Off-topic (Locked) / Re: Enemy names and types
« on: August 21, 2012, 11:33:37 PM »
Ok, thanks for the more in-depth information. Since it's not "Earth," you can basically do whatever you want. Dinosaurs are out, though. Any fantasy element is still possible, however. I know you want to steer clear of fantasy elements, but those are easily recognizable. A unicorn will almost always be seen as "good" and a troll will almost always be seen as "bad."
Honestly, I'm not very interested in just enemy races....You sir, have an awesome imagination. This gave me some great ideas on how to think up my own creatures/races.
[So much imagination]
...I could go on and on, but I think this is enough for now. To think up a fantasy race is to imagine the world it was born in, what influenced them, why they are the way they are. A lot more fun than just "Yeah, wooden elves, whatevers." The plot writes itself as you pull ideas out of your head and build the world of your dreams. You'll still have to do the thinking, but it's so much fun.