Thanks for the comments.
Just played to about day 30 and cleared out a char base. Kind of a disappointing end there. It should spawn a rocket launcher or some other fun toy so the developer message isn't so crushingly sad.
Quite a let down I know. Makes me laugh in some perverse way

I planned to continue the char base plot for 4.1 for had not the time.
I also noticed only a single cell phone in 30 days and absolutely zero crossbows. Considering how common cell phones are that was a huge surprise.I don't think the precision rifle does enough damage to make up for the low clip size. I feel like grenades could also use a damage buff as well.
Phones & Crossbows : RNG God is tricky. Also remember NPC take items as you do, you can try to find them by trading.
Precision Rifle: BO are carrying those and they are your enemies, I'm not sure other players would be ok with make them even deadlier

Grenades : There will be more powerful explosives later. More powerful grenades is risky with NPCs throwing them too.
As a side note, there will never be a powerful weapon to easily kill a bunch of enemies. I don't want to turn the game into a kill fest. The player is just another survivor in the game world.
I'd like to suggest a new tile/object: Vending Machine. You can break them and get some food, but it makes a lot of noise. It would be a good way to add a small amount of food to places like the subway or possibly even the sewer maintenance rooms. As it is now I avoid both places entirely since they don't seem worth going to.
Was thinking about adding them too, with chocolate bars/coke food items.
I don't use the subway either. I'll enrich the locations/floorplans later.
Unless I missed it, I'd really like to see a "Set directives for all followers" option as it was really annoying to always set them.
Good idea.
Does getting leadership on your followers even do anything?
While they are followers, no. If you were expecting a chain of command with leaders leading other leaders, no. It cause all sorts of problems gameplay-wise and AI-wise.
Is there a way to go up or downtsairs when a player or object is blocking the other side?
No, but possibilities to do that will come in later versions.
Also, your link to your blog in the OP is busted.
Thanks, fixed.