i guess i should reply to a few questions ive been asked :p
and my work on the duke3d.vachu.com would be dukonnector (a few people worked on this)
for forums.3drealms.com, youll have to ask "Oak man" one of the members for a bit, becusae i gave lots o stuff to him
as for AMC, i post some of my projects there
as for Red OS, so far only ive got a very simple framework of an OS that includes a mouse engine, a bit of support for programs, multi veiw modes. (planned to be the first OS with a way to set up the OS as a 3d firstperson OS (for diehard gamers but takes a high system requirement) and some editibility, i am currently using open watcon as a compiler for the fact that it can compile programs as a bootable OS without windoze, DOS, mac, luinix, unix... or anything.
the plans for the OS are
- COMPLEATE editibility
- fully funcional OS that looks good and isnt a resource hog unless you want it to be :p
- Mac, Dos, Windows, and Luinix compatibility
- 4 veiwports (Classic screen w/ windows and icons, 3d classic veiw w/ 3d windows and icons, 3d firstperson which is a real bitch to program =\, and an optional ASCII veiw for the ascii freaks)
- portability and will include open source programs, so far the current build itself is 26mb so it will fit on a 32 mb sd card
I may release some media when i deem it to be a good time
this thing is getting off topic, back to the original topic.
i would reccomend looking at programmersheaven for some good stuff to lern how to make stuff
@anvilfolk: trust me, i know people who use assembler. it is actually quite common. i personally consider them n00bs because they use it becuase they cannot code efficiently in any other language. its not hard to learn to code in asm, its just remebering commands and absolutaly no need for structure
But now I'm just playing the annoying twit
haha, i know the feeling