jpeg ones like we have).
Fenrir smirks.
Need JPG's compression for your girlfriend's great size, Krice? You should be careful; it could leave artifacts.


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Re: Dear Mr. Biskup
« Reply #13 on: November 24, 2010, 11:46:21 AM »
I didn't wear the girdle because I didn't know what effect metal armor has on spell casting. I just assumed it is bad.
No need to worry. Spellcasters in ADOM may wear and wield whatever they want, to no adverse effect, as far as I know.

As always,
This matir, as laborintus, Dedalus hous, hath many halkes and hurnes ... wyndynges and wrynkelynges.


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Re: Dear Mr. Biskup
« Reply #14 on: November 24, 2010, 02:15:51 PM »
Have to disagree and claim it's a design choice.
Canceling other commands doesn't cost a turn afaik. It's just spells.
And since casters are ultrapowerfull anyway, it's really a minor thing to loose some time if you interrupt a spell in the middle of casting (At least thats how I always saw it. You start casting, realize that this will seriously exhaust you to follow through and stop, thus loosing time.)