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Messages - Pueo

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Programming / Re: Good Settings for Free-Roam RogueLikes
« on: August 17, 2012, 10:50:35 PM »
"I really like post-apocalyptic settings, but I don't want to turn it into an allegory of how we need to downsize our nuclear weapons departments, or stop global warming, or protect the koala bear because without it this certain tree will grow too large and take over our cities, etc."

Then don't.
    Even if I don't explicitly mention it, how can you make a setting where half the world was destroyed by nuclear weapons and not have it come up somewhere, somehow?  Or if the setting is a world where the oceans rose due to all the ice on Earth melting, how do you not bring up global warming?

   I also like the ideas about desert/jungle survival, but how do you implement things like quests if you're all alone?

Programming / Re: Resizing Terminal Screen
« on: August 17, 2012, 07:43:03 PM »
HaXe is a good way to go, or Flash. Really easy to set up. Nolithius' Dance of Death looks the part using flash.
I'm looking into HaXe now, one of my main 'wants' in a language is portability.

Programming / Re: Dumb AI as a feature
« on: August 17, 2012, 07:41:52 PM »
I'm definitely implementing this.  Trolls that just run straight at you even if there's a explosive in the way, dogs that will start feral but become all happy and follow you around if you feed them, "broken" automatons that run into walls and shoot randomly, the fun never stops!

Programming / Re: "Free-Roam" Roguelike Development
« on: August 17, 2012, 03:27:55 AM »
Alright, so based on the replies, my general idea is implied and explicit quests, or quests that arise because you want something, (Collect leather to make a saddle!), but aren't exactly explicit (they come up because you want leather, not because you need leather); and explicit quests, (Conquer --city--!) which are hard-coded into the game.

Explicit quests still aren't necessary, but they are coded into the game as "quests", unlike implied quests, which are more "player-made", and based on game mechanics.  Some explicit quests are also going to have random segments, like the "Conquer --city--" quest might have a section based on finding information about the city (secret entrances, people who would help you, etc).  The person you might talk to about information would be random, as well as (possibly) the information you gain.

Programming / Re: Resizing Terminal Screen
« on: August 17, 2012, 02:59:12 AM »
I've given up on writing terminal-based games because the terminal emulators are generally crap and it's become the norm for terminal application developers to jump trough insane hoops to work-around lying terminal emulators and incomplete Terminfo data.


I wish you luck.

Thanks for the reply; sorry for my pretty late reply. :/  What do you (personally) do when you want a non-terminal based game that still has the "feel" of a terminal-based game?  What kind of languages do you use?


Programming / Re: Good Settings for Free-Roam RogueLikes
« on: August 11, 2012, 10:33:51 PM »
Crash landing on an alien world with sub-par technology.

Who has the sub-par technology here?  You or the aliens?

Programming / Good Settings for Free-Roam RogueLikes
« on: August 11, 2012, 06:35:20 PM »
    Basically what the title describes: what are some good settings for free-roam roguelikes, where you can just wander around and carve your own path, eventually progressing towards the final boss/quest/goal?

    I've thought of the usual Fantasy set in Middle Ages kind of idea, plus a post-apocalyptic America, and a sort of 1650 - 1680's Golden Age of Piracy buccaneering type thing, where you sail around on your ship looking to make fame and fortune.
    However, I feel like fantasy is just too over-done, post-apocalyptic settings are too politically/emotionally charged, and piracy is largely a team effort, which I don't feel fits with roguelikes in general (one hero that, against all odds, defeats the bad guy). 

    I really like post-apocalyptic settings, but I don't want to turn it into an allegory of how we need to downsize our nuclear weapons departments, or stop global warming, or protect the koala bear because without it this certain tree will grow too large and take over our cities, etc.  It's not that I don't think those things are worth talking about, it's that I want my game to be fun, not a secret anti-nuclear-weapons speech.

Programming / "Free-Roam" Roguelike Development
« on: August 11, 2012, 06:23:19 PM »
    After recently playing TES: Skyrim, I've shifted my roguelike focus to a more sandbox-y feel, where there is a main quest-line (and unlike Skyrim, finishing the main quest does finish the game), but there are also a plethora of side-quests, hidden artifacts, etc. 

    However, how do you go about making a game that's supposedly random, but also have meaningful quests and items?  Skyrim has a "Radiant" technology (I think that's what it's called), which is basically a fancy way of describing the typical roguelike "Kill X many of Y creatures" or "Go to X place and kill all the bandits."

Early Dev / Re: MicRogue - Update Jun 19th
« on: July 01, 2012, 06:03:59 AM »
An enemy to consider is a clone that has the same move and attack patterns as the player.
I personally don't see this as a good idea.  I envision something like a King v. King stalemate in Chess, where neither can get in range to attack because doing so would jeopardize one's own life.

Off-topic (Locked) / Re: Flash player failure
« on: June 23, 2012, 06:32:02 PM »
That's great! It's a good thing you had a back-up.

Off-topic (Locked) / Re: Flash player failure
« on: June 23, 2012, 01:08:14 AM »
Wow, I hope you can get it fixed :(  Maybe now's the time to switch to Linux or Mac?

Early Dev / Re: MicRogue - Update Jun 19th
« on: June 22, 2012, 02:17:32 PM »
I remember when I played an online or application based Sudoku, your score would start at a set amount (based on difficulty) and decreased with each second.  Certain actions further decreased your score, such as placing a number in the wrong spot. Perhaps you can go that way?  Say every time your character moves, you lose X points, and every time your character kills a monster or goes down a level, you gain X points.

Programming / Re: No HP, minimal healing
« on: June 21, 2012, 08:20:52 PM »
Oh, don't be so boring!  There is no such tradition.
I don't know, sometimes being boring is the way to go.  :D There's a reason the entire genre is named after one game, and that's because it was a fun game!  I'm sure there isn't any sort of "set in stone" tradition about HP, but to me, if it isn't broken, make it better!  In my opinion, 1-HP (sorry, Darren) or "wound" systems are not the way to make it better.  

In my mind, Health bars are representations of a wound system, and we don't need the player to have to keep track of that by themselves. If a "light" wound takes away 1HP, while a "medium" wound might take away 5, I don't want to have to think, "Ok, I have 4 light wounds and 2 medium wounds, so if I take 5 more light wounds or 1 more medium wound, I'll die, so I need to heal my wounds somehow," I'd rather think, "Ok, so I have 5/19 HP, I need to heal."

Additionally, contrary to what you might think, roguelikes are NOT like rogue.  It is a genre defined by the original roguelikes and not by rogue itself.
Well, the name itself states that rogue-likes are "like Rogue." Of course this doesn't mean that if you don't have everything Rogue had, your game isn't a rogue-like, and of course the genre has evolved dramatically, but the roots are still there.  Pretty much all of the original rogue-like games had strong roots in traditions Rogue set in place.

Programming / Re: No HP, minimal healing
« on: June 21, 2012, 04:13:12 AM »
I love it, but I honestly think it's not right for a rogue-like in the NetHack or old Rogue terms.  Rogue-likes, by definition, are like the game known as "Rogue," and Rogue has hit points.  If you're going for a "true" rogue-like, you basically need to have HP, just by tradition.  It keeps things simple and lets you focus on item/monster/player interactions, rather than spend time on a complex combat mechanism. 

Would I love to see it in a less "rogue-like" rogue-like?  Sure!  It'd be great in a gladiator or tournament style game, where the entire point is combat, or in a hyper-realistic-survival-type game, where the entire point is complexity and realism.  But not in the simple/elegant games like Rogue, where the point is strategy and complex reactions.

Programming / Re: Health and Limbs
« on: June 20, 2012, 09:44:58 PM »
Roguelikes are about managing risk, and a well-done limb system is just an extra piece of risk to manage, so I don't think it limits the strategy.  Now if there is just a random chance of suddenly having your hand cut off, I agree with you and that has no place here.

Consider that you have enough health to survive a battle with 3 enemies, but also that the time it takes for you to fight them increases the chance of suffering a certain amount of damage to your limbs.  Now you have an interesting choice to consider, that otherwise you wouldn't have.
I guess that makes sense.

losing the arms race
Not sure if you intended a pun, so I laughed just to be safe  :D

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